
Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
My first thought was Demon's Souls, but honestly hundreds of hours could be for any game. I cannot wait. Definitely going to request a title request change in when that drops!


Oct 27, 2017
god its embarrassing as fuck that there are people out there that think calling themselves a "gamer" is some sort of elite status.

Imagine being proud to tell others you spend 300+ hours in all your games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not as funny as his other commentocracy videos, I feel there was better material from the Era thread when AC was nominated for GotY.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Hah, totally called the Demon's Souls shout out at the end! XD

Yikes to thinking that only women play the likes of Animal Crossing or Pokemon.

Never seen anyone claim Mario and Pokemon aren't real games before. That's some top-tier shitty gatekeeping right there.
Not as funny as his other commentocracy videos, I feel there was better material from the Era thread when AC was nominated for GotY.

Yuuuuuuuup. I was surprised to see gatekeeping happening here of all places, but it sure does happen.


Oct 27, 2017
The saltiness at the Switch, Pokemon and Animal Crossing is hilarious.
He didn't source where he got these from this time, but some of them seen lifted right out of this forum.
"They'll Buy It Anyway" Doesn't Excuse The Corporate Racket (The Jimquisition)
Feb 24, 2018

Ever since I first started criticizing the business practices of mainstream videogame publishers, people have been quick to remind me that it doesn't matter what I think, people will buy games anyway. The facts are the facts, and I can't dispute the truth that publishers enjoy success regardless of how they treat their staff and their audience. They will continue to make money, even as the industry faces scandal after scandal, and publicly sneers at all accountability. I'm told that all this is proof that the publishers are right. They set out to make money, they made money, and that justifies all the exploitation and abuse. But they're wrong. Money isn't a validation. It's only a motive.


Oct 25, 2017
just made the thread since it still wasn't there

"They'll Buy It Anyway" Doesn't Excuse The Corporate Racket (The Jimquisition)

Ever since I first started criticizing the business practices of mainstream videogame publishers, people have been quick to remind me that it doesn't matter what I think, people will buy games anyway. The facts are the facts, and I can't dispute the truth that publishers enjoy success regardless...


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
I see the new thread is already off to a good start. /s Doubt it'll reach the page count of corporate defenders going to bat for paying $70 though.


Nov 3, 2017
I missed the Commentocracy before coming to this thread!

I don't care about Jim's opinion in most games but Warriors games is where I would definitely want to hear what he has to say.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
I missed the Commentocracy before coming to this thread!

I don't care about Jim's opinion in most games but Warriors games is where I would definitely want to hear what he has to say.

Aaaaaye! Taking Koei to task after DW9 too goes to show he won't just blindly accept what they pump out, even if he's a fan of said series.


Nov 3, 2017
Aaaaaye! Taking Koei to task after DW9 too goes to show he won't just blindly accept what they pump out, even if he's a fan of said series.
He's passionate about it and while I think that the thing that made DW9 unforgiveable for him was fairly minor he could still explain why regradless of what they DID to that character, he still got a point.
Heck even he recognize that while he REALLY like Warriors games he knows why they're not for everyone and strength/weakness of the franchise.
Surprisingly enough, even when I completely disagree with his views (like BotW to take the most prominent example) it's still interesting to see and get what other people like or not in games.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Gamers get the reviews they deserve when they harass anyone that dares go against the marketing-fueled early consensus. I don't blame reviewers that gave this game higher scores than it deserved when the alternative was targeted harassment by the Gamer brigade. We really need to do something about games discourse but I have no idea what can be done


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's bullshit that the thread for the latest video got locked. I understand the issues about cyberpunk and I agree with the stance of keeping all discussion about the game in one thread.

But this video wasn't about cyberpunk alone, but gaming and gamers as a whole and a video this very forum needs to see. But who am I kidding this I love Jim but this video won't change anything, people would come in with their same tired arguments and this video will be forgotten in a few hours.

