
Oct 27, 2017
TransEra, just wanted you to know my daughter and I went to a well-attended rally supporting trans students this past weekend (and another one occurred the following day) and opposing backwards legislation introduced by our provincial government (Alberta, Canada). We also wrote a letter to the premier, education minister, and health minister outlining what was wrong with it and why it should never see the light of day (it's proposed only right now). We're looking into where best to donate to our local LGBT support organizations as well.

I can't imagine how hard all of this shit is, and I don't want this post to come off as performative - just wanted you to know we're fighting up here.


Oct 25, 2017
TransEra, just wanted you to know my daughter and I went to a well-attended rally supporting trans students this past weekend (and another one occurred the following day) and opposing backwards legislation introduced by our provincial government (Alberta, Canada). We also wrote a letter to the premier, education minister, and health minister outlining what was wrong with it and why it should never see the light of day (it's proposed only right now). We're looking into where best to donate to our local LGBT support organizations as well.

I can't imagine how hard all of this shit is, and I don't want this post to come off as performative - just wanted you to know we're fighting up here.
Thank you so much for all of this! You and your daughter absolutely rock, and I promise you every trans student will fully appreciate.💜


Jan 14, 2021
Thank you, Huey.

While going through my socials, I came across a link to this:

How to Stop Funding Hate

What do to if you find hate speech online.

Its primary goals concern the United Kingdom, but many of the media advocacy techniques apply to pretty much anywhere. Appealing to corporations' fear of reputational damage can (sometimes) work.
Nov 2, 2017
Thank you, Huey.

While going through my socials, I came across a link to this:

How to Stop Funding Hate

What do to if you find hate speech online.

Its primary goals concern the United Kingdom, but many of the media advocacy techniques apply to pretty much anywhere. Appealing to corporations' fear of reputational damage can (sometimes) work.
Just an fyi, clicking the link leads to an error message saying "Error establishing a database connection." Not sure if it's a mobile issue, an internet issue on my end, the site being down, or a link issue, but just in case it still works on your end, wanted to flag that there's some kind of issue on getting to the site.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017


TransEra, just wanted you to know my daughter and I went to a well-attended rally supporting trans students this past weekend (and another one occurred the following day) and opposing backwards legislation introduced by our provincial government (Alberta, Canada). We also wrote a letter to the premier, education minister, and health minister outlining what was wrong with it and why it should never see the light of day (it's proposed only right now). We're looking into where best to donate to our local LGBT support organizations as well.

I can't imagine how hard all of this shit is, and I don't want this post to come off as performative - just wanted you to know we're fighting up here.
Thank you 🫂❤️


Technical artist
Oct 27, 2017
TransEra, just wanted you to know my daughter and I went to a well-attended rally supporting trans students this past weekend (and another one occurred the following day) and opposing backwards legislation introduced by our provincial government (Alberta, Canada). We also wrote a letter to the premier, education minister, and health minister outlining what was wrong with it and why it should never see the light of day (it's proposed only right now). We're looking into where best to donate to our local LGBT support organizations as well.

I can't imagine how hard all of this shit is, and I don't want this post to come off as performative - just wanted you to know we're fighting up here.
TransEra, just wanted you to know my daughter and I went to a well-attended rally supporting trans students this past weekend (and another one occurred the following day) and opposing backwards legislation introduced by our provincial government (Alberta, Canada). We also wrote a letter to the premier, education minister, and health minister outlining what was wrong with it and why it should never see the light of day (it's proposed only right now). We're looking into where best to donate to our local LGBT support organizations as well.

I can't imagine how hard all of this shit is, and I don't want this post to come off as performative - just wanted you to know we're fighting up here.

❤️ Alberta is so rough right now. It really feels like the lynchpin of everything that's about to go down in Canada. Thank you for showing up.


Jan 14, 2021

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
The right are just making up that shooters are trans now. Despicable.

