
Jun 30, 2023


And Stonewall goes to bat for.... the Cass report and conversion therapy. I guess the whitewashing in the film was a prelude of where they were going. I guess we're going this alone. The report is so obviously bad and terrible in every way. Anyone with even a basic understanding of science can see this in less than a minute. StonewallUk of all things going to bad for it is... truly a bad sign of things to come. Outright throwing people to the leopards to save their own skin.

But the leopards will eat them next, they know that. Surely they must realize that. That process has already started. JFC.


Dec 25, 2017
The next inevitable step for these ghouls: clamp down on adult trans care. Heartbreaking.

Adult transgender clinics in England face inquiry into patient care

NHS England to review seven specialist services after staff share misgivings privately
They won't do it overnight, but they will start to increase the age for accessing trans services. They're already trying for 0-25, but they will then go 30,35,etc every few years... they think of us like cigarettes and they want us out of THEIR service. The lack of provisions already shows that they are doing this without much pushback. It even contains provision to go after going private for gender related care, they really hate that GenderGP won in court. It's basically a complete ban on under 25's coming out in anyway and receiving care on the NHS for ANYTHING afterwards.

If Cass gets implemented then "trans broken arm" will be a real concern as the NHS can say "you did X related trans thing" so it's that, go to your provider of X and they will have to help you. Change your name in a non-cis approved way (marriage/divorce) then expect resistance to getting treatment as the Cass report contains provision that says social transition shouldn't be allowed either.

Like the MMR causes autism bullshit, or all gay mens blood contains aids (though that is down to 3 months so still in place) we will look back on this in years to come and go "WTF were they thinking?". Unfortunately we have to go through this dark times bullshit to get there.... thought we'd done it once.

But right now, we fight back, we organise, we march, we help each other, we do everything we can to make Cass, the report and this position untenable. We can do it, we just have to hold on while the NHS tries to fuck us over... again.


Dec 22, 2017
5,865 The report is so obviously bad and terrible in every way. Anyone with even a basic understanding of science can see this in less than a minute. StonewallUk of all things going to bad for it is... truly a bad sign of things to come. Outright throwing people to the leopards to save their own skin.

But the leopards will eat them next, they know that. Surely they must realize that. That process has already started. JFC.
When you call yourself Stonewall but will eventually have a brick trown by a trans woman at you.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
The "choosing to be trans rather than accepting they're gay" argument is truly, completely batshit. I've seen and heard it a few times today without any push back. How warped would someone's perception of reality have to be to believe that trans people are more accepted than gay people in any part of UK society? It's disgustingly ironic that these claims exclusively comes from those striving to make trans people's lives harder.

An extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence, and in this case there is no evidence given at all. Cass is, at best, extremely gullible to repeat that claim.
Also like, many of us ARE gay. I'm a lesbian, I'm a woman in love with another woman.
Thankfully the maintainer of Shinigami Eyes recently started updating their git repo again, so we might see that change soon.
Yeah I got marked green a few months ago, so it's definitely been maintained at least a little.

They never apologized in the first place, lmfao


Oct 27, 2017
From the page

I feel dirty every time she reframes this as a woman's right issue. Because her weird brand of throwing women under a bus to defend women is batshit

As for Radcliffe and Emma apologizing?

This is obvious posturing.
She's preemptively blocking the apology she won't ever get lol
Honestly even already knowing the depths of JK's obsessive hatred it's still stunning just how unhinged this is. Even the fucking shithead fan amping her up didn't expect her to be this vindictive against her former stars. He oh thought FOR SURE that JK's gonna put on the polite fascist mask who will accept "forgiveness" - for an apology that only nutters like them would even believe is due for having the audacity to *check notes* care about the lives of trans people.

No apology was ever coming and even STILL she has to refute it like it's even on any sane person's mind??

This also strongly underlines the whole fiasco about Rowling not being present for the anniversary celebration. Idiots kept whining that the SJW media didn't invite her to distance themselves from her bigotry - they even corrected the record and clarified that absolutely sent an invite and she's the one who didn't want to be here. And this is why, because of the intense level of resentment she holds for Radcliffe & Watson. SHE was the one who couldn't bear to put on a friendly appearance in their presence.

