
Jun 21, 2019
To the extent it's starting to illuminate itself more
clearly, I suppose it's a "good" thing, using the term very loosely.

But a lot of us have been calling Biden a coward and a ghoul for a while now and it's because this sort of thing has been very consistent behavior from him. He's weak, at best. He'll occasionally give status quo lip service ("we should try to limit civilian casualties") - brilliant stuff, very deep - and that seems to convince a lot of people that it's all well and proper, and that Biden is doing everything he can. Because he says Israel is being naughty, but then gives them the money to be naughty anyway. How hard must Netanyahu be laughing? Is anyone surprised he has absolutely zero respect for Biden? Why would he?

Biden doesn't care. He never has. He's a pure politician, like something out of a satirical movie. We're just in a situation where the other candidate is that as well, except substantially more demented and hateful.


Jun 21, 2019
This begs the question that I would hope any logical person would ask after watching this: what is it if not genocide? Collateral damage? Even if you were to entertain that notion how the fuck could any reasonable person accept this much civilian death as collateral damage? It's just absurd.

It's easy when you don't view Palestinians as human beings, but just a statistic, and a statistic you don't even take seriously because you always caveat it by saying it's coming from the "Hamas Health Ministry."

Biden did the same exact thing early on, last year. Denied the increasing civilian death toll as Hamas propaganda, till they realized, oops, it's real. Then he had to backpeddle and apologize like an imbecile.

I have no respect for this man. One of our weaker presidents, really just putty in the hands of whoever gets in his ear, so easily able to be manipulated, so soft and malleable in the face of any political adversity. Just weak, despite the memes.
Jan 15, 2019
He thought saying the word ceasefire was going to be some sort of magic spell to sweep this under the rug as an intraparty issue. I don't think I can recall a situation in my lifetime where a US president was so clearly on the wrong side of history. As another poster said, if this isn't genocide, then what is it?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Red line for invading Rafah and continuing the genocide? Don't make me hold back a couple bombs. Nah just kidding, have at it.

Red line for issuing request of arrest warrant for prime minister invading Rafah and continuing the genocide? Absolutely, you crossed this red line that was actually absolute this time, prepare to suffer the full consequences of the US government's maximum response.
Last edited:


May 16, 2020
How can you even 'fundamentally reject' an arrest warrant issued by an organisation you aren't even involved with? Even our asshat lame-duck PM Sunak has gone on record as saying he would comply with the order if it is endorsed.

Seafoam Gaming

One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017

Great. Here I am in fucking iowa with no hope at being able to do anything to try and help the situation in gaza (nobody in my state cares lmao, and this state is as red as they come since our 2022 red wave wiped out a lot of dems here) and this genocidal loser refuses to call thousands of deaths the fucking genocide it is even with students all over protesting and gen Z constantly warning him they will not back him if he doesn't use his power to try and do FUCKING ANYTHING about this genocide.

I am not in good faith voting for a man who let tens of thousands of people fucking die and did NOTHING to stop it and seems increasingly desperate to lose the election on purpose.

God I'm so mad. I lurk here often. I barely speak, because I have little to say, I dont think I'm the only one. But this pissed me off enough I can't resist anymore. Really hate having no power to do anything in my state, and i long gave up on donating money once all the aid started getting vandalized/blocked and I felt like the money i did donate near the start of the conflict might as well have been set on fire.

This whole war literally made me lose my ability to pray because prayers do fucking nothing, and each month getting worse and worse. I genuinely don't even feel like going on sometimes because of how depressed I get. I barely escaped dying from an abusive situation in my youth, so hearing so many kids perish just really stings so hard I don't think anyone in this thread would ever be able to fathom just how hard the news like that would hit a near death survivor like me. anytime I hear about something particuarly bad my drive for the entire day just evaporates and now that's almost a daily event. I am sick of fucking everything

I remember in 2021 when the flareup happened that summer, which got me aware of the conflict. I also noticed a bunch of media like some gaming sites and other smaller groups in indie circles were vocal and willing to pledge support and donate to gaza. Kinda pisses me off how now it's worse than ever yet most of those bigger sites that vocally supported the people of gaza back in 2021, are suddenly quiet about the blatant genocide going on now. If action like that could wake me up to the conflict in 2021, there's no excuse for Gamespot and the like to not be rallying together and call attention to this to do something about it on a bigger scale, to let others be aware of the horrors going on. Because quite frankly outside of this thread and reuters I haven't been able to find the best live feeds of this thing...


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands

View: https://x.com/BabaUmarr/status/1792697342728310801

View: https://x.com/justfp/status/1792743426657775826

(first video is the whole 30 min interview, second is the specific section)

WOW. Western leaders are really the worst fucking kind of trash, but this one was trying to get an award. Words are not enough to describe this, and hell won't be hot enough either. Racist pieces of shit, this really made my blood boil. Ugh.