The Far Right Is Spreading Misinformation Claiming the Lakewood Church Shooter Was Trans

Libs of TikTok and Elon Musk rushed to spread the misinformation as part of the far right’s desperate push to make “trans terrorism” a thing.
I'm afraid it's been a thing here for the past year or so. Legit hard to think of a single headline-making mass shooter for the last long while that the right hasn't tried to frame as trans. Just more domestic terrorists projecting to weave a false and dangerous narrative.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm afraid it's been a thing here for the past year or so. Legit hard to think of a single headline-making mass shooter for the last long while that the right hasn't tried to frame as trans. Just more domestic terrorists projecting to weave a false and dangerous narrative.
Yeap, for a while now every single time there's a shooting one of the first rumours that immediately pops up is that the shooter is trans.

And then the actual shooter is revealed, clearly is not, but it doesn't matter. In the mind of right-wingers now not only is this shooter trans, but they think this is just another one of an imagined many.
Oct 26, 2017
Scrappy-Fan92 I would like to share journalist Erin Reed who does an excellent job at tracking LGBT legislation in the United States. She has accounts on most social media sites. Her blog is here:

Erin In The Morning | Erin Reed | Substack

News and discussion on trans legislation and life. Click to read Erin In The Morning, by Erin Reed, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
It's so vile how politicians view and treat trans children when they can't even tell who's trans.


Georgia Senator Vows to Protect Girl, But Then Runs Away After Learning She Is Trans

During a visit to lobby legislators on transgender issues, Senator Carden Summers (R) knelt down and told a child he would protect her. When he learned she was trans, he backed away.

According to Kotler and other families who were present, the senator stopped to say hello. That's when Kotler spoke to Senator Summers about how she was there with her kids to "talk to legislators about keeping her kids safe." Although she did not mention that one of her children was trans, they were present with LGBTQ+ signage - something the Senator apparently missed when he knelt down in front of Aleix and said, according to Kotler, "Well you know, we're working on that and I'm going to protect kids like you."

Kotler then replied, "Yeah - Alex is trans, and she wants to be safe at school, she wants to go to the bathroom and be safe."

That is when, according to multiple witnesses, Sen. Summers stood up and fumbled his words, repeating, "I mean, yeah, I'm going to make sure she's safe by going to the right bathroom," continuing to use the correct pronouns for Aleix. When asked if he would make her go to a boy's bathroom, he then allegedly backed away, saying, "You're attacking me," turned around, and walked off quickly.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
According to Kotler and other families who were present, the senator stopped to say hello. That's when Kotler spoke to Senator Summers about how she was there with her kids to "talk to legislators about keeping her kids safe." Although she did not mention that one of her children was trans, they were present with LGBTQ+ signage - something the Senator apparently missed when he knelt down in front of Aleix and said, according to Kotler, "Well you know, we're working on that and I'm going to protect kids like you."
Kotler then replied, "Yeah - Alex is trans, and she wants to be safe at school, she wants to go to the bathroom and be safe."
That is when, according to multiple witnesses, Sen. Summers stood up and fumbled his words, repeating, "I mean, yeah, I'm going to make sure she's safe by going to the right bathroom," continuing to use the correct pronouns for Aleix. When asked if he would make her go to a boy's bathroom, he then allegedly backed away, saying, "You're attacking me," turned around, and walked off quickly.
Yeah, he's the one being attacked. Loathsome POS.


Oct 25, 2017
A normal person with a conscious with think after doing what he did "wait, wtf am I doing? This is a kid here and I'm pulling this shit." Though a normal person wouldn't even do what he did.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
The way he completely lost his composure and fumbled his words, he knows this shit is wrong and like always the cruelty is the point, but even a bastard like him falls apart when confronted by the innocents he's trying to hurt.