*edit* Also - she's been like this for a LONG ass time. This is exactly how she treated Stephen King after he complemented her writing prowess, only for fans to ask him to clarify his position on trans rights. He said that he fully respects Rowling's right to her own opinions but that he personally affirms that trans women are women to him. Not even the slightest semblance of an insult against JK, he complemented her and said he respects her opinion but disagrees. As a response JK deleted her tweet thinking him, and blocked his account. Blocked him, for that. June 28th 2020 nearly four whole damn years ago.
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Jun 13, 2018
of these people ever tried to distort the studies that find that trans brains are structured in line with the sex of the person's gender identity rather than the sex of their genitals or do they just conveniently pretend that evidence doesn't exist?

That evidence is tenuous at best. More accurately it's pretty much disproven. It isn't that trans brains are necessarily more like their birth sex. It's that there are pretty much no differences between the brain structures of men and women. The closest we have to a difference is that men's brains are slightly larger on average but that is just because men are bigger on average. That's mostly correlated with a person's size, not their gender or sex.

Here's a good break down by a trans writer who gets pretty far into the minutae.

What We Know About Trans Brains

Understanding scientific research and dispelling a community myth


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Also Cass is being revealed as a terf (check who she follows on twitter, it's terf organisations and people) that meets with other terfs around the world like DeSantis.

This bit makes this whole piece from Freddy McConnell aged like milk.

Hilary Cass’s proposals are mostly common sense. She must reject anti-trans bias with the same clarity | Freddy McConnell

By failing to take on clinicians who doubt the very existence of trans people, the review lets down the children and young people it seeks to support, says journalist Freddy McConnell

'If the Cass review was held under a black light, we would see the fingerprints of anti-trans ideology. I don't believe Cass shares this way of thinking, I think she believes in evidence-based healthcare and that trans children exist. However, allowing her review to be so heavily influenced by bias is a critical failure that is hers to own.'


Oct 27, 2017


I love Erin, she's going into Cass and pulling it apart with receipts.

Also Cass is being revealed as a terf (check who she follows on twitter, it's terf organisations and people) that meets with other terfs around the world like DeSantis.

To be precise, Cass met with Patrick Hunter. He's a Ron DeSantis appointee to Florida's Board of Medicine who contributed to Florida Republicans' anti-trans agenda.


Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone spoke out against the report besides Trans and Non-Binary people?
Just saw this piece with Dr Aiden Kelly, who's against the report.

Trans children in England worse off now than four years ago, says psychologist

Gender specialist says young people ‘paying the biggest price’ in wake of Cass report, with service ‘going backwards’
He said: "It's important to remember that people carrying out this expert review have never worked in gender. The people who actually know the work, and have been doing the work for a long period of time, don't hold that level of caution and fear."
"The decision to get rid of [Gids] and start afresh with two services with no history, no expertise in the field, with hiring clinical teams who have never worked in gender before, [who would be seeing] a much greater and much longer list of referrals, doesn't sound to me like a successful approach and it really seems like we're going backwards instead of forwards."
He added: "You're going to have people who've been waiting over four years to see a gender specialist; they'll arrive at one of these new gender clinics and they may well know more about the field of gender than the clinician will and that's not an exaggeration. That, to me, is incredibly worrying."


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Just saw this piece with Dr Adien Kelly, who's against the report.

Trans children in England worse off now than four years ago, says psychologist

Gender specialist says young people ‘paying the biggest price’ in wake of Cass report, with service ‘going backwards’

'In an interview with Radio 4's Today programme on Wednesday, the author of the report, the leading consultant paediatrician Hilary Cass, said: "Everybody should be getting the same standard of care. And I do have concerns about private provision, which is not providing the level of assessment that I'm recommending in the NHS."'

So no one should get any care, got it.


Jan 5, 2022


Dec 22, 2017
'In an interview with Radio 4's Today programme on Wednesday, the author of the report, the leading consultant paediatrician Hilary Cass, said: "Everybody should be getting the same standard of care. And I do have concerns about private provision, which is not providing the level of assessment that I'm recommending in the NHS."'

