

Jan 14, 2021
Thanks so much to the OP and everyone involved in making this thread. It's absolutely packed with resources & information. I can't imagine the hard work involved in putting it all together.

It was also frankly eye-opening (not just the OP but the whole thread). I suppose when I'd thought of 'genocide' I did indeed think of, you know, a mass scale wiping out of a specific group of people, as opposed to how they start (like the OP states, 'genocides don't start in death camps').

I've been saying, you know, trans rights are human rights (something that needs saying until it's an incomprehensible, redundant phrase—as redundant as saying 'human rights are human rights'), but I'm afraid I was hugely uninformed on a lot of this.

I'd heard of some awful laws being passed thru the grapevine, but I didn't know just how many, or the insane amount currently proposed.

I live in rural Alberta, Canada. I can certainly figure out how to fire off some emails at the premier, ministers of health & education, but beyond that...

What should I do, or what can I do to help? Can I do text banking around here? Of course, I'll do my own research too, but if there are any other Albertans here (I saw Huey) who have suggestions or advice it'd be much appreciated.

My heart is with you guys. I don't want that to come off hollow and empty, like a fire and forget... I don't know what else to say at this juncture, but lord knows I'm going to have to figure out how to do something, literally anything.
Better, Canadianer minds than I can help you on a local level, so I would personally stress two obvious but still very important things:

  1. Push back against bigotry and misinformation/disinformation in the public sphere. You never know when a trans person who needs to hear affirmation of their humanity will be in earshot.
  2. Vote. Vote in every election at every level. Give bigots no (further) room to spread their hate via the levers of government.
Thank you for being here. Every person joining this fight counts.


Oct 27, 2017
TransEra, just wanted you to know my daughter and I went to a well-attended rally supporting trans students this past weekend (and another one occurred the following day) and opposing backwards legislation introduced by our provincial government (Alberta, Canada). We also wrote a letter to the premier, education minister, and health minister outlining what was wrong with it and why it should never see the light of day (it's proposed only right now). We're looking into where best to donate to our local LGBT support organizations as well.

I can't imagine how hard all of this shit is, and I don't want this post to come off as performative - just wanted you to know we're fighting up here.
As a follow up to Alberta's (and Saskatchewan's and New Brunswick) proposed anti-trans legislation, Tegan and Sara are heading up a huge effort leading Canadian artists to call on governments to reverse this horseshit:


Tegan and Sara, Alanis Morissette, Carly Rae Jepsen, More Sign Letter Protesting Anti-Trans Legislation in Canada

Over 400 artists have signed the letter, including Neil Young, Feist, Mac DeMarco, Pup, Julie Doiron, and Andy Shauf

Good news, making this very visible internationally


Oct 27, 2017
As a follow up to Alberta's (and Saskatchewan's and New Brunswick) proposed anti-trans legislation, Tegan and Sara are heading up a huge effort leading Canadian artists to call on governments to reverse this horseshit:


Tegan and Sara, Alanis Morissette, Carly Rae Jepsen, More Sign Letter Protesting Anti-Trans Legislation in Canada

Over 400 artists have signed the letter, including Neil Young, Feist, Mac DeMarco, Pup, Julie Doiron, and Andy Shauf

Good news, making this very visible internationally
As a Canadian trans woman frustrated by the silence of those with platforms to speak, this makes me so happy to see.


Oct 30, 2017
As a follow up to Alberta's (and Saskatchewan's and New Brunswick) proposed anti-trans legislation, Tegan and Sara are heading up a huge effort leading Canadian artists to call on governments to reverse this horseshit:


Tegan and Sara, Alanis Morissette, Carly Rae Jepsen, More Sign Letter Protesting Anti-Trans Legislation in Canada

Over 400 artists have signed the letter, including Neil Young, Feist, Mac DeMarco, Pup, Julie Doiron, and Andy Shauf

Good news, making this very visible internationally
That list is so great to see attached to it


Oct 25, 2017

World netball's governing body bans female transgender athletes from women's international events

Female transgender athletes will not be allowed to compete in international women’s netball. World Netball says that after a lengthy consultation process it has determined that the sport at international level is a “gender affected activity” and has made the decision to ensure what it called “the sa

"Eligibility for International Level Women's Netball Competition is restricted to those recorded as female at birth irrespective of gender identity and transgender athletes who can establish to WN's satisfaction that they have not experienced the biological effects of testosterone at any time," it said.

