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Oct 27, 2017
I don't know if this is fair game for a thread or not, but I know there's a lot of interest in this case.

Johnny's team has just presented their opening statements, and Heard's team is next

WATCH: Opening arguments in Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's defamation trial

Johnny Depp sued his ex-wife, actress Amber Heard, for defamation over an op-ed she wrote for The Washington Post about being a survivor of domestic abuse. R...


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
A bit annoying, but can anyone give the cliffnotes of what has transpired in the few years with this case?

EDIT: Phrased Badly. Removed.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like he'd have a case given it's directly responsible for him losing Secrets of Dumbledore.


Feb 25, 2018
Imagine how fucked up she must be for us to be rooting for Johnny Depp of all people.

The fact that WB actually kept Heard as a lead in Aquaman 2 after having actual evidence of physical abuse sure is something.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine how fucked up she must be for us to be rooting for Johnny Depp of all people.

The fact that WB actually kept Heard as a lead in Aquaman 2 after having actual evidence of physical abuse sure is something.

i was wondering about that, filming wrapped in jan 2022 on Aquaman 2 so whatever blowback comes from this trial its gonna be interesting. AQ2 also got delayed from Dec 2022 to March 2023 but I doubt this Heard stuff has anything to do with that, they shuffled all their moves forward a bit.


Dec 12, 2018
Team Depp all the way. Fuck Heard, literally admitted to domestic abuse and somehow nothing happens.


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 29, 2017
Any day now I'm sure WB is going to have an emergency meeting about Amber Heard's future. Any day now..


Feb 25, 2018
I have no idea how he is outside of movies. Is there something wrong with him?
I actually thought he was supposed to be an asshole as well, but with how overwhelming the support is for him I guess that might've been wrong? I mean, the previous case showed that the absolute monster in that relationship was Heard, so...


Dec 6, 2020
Why are people rooting for Depp? If one thing is clear from the last trial they're both bad people. Rooting against Heard is fine but rooting for Depp is puzzling (and yes I know in a legal sense they're equivalent).


Oct 26, 2017
It's absolutely insane to me that this is not only being live updated with pictures but broadcasted like a fucking tv show. "Oh, yay, Heard's attorney just said that she will talk about the sexual violence she says she endured, I can't wait!"

What the fuck.


Oct 28, 2017
Why are people rooting for Depp? If one thing is clear from the last trial they're both bad people. Rooting against Heard is fine but rooting for Depp is puzzling (and yes I know in a legal sense they're equivalent).
I think what it comes down to is that Heard did much worse things to Depp than he did to her. Case in point getting a broken bottle thrown at him and then getting a part of his finger sliced off as a result.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
Why are people rooting for Depp? If one thing is clear from the last trial they're both bad people. Rooting against Heard is fine but rooting for Depp is puzzling (and yes I know in a legal sense they're equivalent).

A lot of it comes down to Depp is currently "paying the price" for his side of things by losing franchises, movie roles, etc while she just kept trucking along like nothing happened despite the profound physical and mental abuse she committed.

The fact that she's protected by WB, who sides with abusers anyways, makes things worse. Hell, right after the previous trial Heard became the face of L'Oreal in some parts of the world.

Rightly or wrongly Depp has become the poster child for many men who feel like they've been abused by women and are never treated seriously.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of it comes down to Depp is currently "paying the price" for his side of things by losing franchises, movie roles, etc while she just kept trucking along like nothing happened despite the profound physical and mental abuse she committed.

The fact that she's protected by WB, who sides with abusers anyways, makes things worse. Hell, right after the previous trial Heard became the face of L'Oreal in some parts of the world.

So then the correct response is fuck WB, Team No One

Not Go Johnny Go


Oct 27, 2017
Why are people rooting for Depp? If one thing is clear from the last trial they're both bad people. Rooting against Heard is fine but rooting for Depp is puzzling (and yes I know in a legal sense they're equivalent).
Neither is innocent, but Heard was clearly the worst in terms of abuse, imo. Especially physical abuse.


Oct 30, 2017

I've appreciated Depp for years cause we're both from Kentucky, but when I heard that audio I was instantly empathetic. Been in a toxic relationship myself, and for him to say "I'm not gonna fight I'm just gonna remove myself from the situation" only for her to say "I'll just follow you" triggered some deep pain and memories.

So let's go Johnny!


Oct 25, 2017
If you're gleefully pulling out the popcorn for live updates and declaring yourself to be on team anyone in a domestic abuse case you should probably reassess.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand the campaign for Depp online. He admitted in the leaked audio that he abused her. He literally said he had to leave before they committed more "physical abuse" on each other. Most likely scenario is they're both toxic, abusive people, so why are we trying to root for either?

And honestly most likely scenario due to age and Depp being known to be somewhat eccentric (and more scarf than human at this point) is that Amber was younger and had some bad ideas of what love was/how you treat others and Depp likely made them even worse. Sometimes two people can just be awful together when shit hits the fan.

I feel like the media has not done enough to report on both Depp and Heard having credible accusations of abuse. Like how everyone blasts Jada Pinkett for "cheating" on Will when they were separated (and seemingly already had an open marriage) but ignores that in the very same infamous red table talk Will admitted to cheating too.

Honestly people think a man who has "Winona Forever" tattoo for his ex and sends texts to friends about "burning" his current spouse isn't a POS??

The convo they with their lawyers in 2020 where Depp tries to convince her to not go to trial has all the telltale signs of emotional abuse at least with Depp's condescending "this will ruin you" attitude basically saying "you're nothing without me"

Honestly I think the OP needs to be updated with links to all the leaked audio and statements over the years. Everyone ignores Depp's super toxic comments, let alone his admission of violence
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The Big Short

Oct 29, 2017
Heard definitely hasn't faced enough (edit: or any) consequences for her actions, but Depp managed to fuck up his career entirely on his own and doesn't deserve any sympathy.


Jul 20, 2020
It's not Depp they are cheering on but the fact that this sheds light on abused male victims.

Shedding light and stoking the flames of casual misogyny are two very different things.

We are talking about the fallout of a private relationship between two individuals. People are flawed, relationships are tough and the person everyone is 'rooting" for is not taking up any causes with this battle.

There are plenty of abuse advocates to rally around.


Oct 25, 2017
Depp I'm no fan of and haven't seen or even been interested in anything he's been in since Willy Wonka.

Amber Heard's own words made me so disgusted by her I never want to see anything she's acting in. Which is disappointing because I do actually want to see Aquaman 2 and The Stand.

Amber Heard is such an off putting person to me, I find it perplexing WB is still standing by her.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
I think the thing to keep in mind is that this current case is about whether Depp destroyed his own career (her argument) or whether she played a role (his argument) in that.

I don't like the "Well he destroyed his own career" argument here because it absolutely minimizes the multiple abusive things she did to him, such as cutting off his finger.

Now whether that causes me to be #TeamDepp on this? No, but I think any abuser making an argument that "Well I didn't abuse them, they abused themselves" should face a reckoning for that.

It's complicated.
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