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That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017

Johnny Depp Jury Finds That Amber Heard Defamed Him in Op-Ed (Published 2022)

The jury in Virginia found that Ms. Heard had damaged her ex-husband’s reputation with an op-ed in which she identified herself as a “public figure representing domestic abuse.”

For six weeks, the defamation case that the actor Johnny Depp filed against his ex-wife Amber Heard transfixed the nation, offering a rare instance of high-profile #MeToo charges and countercharges, including lurid accusations of physical abuse, being hashed out in the public spotlight of a courtroom.

On Wednesday, the seven-person jury in Fairfax, Va., found that Mr. Depp had been defamed by Ms. Heard when she described herself in a 2018 op-ed in The Washington Post as a "public figure representing domestic abuse." Mr. Depp was awarded more than $10 million in damages.

During the trial Mr. Depp had fiercely denied Ms. Heard's accusations that he had subjected her to repeated physical abuse that included punching and head-butting and several instances of sexual assault. In a statement after the verdict Mr. Depp thanked the jury, saying that it "gave me my life back."

Ms. Heard, who was in the courtroom as the verdict was read, said in a statement afterward that she was disappointed "beyond words" by their finding.

Ms. Heard did not seem buoyed by the fact that the jury also awarded her $2 million in damages, agreeing that she had been defamed in one instance by a lawyer for Mr. Depp. A spokeswoman for Ms. Heard, Alafair Hall, said she planned to appeal.

The 2018 op-ed that Ms. Heard wrote never mentioned Mr. Depp by name, but he argued that it clearly referred to their marriage, which began in 2015 and fell apart just over a year later, and that it was false. (Early drafts of it were prepared by the American Civil Liberties Union, where Ms. Heard was an ambassador with a focus on women's rights and gender-based violence.)

The jury agreed, and found that it contained several statements that were false, and were made with actual malice.

Ms. Heard countersued, claiming that she had been defamed in 2020 when one of Mr. Depp's lawyers at the time had dismissed her accusations as a "hoax" in statements to a British tabloid. The jury found that Mr. Depp had defamed Ms. Heard in one instance, when the lawyer accused her of damaging the couple's penthouse and blaming it on Mr. Depp.

Mackenna White, a lawyer who counsels people as to the risks of publishing potentially contested accusations of sexual misconduct, said she worried that the online mockery of Ms. Heard would make some less likely to come forward.

"The absolute destruction of Amber Heard is going to have an impact," Ms. White said. "If you're someone who's worried about what could happen if you speak out, this could have the same chilling effect that we've been trying to reverse all these years."

Let's try this again, but maybe a little more sensitive to literally everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Hell yes. Big fan of justice.

Amber Heard's career is completely fucking ruined and I love it.

Johnny Depp can finally move on in his life and career and thankfully the people are on his side.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, they both seem like assholes, but she was proved to lie time and time again at this trial. I believe the right decision was reached.
Apr 25, 2020
There is no chance Heard has 15 million just lying around somewhere. Will Depp even bother pursuing that cash?

Milky Way

Oct 29, 2017
From what I've seen I agree with the verdict but a lot of smart people I follow are not happy about it so I'm confused now. I'll have to read about it some more I guess.


One Winged Slayer
Apr 16, 2018
Heard's blatant lies on photography, her "broken nose injuries" with public appearances the next day, and her mocking of Depp being a male victim shows just terrible she truly was. I am relieved that justice was served in this case.


Oct 25, 2017
User permanently threadbanned
Very disappointed in the Official Staff Communication message, and thus the apparent "official" Era position. Having followed the trial and evidence, the relation might have indeed been toxic for both of them, but the abuse presented was quite one sided.

This being said, I am glad justice was served in accordance with existing evidence.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 7, 2020
From what I've seen I agree with the verdict but a lot of smart people I follow are not happy about it so I'm confused now. I'll have to read about it some more I guess.
This attitude that we can simply rely on "smart" people to tell us how we should think or feel about certain things has been one of the biggest problems surrounding this case. Many of these "smart" people were outright advocating for ignoring the facts of the trial entirely.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
There is no chance Heard has 15 million just lying around somewhere. Will Depp even bother pursuing that cash?
Probably not on both accounts.
This was the right decision for the evidence presented. From the trial, it was clear a lot of Amber Heard's claims were fabricated or exaggerated. Furthermore, there's audio evidence that wasn't allowed in the trial that further expands on the state of things.

