
Oct 27, 2017
I needed to come in here and read some comments because quite frankly the way it's being talked about in the other threads is genuinely infuriating.

Like people do not have a right to be genuinely angry about this and voice that rage?

Give me a fucking break.
Man, some of the things I've seen. They think it's selfish if someone chooses to not cast a vote for either because of the situation. I've been very aware of the things happening in Gaza and sometimes the things that come across my feed make my stomach churn. I cannot for the life of me imagine calling people selfish for standing on that position even with everything on the line. Especially people with family/heritage in gaza.
Jan 18, 2018
The lack of a thread about the event is kind of surprising. Like it's pretty big news that a genocidal international criminal gave a speech and our leaders just fucking clap? The way folks in the political thread speak about folks angry about this fills me with so much disappointment and ire but at this point I should let be surprised but eh, it's my fault for expecting people to be better.


Nov 19, 2017
He also made us do his literal dirty laundry. Its remarkable how much the US just lets this fucking guy do whatever he wants. So goddamn spineless.
"Heh, I wonder what they really mean by that metaphor—are you fucking kidding me!?"

Schumer and Jeffries were absolute idiots to agree to invite this asshole. It doesn't benefit Dems at all. Even saw someone on a Jewish subreddit complaining that Dems not attending the speech means they're anti-Israel. Only Republicans can benefit from this asshole's visit.

I'm so fucking tired of this country that's supposedly an ally with a government that wants to drag everyone into the abyss with them. Netanyahu is only hurting Israelis and Jews worldwide with his bullshit.

But I'm not going to abstain from voting out of spite. I'm going to vote for the US having a future first and then work toward breaking the hold of the Israel lobby. Abstaining and letting the US burn down isn't going to make things better for anyone.
Oct 28, 2017

Gaza ceasefire negotiations appear to be in closing stages, senior US official says

Negotiations on a ceasefire-for-hostages deal in the Gaza conflict appear to be in their closing stages and U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will discuss remaining gaps on Thursday, a senior U.S. official said on Wednesday.

The official, briefing reporters ahead of their talks, said the remaining obstacles are bridgeable and there will be more meetings aimed at reaching a deal between Israel and Hamas over the next week.

The senior U.S. official said both Israel and Hamas still have some issues to resolve but that a deal is close in which a six-week ceasefire would take place in exchange for the release of women, elderly men and wounded hostages over a 42-day period.
Biden will hold talks with Netanyahu and then later in the day Vice President Kamala Harris will have a separate meeting with the Israeli leader.

The senior U.S. official said both Biden and Harris are "completely aligned" on U.S. policy toward Israel and Gaza.

"The Israelis will hear full alignment," the official said.


Jul 6, 2023
The lack of a thread about the event is kind of surprising. Like it's pretty big news that a genocidal international criminal gave a speech and our leaders just fucking clap? The way folks in the political thread speak about folks angry about this fills me with so much disappointment and ire but at this point I should let be surprised but eh, it's my fault for expecting people to be better.

I was wondering if there was a thread about the speech, but I guess I'm not surprised there isn't one. People don't want to think too hard about how normalized the violence the US exports is, I suppose.
Jan 18, 2018
Don't get me wrong I intend to keep doing my part (attending protests, contacting politicians, making donations etc) but it's hard not to feel deflated in situations like this. I agree that we have to keep fighting.
I know. Especially when the sentiment even amongst the blue is "that's how it is, there's no point and if you question or criticize anyone for not speaking out it's a purity test and you're naive to want people not to die, nobody cares and the ones who do are in an era bubble yada yada yada".
It's an ugly thing and nothing new. Black and brown people have always been a political pawn in western politics. Our right to live debated on and questioned, disposable and invisible. Mutable when it makes the whites uncomfortable.
Progress is something to be given and not something to be taught for in the eyes of the masses, in increments only. Don't ask for too many rights, that's unrealistic and foolish. Play the game that's killing you and hopefully when there's 10 of you left we'll care enough care enough about your humanity that we'll watch an award winning film about your struggles.