So no one should get any care, got it.
Any sort of medical intervention is an artifical interference, becoming sick and dying is natural law and common sense. /s
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Jan 5, 2022
Rowling is no longer a celebrity. She is a demagogue. Straight up. No love in the soul, just wants vengeful people to make the cities and countrysides run red with the blood of the innocent. Terrifying human being.

If only there were some analogy in some book somewhere about an originally normal person confused and twisted by hate to the point they devoted their lives to the destruction of a single group of people.

It's a Riddle why no-one has ever written something like that.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
This bit makes this whole piece from Freddy McConnell aged like milk.

Hilary Cass’s proposals are mostly common sense. She must reject anti-trans bias with the same clarity | Freddy McConnell

By failing to take on clinicians who doubt the very existence of trans people, the review lets down the children and young people it seeks to support, says journalist Freddy McConnell

'If the Cass review was held under a black light, we would see the fingerprints of anti-trans ideology. I don't believe Cass shares this way of thinking, I think she believes in evidence-based healthcare and that trans children exist. However, allowing her review to be so heavily influenced by bias is a critical failure that is hers to own.'
Yep, I read that on the basis that the Cass review wasn't 100% on purpose then I read the above and realised it wasn't 100% on purpose, it was 200%.

This review is a hatchet job by someone who clearly supports trans erasure.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta say, everytime I see a tweet from JK in here, I'm glad I blocked her.

Before doing that, I kept on getting e-mails from twitter showing her tweets and just makes me rage, like I don't want to see that shit in my inbox.

Really wish she could just fuck off forever.


Cranky Ghost Pokemon
Oct 26, 2017
That evidence is tenuous at best. More accurately it's pretty much disproven. It isn't that trans brains are necessarily more like their birth sex. It's that there are pretty much no differences between the brain structures of men and women. The closest we have to a difference is that men's brains are slightly larger on average but that is just because men are bigger on average. That's mostly correlated with a person's size, not their gender or sex.

Here's a good break down by a trans writer who gets pretty far into the minutae.

What We Know About Trans Brains

Understanding scientific research and dispelling a community myth
Interesting. I went to the actual metastudy and read it. I wasn't aware that the idea of brain sexual dimorphism seems to have been overturned.


Oct 27, 2017
And of course the useless Labour party will uphold the Cass garbage. Fuck socdems. They are worthless. Anyone thinking that capitalism can be good in any way is delusional and never to be trusted.


Oct 27, 2017
And of course the useless Labour party will uphold the Cass garbage. Fuck socdems. They are worthless. Anyone thinking that capitalism can be good in any way is delusional and never to be trusted.

The Cass review is a four year independent review commissioned by the NHS and undertaken by a renowned paediatrician. It's not just politically difficult, given the current climate, for a politician to dismiss this report. It is also something that most politicians have no standing to do. Few politicians are scientifically literate, and fewer still are scientists or medics with the kind of reputation that would enable them to criticise this review without getting eaten alive.

None of this is to excuse Labour's increasingly pathetic handling of trans politics under Starmer and Streeting. But I do think it's exceptionally difficult for anyone to challenge this report in the short term, which explains why other groups, e.g. Mermaids/Stonewall have welcomed the report to varying extents. Even in an ideal world the best you could hope for is that, following a general election, a new government commissions a new review. There's no quick fix, I don't think.


Oct 25, 2017
It's times like these where I think the US is at least a little better in some regards. At least minorities there can arm themselves to help defend against genocide. Here trans folk have nothing, not even sympathy and empathy from the supposed political 'left'.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
The only thing you need to know to unpick it is that they rejected over a hundred studies proving the benefits of trans healthcare for children because there weren't blinds. When it's both unethical and impractical to do a blind for puberty blockers, and anyone willing to give it an ounce of thought would realise that. Which if you're a politician and speaking to it openly, you really should. That's where the good faith read ends.


Jan 5, 2022
Yeah you don't need to be a scientist to understand "We ignored 98% of studies" and "We don't understand why you can't do a double blind study on puberty blockers".

