
Oct 28, 2017
Cape Town

View: https://x.com/haaretzcom/status/1793997880480432292

This is behaviour of a dark regime. Vengeful retribution towards West Bank Palestinians over 3 countries recognizing a Palestinian state is the most vindictive cruel and devilish thing. This oppressive occupying regime is desperate to not lose their power over the people they subjugate. So they turn to threatening the Palestinian community in the West Bank who go out of their way to not upset their oppressors even if they are regularly terrorized. I'm running out of words to describe such evil.

Yeah, that is the sign of a regime that has reached the found-out phase so to speak, their PR machine has not been able to craft a narrative this time around to cover the atrocities they are committing

The were killed on October 7.

I didn't know hamas took dead bodies hostages as well, 39 dead bodies? It is insane.

oh i misread the article, for some reason i didn't notice the date and i thought they were killed more recently . my bad


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully more pressure is put on Israel but honestly they won't give a damn considering the terror and land grabs they are doing. They could tell the international community to fuck off as long as the US is supplying their weapons and support.

On another note is that Biden Genocide comment thread isn't gonna open back up? Is that discussion moved to here then?


Oct 30, 2017

View: https://x.com/haaretzcom/status/1793997880480432292

This is behaviour of a dark regime. Vengeful retribution towards West Bank Palestinians over 3 countries recognizing a Palestinian state is the most vindictive cruel and devilish thing. This oppressive occupying regime is desperate to not lose their power over the people they subjugate. So they turn to threatening the Palestinian community in the West Bank who go out of their way to not upset their oppressors even if they are regularly terrorized. I'm running out of words to describe such evil.

It's reprehensible that the US and Israel keep threatening to punish, starve, and torment innocent civilians every time Palestinians are acknowledged as human beings that are entitled to basic rights and protection from war crimes.

But I take a small comfort in knowing that the walls are closing in on them. The world has openly discussed how both flagrantly oppose international law, and has decided to move forward without them.

The line has been drawn between the rule of law and Western impunity. This is especially important for America's allies, because their staunch support of both Israel and international law has become an untenable contradiction. With all these institutions being threatened, everyone must choose a side.

These increasingly disgusting threats are a tantrum by desperate gaslighters realizing their talking points aren't working anymore. Now we can only hope the countries speaking out (like South Africa, Ireland, Spain and Norway) stand strong against the onslaught.
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Oct 28, 2017
Interesting NYT Oped about how the ICC ruling could be used "to offers Biden a chance to rescue his failed Gaza policy."

I think this is a gift link so you can read it for free.

Biden's Chance to Do the Right Thing in Gaza

NYT Opinion - Biden's Chance to Do the Right Thing in Gaza

In a speech in Warsaw two years ago, President Biden declared that "the great battle for freedom" is one "between a rules-based order and one governed by brute force."

Now we'll see whether he meant it.

By a lopsided vote of 13 to 2, the International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to "immediately halt its military offensive" in Rafah and open border crossings for "unhindered provision" of humanitarian aid. But the court's order, while binding, has no enforcement mechanism — which in practice means it is up to the United Nations Security Council and in particular Biden to enforce.

This should be an easy call, and it offers Biden a chance to rescue his failed Gaza policy, for, in this case, Biden and the World Court are fundamentally aligned: They both oppose an all-out invasion of Rafah, and they both want Israel to allow in more humanitarian aid. But for seven months, Biden has allowed himself to be ignored and steamrolled by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the question now is whether the court ruling will help Biden find the gumption to pressure Israel to obey the decision.

While Biden is deeply knowledgeable about international relations and has generally overseen a smart foreign policy, particularly in Asia, he has bungled the Middle East and damaged America's moral authority. When he champions the "rules-based international order" in Ukraine against an enemy that breaches international law, undermines the norms of war and attacks infrastructure so as to make civilians suffer, yet then provides weapons and diplomatic protection for Netanyahu's war in Gaza, much of the world sees only hypocrisy.

To be blunt, Biden's policy in Gaza has been a moral, practical and political failure. It has made the United States complicit in civilian deaths, including in the starvation of children. It has undermined our stance in Ukraine. In my view, it hasn't helped Israel eliminate Hamas, recover hostages or improve long-term security. And it may be hurting Biden's chances of winning key states like Michigan.