So last blood test, my testosterone was lower than the average cis woman…


Nov 6, 2017
Several attorneys general made 'abusive legal demands' to get trans patients' medical records

Four attorneys general in conservative states have abused their authority to investigate transgender patients and their health care, and hospitals must do more to protect them, a new Senate Finance Committee report argues
attorneys general in Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana and Texas have opened investigations into hospitals for alleged Medicaid fraud or violations of consumer protection laws. They opened the investigations, the report argues, "in order to further ideological and political goals," and there has been "significant variation in hospitals' responses to such requests and their approaches to safeguarding the privacy of one of their most vulnerable patient populations—LGBTQIA+ people."
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) in Tennessee sits at one extreme: the hospital failed to object in any material manner to the Tennessee Attorney General's sweeping request and then caused undue terror to young patients and their families by supplying the Tennessee Attorney General with some of the records requested and then, again, by erroneously notifying some patients of medical record disclosures that had not occurred," the report says.
The Finance Committee report also found that Seattle Children's Hospital "took a hard stance" against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton after he sent the hospital a subpoena in November because he suspected it was providing gender-affirming medical care to trans minors who live in Texas, where such care is prohibited for minors. The hospital filed a petition in Travis County District Court in December to dismiss the subpoena. The case is ongoing.


Several attorneys general made ‘abusive legal demands’ to get trans patients’ medical records, senators allege

The Senate Finance Committee staff singled out Vanderbilt University Medical Center in a report for caving in to the demands of Tennessee’s attorney general.


Jan 14, 2021
Terrible news.

A reminder to you all that primary season is here/has been here. Some areas are probably gonna have to be saved from themselves, by themselves.


Nov 6, 2017

Seattle hospital won't turn over gender-affirming care records in lawsuit settlement with Texas

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is dropping a request for a Seattle hospital to hand over records regarding gender-affirming treatment potentially given to children from Texas as part of a lawsuit settlement announced Monday
Seattle Children's Hospital filed the lawsuit against Paxton's office in December in response to the Republican appearing to go beyond state borders to investigate transgender health care. Paxton, a staunch conservative who has helped drive GOP efforts that target the rights of trans people, sent similar letters to Texas hospitals last year.
In Washington, Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee has signed a law that aims to protects minors seeking gender-affirming care there, part of a wave of legislation in Democratic-led states intended to give refuge to those seeking gender-affirming treatment.

Seattle hospital won't turn over gender-affirming care records in lawsuit settlement with Texas

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is dropping a request for a Seattle hospital to hand over records regarding gender-affirming treatment potentially given to children from Texas as part of a lawsuit settlement announced Monday.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma

Seattle hospital won't turn over gender-affirming care records in lawsuit settlement with Texas


Seattle hospital won't turn over gender-affirming care records in lawsuit settlement with Texas

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is dropping a request for a Seattle hospital to hand over records regarding gender-affirming treatment potentially given to children from Texas as part of a lawsuit settlement announced Monday.
Yeah get fucked


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019

Seattle hospital won't turn over gender-affirming care records in lawsuit settlement with Texas


Seattle hospital won't turn over gender-affirming care records in lawsuit settlement with Texas

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is dropping a request for a Seattle hospital to hand over records regarding gender-affirming treatment potentially given to children from Texas as part of a lawsuit settlement announced Monday.
Good job Seattle Children's 👏 keep being proud of my state.


Jan 14, 2021
Good on the hospital and Inslee, though I worry about how long this informal cold(?) civil war among the states can go before everything breaks.


Nov 6, 2017

Conservative states challenge federal rule on treatment of transgender students

Several Republican state attorneys general are challenging a federal regulation that seeks to protect the rights of transgender students in the nation's schools by banning blanket policies that bar transgender students from school bathrooms aligning with their gender, among other provisions.
"This is federal government overreach, but it's of a degree and dimension like no other," Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said in a news conference Monday.
Alabama, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina, along with four advocacy organizations filed a suit in federal court in Tuscaloosa, Alabama on Monday, and Texas filed a similar suit in federal court in Amarillo.
In the last few years, at least 25 states have adopted laws keeping transgender girls out of girls sports competitions — all in the name of preserving girls sports.
President Joe Biden's administration previously planned to announce a policy forbidding schools from enacting outright bans on transgender girls in girls sports, but it has backed off that plan and did not include it as part of the regulation.


Conservative states challenge federal rule on treatment of transgender students

Republican state attorneys general are challenging a new federal regulation that mandates protections for transgender students at schools.


Fallen One-Winged Chicken Chaser Employee Are Sick
Nov 24, 2019
Alberta, Canada
That list is so great to see attached to it
it's got some big canadian names but also some big international names so hopefully it'll spread/have some impact

like i'm not sure i expected sum-41 on that list (although apparently the singer's been talking shit about anti-trans laws in the US since like 2016) but maybe some fans who don't typically associate with lgbtq+ stuff might see that and have at least a chance of changing their mind/thinking about it/doing something

i live close enough to nickleback's home town, i should go poke em

also, as an Albertan... fucking danielle smith 😐

edit: this thread only has 3 pages???