I find myself losing faith in folks, but I've been reading about civil rights leaders this past year and it's consistent. They were called fools and naive and entitled just for wanting to do what's right for people.
I was wondering if there was a thread about the speech, but I guess I'm not surprised there isn't one. People don't want to think too hard about how normalized the violence the US exports is, I suppose.

Anything having to do with Palestine seems to be tucked away to be easily ignored
Nov 1, 2017
There's still a lot of hero Joe momentum going from several people on here so I'm not surprised to see the lack of much discussion on it the day he gives his speech. Having said that though, it's still annoying that some keep feigning, or worse are sincere, with their rush to still shield him and constantly talk about him being the greatest president with some "missteps" or "has some policies I disagree with" etc.

I'm hoping that we can maintain this momentum so that we pull through and preferrably get a trifecta in the election. I keep holding out hope that at that point people will be more honest in their views of him and his ongoing role in the genocide. All these innocent people aren't coming back and for many a lifetime of living disabled without proper resources is coming if they don't succumb to dowsing disease and famine. Beyond the obvious of what they deserve, proper respectful acknowledgement of the reality of the situation and condemnation of those responsible is owed.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm so incandescent with rage at the grotesque spectacle of the address that I can only experience it in the reflection of articles and comments here. It's so painful to know this is our world; this is the United States government in full-throated support and celebration of vile genocide and the dehumanisation of an entire people. Support of one of the world's greatest monsters who they armed and protected and enabled as much as they could. At least many Democrats did not attend but nowhere near enough.

Kelly and anyone else who cheered is dead to me forever.


Oct 25, 2017

These families have gone through so much. Are pro Israelis going to call the family members hamas as well?

There's still a lot of hero Joe momentum going from several people on here so I'm not surprised to see the lack of much discussion on it the day he gives his speech. Having said that though, it's still annoying that some keep feigning, or worse are sincere, with their rush to still shield him and constantly talk about him being the greatest president with some "missteps" or "has some policies I disagree with" etc.

I'm hoping that we can maintain this momentum so that we pull through and preferrably get a trifecta in the election. I keep holding out hope that at that point people will be more honest in their views of him and his ongoing role in the genocide. All these innocent people aren't coming back and for many a lifetime of living disabled without proper resources is coming if they don't succumb to dowsing disease and famine. Beyond the obvious of what they deserve, proper respectful acknowledgement of the reality of the situation and condemnation of those responsible is owed.

The uncomfortable truth is many liberals dont care about an issue unless white people are impacted. Gaza is a tragedy, a humanitarian disaster, as if they're suffering the effects of a natural disaster. Israeli victims are humanized by the media and have their lives are celebrated. Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemeni, and other middle eastern victims are just statistics. And when the statistics go beyond a certain line, its just a misstep, as if theres an acceptable number of casualties.

Israelis, and by extension, American and European perpetrators are justified. Palestinians meanwhile are not allowed to resist or speak out or protest or do anything aside from being the perfect victims, dying slowly and quietly while liberals can only mourn this tragedy they are apparently unable to do anything about.
Jan 18, 2018
These families have gone through so much. Are pro Israelis going to call the family members hamas as well?

The uncomfortable truth is many liberals dont care about an issue unless white people are impacted. Gaza is a tragedy, a humanitarian disaster, as if they're suffering the effects of a natural disaster. Israeli victims are humanized by the media and have their lives are celebrated. Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemeni, and other middle eastern victims are just statistics. And when the statistics go beyond a certain line, its just a misstep.


