
Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how the report authors think a double blind trial on puberty blockers could even work. Maybe that's the point.

Fuck today, awful.
It's 100% the point. The standards for trans people are always set impossibly high, above everything else. No matter how far you can reach, they'll raise it further and further.

If all other lifesaving medicine, science, and research had this much scrutiny, we'd be back in medieval times.


Oct 27, 2017
any way to see or hear this somewhere?

You can listen to old LBC programmes on the web or via the Global App player. You probably need an account either way. I think shortly the episode will be up on YouTube here. If you do end up looking for it, I'd guess it was ~80 minutes into the programme when he's talking to a woman with a trans child. Frustrating as O'Brien was at moments, most of the callers were excellent.


Oct 25, 2017
What a gleeful fucking monster.

I hope her final resting place becomes a memorial toilet where future generations can physically shit on her endlessly.


Oct 25, 2017
it is crazy how every tweet that she makes that LOOKS ON SURFACE like her traying to say something "positive" like those "live your life" and "dress how you want" is always followed up by some genocidal shit


Dec 25, 2017
It's 100% the point. The standards for trans people are always set impossibly high, above everything else. No matter how far you can reach, they'll raise it further and further.

If all other lifesaving medicine, science, and research had this much scrutiny, we'd be back in medieval times.
Nah, they'd demand a double blind test on leeches... so you'd either be in the group with leeches, or the one with black liquorice. I actually doubt they'd pass the "healed femur" test in the first place.


Entering pupa stage
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
As I fear the reaction of my UK based parents to this, I have to remind myself that at least I'm here, an ocean away, being offered quality care.

To my trans brothers, sisters, and enby siblings... the tide *will* turn. We may not see it happen, but I will not lose faith, or hope. I will not down tools.

We are worth fighting for, even if we can only rely on each other to do it.


Feb 8, 2024
all these people are going to have blood ontheir hands and I just feel so sad and anry and I wish they could feel for all eternity what they're doing to these people


Oct 27, 2017
The "choosing to be trans rather than accepting they're gay" argument is truly, completely batshit. I've seen and heard it a few times today without any push back. How warped would someone's perception of reality have to be to believe that trans people are more accepted than gay people in any part of UK society? It's disgustingly ironic that these claims exclusively comes from those striving to make trans people's lives harder.

An extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence, and in this case there is no evidence given at all. Cass is, at best, extremely gullible to repeat that claim.


Oct 25, 2017
The "choosing to be trans rather than accepting they're gay" argument is truly, completely batshit. I've seen and heard it a few times today without any push back.
Yep. And just listening to the radio today I've also heard "autistic not trans". I'm not trans but I am autistic and this proposition doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.


Oct 25, 2017
The "choosing to be trans rather than accepting they're gay" argument is truly, completely batshit. I've seen and heard it a few times today without any push back. How warped would someone's perception of reality have to be to believe that trans people are more accepted than gay people in any part of UK society? It's disgustingly ironic that these claims exclusively comes from those striving to make trans people's lives harder.

An extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence, and in this case there is no evidence given at all. Cass is, at best, extremely gullible to repeat that claim.

It's similar to the same argument they used to use for gay kids - that they were "choosing" to be gay for social acceptance and because it was "cool". It's the utter rabid insanity of people who clearly cannot remember ever going to school and haven't spoken to a child in 50 years. The notion that a child is making a decision on this stuff by what other people think is fucking madness.


Oct 25, 2017
I despise this country so much, there never feels like a proper way out and forwards to escape all this bullshit. Hell I don't even know who I'm supposed to vote for this election given everyone seems to be on this anti-trans bollocks. It's becoming a worse and worse place with every passing day, and I'm worried for the safety and health of myself and especially my friends.

Stay safe everyone :(


Oct 27, 2017


Nov 12, 2017
She basically fantasizes about comparing a deadly disaster being like the eradication of trans people.

You know, I've actually changed my mind. I want headlines talking about how she's gone out against the report, so she either has to look pro-trans or has to clarify that, no, she was saying that the death toll of the Titanic was a good thing actually.


Oct 25, 2017
She has made infinite money hugely in part to Radcliffe and Watson, and then just stabs them in the back without any regards when they don't agree with her genocidal rhetoric.


Oct 25, 2017
The "choosing to be trans rather than accepting they're gay" argument is truly, completely batshit. I've seen and heard it a few times today without any push back. How warped would someone's perception of reality have to be to believe that trans people are more accepted than gay people in any part of UK society? It's disgustingly ironic that these claims exclusively comes from those striving to make trans people's lives harder.

An extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence, and in this case there is no evidence given at all. Cass is, at best, extremely gullible to repeat that claim.

It's similar to the same argument they used to use for gay kids - that they were "choosing" to be gay for social acceptance and because it was "cool". It's the utter rabid insanity of people who clearly cannot remember ever going to school and haven't spoken to a child in 50 years. The notion that a child is making a decision on this stuff by what other people think is fucking madness.

There is a major difference with the "was gay but went for trans because cool" is that in this case there are only straight trans people

So the logic is simple

Trans teens are always straight because they need to be to be gay kids trying to be cool and trans adults are always homosexual because they want to enter the bathroom to commit crimes


Oct 25, 2017
From the page

I feel dirty every time she reframes this as a woman's right issue. Because her weird brand of throwing women under a bus to defend women is batshit

As for Daniel Radcliffe and Emma apologizing?

This is obvious posturing.
She's preemptively blocking the apology she won't ever get lol
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Cranky Ghost Pokemon
Oct 26, 2017
From the page

I feel dirty every time she reframes this as a woman's right issue. Because her weird brand of throwing women under a bus to defend women is batshit
It's so fucking gross. She doesn't give a shit about women's rights at all. Drumming up anti-trans hatred enables assholes to start assuming anyone feminine-presenting must be secretly trans if they aren't traditionally feminine enough. It goes straight back into hardline policing of how women are allowed to dress and present themselves. Literally the opposite of helping women's rights.

I realized many years ago that anyone that claims to campaign on an issue while not using the actual science on said issue is full of shit and doesn't actually care about what they claim to because otherwise they would be interested in using the best information possible to make the best decision they could. It was alternative medicine quacks that first made me make the connection but it's held true as a maxim for all kinds of things over the years.

Have any of these people ever tried to distort the studies that find that trans brains are structured in line with the sex of the person's gender identity rather than the sex of their genitals or do they just conveniently pretend that evidence doesn't exist?


Oct 25, 2017

That hashtag is unbelievable, how are people defending this woman? jesus, even if her concerns had an ounce of merit (which they don't), are you really engaging with someone using "#farrighthooligan"?? are you freaking kidding me!? I guess this person says its ironic? holy hell I'm at loss of words really.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
Nov 8, 2018
Edit:i'm safe because I realised my insurance doesn't cover suicide and I don't want to leave her with a mortgage to pay alone and no payout for my death, so ignore this. I'll just live on like a chump.