Oct 25, 2017

Canada expects 'everyone' to abide by ICJ's latest Israel ruling, Trudeau says

The International Court of Justice's latest ruling is in line with Canada's position on Israel's military operations in Rafah, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday.

"Canada's position has been clear for many, many weeks now. We need an immediate ceasefire. Hamas needs to lay down its arms, release all hostages, but there also must be no more military operations in Rafah by Israel," Trudeau said during a news conference in Truro, N.S.

"The ICJ's proposals are binding, and we expect everyone to follow them as a matter of international law."


Oct 30, 2017

I'm not surprised. They have no argument against the ICJ.

There's no room for jurisdiction debates (all UN countries are subject to the ICJ) and the ruling has goals that align with their "consistent" position (reopen the Rafah crossing, don't invade civilian areas, allow aid at scale). Since there's also no chance they'll ever agree to a ruling against Israel, they're stuck in a bind.

My guess is they'll spend this weekend trying to figure out some kind of face-saving response that emphasizes a "commitment" to a ceasefire/aid without admitting wrongdoing or changing policies. They'll insist that the ICJ is overreaching, that the "limited military operations" don't violate the ICJ order, and that Biden's "tough talks" with Netanyahu were the decisive factor yet again.

We witnessed a total collapse of Biden's strategy this past week so they HAVE to respond, but they can't outright reject the ICJ or really say anything without putting themselves in a worse position.

Expect a lot of squirming from the White House next week.
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Oct 28, 2017

View: https://x.com/TorontoStar/status/1794118889791451292

"Canada's position has always been that the solution to the extraordinarily difficult challenges in the Middle East are a two-state solution, a peaceful, secure democratic Israel alongside a peaceful, secure, democratic Palestinian state," Trudeau said Friday during a news conference in Nova Scotia.

"Unfortunately, the Netanyahu government is creating barriers and blockages to ever being able to create or even imagine that two-state solution. That is where we fundamentally disagree with the Netanyahu government, even as we continue to support the rights of the state of Israel and also the aspirations of the Palestinian people."

With a loss already certain for Trudeau in the next election I had hoped he would at least go out swinging on the right side of history. His statement is not ferocious or anything but it is pretty strong for him.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah maybe losing a third of his caucus is having an effect now.
What happened?

View: https://x.com/TorontoStar/status/1794118889791451292

With a loss already certain for Trudeau in the next election I had hoped he would at least go out swinging on the right side of history. His statement is not ferocious or anything but it is pretty strong for him.

Yeah this is a big break from the American position. It's good progress.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not surprised. They have no argument against the ICJ.

There's no room for jurisdiction debates (all UN countries are subject to the ICJ) and the ruling has goals that align with their "consistent" position (reopen the Rafah crossing, don't invade civilian areas, allow aid at scale). Since there's also no chance they'll ever agree to a ruling against Israel, they're stuck in a bind.

My guess is they'll spend this weekend trying to figure out some kind of face-saving response that emphasizes a "commitment" to a ceasefire/aid without admitting wrongdoing or changing policies. They'll insist that the ICJ is overreaching, that the "limited military operations" don't violate the ICJ order, and that Biden's "tough talks" with Netanyahu were the decisive factor yet again.

We witnessed a total collapse of Biden's strategy this past week so they HAVE to respond, but they can't outright reject the ICJ or really say anything without putting themselves in a worse position.

Expect a lot of squirming from the White House next week.
Whenever they do formulate a response let's remember this:
The US judge at the International Court of Justice, who President Joe Biden previously nominated to be a legal advisor to the State Department, voted in favor of Friday's order for Israel to halt its offensive on Gaza's Rafah.

Sarah Cleveland was nominated in 2021, but she was never confirmed. When elected as an ICJ judge last November, Secretary of State Antony Blinken praised the court as a "guardian of international law." And when announcing her candidacy, Biden had said the ICJ was one of humanity's "most critical institutions to advance peace around the world."


Oct 25, 2017
What happened?

Yeah this is a big break from the American position. It's good progress.
From a while ago.
And more recently:

Unlike the Democrats who seem happy to just roll over and toe the party line, there are Liberal MPs who have been pushing the PMO because they're considering this issue as part of their duties representing their constituents.