Also, from the trial, the one claim against Johnny depp's other lawyer was defamatory. A lot of Amber Heard's friends claimed they never saw the abuse and just the aftermath and on technicality of the claim saying she worked with her friends that statement is definitely false based on their testimony.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
From what I've seen I agree with the verdict but a lot of smart people I follow are not happy about it so I'm confused now. I'll have to read about it some more I guess.

Smart people can still react emotionally. One of the biggest problems with the whole media circus surrounding this case has been the fact that everyone let themselves become extremely emotionally invested in their own particular side, pro-Depp and pro-Heard alike, and it feels like very few people were actually willing to let the evidence speak for itself. They made a judgment at the beginning of the case and refused to budge on it.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
From what I've seen I agree with the verdict but a lot of smart people I follow are not happy about it so I'm confused now. I'll have to read about it some more I guess.
They don't sound too smart then, the trial ended the way it should have, this wasn't some sportsball game with teams it was a trial


Oct 25, 2017
I went into the trial thinking no way would Depp have a chance at winning.

After watching and listening to the trial. Depp winning is the just outcome. Some of the evidence that didn't make it to trial such as her parents texts makes it even more apparent to me that Depp should have won.

Depp won ALL his counts against Amber, and additionally the jury also awarded him substantial punitive damages as well. They later got reduced to the state limit, but they were awarded. Amber's comparably small win by monetary amount against Depp's lawyer statement, not even a direct statement from Depp, received no punitive damages.

This is what I consider a win for all abused, when a victim can expose their abuser and win.


May 8, 2022
I find it awful that their relationship was put on full display on television.I don't enjoy the pleasure people get from watching two unstable persons hash out and vomit their relationship on court for the world's entertainment. My wife watched this shit from start to finish and i am happy i was able to zone out the noise when she left it in the playground.

I am glad the verdict came to this assessment, i just wish we hadn't made an entertainment out of this ordeal.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
It's super sad, but it's so Hollywood. Jury made the correct decision.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I find it awful that their relationship was put on full display on television.I don't enjoy the pleasure people get from watching two unstable persons hash out and vomit their relationship on court for the world's entertainment. My wife watched this shit from start to finish and i am happy i was able to zone out the noise when she left it in the playground.

I am glad the verdict came to this assessment, i just wish we hadn't made an entertainment out of this ordeal.
Unfortunately when you see some of the media opinion pieces coming out, you understand why it needed to be public. There's a lot of media hung up on defending Heard and Murdoch's Sun regardless of evidence


Oct 27, 2017
A win against seemingly all odds - but the evidence was there in abundance. Amber's testimony, and those tapes were all disgustingly vile and manipulative (that laugh...). Depp was a victim of abuse and anyone who tells you otherwise is not informed (or refuses to let themselves be informed). Happy for Johnny.


Game on motherfuckers
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad that Depp got justice, and also disappointed at how much this sets back so many other victims because assholes will continuously point out this case as if it isn't an outlier.


Dec 14, 2017
I've seen a lot of talk in regards to the verdict of Depp "winning" makes abuse victims less likely to come forward, but truly I believe this makes it more likely that people will think twice before making false accusations. If a trained actress can't win over a jury with lies and exaggerations, what chances does some random man/woman have to do so?

I'm glad Depp won, so that at least Heard's foolish behavior in court wasn't rewarded, but at the same time I have to feel bad for her, as she seems to have issues that need to be taken care of, and that's going to get a whole lot harder with the entire internet trolling her forever now.


Oct 25, 2017
Justice was served here. Great news for JD. Hopefully he can bounce back, get on track and sort out some of his substance issues too. I have a feeling enduring what he did during their time together may have made things worse for him in that regard.


Oct 25, 2017
This attitude that we can simply rely on "smart" people to tell us how we should think or feel about certain things has been one of the biggest problems surrounding this case. Many of these "smart" people were outright advocating for ignoring the facts of the trial entirely.
There's always some form of "Are you gonna believe me or your lying eyes?" in disseminating takes and talking points from "smart" sources. After all, we consider them smart because they do usually have that insight or that summary that makes sense.
The tough part is breaking free from our own biases to assess things rather than coasting on the assumption that they already did the brain leg work for us. "I mean, look at how many Likes they got!" is a tempting mental shortcut.


May 8, 2022
Unfortunately when you see some of the media opinion pieces coming out, you understand why it needed to be public. There's a lot of media hung up on defending Heard and Murdoch's Sun regardless of evidence
Uhum. I get it. There was value to societal progress in how more people now understand men can also be victim of abuse.

