Jill Sandwich

Oct 25, 2017
All humans will have been replaced by robots that say "I AM A ROBOT" after each sentence despite not needing to vocalise at all.


Dec 27, 2017
Honestly that is too far in the future to be imaginable. I don't think anyone from 1 AD could have come even slightly close to picturing 2000.


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
Most of the planet will be underwater with average global temps near 90 degrees F. Humans will still be around but the global population will be just a few hundred million. Robots will have replaced most but not all of the current day jobs which allows humans to work less in the traditional sense, but there will still be a small ruling class of people who hold the majority of the wealth.
Aug 31, 2019
Like it did before humans came to prominence, but probably with more microplastics and probably still the pyramids.


Jan 6, 2021
A colony of human brains entombed in technology are thriving on a cloaked vessel in one of Jupiter's rings. Earth is devoid of life and AI has moved in to other solar systems


Oct 25, 2017
Even in 4048 the bicycle will still probably be the most efficient vehicle we have ever invented.

I'm hoping for a clean, green, communist utopia where I get to ride my bicycle around and take care of friends, family and community.

Maybe in 4048 physicists will have finally figured out how bicycles work.


Oct 27, 2017
There will be no more countries. No borders. No passports. No visas. No wars between countries since there are no countries. It will be an age of peace.

Bigotry will be a thing of the past. No one will understand why people hated others who did them no harm because of color, gender, religion, etc.

All of today's major religions, except the LDS (mormons) will have disappeared. They will be replaced with other, more modern, religions.

All drudge work will be done by machines. Humans will only engage in recreational, artistic or scientific pursuits.

Everybody would be rich by today's standards. No one would need to work, yet they would still enjoy many luxuries, except for living space. People won't be living in mansions or anything, but they would have a personal robot that acts as a personal chef / a personal trainer / a personal assistant / an accountant / a majordomo, a personal shopper, a secretary, etc. Parents will have a separate 24/7 robot nanny to help raise their children. All things only rich people today can afford.

People will be post-Cyberpunk. The good kind that doesn't have sparks and cyber-psychosis but mostly genetic engineering. We will no longer be Homo Sapiens but a different species. We will be able to jump like cats, cancer won't be a thing, eternal youth is a given and no more natural death. All death will be artificial (suicide / accident / murder)

Babies will be grown from donated sperm/eggs, in artificial uteruses, then decanted. There will be no such thing as pregnancy or giving birth and they will be seen as obsolete. All genetic diseases will be cured in the machines. All babies will be partly designer babies.

We will have sent nano-bots to Mars, Venus and the outer systems to warm them and oxygenate them up to human standards, then we will have sent androids to terraform them further. There would now be colonies in all 3 places. We will exile our criminals to the outer systems.

All videogames will be VR. Your CPU and GPU will be in your skull, as well as a full Dolby Atmos system. You will be able to disconnect your hearing or pain sensation at will. No more noisy nights or snoring! Just set a subroutine to turn off your hearing when snoring is detected. When bored on the hyper-train, you can hibernate your brain like a laptop until you arrive at your destination in one (subjective) blink of the eye. Everybody can wirelessly have sex and it's identical to the real thing.

Either that or mad max.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Will be fine. Probably more nature around our structures. Think Tokyo but bigger and vines everywhere. There is a slow removal of rural life.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
Jun 11, 2023
Humans will be gone. Either through global warming extinction, lack of water for everyone as it becomes more valuable than money or just a nuclear war. No happy future or flying cars sorry.


Nov 10, 2023
Like in the Fallout games just with way less people and loot, and probably a lot worse climate wise. I'll be very surprised if we don't nuke ourselves into oblivion over the next 50-100 years. And even if we don't do it intentionally, I'm sure there'll be at least one or two new Chernobyl like incidents until then, especially considering the recent nuclear power renaissance.
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Jun 24, 2019
Mad scientist created a planet destroying device, wiping 70% of life on earth. Humans on Earth no longer exist.

Remnants of humanity are living on Mars and space ships.


Oct 25, 2017
I think by this point the majority of humanity won't be living on earth anymore, we'll be living in kinda colony ships and colonies on different planets.
Nov 8, 2018
Humans are extinct. The earth is recovering and reclaiming.