Oct 30, 2017
Not saying Bernie is perfect or anything, but he's so much better than any other realistic alternative we've ever had for the presidency. The more time passes, the more it hurts that he didn't win. The difference between him and Biden on this is staggering.

Fortunately, my House rep is Andre Carson, who's actually pretty good on this issue. Just not nearly enough like him. My senators are Republican fascist fucks though...

It was inspiring to see Bernie make his case in the Senate:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m8DtXYQLeR8&pp=ygUDaWNj

I hope members of the Democratic party begin to follow suit, because they are absolutely rudderless on this issue right now.

Here is Bernie's full speech, for anyone who's interested:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pEDoCaYSwVw


Oct 25, 2017

View: https://x.com/haaretzcom/status/1793997880480432292

This is behaviour of a dark regime. Vengeful retribution towards West Bank Palestinians over 3 countries recognizing a Palestinian state is the most vindictive cruel and devilish thing. This oppressive occupying regime is desperate to not lose their power over the people they subjugate. So they turn to threatening the Palestinian community in the West Bank who go out of their way to not upset their oppressors even if they are regularly terrorized. I'm running out of words to describe such evil.

Such an unhinged response from this regime but not surprised at this point. They've been trying to accelerate settlements and annexation of the West Bank now too.

I guess no SCOOPs or leaks yet? Thats a shame.

View: https://x.com/TorontoStar/status/1794118889791451292

With a loss already certain for Trudeau in the next election I had hoped he would at least go out swinging on the right side of history. His statement is not ferocious or anything but it is pretty strong for him.

Good. Its remarkable how doing the bare minimum as abiding by international law is seen as breaking from the US or doing something courageous. How far these countries have fallen.
Jan 20, 2024
On the topic of the CBC:


CBC has whitewashed Israel’s crimes in Gaza. I saw it firsthand ⋆ The Breach

Working for five years as a producer at the public broadcaster, I witnessed the double standards and discrimination in its coverage of Palestine—and experienced directly how CBC disciplines those who speak out

The executive producer peered at me with concern. It was November 16, 2023 and I had been called into a virtual meeting at CBC. I was approaching my sixth year with the public broadcaster, where I worked as a producer in television and radio.

He said he could tell I was "passionate" about what was happening in Gaza. His job, he told me, was to ensure my passion wasn't making me biased. He said I hadn't "crossed the line" yet, but that I had to be careful. The conversation ended with him suggesting that I might want to go on mental health leave.

I declined. My mind was fine. I could see clearly what was happening.

Earlier that day, I had spoken out in a meeting with my team at CBC News Network—the broadcaster's 24 hour television news channel. It was six weeks into Israel's siege and bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which had, at the time, killed over 11,000 Palestinians, the majority of them women and children. Legal experts were already suggesting that what was taking place could be a "potential genocide," with an Israeli Holocaust scholar calling it "a textbook case."

I expressed concern to my team about the frequency of Palestinian guests getting cancelled, the scrutiny brought to bear on their statements, and the pattern of double standards in our coverage. After this, I pitched a reasonable and balanced interview: two genocide scholars with opposing views discussing whether Israel's actions and rhetoric fit the legal definition of the crime.

Senior colleagues sounded panicked. My executive producer replied that we had to be "careful not to put hosts in a difficult position." They wanted time to consult with higher-ups before making a decision. A few hours later, I was sitting across from the same executive, being warned about "crossing the line."

Besides, I naively told myself, it would be easier for me to dissent than most of my colleagues. I am of mixed Jewish heritage, having been raised by a father who fled the Holocaust as a young child and dealt with the life-long trauma and guilt of surviving while his family members were murdered by the Nazis. It would be more challenging, I believed, for cynical actors to wield false accusations of antisemitism against me.

I turned out to be wrong.

While producers distressed by the CBC's coverage of Gaza were speaking in whispers, pro-Israeli colleagues felt comfortable making dehumanizing comments about Palestinians in the newsroom.

In one case, I heard an associate producer speak disparagingly about a guest's decision to wear a keffiyeh for an interview before commenting that "[the host] knows how to handle these people." This guest had dozens of family members killed by the Israeli military in Gaza.