I just had a problem with the spectacle of it all, really, but I think you had already understood that from my previous post.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Uhum. I get it. There was value to societal progress in how more people now understand men can also be victim of abuse.

I just had a problem with the spectacle of it all, really, but I think you had already understood that from my previous post.
Well, it's an interesting case even with all the evidence provided and an amazing set of lawyers (Ben Chew and Camilla Vasquez), people were still worried about Johnny Depp losing. Personally, I'm of two minds considering that. In practice, it still means the average man abused has little recourse (I know I can't afford Ben and Camille unless they were to take a case pro bono), but it's a small step.

Mary Celeste

Oct 25, 2017
Justice won today. Hopefully this empowers all abused people, men and women alike, to believe in their stories being taken seriously against all odds and come forward against those who have done them harm.
Oct 25, 2017
For a lot of people, the results of this trial are a relief. Primarily, for male victims of abuse in all forms who have, for too long, not been included when they should have been for reasons that were unfair and unhelpful. In the last thread, a lot of people -- some of them who told their story of abuse -- celebrated. Not because, I think, Amber Heard lost, but rather, because they saw themselves in the plea of Johnny Depp to be heard.

People around the world are dug in so deep that that they seem unable to take a step back and realize that behind the drama, the alpacas, the memes, whatever, there's a story here that is true, and a story that is false. What Amber Heard has done is lie about things that are so awful, so beyond the pale, and so damaging to every victim of abuse, that she cannot continue as the face of any movement. It simply cannot be allowed. We're all on the same team here, and we want victims to be heard, and to be safe. I don't even think that we fundamentally disagree about who was right and who was wrong. I think we're just so tied up in our defense of a movement, that we forget what that movement is really for; who it's actually supposed to protect.

I strongly believe -- as hard as it is to see now, with Twitterites gloating, right-wing publications having a field day, and a concerted effort by left-leaning media to hide the results of the day -- that MeToo will stand stronger than ever when the dust settles here. No movement is the output of one person, and no face is the heart and soul of one. To those who are hurt and angry at the results, I beg you, reconsider why you feel that way. Think about what you're really afraid of, be honest with yourself and others, be braver, and be better.

The externalities of this are difficult, emotions are high, and bad actors are doing what bad actors do. We cannot join them, which is why for the first time in a long time I am proud that ResetEra provided a place where, against the grain, progressives could gather and talk about something like this without being afraid of what their feelings and conclusions might suggest. I myself let a lot of my relief manifest today in hatred and anger for others, rather than happiness at the success of a person to be able to tell their story. I made it more about me than the people it actually effects. Ask yourself if you're doing the same.

And if you're on the wrong side of this issue, realize you're still on the right side of history to be concerned about abuse victims. Find your way to seeing that, and if you can, you're welcome in my book. But to double down and hide the truth and care more about a movement than the people it's designed to serve -- which is unquestionably all of us, and not just some of us -- is wrong, plain and simple. Obviously, none of us can do anything about our more extreme actors who harass, belittle, and work every day seemingly tirelessly to make this world worse. And there's plenty of that going around right now. Don't let it be a rationale to ignore reality.

That's it. That's all I'll say. If you're a victim of abuse, speak your truth, and know that I will only be on the website as long as it supports victims, male, female, and non-conforming. That's the best use of this thread in my opinion.


Apr 1, 2022
Pretty surprised at the outcome given how difficult defamation cases are to win and some of the evidence presented.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
From what I've seen I agree with the verdict but a lot of smart people I follow are not happy about it so I'm confused now. I'll have to read about it some more I guess.

This case, as well as a few other recent major events, have shown us that some people care more about appearing smart to certain socio-political circles rather than actually BEING smart and looking at the case and the facts that were presented. I'll admit that I was one of the first to call for Depp's head when this all first started coming out. But then time passed and I actually looking at then info that was coming out, and was forced to concede that it did not look like Depp was in the wrong here.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
From what I've seen I agree with the verdict but a lot of smart people I follow are not happy about it so I'm confused now. I'll have to read about it some more I guess.
They care more about the "optics" and perception this case will have than actually caring about Justice.
Anyone who watched the trial knows this was the right decision by the jury. The fact that so called "progressives" wish to turn a blind eye to it tells you everything you need to know.

I am happy Depp won, I am also surprised that he won considering how hard it is to actually win such a case in the US. I was thinking he would actually lose so this was a pleasant surprise.