Dec 22, 2017
How comes that all the anti-trans politicians, media figures and influencers always pretend to be scared to death but then they make this face on every single picture:


Just something I noticed lately.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Posting this here to really hammer it home how much the "social media: bad" angle is used to hurt trans people while hiding behind a veil of progressivism. We've had several topics on ERA about politicians pushing bills to ban minors from social media under the pretense that they want to protect children, and try to appeal to people's experiences of stumbling onto sites with messed up stuff when they were younger, when they just really want to cut off queer youth from their support networks.



Oct 25, 2017
Yep, the internet is the best way for many people to find information on subjects like this. Conservatives are scared that they can't completely control information so they want to ban it. It's just a modern day book burning.


Dec 22, 2017
Fascinating article about 'Mirror Propaganda'. It's two years old but still very, very relevant:

There is a name for this mechanism of power: 'mirror propaganda'. Mirror propaganda means doing to your enemies what you are falsely accusing them of doing to you. So the media creates the myth that trans people are silencing anti-trans activists, while the reality is that every major national media outlet in the UK, from The Guardian and The Times to the Mail and BBC, almost never includes any trans voices.
Fascinating article about 'Mirror Propaganda'. It's two years old but still very, very relevant:
There's a fair bit of sociological research on this subject too. It underpins how much political manipulation works.

Most people do naturally feel sympathy for the clear victim of a bully or aggressor. But identifying the true aggressor can be surprisingly hard for human beings because people also naturally dislike "bickering". If the target of the bully fights back, onlookers can start to feel it's just "he said, she said" or that the victim is simply making excuses to avoid looking guilty as charged.

So you end up with the perverse situation where smarter bullies learn to deftly manipulate public opinion by constantly framing themselves as the real victims here,; knowing that when their targets justly protest and fight back, the public will tend to see it as proof the bully really is the victim after all. Look at how those awful people are always saying mean things about them.

JK Rowling: *literally exists in TERF while asking why trans people are so mean*
Trans persons: that's a TERF
The public: why is everyone so mean to her?


Dec 22, 2017
TERFs, JKR in particular, seem also very fond of DARVO:
DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender)

"I never said anything transphobic, I have nothing against trans people!"

"What you are saying is a lie; I'm going to sue you for defamation!"

Reverse victim & offender:
"Trans activits are attacking me without a cause and they want to erase women and mutilate children!"


May 3, 2022
TERFs, JKR in particular, seem also very fond of DARVO:
DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender)

"I never said anything transphobic, I have nothing against trans people!"

"What you are saying is a lie; I'm going to sue you for defamation!"

Reverse victim & offender:
"Trans activits are attacking me without a cause and they want to erase women and mutilate children!"

Speaking of JKR, it's shocking to me sometimes how much transphobia is present even on sites that seem to lean more left such as Reddit.

Made a comment on the /r/television post about the new Harry Potter show that JKR is consulting on, about how Rowling is creatively stunting the IP because her TERF worldview means she will never be willing to explore the IP in a way that would really leverage its strengths.

It's a world filled with magic that could be used to tell some great stories about identity, gender, relationships; but her core beliefs limit her in such a way that exploring the diversity of perspective and existence that a world like that would enable is impossible for her to ever do.

Even if we somehow try to remove her from her TERF-ness (impossible, it's core to her) it's not like she's been exactly good since the books ended. Every story she's tried to tell in the world since then has been poorly received and seems to misunderstand what made kids love it in the first place.

My score on the post has been bouncing up and down all day and settled in the negatives. Expected better, but transphobia is so deeply ingrained.

Edit: had someone look up my Reddit account from this 😂 some people need to find a better use of their time
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Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

EDIT: Looks like there is a thread.

I haven't had a chance to check yet due to being busy with work, but if nobody has made it, Nex's story is probably worth a thread of its own. The police originally were trying to claim that there was no trauma involved in their death, and had to backtrack after statements from the family. They now claim they suspect foul play.



The Human Rights Campaign, and many other organizations, LGBTQ leaders, and legal groups are now calling upon the Department of Education and Department of Justice to investigate the case.