It seemed the only Palestinian guest CBC was interested in interviewing was the sad, docile Palestinian who talked about their suffering without offering any analysis or solutions to end it. What they did not want was an angry Palestinian full of righteous indignation towards governments complicit in their family's displacement and murder.

At this stage, I was starting to feel nauseous at work. And then one Saturday night, that sickness turned into anger.

I had been asked to finish production on a pre-taped interview with a "constructive dialogue" researcher on incidents of campus hostilities over the war and how to bring people together—the sort of interview CBC loves, as it's a way to be seen covering the story without actually talking about what's happening in Gaza.

I carried out the task in good faith, writing an introduction leading with an example of antisemitism and then another of anti-Palestinian hate, taking care to be "balanced" in my approach. But my senior producer proceeded to remove the example of anti-Palestinian hate, replacing it with a wishy-washing "both sides" example, while leaving the specific serious incident of antisemitism intact. He also edited my wording to suggest that pro-Palestinian protesters on Canadian campuses were on the "side" of Hamas.

I overheard the host thank the senior producer for the edits, on the basis that incidents of antisemitism were supposedly worse. While the introduction of these biases into my script was relatively minor compared to some other double standards I witnessed, it was a tipping point.

The news media in just about every major western nation is utterly broken and corrupt. And that's why, as Romney said, the States is moving to ban tik tok or forcing them to sell to western interests; because they can't control the narrative on it otherwise.
Oct 28, 2017

Italy to resume UNRWA funding as Gaza faces humanitarian crisis


Italy to resume UNRWA funding as Gaza faces humanitarian crisis

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani says most of the $38m funding will be allocated for food in Gaza.
Italy has announced it will restore funding for the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) months after it suspended aid to the agency over Israeli allegations linking UN staff to the deadly October 7 attack.

Rome joins several Western donors in resuming aid after an independent review of UNRWA, led by French former foreign minister Catherine Colonna, found that Israel had not provided any evidence to back its claims.

Mustafa also held talks with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during which the Italian prime minister told Mustafa that Rome supported efforts towards a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza, the release of Israeli captives held by Hamas and improved humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza, her office said in a statement.
Oct 28, 2017

Mediated Israel-Hamas talks on hostage deal expected next week, source says

Mediated negotiations between Israel and Hamas to reach a deal to free Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip are due to restart next week, an official with knowledge of the matter said on Saturday.

The decision to restart the talks, said the source, who declined to be identified by name or nationality given the sensitivity of the issue, came after the head of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency met with the head of the CIA and the prime minister of Qatar, which has been a mediator.

"At the end of the meeting, it was decided that in the coming week negotiations will open based on new proposals led by the mediators, Egypt and Qatar and with active U.S. involvement," the source said.


Digital Dumpster Diver
The Fallen
Jan 23, 2018
IOF ghouls doing very normal things in Palestinian libraries and mosques:

View: https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1793756431881294035

View: https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1793967431922421918

As usual, they'll get at best a slap on the wrist for making the terrorist army look a little worse on social media.

What comes to mind are the artifacts and history stored in libraries/museums. I don't suppose there was any possibility to preserve anything


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Interesting NYT Oped about how the ICC ruling could be used "to offers Biden a chance to rescue his failed Gaza policy."

I think this is a gift link so you can read it for free.

Biden's Chance to Do the Right Thing in Gaza

NYT Opinion - Biden's Chance to Do the Right Thing in Gaza

I agree with this. The ICJ ruling can give Biden an out. It'll be messy, and he'll have to face a shit ton of blowback, but he has a chance for an easy pivot here, by literally doing what Trudeau is doing and agreeing with the ICJ.


Oct 30, 2017
I agree with this. The ICJ ruling can give Biden an out. It'll be messy, and he'll have to face a shit ton of blowback, but he has a chance for an easy pivot here, by literally doing what Trudeau is doing and agreeing with the ICJ.

I hope that part of the Democratic party starts pressuring him to do this. Obama would have sided with international institutions long ago, especially when the scale of war crimes became clear.

Biden is an extremist and won't budge until he's forced to. The party has some leverage, but they've shown no willingness to use it. Even establishment Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi were ready to throw Netanyahu under the bus long before the ICC charges.