Like it's not difficult for people to understand, it's like doing a double blind on "Reactions to being punched in the face". It's trivially obvious to tell whether you have, in fact, been punched in the face.


Oct 27, 2017
Cass had a conclusion in mind and found evidence to support it.

It won't stand up though, the thing is too flimsy, but it allows another push towards removing rights.

LiS Matt

Jan 19, 2018
To an outsider merely skimming the headlines, there can be elements of the report that sound reasonable. I mean of course the best healthcare would be to explore the options and make sure the patient gets the best care, whether that's mental health in conjunction with gender affirming care. I'd have also assumed that was already happening, especially given the length of time the process already takes.
But skim even a millimetre below the surface and its ridiculous how bias this whole thing is


Oct 27, 2017
The only thing you need to know to unpick it is that they rejected over a hundred studies proving the benefits of trans healthcare for children because there weren't blinds. When it's both unethical and impractical to do a blind for puberty blockers, and anyone willing to give it an ounce of thought would realise that. Which if you're a politician and speaking to it openly, you really should. That's where the good faith read ends.

Yesterday on one of the LBC talk radio programmes a caller made the precise argument you propose -- that a lot of evidence was ignored because of an unreasonably high standard being set, that expecting double blind controlled experiments were neither ethical nor effective for examining the efficacy/risks of puberty blockers, and so on. It didn't blunt the presenter's transphobic victory parade for a moment. During the conversation, the presenter read out a listener's text which stated that "double blind controlled is the gold standard" and that was that. That's the level of debate we're up against -- the gender critical movement doesn't run on logic, or reason, or facts. The Cass review is being held up by the government, the NHS and the media as authoritative. Persuading people not to trust it is going to be a very uphill battle, and I fear that will be illustrated over the coming days as criticism of the review, like that of Dr Kelly in The Guardian, fails to make a dent. I hope I'm wrong.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Yesterday on one of the LBC talk radio programmes a caller made the precise argument you propose -- that a lot of evidence was ignored because of an unreasonably high standard being set, that expecting double blind controlled experiments were neither ethical nor effective for examining the efficacy/risks of puberty blockers, and so on. It didn't blunt the presenter's transphobic victory parade for a moment. During the conversation, the presenter read out a listener's text which stated that "double blind controlled is the gold standard" and that was that. That's the level of debate we're up against -- the gender critical movement doesn't run on logic, or reason, or facts. The Cass review is being held up by the government, the NHS and the media as authoritative. Persuading people not to trust it is going to be a very uphill battle, and I fear that will be illustrated over the coming days as criticism of the review, like that of Dr Kelly in The Guardian, fails to make a dent. I hope I'm wrong.
This is going to sound blunt because I'm tired, but I don't need the gender critical movement explained to me like I'm 12. I was pushing back on the excuses you were giving in response to someone frustrated that Labour are backing the report.


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
From the page

I feel dirty every time she reframes this as a woman's right issue. Because her weird brand of throwing women under a bus to defend women is batshit

As for Daniel Radcliffe and Emma apologizing?

This is obvious posturing.
She's preemptively blocking the apology she won't ever get lol

This is as restrained as I can manage to be about it without getting banned lol. But I will say this, for any lurkers who are still sitting on the fence about this: Rowling has done more harm than good for women who have been subject to gendered violence. I acknowledge that she is a survivor herself. However many more of us are absolutely sick of being used as a cudgel to bully and degrade trans people under the guise of 'caring' for anyone's wellbeing. The only winner in this scenario is (in her own mind) Rowling, who gets a sense of smug satisfaction that she doesn't hesitate to share.
This... fucking hypocrite...... was sending love heart emoji to Greg Ellis... an MRA grifter who has made it his mission to make it even harder for women to leave abusers via the family court system while his ex got a restraining order against him due to his abuse. Awareness advocacy spaces thoroughly dismantled that man's shit years ago, and if she were really part of the conversation, then she would know about that. Silly me, she was too busy sending flowers to Marilyn Manson a few weeks after Evan Rachel Wood publicly testified to his abuse in order to get the statute of limitations for SA extended.
Rowling has zero qualms about being buddy with actual male abusers, and will happily endorse them and raise their profile if it means she gets an excuse to bully trans people while doing it. This thread has pretty well demonstrated the trickle down effect that lots of seemingly 'small' actions from a very high profile person eventually has on wider society.
So while she is pretending like she's obsessing over trans people 'for women' she has really made shit harder for everyone. Especially trans people subject to domestic abuse and IPV, and the spaces she pretends to care about - often already underfunded and overworked - are left to try to course correct the damage done.