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
edit: this thread only has 3 pages???
people really just don't care that much. Personally, I'm too exhausted to even pay attention to trans news as much as I used to. The only times threads about us get past a few pages at best is if it's an OT of sorts, or when people are trying to debate us that transphobic or anti-trans things actually don't affect us or they NEED to play a shitty game or watch a shitty comedian despite it being wrapped in transphobia.


Jun 27, 2020
In slightly more optimistic news:

Justices turn down parents’ challenge to school support plans for trans students - SCOTUSblog

The Supreme Court did not add any new cases to its merits docket for the 2024-25 term in a scheduled list of written orders on Monday morning. The justices denied review in over 60 cases, including a challenge to a Maryland county’s guidelines to provide support for transgender students. In John

A Maryland county created a plan for schools to support transgender students without having to notify parents. Some parents challenged the plan. The challenge is now dead, and the school's plan is allowed to stand.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a FAQ topic about what to do about the trans genocide in terms of activism and political action, whereas the joanne thread is an outrage, schadenfreude and fear outlet. The Joanne thread is a lot more compatible with what people are capable of or prepared to do.


Jan 14, 2021
Regarding the disparity in posts, the simple fact of the matter -- one of them, anyway, I don't want to downplay anyone's concerns -- is that I am not Kyuuji and that's important in more ways than one. I will be working on something that can help elucidate us a bit more this month, please be patient with me.

In the meantime, there's reason to believe that even something as simple as a user posting (within reason) what act of help they've done on a given day, no matter how minor, would help with getting traffic up and countering the wall of often bad news that has to be posted in this thread as a matter of reflecting reality.
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Nov 6, 2017

Federal judge strikes down DeSantis transgender medical ban, denounces 'frenzied' discriminatory rhetoric

U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle, a Bill Clinton appointee, penned a 105-page order that declared Florida's 2023 law unconstitutional and across the voluminous document, the judge spared no opportunity to detail the discriminatory intent held by the lawmakers who adopted the statute.
Tuesday's ruling permanently blocks Florida from enforcing the law.

In his lengthy opinion, Hinkle reiterated that "gender identity is real," and said that a "widely accepted standard of care" includes puberty blockers and hormone treatments that the statute would have banned.
"Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs," allowed Hinkle. "But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender."

"In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished," the judge predicted.
The judge also pointed to lawmakers' "frenzied" rhetoric, quoting a House member who said that gender-affirming medical care amounted to, "taking little children … put[ting] them to sleep on a gurney …[and] … cut[ting] off their breasts … sever[ing] their genitalia … [and] … throw[ing] them in the trash."

Hinkle said this version of the medical care at issue was, "[p]robably about as far removed from reality as any statement by any legislator ever," and noted that no one who voted for the bill "expressed disagreement or called these speakers out" for their erroneous statements.
"Many people with this view tend to disapprove all things transgender and so oppose medical care that supports a person's transgender existence," the judge explained.

Hinkle likened "denial that transgender identity is real" to racism and misogyny and noted that those who engage in such denial sometimes invoke religion to support their position, "just as some once invoked religion to support their racism or misogyny."


Federal judge strikes down DeSantis transgender medical ban, denounces 'frenzied' rhetoric

"Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs," allowed Hinkle. "But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender."
An update pertaining to the Senate.