They are ‘civilised’, ‘European’ and ‘look like us’: the racist coverage of Ukraine | Moustafa Bayoumi

Are Ukrainians more deserving of sympathy than Afghans and Iraqis? Many seem to think so
Yup. If you ain't white your death is alright. America don't care about brown or black people. They always talk about how violence isn't America like they didn't commit genocide against the natives and black folks weren't slaves for 400 years.
"this violence is unamerican" like I'm not working over 40hrs a week to fund a genocide against brown folks overseas.
Like folks ain't buying phones they don't need made possible by the slave labor and abuse of people in the Congo.
Like america didn't assassinate civil rights leaders and have public lynchings with barbecues and kid participation.
America is violent by nature and a lot of people are only their most morally just after the smoke is cleared. When shits actually going down they wanna stay quiet and comfortable.
After the fact it's oh how could this happen? We've learned and know better.


Jan 17, 2018
The congress giving a standing ovation to Netanyahu is one hell of a grotesque imagery, an actual stuff of nightmares scarier than any horror movie has any hope to be, the most successful child killer in recent history being honored by self-imposed purveyors of peace, law and democracy.

Not surprised it doesn't have a thread tho. Does it even matter? The threads about ICJ ruling and Knesset outright stating that there will never be a Palestinian state on their watch barely got any traction. Era has choosen its side and Palestine is simply not part of that side's equation.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
The giant ones in EtcetEra about Harris and the other I can't remember off the top of my head.

It was just very frustrating.

I don't doubt you. The ones that really care about Palestinians in here are in the minority. Heck we seem to be chastised a lot by many in here if we dare not to obstruct our concern only within the parameters of this and only this thread only.


Oct 25, 2017
The congress giving a standing ovation to Netanyahu is one hell of a grotesque imagery, an actual stuff of nightmares scarier than any horror movie has any hope to be, the most successful child killer in recent history being honored by self-imposed purveyors of peace, law and democracy.

Not surprised it doesn't have a thread tho. Does it even matter? The threads about ICJ ruling and Knesset outright stating that there will never be a Palestinian state on their watch barely got any traction. Era has choosen its side and Palestine is simply not part of that side's equation.

ERA is mostly Americans and currently a lots of people here care only about US's domestic politics aka elections in few months. Everything else, including on going genocide of Palestinians, takes backseat because elections are more important. While Biden was still de facto candidate it was assumed in election threads that you vote Biden no matter what, and if you had concerns about e.g. Biden's unquestioning support of genocide you got piled on for "wanting / enabling Trump to win".

If someone said "Genocide Joe" it also always was doozy in any thread remotely related to elections.


Oct 28, 2017
The congress giving a standing ovation to Netanyahu is one hell of a grotesque imagery, an actual stuff of nightmares scarier than any horror movie has any hope to be, the most successful child killer in recent history being honored by self-imposed purveyors of peace, law and democracy.

Not surprised it doesn't have a thread tho. Does it even matter? The threads about ICJ ruling and Knesset outright stating that there will never be a Palestinian state on their watch barely got any traction. Era has choosen its side and Palestine is simply not part of that side's equation.
It's horrific. I have no faith in humanity anymore.


Sep 14, 2022
How important is it to keep Israel armed and militarily relevant to keep Iran at bay and developing nuclear weapons? I don't follow this, but I did watch some of the speech the PM was referring to. This is completely separate from the ugliest shit I've seen they've been doing in Gaza which I actually been following. It's disgusting how they praise their cause I guess and don't get punished. I'm afraid they never will. I guess my question is does this really keep Iran at bay or create a new problem?


Jan 17, 2018
ERA is mostly Americans and currently a lots of people here care only about US's domestic politics aka elections in few months. Everything else, including on going genocide of Palestinians, takes backseat because elections are more important. While Biden was still de facto candidate it was assumed in election threads that you vote Biden no matter what, and if you had concerns about e.g. Biden's unquestioning support of genocide you got piled on for "wanting / enabling Trump to win".

If someone said "Genocide Joe" it also always was doozy in any thread remotely related to elections.
Yeah. It was inconvenient then and it remains so now. I hope people will reflect upon it at some point in the future, but I don't believe it's going to happen. And if Harris is not elected Arabs, Muslims and the left are going to be blamed for it.