Biden has always been a hardliner on this issue, and Obama administration had to sideline him during talks to Israel due to his extremist views and total geopolitical ineptitude. He repeatedly undermined Obama to suck up to Netanyahu, a man who still treats him like a chump and still wants him to lose the next election (which is why the GOP invited him to speak to Congress).

The global rebuke of Biden's failed Israel strategy, and the decision to rely on international courts instead, makes it painfully clear that Biden is legally, morally and geopolitically wrong.

Obama's defense secretary Robert Gates put it best.
Biden also cited [Gates] to argue that he has been right on how to handle Israel even though his views were rejected [as VP]. Gates wrote that Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

In an early discussion about Israel, another senior U.S. official said, Biden playfully slapped the arm of an aide next to him and asked: Who's wrong now?
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Oct 28, 2017

At least 10 people killed in drone attack on Gaza school used as shelter

At least 10 people, including children, died in Gaza on Saturday after a drone strike hit the school they were sheltering in, according to local health workers.

The Al-Nazla school in Saftawy, on the outskirts of Jabaliya, was being used as a temporary shelter by people fleeing violence when the strike took place.

An eyewitness, Saleh Al-Aswad from Jabaliya, told CNN that his son-in-law is being treated for injuries sustained during the attack.

He added that a "man making bread for his children, thinking this was a safe space" was killed along with his daughter, Afnan, and his son, Mohamed.

CNN footage shows health workers at the Sheikh Radwan clinic tending to bodies wrapped in white sheets.

One health worker shows the body of the deceased toddler Mohamed with injuries to his face.
Oct 28, 2017

US and UK to back Israel over ICJ ruling after blurring their Rafah red lines


US and UK to back Israel over ICJ ruling after blurring their Rafah red lines

Having initially vowed to oppose any offensive, Washington and London are showing signs of having backed down
The US and the UK will reject the international court of justice order directing Israel to end its offensive on Rafah after slowly blurring their red lines that once stated that they could not support a military offensive in Rafah.

The deputy foreign secretary, Andrew Mitchell, told MPs on Monday "the UK could only support a constructive plan for Rafah that complies with international humanitarian law on all counts".

The select committee chair, Liam Byrne, cited the movement of 800,000 people: "If that is not significant, then what is?"

Mitchell replied that the UK was doing what it could do to help with aid, adding the fact "800,000 had chosen to go of itself would not lead us to make a change in the assessment" of whether a serious breach of IHL had occurred.

The US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, took a different line in a briefing with reporters on Wednesday, indicating that he had been briefed by Israeli officials and by Israeli professionals on refinements to the Rafah plan that would achieve its military objectives while taking account of civilian harm.

It seems, according to interpretation, that the US either feels it has persuaded Israel to adjust its plans to make them acceptable or, faced with an Israeli fait accompli that the invasion would proceed regardless of Washington's objections, the US has effectively backed .

The US and the UK have also shifted ground on responsibility for the lack of aid reaching Gaza, another central part of the ICJ ruling. Mitchell told MPs on Monday that the amount of aid reaching Gaza was "woefully inadequate". The foreign secretary, David Cameron, said: "While there has been some progress in some areas of humanitarian relief, Israel must do more to make good its promises, and I am pressing them on this directly."

But the US and the UK are now saying aid is not entering Rafah because of a dispute between Egypt and Israel, placing no greater responsibility on Israel even though it is the occupying power.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Interesting NYT Oped about how the ICC ruling could be used "to offers Biden a chance to rescue his failed Gaza policy."

I think this is a gift link so you can read it for free.

Biden's Chance to Do the Right Thing in Gaza

NYT Opinion - Biden's Chance to Do the Right Thing in Gaza
I've given him a shout out before but Nicholas Kristof is a breath of fresh air in the regular foreign policy columnists that the NYT usually hosts. He's always been consistent in his values and I do respect his work.


Oct 28, 2017
This is kind of wild.

Israel's military probes video appearing to show reservist calling for mutiny against defense minister

Israel's military probes video appearing to show reservist calling for mutiny against defense minister

The Israeli military said it was launching an investigation Saturday after a video was posted on social media that appeared to show a reservist calling for a mutiny against the country's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

The behavior documented in the video, which was shared on Telegram by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's 32-year-old son Yair, was a "serious violation of IDF orders and IDF values, and constitutes a suspicion of criminal offences," the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement.