Jan 14, 2021
Alright, first things first, I'm going to provide a list of states that are going to be holding Senate elections and/or special elections this year. Incumbents' names are in bold, state name colors denote the party affiliation of the Senate seat's most recent officeholder (red for Republicans, blue for Democrats, purple and blue for Democratic Party-caucusing Independents):
  1. Arizona (incumbent retiring; no formally chosen nominees at the moment)
  2. California (previously elected incumbent died in office, appointed replacement retiring before term is up); Adam Schiff (D) vs. Steve Garvey (R)
  3. Connecticut (incumbent running again, seemingly unopposed; probably Chris Murphy (D) vs. TBD (R)
  4. Delaware (incumbent retiring; no formally chosen nominees at the moment)
  5. Florida (incumbent running again); TBD (D) vs. probably Rick Scott (R)
  6. Hawaii (incumbent running again); probably Mazie Hirono (D) vs. TBD (R)
  7. Indiana (incumbent retiring); Valerie McCrary (D) vs. Jim Banks (R)
  8. Maine (incumbent running again); Angus King (I) vs. David Costello (D) vs. Demitroula Kouzounas (R)
  9. Maryland (incumbent retiring); Angela Alsobrooks (D) vs. Larry Hogan (R)
  10. Massachusetts (incumbent running again); probably Elizabeth Warren (D) vs. TBD (R)
  11. Michigan (incumbent retiring; no formally chosen nominees at the moment)
  12. Minnesota (incumbent running again); probably Amy Klobuchar (DFL) vs. TBD (R)
  13. Mississippi (incumbent running again); Ty Pinkins (D) vs. Roger Wicker (R)
  14. Missouri (incumbent running again); TBD (D) vs. probably Josh Hawley (R)
  15. Montana (incumbent running again); Jon Tester (D) vs. Tim Sheehy (R)
  16. Nebraska (incumbent resigned partway through term, special election to be held concurrently); Dan Osborn (I) vs. Deb Fischer (R) (regular election); Preston Love Jr. (D) vs. Pete Ricketts (R) (special election)
  17. Nevada (incumbent running again); Jacky Rosen (D) vs. Sam Brown (R)
  18. New Jersey (incumbent running again as Independent despite still being registered as a Democrat); Bob Menendez (D) vs. Andy Kim (D) vs. Curtis Bashaw (R)
  19. New Mexico (incumbent running again); Martin Heinrich (D) vs. Nella Domenici (R)
  20. New York (incumbent running again); Kirsten Gillibrand (D) vs. Mike Sapraicone (R)
  21. North Dakota (incumbent running again); Katrina Christiansen (D) vs. Kevin Cramer (R)
  22. Ohio (incumbent running again); Sherrod Brown (D) vs. Bernie Moreno (R)
  23. Pennsylvania (incumbent running again); Bob Casey Jr. (D) vs. David McCormick (R)
  24. Rhode Island (incumbent running again); probably Sheldon Whitehouse (D) vs. TBD (R)
  25. Tenessee (incumbent running again); TBD (D) vs. probably Marsha Blackburn (R)
  26. Texas (incumbent running again); Colin Allred (D) vs. Ted Cruz (R)
  27. Utah (incumbent retiring); Caroline Gleich (D) vs. John Curtis (R)
  28. Vermont (incumbent running again); probably Bernie Sanders (I) vs. TBD (R)
  29. Virginia (incumbent running again); Tim Kaine (D) vs. Hung Cao (R)
  30. Washington (incumbent running again); probably Maria Cantwell (D) vs. TBD (R)
  31. West Virginia (incumbent retiring); Glenn Elliott (D) vs. Jim Justice (R)
  32. Wisconsin (incumbent running again); probably Tammy Baldwin (D) vs. TBD (R)
  33. Wyoming (incumbent running again); TBD (D) vs. probably John Barrasso (R)
  • Arizona - July 30th
  • Tennessee - August 1st
  • Michigan - August 6th
  • Missouri - August 6th
  • Washington - August 6th
  • Hawaii - August 10th
  • Connecticut - August 13th
  • Minnesota - August 13th
  • Wisconsin - August 13th
  • Vermont - August 13th
  • Florida - August 20th
  • Wyoming - August 20th
  • Massachusetts - September 3rd
  • Delaware - September 10th
  • Rhode Island - September 10th

Yes, if it wasn't clear, Democrats are mostly on defense this year. Of the Republican incumbents whose actions toward trans people are clear, we have a few notable cases:
  • Rick Scott of Florida - Having served since 2019, he released the 11-Point Plan to Save America, which among other lovely things included provisions to ban transgender women from participating in women's sports.
  • Josh Hawley of Missouri - Has served since 2019; he's got one of the bigger paper trails on Wikipedia. Among his more recent crusades, he wrote a letter objecting to Title IX protections for transgender students.
  • Kevin Cramer of North Dakota - Has served since 2019; his 2018 Senate campaign was boosted by "the Public Advocate of the United States, an anti-LGBT group that supports conversion therapy and ties homosexuality to pedophilia." Cramer also expressed support for schools being required to teach the idea that there are only two genders, as well as the right of Christian businesses to not service same-sex weddings.
  • Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee - Has served since 2019; her war on LGBTQ+ rights goes way back. In her first year as a Senator, she "co-signed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not prohibit employment discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity."
  • Ted Cruz of Texas - Has served since 2013; said the Obergefell decision was "among the darkest hours in our nation" and thinks pronoun jokes are great comedy.
While I have singled these folks out, I don't think many sitting Republicans at the federal level have particularly positive views on transgender people. Even fewer are willing to be open about it and stand their ground. And I must reiterate, these are federal politicians. Many of the current attacks are facilitated on the state and local levels, though Senators pass laws and can set the tone nationally. I will try to keep this thread updated as the various primary elections for the states come by.
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Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I just want to give a very warm thank you to this thread. Having met and spoken to a few trans people in person in recent years and being in tune with news surrounding those communities, I was inspired to make a social media post about the issues and why it matters for everyone no matter who they are. Using information in this thread's OP as sources was a huge help in that. I hope it reaches some people.
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Jan 14, 2021
Giga Man Thank you for doing that. If this thread's information was able to change the hearts and minds of even one person, then I'll consider it a worthwhile endeavor.