Anyway great video once again Jim, keep up the good work.

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
I felt it when he said discourse has stayed the same. I've been on gaming forums since the early 2000s and it's shocking. I was very young back then and just assumed it was fellow 12 year olds being idiots online since well, we have nothing better to argue about online.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I find even the review threads here can have a weird tilt at times with people obbsessing over will a game get over 90+ metacritic and what are the imagined implications if it dosent/or using scores to somehow back up and vindicate any of their opinions.


Oct 27, 2017
Gamers get the reviews they deserve when they harass anyone that dares go against the marketing-fueled early consensus. I don't blame reviewers that gave this game higher scores than it deserved when the alternative was targeted harassment by the Gamer brigade. We really need to do something about games discourse but I have no idea what can be done

Yeah, I hoped with a lot of websites going away from scores would help (I think it has somewhat) but it's been offset by other sites and plus the excitement of seeing a game we want to do well. Plus there's the fascination we have when a heavily hyped game gets hit with criticism.

But the shit about attacking reviewers is vile and sadly has gone on for a long time, it effectively self-censors reviewers as they don't want to deal with backlash (Especially if they are part of a minority group in gaming).

It's going to be a cultural change that needs to be actively challenged by everyone who wants better from gaming. I haven't kept up with Cyberpunk or the discourse surrounding it on this site or elsewhere, but when reviewers are targeted for stating and backing up their opinion even if we disagree with them we need to say Fuck You to harassers.

Easier said than done obviously. I'll watch this episode after I'm done with work today.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, gleefully showing a game bug highlight reel set to classical music surely is a valuable contribution to the discourse about videogames.


Oct 25, 2017
To me the way it was done is the same tactic far more unpleasant Youtubers than Jim use. You can criticize something like a buggy open world game at launch, something that isn't all that uncommon, better than this way.
The point of the bug montage is to illustrate the bugs so he can continue with his point, which is that the only thing that makes Gamers On The Hype Train turn on a game is bugs that are so bad that they can't play the game.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
To me the way it was done is the same tactic far more unpleasant Youtubers than Jim use. You can criticize something like a buggy open world game at launch, something that isn't all that uncommon, better than this way.
The video is a critique of the discourse around video games that has remained unchanged for decades. He's not putting out a critical review of Cyberpunk 2077. That particular montage was him highlighting the circus of bugs within the game and how gaming journalism did nothing to cover any of that information. He rounds this point out by discussing that reviewers who stray from the path of blind 10/10 distribution are harassed and assaulted.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree fully with him on the latest video. The self entitlement of gamers in general is awful

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
It's actually kind of sad how many grown adults get emotionally attached to video games they'll probably stop thinking about in a few years or companies. I wonder how and why this happens. I used to think it's an offshoot of nerd syndrome - where your hobbies are mocked while you grow up so you defend them as part of your identity - but video games are popular and mainstream now.


Nov 3, 2017
Damn good video.
I can't believe we've been doing this dance for so long.
I can understand why publishers would want this to continue, the hype train is a fantastic marketing tool.
From a player/end user perspective?
There is nothing to gain, at best you end up with a game that is really really good but still very far from flawless and endless arguments on dismissing faults (time that could be better spent playing said game too).
Worst case you end up being part of the hype train for shit like Alien Colonial Marines and you've been cynically used by suits to line their pockets with nothing but broken dreams.

And of course, it can never be said too often : fuck Gamers™
Even that weirdo malstrom guy was right on that point.
Gamers™ are the lowest of the lows and will excuse most nearly everything as long as it doesn't affect them.


Nov 4, 2017
The joke about taking estrogen at the end of the video as being "punk" gotta say didn't think it landed very well?


Aug 21, 2020
Jim recently came out as trans/non-binary, so they're just being cheeky. Because taking hormones to hack your own body is way more punk than anything about "Wow Cool Future" 2077. I can see how that would hit different without the context of their quite recent coming-out, though.