"In regard to the incident, the Chief of Military Advocate General Corps ordered the opening of an investigation by the Military Police Criminal Investigation Division," the statement added. "At the same time as the investigation, in view of the seriousness of the incident, the Chief of Staff ordered an immediate command dialogue at all levels."

View: https://x.com/gantzbe/status/1794423931257970778

Soldiers from all parts of Israeli society serve in the IDF, as the people's army, with a variety of views and beliefs - but there is only one top command rank: the Chief of Staff. Expressing support for the call for rebellion during wartime and in general, as in the video published yesterday - harms Israel's security. I call on the Prime Minister to clearly and unambiguously condemn the sedition video and not to hide behind a laundromat of words. This is how the entire leadership in Israel should do.

Deleted member 24854

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
This is kind of wild.

Israel's military probes video appearing to show reservist calling for mutiny against defense minister

Israel's military probes video appearing to show reservist calling for mutiny against defense minister

View: https://x.com/gantzbe/status/1794423931257970778

Oh we're so having a coup in Netanyahu's favor sooner rather than later if he's allowed to keep his shit going on. Openly defying the defense minister because they want extermination, look at that.
Oct 28, 2017
This is kind of wild.

Israel's military probes video appearing to show reservist calling for mutiny against defense minister

Israel's military probes video appearing to show reservist calling for mutiny against defense minister

View: https://x.com/gantzbe/status/1794423931257970778

The IDF is a genocidal machine. Most of the organization is committed to it. This is why they keep openly documenting their own crimes on social media, and why their soldiers are now threatening to revolt if the war stops.
Oct 28, 2017

Famine in Gaza should be officially declared: Joint statement


Israel’s war on Gaza updates: ‘More than 30’ killed in Rafah strike

The Israeli army bombed a displacement camp in south Gaza, the Gaza Civil Defence said, killing and wounding dozens.
More than 70 international organisations are calling on all authorities and international institutions to officially declare a famine in Gaza, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has said in a statement.

Food security levels have significantly declined due to the Israeli army's ground operation in Rafah which began on May 7, the organisation said.

"The entire population in the Gaza Strip, including the governorates of Deir al-Balah, Khan Yunis, and Rafah, are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity, with half of them in … the disaster/famine stage," the statement said.


Oct 28, 2017
The IDF is a genocidal machine. Most of the organization is committed to it. This is why they keep openly documenting their own crimes on social media, and why their soldiers are now threatening to revolt if the war stops.

Oh absolutely. They operate without consequence. Not just for half a year in Gaza but generally there are no consequences for any crime the IDF commits. This is an ethno fascist fighting force that is given killing support and political cover by the most powerful military power in the world. It's a nightmare scenario and I don't know how it can be stopped.


Oct 28, 2017
What a confusing clusterfuck this administration is on Palestine.

View: https://x.com/BarakRavid/status/1794737765852057733

"You are saying we are committing crimes against Palestinians? Well then we will commit more crimes against them how do you like that!"
Israel does this all the time. Any criticism at all results in criminal action against Palestinians.

The U.S. constantly pulling punches just feeds Israel's belligerence. They don't take Biden seriously at all. They laugh at him.


Oct 28, 2017
When it rains it pours don't usually get so much news on a Sunday. This thread is nuts and the implications are terrifying.

View: https://x.com/haaretzcom/status/1794724407484776457

Blowing up homes without permission and spreading political messages identified with the far right. What is photographed and distributed is only the tip of the iceberg

The vast majority of offenses are committed beyond the range of cameras, and in the vast majority of these cases, the army responds weakly if at all. Some of the incidents are serving ICJ prosecutors as proof of the allegations against Israel

I don't know there is more of a justification for international intervention than a fighting force run amok.

Deleted member 24854

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
What a confusing clusterfuck this administration is on Palestine.

View: https://x.com/BarakRavid/status/1794737765852057733

"You are saying we are committing crimes against Palestinians? Well then we will commit more crimes against them how do you like that!"
Israel does this all the time. Any criticism at all results in criminal action against Palestinians.

