Re-Reviewing Kingdom of Amalur
  • PAFenix

    Unshakable Resolve
    Nov 21, 2019

    New video from Jim. I love that title.

    Add it to the ever shrinking growing list of games that he's negative positive about.
    "They'll Buy It Anyway" Doesn't Excuse The Corporate Racket (The Jimquisition)
  • OP
    Feb 24, 2018

    Ever since I first started criticizing the business practices of mainstream videogame publishers, people have been quick to remind me that it doesn't matter what I think, people will buy games anyway. The facts are the facts, and I can't dispute the truth that publishers enjoy success regardless of how they treat their staff and their audience. They will continue to make money, even as the industry faces scandal after scandal, and publicly sneers at all accountability. I'm told that all this is proof that the publishers are right. They set out to make money, they made money, and that justifies all the exploitation and abuse. But they're wrong. Money isn't a validation. It's only a motive.
    The Game Adverts
  • mael

    Nov 3, 2017
    Apparently Jim is back to more regular video posting, which is a relief

    If this is the extent of the Game Awards trailers, I'm kind of happy to not have wasted time following it.