ACLU's Statement.

Lambda Legal's Statement


There's a whole lot going on here, and Nex deserves to have justice. The school apparently has a history of covering up issues surrounding LGBTQ students as Erin notes, and there's a good chance that if nobody had spoken up, it may have very well been covered up by the police too. Hopefully this gets more attention so the Department of Justice will investigate.
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Jan 14, 2021
Yeah, the nature of Nex's death needs to be investigated thoroughly and honestly, preferably by outside parties.


Dec 22, 2017
The behavior of the school and local authorities sound so typical of everything I read and experienced about schools with an out of control bullying culture.


Jan 14, 2021
I could imagine. Allies and "neutral" folks had best prepare for an increase in targeted school bullying of trans kids and kids assumed to be trans. If younger folks see their elders outside or especially in school giving tacit approval to all of this transphobia, then another barrier to decent society gets eroded.

baby meowsers

Feb 27, 2024
Hi folks. Long time lurker, finally joined after putting it off and putting it off.

Really happy to see this thread but wish there was more activity! I have been scared but more determined than ever to live my authentic life with everything going on in the US. I'm in California and I feel grateful to have access to gender affirming care. I do not take this for granted and want the same safety and access for everyone.

baby meowsers

Feb 27, 2024
Glad to meet you! Being true to yourself can be super challenging, especially with all the bullshit happening lately, and I'm proud of you for striving to live your best life. If you ever need to chat about things, I check the forums almost daily.
Thank you so much! It has been a journey for sure. I honestly believe the best way we can win is by never being silenced and never backing down even when it's scary to do that.


Jan 14, 2021
Hi folks. Long time lurker, finally joined after putting it off and putting it off.

Really happy to see this thread but wish there was more activity! I have been scared but more determined than ever to live my authentic life with everything going on in the US. I'm in California and I feel grateful to have access to gender affirming care. I do not take this for granted and want the same safety and access for everyone.
Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy your stay.

And a farewell to Kinvara. We will continue to fight the good fight.

I hope all of you are taking care of yourselves. The real world reminds me that it's going to be a long year.
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Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Figured I'd update the thread with this, courtesy of It's Time To Go who originally posted it:

NHS bans puberty blockers for children

Gender identity clinics are to be prevented from giving drugs that halt the physical changes of puberty, following an independent review of the practice

Conservatives and their supporters are vile pieces of shit. This decision will directly endanger the lives of children and I hope to God there's some way to help those affected by it.
Thanks for posting this here. Absolutely horrific.


Fallen One-Winged Chicken Chaser Employee Are Sick
Nov 24, 2019
Alberta, Canada
Thanks so much to the OP and everyone involved in making this thread. It's absolutely packed with resources & information. I can't imagine the hard work involved in putting it all together.

It was also frankly eye-opening (not just the OP but the whole thread). I suppose when I'd thought of 'genocide' I did indeed think of, you know, a mass scale wiping out of a specific group of people, as opposed to how they start (like the OP states, 'genocides don't start in death camps').

I've been saying, you know, trans rights are human rights (something that needs saying until it's an incomprehensible, redundant phrase—as redundant as saying 'human rights are human rights'), but I'm afraid I was hugely uninformed on a lot of this.

I'd heard of some awful laws being passed thru the grapevine, but I didn't know just how many, or the insane amount currently proposed.

I live in rural Alberta, Canada. I can certainly figure out how to fire off some emails at the premier, ministers of health & education, but beyond that...

What should I do, or what can I do to help? Can I do text banking around here? Of course, I'll do my own research too, but if there are any other Albertans here (I saw Huey) who have suggestions or advice it'd be much appreciated.

My heart is with you guys. I don't want that to come off hollow and empty, like a fire and forget... I don't know what else to say at this juncture, but lord knows I'm going to have to figure out how to do something, literally anything.