Oct 25, 2017
"Served" is technically correct but it's doing a lot of heavy lifting for those politicians.

I wanted to highlight, I realized some months ago now, after 40 years of thinking I was quite introspective, that I am trans, and I absolutely owe that to all the trans creators and the like that are out there on socials being themselves and advocating for themselves. Ironically, I might not have realized as soon (or at all) if this fascist crusade hadn't been going on and making so many people talk about it so much more.

I went and posted on Facebook for the first time in years to come out, just so old friends and family (and extended family) could know they know a trans person. For whatever reason I was generally well-liked and trusted, so I'm hoping for anyone who wasn't paying much attention or may have heard negative things, but aren't full on the train yet, it will give them pause. Who knows. I know changing the mind of one person, when it's a loud minority like the anti-trans movement, can have a huge effect.

Basically, just wanted to say thanks to all the people who figured themselves out and shared, it helps goobers like me who even if we were allies, didn't necessarily connect all the dots.


Jan 14, 2021
I return to this thread to bring you a possible look at the future in the event of Project 2025 (look it up) being enacted:

View: https://x.com/ContraPoints/status/1808965583859236962

If you're trans and haven't updated your name and gender on your documents/passport, now would be a very good time to do that.
It's worse than that. The actual literally defines transgender people as explicitly pornographic.

Take. Nothing. For. Granted.


Dec 9, 2020
Portland, OR
I got my license changed a couple of years ago and got my social security changed as well. All that's left is the passport, and I intend to do that in the next month or two.


Jan 14, 2021
I'm frankly surprised the risk level wasn't listed as "High" before this year.

The map depresses me. It's like a sea of blood.


Jan 14, 2021
As of yesterday, the primary elections for Florida and Wyoming's Senate seats have concluded. Three state primaries -- those of Massachusetts, Delaware, and Rhode Island -- remain and will occur in less than a month.


Alt Account
Aug 17, 2024
Thank you for continuing to update this thread. It really does matter and I hope others are actually getting something out of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Some bad news the past couple of weeks unfortunately in the states:

First week of August, the Missouri state attorney general threatened to investigate the department of revenue if the DoR didn't take down the form and change the policy for getting gender markers changed for driver's licenses. They then quietly did that with no warning or notice - not even a lot of the offices knew about the new procedure. It now requires a court order, which itself requires a doctor signoff, or else proof of reassignment surgery. It is still possible, just harder, and the process to start that is almost impossible to find on any state information site.

In Texas, they are now blanket refusing gender marker change requests and adding those making the requests to a database. Yea. This also goes directly against federal rulings as I understand it, so will likely get fought more, but at the moment Texas is just blatantly following the genocide order of operations.


Aug 25, 2024
Hugs and love from italy.
I knew general LGBTQ+ situation here it's fucked, even if you're a cis couple dues secolar vatican rule, but i wasn't aware of the US level of fuckery it's runnig trough.

A friend of mine revoked his Us passport and took stable holland citizen, he got charged 2350$ to give back his passport and from what i've understand he shouldn't be able to land annymore in the Us if he want, that's right?
You know things are gone wrong when your citizen are escaping.

I would like to help somehow, but i don't know what i can do from here more than raising awarness (thanks for the #StopFundingHate link, didin't knew of, i subscribed and shared on my profile, and i'll start sharing screens and report ill titles).

We are in a similar situation with our far right governement, a daily bombarding of "invasion, woke, trans, gay propaganda", when basic rights of many peoples are still far from a reality.

I do my best to rise my daughter not to be an asshole, try to stay around people that doesn't make feel uncomfrotable others to stay with (if it makes any sense).

But i wanna let you know that you're not alone, the world is watching and try to do their best helping in any way it's possible.


Aug 25, 2024
Its getting harder and harder to justify to myself to keep living in this awful fucking world...
I'll might sound cheap, but don't give up, there are far better place in the world and far far better people around.
Geez until a couple of days ago i didn't know this forum existed and thought all the world was turning nazi, and i found a collective of very welcoming, helpful and friendly people instead, it must mean something?