And I had another aside to make about how this morphed from 'protect women' to 'protect kids' but I have to take my cat to the vet so bye for now 😐


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
The body for trans health in New Zealand, PATHA, put out a statement:
The Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA) is disappointed to see the number of harmful recommendations made by the NHS-commissioned Cass Review, released yesterday in England. This review ignores the consensus of major medical bodies around the world and lacks relevance in an Aotearoa context.
The final Cass Review did not include trans or non-binary experts or clinicians experienced in providing gender affirming care in its decision-making, conclusions, or findings. Instead, a number of people involved in the review and the advisory group previously advocated for bans on gender affirming care in the United States, and have promoted non-affirming 'gender exploratory therapy', which is considered a conversion practice.
It's shocking to see such a significant inquiry into transgender health completely disregard the voices of transgender experts. It would be like reviewing women's health with no women, or Māori health with no Māori involved.

More in the link, it's very good:

They also collaborated with AusPATH, the Australian body, in a joint statement:
The Cass review downplays the risk of denying treatment to young people with gender dysphoria and limits their options by placing restrictions on their access to care.
"The Cass review recommendations are at odds with the current evidence base, expert consensus and the majority of clinical guidelines around the world," said Dr Portia Predny, Vice President of The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH).

Cass Review out-of-line with medical consensus and lacks relevance in Australian context - Equality Australia

10 April, 2024 – England’s Cass review ignores the consensus of major medical bodies around the world and lacks relevance within an Australian context, say medical practitioners, trans advocates, parents and human rights groups. The Cass review downplays the risk of denying treatment to young...

This is as restrained as I can manage to be about it without getting banned lol. But I will say this, for any lurkers who are still sitting on the fence about this: Rowling has done more harm than good for women who have been subject to gendered violence. I acknowledge that she is a survivor herself. However many more of us are absolutely sick of being used as a cudgel to bully and degrade trans people under the guise of 'caring' for anyone's wellbeing. The only winner in this scenario is (in her own mind) Rowling, who gets a sense of smug satisfaction that she doesn't hesitate to share.
This... fucking hypocrite...... was sending love heart emoji to Greg Ellis... an MRA grifter who has made it his mission to make it even harder for women to leave abusers via the family court system while his ex got a restraining order against him due to his abuse. Awareness advocacy spaces thoroughly dismantled that man's shit years ago, and if she were really part of the conversation, then she would know about that. Silly me, she was too busy sending flowers to Marilyn Manson a few weeks after Evan Rachel Wood publicly testified to his abuse in order to get the statute of limitations for SA extended.
Rowling has zero qualms about being buddy with actual male abusers, and will happily endorse them and raise their profile if it means she gets an excuse to bully trans people while doing it. This thread has pretty well demonstrated the trickle down effect that lots of seemingly 'small' actions from a very high profile person eventually has on wider society.
So while she is pretending like she's obsessing over trans people 'for women' she has really made shit harder for everyone. Especially trans people subject to domestic abuse and IPV, and the spaces she pretends to care about - often already underfunded and overworked - are left to try to course correct the damage done.

And I had another aside to make about how this morphed from 'protect women' to 'protect kids' but I have to take my cat to the vet so bye for now 😐
Respect and solidarity Moogle, well said. I hope all goes well at the vet 💕


Dec 22, 2017
Yup. And moving the age requirement little by little. Always starting with claiming to protect children. We are already at 25 (!). That should be a massive red flag for any decent human being. But yet, here we are.
I lived in a country that had that limit. It was horrible. Of course when I started my transition at 25 they pretty much ended that practic just then. My usual luck... Damn, fuck this shit!