Anyway... this case highlights that we(Era/People in General) need to believe what people say and actually investigate before bringing down judgement on people. Anyone can be a victim. Do not dismiss claims, investigate and understand.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Most likely, she has nothing else to lose

That says a lot about what Amber's team presented as evidence

And how quickly the jury reached a verdict. To anyone actually paying attention, the evidence against Heard was insurmountable.

So how long until Disney begins grovelling for Jack Sparrow to return? Better open that chequebook REAL wide.

JD already said he wouldn't do it now even if Disney paid him $300 million or something. I have a feeling he took their siding with Heard over him personally.


Oct 26, 2017
So how long until Disney begins grovelling for Jack Sparrow to return? Better open that chequebook REAL wide.
I'm certain that I read a quote from Johnny where he said that he would never work with disney again, but hey, never say never.

I hope he comes back in a big way, seems like he's got some left in the tank.


Oct 27, 2017
I would be shocked if heard appealed

They had nothing and audio clips that weren't even in evidence make her look even worse


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
And if im correct, she doesn't have to pay anything if she chooses to appeal, correct? At least until she (hopefully) loses again.

It's in her best interests.
IANAL but I think she'd have to have some sort of new evidence that somehow proves that the appeal would make sense. Otherwise I imagine it would just get tossed out.


Oct 27, 2017
User threadbanned: ignoring staff warning
I read that Heard might be investigated for submitting fake evidence. Is there any news on this?

Also, time to replace her movie roles:



Oct 25, 2017
I would be shocked if heard appealed

They had nothing and audio clips that weren't even in evidence make her look even worse

'This Is Vindication for Johnny Depp': Dan Abrams Says Verdict Is 'Total Loss' for Amber Heard Despite 'Token Win'

Law&Crime founder Dan Abrams on Wednesday rapidly reacted to dueling jury verdicts in a defamation trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, calling the outcome a "total loss" for Heard.
Abrams then noted that a promised appeal by Amber Heard could only attack legal decisions by the judge and perhaps to reduce the damages. He said those avenues were Heard's "most likely" chance for success

And if im correct, she doesn't have to pay anything if she chooses to appeal, correct? At least until she (hopefully) loses again.

It's in her best interests.
Legal fees though...


Oct 28, 2017
It will be interesting to see the effect this has on the metoo movement. So far I've come across a few articles which are essentially double downing and unfortunately compounding the narrative that he won through misogyny and nothing else.

I think it will be a few weeks before the more sensible actors take time to reflect on the trial or maybe they'll take a both sides approach but I feel like continuing to double down will hurt the movement overall.

Depp-Heard trial verdict isn’t surprising. What I saw in the courtroom sickened me

I reported on this trial for seven weeks, and I never got over the cruelty


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
IANAL but I think she'd have to have some sort of new evidence that somehow proves that the appeal would make sense. Otherwise I imagine it would just get tossed out.

I have certainly heard of people filing frivolous appeals to try and escape actually paying fines levied on them by a previous case, but those kinds of appeals are usually shut down pretty quickly unless they have absolutely crucial evidence that was overlooked that can turn the entire case on its head.

And in this particular case I cannot see Heard and her team having anything that would justify reopening the media circus all over again. They had to have fired every gun they had the first time around, unless Heard is such a narcissist she let herself lose on purpose so she could try and destroy Depp with the appeal...which is pretty unbelievable, even for a Hollywood person.


Oct 25, 2017
From what I've seen I agree with the verdict but a lot of smart people I follow are not happy about it so I'm confused now. I'll have to read about it some more I guess.
The US has trials that are part of the public record for a reason. This one being on video and streamed makes it even easier to see and access.

I urge anyone that may be confused by this result of the verdict to watch the trial for themselves, watch it sped up if you have to.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I have certainly heard of people filing frivolous appeals to try and escape actually paying fines levied on them by a previous case, but those kinds of appeals are usually shut down pretty quickly unless they have absolutely crucial evidence that was overlooked that can turn the entire case on its head.

And in this particular case I cannot see Heard and her team having anything that would justify reopening the media circus all over again. They had to have fired every gun they had the first time around, unless Heard is such a narcissist she let herself lose on purpose so she could try and destroy Depp with the appeal...which is pretty unbelievable, even for a Hollywood person.

You don't present new evidence on appeal…


Oct 28, 2017
The fact that Depp won really shows how flimsy the evidence against him were. Hope Heard gets blacklisted from Hollywood. And lots of these so-called "progressives" showing their collective asses is just disappointing. Bunch of hypocrite.
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