If humans exist in any form it's via transfering one's consciousness into an AI and expanding one's life through space exploration as artificial beings in the hope to find a new planet and to 3D print new bodies when we get there.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
It has been two thousand years since the entity once known as Elon Musk emerged as the victor of the Immortal Wars, conquered the globe and enslaved what was left of humanity. The Muskian Dynasty now live eternal lives of unimaginable luxury and space exploration, supported by a vast network of robots and undying transhuman servants, who maintain their infrastructure and fulfill the Muskians' smallest desires or whims.

The original Musk entity has not been seen for centuries, but there is no one left to wonder where it is; the neural implants of the enslaved suppress curiosity, desire or independent thought. They are only dimly aware of their fate, left to toil on the shell of a world that once was theirs, without ever really understanding why, and totally unable to resist it or change anything.


The Fallen
Sep 26, 2018
A plurality of the human race will live on earth, but we will have established colonies throughout our solar system and possibly beyond.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
It'll be like mad max for most of the population. There will be the select few elite that'll live better than anyone's ever lived before


Oct 27, 2017
Pick basically any post apocalyptic movie and that's probably fairly accurate. Covid showed us how quickly countries and people turn their backs on each other. Add resource scarcity, climate refugees and two millennia of AI and military tech advancement to that and you've got a stew going.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
In that amount of time, I think interspecies conflict among humankind will have receded to tiny-scale conflicts between surviving tribes rather than civilizations, because I think civilizations will have long collapsed in conflicts closer to our time in 2024 than in 4048. I do think humankind will still be around but it will be struggling to survive -- and not because it's killing itself anymore. I think in an additional 2024 years, human civilization will have become so impossible to sustain that humans of 4048 can't mass produce advanced weaponry to wage the same kind of dominating, destructive wars we can now, and that capability will have been lost so long ago at that point that there's also no educational system or knowledge repository to draw on for that kind of knowledge. There's not enough labor and raw resources to build and energize a factory to make shit anymore. In fact, I think the possibility of "robotic" life forms created by humans and then self-advanced won't happen because there actually won't be enough ways to generate the energy to sustain it on planet Earth.

The Mad Max style shit's gonna happen within like a 300-500 year period sometime in the 2000s. By the 4000s, shit will have been so long fucked up that humans literally don't even have the raw materials or knowledge to have kept up that bullshit for hundreds if not over a thousand years.

I do think ecosystems will be potentially on the early rebound from human fuckery in the 4000's, but still not bounced back enough to get back to civilization. I do think humankind will barely survive through it all, with no knowledge of what happened before, and climb right back to their bullshittery over the course of tens of thousands of years though.

Bonus, but not on Earth -- I think some humans will manage to get off Earth and create settlements on other worlds, but none of those colonies will ever thrive to a point of being able to create their own civilizations and return to Earth to bring back the resources. So humankind will reach the starts but it'll be forever splintered, IMO. I also think these space colonies will have the same issue as humans on Earth -- no ability to upkeep their human knowledge and history databases, so they will also eventually just forget they came from Earth at all while they just struggle to survive.

I guess the one thing I am optimistic about is that humanity will scrape by and survive. It just won't do so with maintained knowledge of the history they come from, because the conflicts we self-inflict will be so destructive in nature to our ability to have a shared and collective intellect that we'll lose it along the way and have to revert to instinct to keep going.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Probably beating off zombies with large clubs while trying to search the woods for berries and herbs.


Nov 10, 2023
I guess the one thing I am optimistic about is that humanity will scrape by and survive. It just won't do so with maintained knowledge of the history they come from, because the conflicts we self-inflict will be so destructive in nature to our ability to have a shared and collective intellect that we'll lose it along the way and have to revert to instinct to keep going.

Well we kinda are like cockroaches, only less intelligent.


Oct 27, 2017
With the global trend of electing increasingly unstable individuals as prominent world leaders, I feel like it's only a matter of time before one of them makes a decision that causes the nuclear death of the planet, it might not happen in any of our lifetimes but will probably happen well before 4048.