Oh wow.

That's so in your face and not even hiding it. How disgusting.
May 9, 2018
How can Biden officially acknowledge the Armenian genocide and less than 2 years later deny the existence of this one? Is it a numbers game? Not enough Palestinians have died yet? Do we, as a species, need to wait for decades to pass in order to look back and see things for what they were?

The mental gymnastics and effort required to try and change the meaning of "genocide" can be put to better use.

Good luck in November, piece of shit.


Jun 21, 2019
How can Biden officially acknowledge the Armenian genocide and less than 2 years later deny the existence of this one? Is it a numbers game? Not enough Palestinians have died yet? Do we, as a species, need to wait for decades to pass in order to look back and see things for what they were?

The mental gymnastics and effort required to try and change the meaning of "genocide" can be put to better use.

Good luck in November, piece of shit.

It's more than that, the ICC charge stops short of including genocide (legally, that's a harder conviction), so Biden's also denying the lesser, albeit still severe charges. Which are also different from what Hamas is charged with, so this kneejerk reaction from him that there's some automatic equivalency there from the ICC is yellow journalism coming out of the president's mouth.


Oct 25, 2017
Compilation of statements by leaders/foreign ministries on the ICC proposal:

View: https://x.com/Alonso_GD/status/1792554249924042865

Respectful/supportive: Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, France, Maldives, Slovenia, South Africa, Ireland, Chile

Respectful but complains about "false equivalence" (because Palestinian lives are clearly worth less to these ghouls): Germany, Austria

Against: Czech Republic, Israel, US, Hungary, UK

I see the "false equivalence" talking point has gone global.

Wonder what Canada is gonna do

✅ Covers up report showing Israel is not complying with international laws

✅ Admonishes student protestors, doesn't speak up when they're subjected to violence and scolds them instead

✅ Praises the police after weeks of horrific brutality by them around the country against pro palestinian students and other peaceful protestors

✅ Genocide denial

✅ Sowing distrust in the ICC, casting doubt on IHL

The lines between Biden and the worlds despots are slowly blurring. This is the type of response you'd expect out of Trump or another foreign fascist.

He is truly an irredeemable, racist piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
So Germany tolerates the call of the ICC, but openly doesn't like it.

Auswärtiges Amt zur Beantragung von Haftbefehlen am Internationalen Strafgerichtshof

Zur Beantragung von Haftbefehlen durch den Chefankläger am Internationalen Strafgerichtshof erklärte ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts heute (20.05.): Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof ist eine…

Their statement only condemns Hamas and doesn't care about the deportation, mass killings and destructions in Gaza

By simultaneously requesting arrest warrants against the Hamas leaders on one side and the two Israeli officials on the other, the inaccurate impression of an equation has arisen. However, the court will now have to evaluate very different circumstances, which the chief prosecutor has explained in detail in his request.
The Hamas leaders are responsible for a barbaric massacre, in which on October 7 in Israel men, women and children were deliberately murdered, raped and abducted in the most brutal manner. Hamas continues to hold Israeli hostages captive under unspeakable conditions, attacks Israel with rockets and abuses the civilian population in Gaza as human shields.
The Israeli government has the right and duty to protect and defend its population against this. It is clear that humanitarian international law with all its obligations applies.

The last point strongly doesn't apply, but my country simply hates muslims and arabs more than jews.


Oct 27, 2017
I see the "false equivalence" talking point has gone global.

Wonder what Canada is gonna do

✅ Covers up report showing Israel is not complying with international laws

✅ Admonishes student protestors, doesn't speak up when they're subjected to violence and scolds them instead

✅ Praises the police after weeks of horrific brutality by them around the country against pro palestinian students and other peaceful protestors

✅ Genocide denial

✅ Sowing distrust in the ICC, casting doubt on IHL

The lines between Biden and the worlds despots are slowly blurring. This is the type of response you'd expect out of Trump or another foreign fascist.

He is truly an irredeemable, racist piece of shit.

Biden you fucked yup big time.


Oct 25, 2017

Just blows my mind that the entire point of him as VP for Obama was supposedly his foreign-policy bona fides...
Yet now after becoming president his foreign policy legacy will range from constant gaffes, unforced errors, walking back "red lines", actively supporting genocide, and the complete destruction of the "rules-based international order."

Motherfucker should get an arrest warrant along with Blinken and Austin, but some animals are more equal than others...


Dec 4, 2018
Looks like Biden decided that being more pro-Israel will give him more votes than it costs.
But that said, the USA was never fan of the ICC. I believe under Bush an law was made that allow the us to invade the Hague to free US citizens that are brought to the ICC


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA


Oct 28, 2018

Israeli soldiers and police tipping off groups that attack Gaza aid trucks

Exclusive: Members of security forces giving settlers who intercept vital supplies information on location of convoys, group says
Individual members of Israel's security forces are tipping off far-right activists and settlers to the location of aid trucks delivering vital supplies to Gaza, enabling the groups to block and vandalise the convoys, according to multiple sources.