Oct 25, 2017
How important is it to keep Israel armed and militarily relevant to keep Iran at bay and developing nuclear weapons? I don't follow this, but I did watch some of the speech the PM was referring to. This is completely separate from the ugliest shit I've seen they've been doing in Gaza which I actually been following. It's disgusting how they praise their cause I guess and don't get punished. I'm afraid they never will. I guess my question is does this really keep Iran at bay or create a new problem?

Israel is usually the one who flies into Iran's airspace and bombs facilities Israel / USA suspect being used to produce materials for nuclear weapon. It plays into Israel owns interests in the region, as in being only power with arsenal of nuclear weapons, but they also project US's power and interest in the area through actions like bombing Iran.

If and when intent to keep Iran from getting a bomb is through bombing Iran then yeah, it's in USA's interest to keep providing Israel with cutting edge military equipment. Obama tried something else than violence, and got tons of shit for it and over time deal he managed to broker was destroyed. Now we are back to bombing Iran every now and then.


Oct 25, 2017
The lack of a thread about the event is kind of surprising. Like it's pretty big news that a genocidal international criminal gave a speech and our leaders just fucking clap? The way folks in the political thread speak about folks angry about this fills me with so much disappointment and ire but at this point I should let be surprised but eh, it's my fault for expecting people to be better.

Feels like every step forward for a while has needed a step back in some other way that people will have to sweep under the rug. I knew it would happen but a standing ovation...
Nov 1, 2017
These families have gone through so much. Are pro Israelis going to call the family members hamas as well?

The uncomfortable truth is many liberals dont care about an issue unless white people are impacted. Gaza is a tragedy, a humanitarian disaster, as if they're suffering the effects of a natural disaster. Israeli victims are humanized by the media and have their lives are celebrated. Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemeni, and other middle eastern victims are just statistics. And when the statistics go beyond a certain line, its just a misstep, as if theres an acceptable number of casualties.

Israelis, and by extension, American and European perpetrators are justified. Palestinians meanwhile are not allowed to resist or speak out or protest or do anything aside from being the perfect victims, dying slowly and quietly while liberals can only mourn this tragedy they are apparently unable to do anything about.


They are ‘civilised’, ‘European’ and ‘look like us’: the racist coverage of Ukraine | Moustafa Bayoumi

Are Ukrainians more deserving of sympathy than Afghans and Iraqis? Many seem to think so
Yup. If you ain't white your death is alright. America don't care about brown or black people. They always talk about how violence isn't America like they didn't commit genocide against the natives and black folks weren't slaves for 400 years.
"this violence is unamerican" like I'm not working over 40hrs a week to fund a genocide against brown folks overseas.
Like folks ain't buying phones they don't need made possible by the slave labor and abuse of people in the Congo.
Like america didn't assassinate civil rights leaders and have public lynchings with barbecues and kid participation.
America is violent by nature and a lot of people are only their most morally just after the smoke is cleared. When shits actually going down they wanna stay quiet and comfortable.
After the fact it's oh how could this happen? We've learned and know better.
Ain't either one of you lying. That's why I said hopeful but I don't honestly believe in my heart or head that it will come. Just wanting people to be better. I've seen and heard too much vile shit to actually be optimistic.

Hell the universal "he won't be remembered for that" from some forgets that for a portion of their fellow citizens, that's going to be passed down through the generations. Maybe it won't be in whitewashed textbooks but it will be known to the people most affected by it. My school textbooks and white teachers talked about Malcolm X like he was problematic, but no black person in my family or that I knew was having any of that.

Same will be true for Palestinian Americans, Muslims, and anyone who can empathize because of horrors that have and continue to target their own people. For them, the ones responsible will always be remembered and condemned for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
The congress giving a standing ovation to Netanyahu is one hell of a grotesque imagery, an actual stuff of nightmares scarier than any horror movie has any hope to be, the most successful child killer in recent history being honored by self-imposed purveyors of peace, law and democracy.