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
The demands of a double-blind test is so morbid, GC's would LOVE to get the opportunity to see a control group of kids be traumatized by being blatantly lied to by the systems claiming to help them and willingly let them go through the wrong puberty, and break any optimism and happiness they have left.

And then they'd still find an excuse to cry foul.
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Oct 25, 2017

She's obviously said a lot of awful shit at this point, but as far as headlines go this might actually be one of the more damning ones.
Imagine you're someone who's been living under a rock and/or completely buys into her talk about feminism.
She won't forgive Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson?! Emma Watson is herself, a cis woman and a feminist. That's a pretty open and shut thing to say about someone who (by all accounts) is a part of the group JK is claiming to be defending. And it's not very "forgive thy neighbour" either.

I dunno. It's been a bit shit the past couple of days to put it lightly. But if there's anyone who's somehow still on the fence...this isn't a bad place to start to show that JK is not a forgiving, loving person.


Oct 31, 2017
lol, as if the two of them haven't completely moved on with their lives. I hope that 20th anniversary thing is the last any of them have to do with Harry Potter.

They don't owe her shit.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
She's obviously said a lot of awful shit at this point, but as far as headlines go this might actually be one of the more damning ones.
Imagine you're someone who's been living under a rock and/or completely buys into her talk about feminism.
She won't forgive Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson?! Emma Watson is herself, a cis woman and a feminist. That's a pretty open and shut thing to say about someone who (by all accounts) is a part of the group JK is claiming to be defending. And it's not very "forgive thy neighbour" either.

I dunno. It's been a bit shit the past couple of days to put it lightly. But if there's anyone who's somehow still on the fence...this isn't a bad place to start to show that JK is not a forgiving, loving person.
She's moving closer and closer to being impossible to overlook as an awful person by anyone who keeps up with her in the slightest.

She's so lost it that this seems like a reasonable thing to be public about to her, and it's only going to get worse from here.


Oct 27, 2017
This is going to sound blunt because I'm tired, but I don't need the gender critical movement explained to me like I'm 12. I was pushing back on the excuses you were giving in response to someone frustrated that Labour are backing the report.

I am sorry that my post was patronising. I am absolutely aware that you are much better informed than I am about trans healthcare, the gender critical movement and the overall situation than I am. This is my only Watched Thread on Era, and while I'm not an especially prolific poster in here the thread has helped me both as a resource and a way of keeping up to date with the progression of the gender critical movement. That is all thanks to you. I need to be more sensitive to the fact that, while I am passionate about trans rights, I am not in the line of fire in the way many of you are. Apologies to you also andymoogle, it was my hope to add to the discourse here, not dismiss your points.


Oct 24, 2017
She's obviously said a lot of awful shit at this point, but as far as headlines go this might actually be one of the more damning ones.
Imagine you're someone who's been living under a rock and/or completely buys into her talk about feminism.
She won't forgive Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson?! Emma Watson is herself, a cis woman and a feminist. That's a pretty open and shut thing to say about someone who (by all accounts) is a part of the group JK is claiming to be defending. And it's not very "forgive thy neighbour" either.

I dunno. It's been a bit shit the past couple of days to put it lightly. But if there's anyone who's somehow still on the fence...this isn't a bad place to start to show that JK is not a forgiving, loving person.
Right, I've seen this covered on a lot of major outlets today and requesting comments from the actors so it is being noticed.


Entering pupa stage
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Double blinds ARE the gold standard.

But also basically impossible here. We often say 'perfect is the enemy of good' and this is another example of that.

It's absolute bullshit to throw out every other kind of study as though anything other than the best is without any value. More so when you cannot possibly do double blinds.

Like, we can't do double blinds on anything investigating specific diets, say. So we do the next best thing and if that data all lines up and points in the same direction, we go, okay, that looks like a good finding!

Never mind WPATH and everything they've done. Nope! One single Dr says it's bad, so it's bad!


Oct 27, 2017
I think the wildest part about the Cass Report for me is the claim that puberty blockers are making kids trans, and that it's a problem that kids who go on them continue to grow into trans men & women.

After fucking forever with TERFs claiming kids will regret it, now the problem is that they aren't doing that??? The report blatantly views the act of transitioning as something to be avoided, that kids need to be cured from their transness.