Settlers intercepting the vital humanitarian supplies to the strip are receiving information about the location of the aid trucks from members of the Israeli police and military, a spokesperson from the main Israeli activist group behind the blockades told the Guardian.

The claim of collusion by members of the security forces is supported by messages from internal internet chat groups reviewed by the Guardian as well as accounts from a number of witnesses and human rights activists.

Those blocking the vehicles say the aid they carry is being diverted by Hamas instead of being delivered to civilians in need a claim relief agencies reject.

Rachel Touitou, a spokesperson for the Israeli group Tzav 9, said the group had been blocking trucks as they made their way through Israel since January, on the grounds that the aid they carried was "hijacked" by Hamas once it reached Gaza.

"When a policeman or soldier's mission is supposed to protect Israelis and instead he is sent to protect humanitarian aid convoys – knowing it will end up in the hands of Hamas – we cannot blame them or civilians who notice the trucks passing by their towns for providing intel to groups trying to block that aid. Yes, some of our intel comes from individual members of Israeli forces," Touitou added.

Videos last week showed aid convoys blocked and vandalised by Israeli settlers at the Tarqumiya checkpoint, west of Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. The incident, in which activists threw boxes of supplies to the ground, sparked outrage, with the White House condemning the attack as "completely and utterly unacceptable behaviour".
Palestinian lorry drivers delivering aid to Gaza have described to the Guardian "barbaric" scenes" after their vehicles came under attack, claiming that Israeli soldiers escorting the convoy did nothing to intervene.

Yazid al-Zoubi, 26, a Palestinian lorry driver who was attacked by the protesters last week at Tarqumiya checkpoint, said: "There is full cooperation between the settlers and the army. We are shocked and surprised that the army did not provide us with any kind of protection. Even though they were present and watching what was happening. The army was at the service of the settlers."

Two soldiers from Israel's Home Front Command refused an order to evacuate protesters who blocked aid trucks in the Makhash area last week, according to the IDF. One of them was sentenced to 20 days in prison, Israel's national broadcaster, Kan, reported.

An IDF spokesperson said: "A female reserve fighter refused to carry out a task to maintain order in an area that was defined as a closed military area and as a result she was brought to disciplinary proceedings accordingly. The fighter was convicted of the crime of refusing an order. This is an incident that is not consistent with what is expected of IDF soldiers while fulfilling their mission."

Footage of the incident obtained by the Guardian appears to show Israeli soldiers escorting the convoy, taking no action against the settlers.
The same settlers and far-right activists often notify their members in advance about the times and locations that aid trucks are heading towards Gaza, citing that they receive this information from the Israeli police and military.

In one such message seen by the Guardian, far-right activists alerted members that they would "receive preliminary information about the planning of moving trucks, from border crossings' soldiers and police".

In another message in a settler WhatsApp group, a member wrote on Sunday: "I received information from an officer in the IDF that they bring the trucks in front of Ofra [a settlement] into Bitin [a Palestinian village]."
Sapir Sluzker Amran, an Israeli human rights lawyer who last week visited the Tarqumiya checkpoint to document the settlers' actions and to prevent the aid from being looted, said she was beaten and slapped by a settler and that Israeli security forces did nothing to stop the assault.

"The settlers had guns and knives," Sapir said. "I asked the IDF soldiers to stop them as what they were doing was illegal, but they asked me to leave. At some point, as I was trying to prevent an aid truck from being vandalised, a settler slapped me very hard and went away. I filmed him and took photos of him. I went to the police and asked them that I needed their help as I wanted to press charge against the man. Again, they asked me to leave. The Israeli forces let the man who attacked me free to vandalise the trucks."


Oct 27, 2017
I'm reading the text of the bill and it's interesting that the claimed main sticking point is that US nationals would be subject to jurisdiction for actions taken in signatory countries even though the US hasn't ratified the treaty. While they're right, isn't usual for international treaties to apply that way, it does align with the philosophy of foreign nationals being subject to local law.

Deleted member 24854

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Compilation of statements by leaders/foreign ministries on the ICC proposal:

View: https://x.com/Alonso_GD/status/1792554249924042865

Respectful/supportive: Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, France, Maldives, Slovenia, South Africa, Ireland, Chile

Respectful but complains about "false equivalence" (because Palestinian lives are clearly worth less to these ghouls): Germany, Austria

Against: Czech Republic, Israel, US, Hungary, UK

I see the "false equivalence" talking point has gone global.

Notice how all it took was individual responsibility and material consequence to be mentioned for upheaval to start. Countries that otherwise abstained or maybe even supported a ceasefire or Palestine membership in UNGA were quick to "express concern" over this.