Not surprised it doesn't have a thread tho. Does it even matter? The threads about ICJ ruling and Knesset outright stating that there will never be a Palestinian state on their watch barely got any traction. Era has choosen its side and Palestine is simply not part of that side's equation.
A genuine fuck-off for all the dismissive bullshit whenever this gets brought up.

That footage was vomit-inducing.


Oct 25, 2017
If studies and polls are to believed then Gen Z, at least male Gen Z'ers, swing hard to the right. They probably love seeing Palestinians being slaughtered.

I used to manage a semi large discord and this is my experience with Gen Z males in the West. I don't have experience with Gen Z elsewhere because I am active mainly in English Speaking communities.

I won't say they love to see Palestinian slaughter but they are more edgy and embrace trollish behaviors, memes more. Even those who are PoC. The world could be nuked and they would dive down straight to make memes to get validations through edgy humour.


Oct 27, 2017
Seen some clips of him getting applauded on social media, and it's just embarrassing god damn..

I don't see how any country can take the US seriously on any peace / human right issues.
Oct 28, 2017

Israeli army says it has recovered bodies of five hostages killed on October 7 from Gaza


Israeli army says it has recovered bodies of five hostages killed on October 7 from Gaza

The Israeli Defence Forces announced on Thursday that they had found the bodies of five hostages killed during the October 7 attacks who have been held in Gaza ever since. Corpses of a kindergarten teacher…
Israeli forces recovered on Wednesday the bodies of five hostages killed in Hamas' Oct. 7 attack and held in Gaza since, the Israeli military said.

Maya Goren, a 56-year-old kindergarden teacher, was killed during the attack on her kibbutz, Nir Oz, according to Israeli Army Radio, one of the communities worst hit in the deadly attack in southern Israel that triggered the devastating war.

The other four hostages were two reserve soldiers and two conscript soldiers killed in combat during the Oct. 7 attack, the military said.

Their bodies were retrieved from the area of Khan Younis in southern Gaza, where Israeli forces launched new raids this week.


Dec 7, 2017
Weird how all the dead hostages the IDF have recovered have been dead all along and not one has died in the time Bibi has been sabotaging the shit out of everything.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm disgusted. What a world. To stand up and clap endlessly for a murderous monster. Even the killing of babies isn't sacred. Even that doesn't give these adults pause. I'm sick to my stomach.


Nov 12, 2017

Only thing I can think of really. Fuck all of them. Fuck the US warmongers and fuck zionism. May all of it rot and carry the bodies with it


Oct 27, 2017
I always knew that the US will be in Israel's corner no matter who is in charge, but this display was such a massive shitting on all of the international law institutions America claims to uphold and defend.
We all know it in this thread but it is of course the perennial adage about the law protecting and not binding the in-group but binding and not protecting the out-group; US not only see domestic law like that, but international law too. It is solely there for their benefit and convenience, their ends, nothing else.


Jan 17, 2018
We all know it in this thread but it is of course the perennial adage about the law protecting and not binding the in-group but binding and not protecting the out-group; US not only see domestic law like that, but international law too. It is solely there for their benefit and convenience, their ends, nothing else.
I guess what surprises me here is not the act itself but how open they are. It's like a show and their massage to the entire world is "we know what you think, we don't care".


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
I'll believe it when I see it.

Netanyahu's speech was some dystopian shit, as expected. "No civilian casualties," conflating protestors with being pro-Hamas and calling them "useful idiots" for Iran, trying to spin his genocide as a patriotic war we need to help him with, saying he won't rest until all the hostages are home even though he himself has sabotaged that idea several times, asking PUBLICLY for more weapons to kill more Palestinians and trying to make it sound like something heroic. This motherfucker is the slimiest man on the planet. I wish I went to DC to protest like I originally planned.

Fuck this nightmarish ghoul and get him the hell out of my country. Seeing my own leaders clap for this man is the most disheartening thing I've seen in a long time, but that's probably because I've become numb to seeing headlines about Palestinian deaths.