The U.S. constantly pulling punches just feeds Israel's belligerence. They don't take Biden seriously at all. They laugh at him.

You'll notice none of the Israeli response was aimed at the countries that recognized the statehood of Palestine. They could even that what-abouted how poorly Spain handles issues of self determination in its own territory, but no: every single time, they took it out on Palestinians. "Well if you like Palestinians so much you can build an embassy in Ramallah and we'll stop providing them consulate services".

It's maddening.
Oct 28, 2017

The U.S. Built a $320 Million Pier to Get Aid to Gazans. Little of It Has Reached Them.

An ambitious U.S. effort to get aid into Gaza via a floating pier in the Mediterranean Sea has gotten off to a sluggish start, facing many of the same logistical challenges that have throttled broader attempts to ease the humanitarian crisis in the besieged Palestinian enclave.

The Pentagon spent $320 million and engaged 1,000 soldiers and sailors to open a major maritime corridor last week, delivering on President Biden's promise in March that the U.S. military would install a temporary dock off the Gaza coast for cargo ships to unload food, water and other supplies. Fourteen ships from the U.S. and other countries are involved in a mission supported by humanitarian groups and several nations including Israel.

But in the first week of operations, only 820 tons of aid was delivered through the pier, of which around two-thirds reached distribution points within Gaza, the Pentagon said Thursday. That is roughly equivalent to 71 truckloads—far below the initial target of 90 truckloads a day, and about 15% of the estimated minimum daily need for a population of more than two million people facing crisis-level acute food insecurity.

The dock suffered another setback Saturday. Part of the support system for a floating pier broke off on Saturday morning amid choppy waters off the Gaza coast, the U.S. military said in a statement.

One step to improving aid to Gaza came Friday when Biden secured a commitment from Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to resume shipments of U.N.-provided assistance for civilians in the southern part of the strip.

That aid is funneled through Egyptian territory to the Kerem Shalom crossing in Israel. Egypt had been holding back that assistance to try to pressure Israel to end its Rafah operation. Another border crossing at Rafah remains closed.

U.S. officials have said that the floating pier, soon after achieving its initial target, would expand capacity to enable 150 trucks a day to enter Gaza, assisting at least 500,000 people a month. Sullivan denied that the current lower levels indicated poor planning, blaming it instead on "a dynamic environment."

Scaling up the operation could prove difficult.

The maritime corridor is a cumbersome system with multiple potential bottlenecks. Food, medical supplies and other goods from around the world are sent by air or sea to the island nation of Cyprus, where the aid is screened and packaged onto shipping pallets in the small port of Larnaca. A large military or commercial ship then transports the pallets some 200 miles across the Mediterranean Sea to a floating platform built by the U.S.

There, the pallets are put into trucks, which are driven onto smaller military vessels that carry them about 6 miles to a floating U.S.-built causeway secured to the beach by Israeli army engineers. The trucks drive a few hundred feet down the causeway and onto the beach. In a zone protected by Israeli soldiers, aid workers transfer the pallets onto a separate fleet of trucks that are used by aid groups to complete the final leg to warehouses and distribution points inside Gaza.

Weather poses a particular threat. Choppy waters in the Mediterranean Sea could damage the pier and make it unsafe for people to be on it, military officials have warned. Storms delayed installation of the pier for several days and could interrupt operations again. The summer is expected to be mostly calm, but if the pier survives until September it will likely have to stop operations around then and be dismantled.


Oct 26, 2017

View: https://twitter.com/AJABreaking/status/1794814291750629767
Al Jazeera Reporter : 28 martyrs and dozens injured, including children, in an Israeli bombing that targeted a camp for displaced people northwest of Rafah.

Beware, horrific images are coming out of this. I wish I haven't seen anything.
This after the ICJ's order, the murderous pieces of shits.

I was checking the hashtag for any updates and the footage is gut-wrenching and mostly of children.
The fire was still blazing, too, hindering aid and rescue efforts.


Oct 25, 2017
The Pier "to nowhere" if you will. What a gigantic waste of money. The money would have been better spent as direct aid to Palestine and their hospitals

$300M for a PR stunt is a drop in the bucket for the 10s of billions the US has provided to Israel. There are probably nefarious reasons for this pier that we've yet to see however.