Is Wonder Woman a classic of the genre?

  • Yes, you're opinion is bad OP and you should feel bad

    Votes: 39 10.1%
  • You right OP

    Votes: 29 7.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 30 7.8%
  • No

    Votes: 288 74.6%

  • Total voters

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
When this movie came out, a lot of people were praising it to high heaven. One of the best superhero movies evah! And in some ways, I get why. This is the first competently made female led superhero film, the previous bar for female led superhero films was Catwoman, Elektra, and Supergirl. This movie was important for a lot of people.

Similar to Black Panther, I felt like this movie got overly praised by critics because of it's cultural significance. Having said that, I think Black Panther is a legitimately great superhero film, and it's in my top 3 MCU flicks. I certainly think it's a much stronger film than Wonder Woman. But I will also contest my superhero opinions don't always align with the norm, for instance I really like the first Thor film but don't care for Ragnarok, I prefer Spider-Man 1 over 2, Infinity War has a really choppy flow and Endgame is a lot better, etc.

But going back to Wonder Woman, I've always found it to be pretty middling. Not bad, just okay. The first act on the island is filled with a lot of unconvincing acting and accents (though the little girl playing Diana is adorable), and Gal doesn't sell the training scenes to me. I just see an actress trying really hard to act strained. Also, Robin Wright is great, but her attempt at an... Israeli (?) accent to match Gal's accent doesn't work, resulting in a stiff performance.

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Where the film shines is in it's second act, where we get the fish out of water story with Diana traveling through Mans world, and bonding with Steve Trevor because their chemistry is great.

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The highpoint of the film is the No Mans Land scene, which is a pretty inspirational moment.

But that leads to another complaint about the movie, how the action is directed. A lot of it is slo-mo, and it's the kind of slo-mo that doesn't benefit the scene, it's just done for the sake of appearing "stylistic," and instead ends up being intrusive.

Then we get to the final act, which just doesn't work for me. The movie seems to be setting up a message that mankind did this war to themselves, not Ares. But then we get the big reveal that completely walks back on that by saying sike, it was Ares all along! Then we get a hilariously over the top climax with Wonder Woman fighting Ares. It reminded me of the heavily criticized climax in 2013's supremely underrated "The Wolverine" (which I actually like more than this movie) yet this seems to get a pass?

Let's talk about Ares. I love David Thewlis, but I legitimately felt a little embarrassed for him during the end fight scene. He's spouting lines like "THEN I WILL DESTROY YOU" (shades of Jeremy Irons in Dungeon and Dragons) and he just can't make it work. Visually the final battle is as ugly as the Doomsday fight in BvS.

My favorite thing is how you'd think his Remus Lupin look was just a disguise, but no it's actually his true form (I think I've made a thread on this before)

I laughed when the movie flashes back to ancient times, and he's still rocking a stash!

So yeah, pretty middle of the pack movie. I'd say this is the same tier as Captain America 1 or Thor 1, but I like those movies more as well. My super hot take is that this isn't too far off in terms of quality from it's sequel, Wonder Woman 1984. A lot of people absolutely hated the latter film but I thought it was perfectly okay like this one, despite the problems.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Why the fuck do people make shitty polls that don't match their titles/posts.
Oct 27, 2017
Nah, it is pretty meh. I think the comparison to the first Captain America movie is pretty apt. A few good scenes in an overal mediocre movie with a terrible third act. And I agree that Captain is a bit better.

Now Birds of Prey tho…
Bor Gullet

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Nah, it is pretty meh. I think the comparison to the first Captain America movie is pretty apt. A few good scenes in an overal mediocre movie with a terrible third act. And I agree that Captain is a bit better.

Now Birds of Prey tho…

I actually quite like Birds of Prey, it's my favorite DCEU flick. Was surprised to find out it's not well liked on Era


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
It's classic of the DC Cinematic Universe genre, yes.


Oct 25, 2017
When the movie first came out I thought it was slightly above average. I have not rewatched it since.

As a DC fan, it kinda irked me how weak the Amazonians were. If this were in the comics, any one of them would have been able to take out the army forces on their own. Felt like they were weakened just to give Diana some loss and have it make sense why she was the only one fighting, but I felt that could have been handled in a different way.

The whole final part with Ares was a mess too.

Also nothing to do with the film itself, but I am retroactively unhappy with Gal Gadot playing Wonder Woman given some of the crap she has come out with.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved the first Wonder Woman, even if the final act is middling. Never saw '84 though.

Liked it much more than the first Cap.

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, WW 2017 is a very by-the-numbers movie that I wasn't impressed by. (No Man's Land is the star of the movie and is really really great, but everything else is very meh.)

In comparison however, it's better than WW '84. I will probably never watch that movie ever again, and parts of me hated that I watched it the first time.

Birds of Prey was my favorite DCEU flick until The Suicide Squad. I really enjoyed TSS more than I initially thought I would.

But back to the OP: I agree. WW 2017 is nowhere near a classic. At all. I had more fun with Black Widow, and BW was very meh as well. (How is her family more energetic and fun than the star? I can't wait to see more of Florence Pugh in her role.)


Oct 25, 2017
I went in expecting another Batman v Superman so I came away from it initially with high praise. Over time though its flaws have become more apparent to me (like the bad romance and mediocre action)

However I think people are missing something. I remember that Ares said that he only gave humans the ideas for the weapons but he did not convince them to use those weapons. I think the movie was still trying to convey the message that mankind is violent and war was always inevitable.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, third act shits the bed too hard. It was noteworthy in that it was better than a lot of the awful DC films before it, but in a vacuum it's only okay

Demonic Drape

Sep 10, 2021
Yes it is.

People bring up the cg 3rd act but hand wave the black panther cg 3rd act.

Both films are classics of the genre.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol Thor 1 isn't even in the same tier as WW.

Is it a classic? Like The Dark Knight? No.

Is it a good film that could've been great if not being held back by it's finale? Yes.


Oct 25, 2017
No Man's Land rules but Gal Godot's performance is god-awful IMO throughout. The film is saved by some decent hand to hand choreo and action and some fun secondary characters, but it has maybe one of the absolute worst final acts of any modern critically acclaimed comic book flick.

I didn't think it was great at the time and I still don't, only now I have even more issues with Gal Godot than I did before.


Oct 25, 2017
WW1 is a legit good movie. It's pretty well directed and written. Something I can't say about it's sequel.

As far as comparing it to Captain Marvel, CM's story structure automatically makes it inferior to WW1.
Yes it is.

People bring up the cg 3rd act but hand wave the black panther cg 3rd act.

Both films are classics of the genre.
They handwave it from Shang Chi as well.


Oct 30, 2017
It's good but in no way a classic. Significantly better than Captain America and Thor though. And I don't even dislike those films.


Oct 25, 2017
It was mediocre as hell when it first released and I remember being piled on here for saying so.


Oct 27, 2017
i think there was simply an element of surprise about it being decent, coming off BvS and sentiment around DCEU back then


Mar 9, 2020
That's an understatement lol.

That CG was fucking awful. And not to blame the CG house, they clearly gave them zero time to do it.

Yup. It was pretty clear Marvel wasnt willing to put the same amout of ressources behind a movie with an all-black cast compared to their other productions.


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
I saw it in theaters and didn't like it.

I felt bad because it was the first big superhero movie with a female lead. But I think that's all it had going for it. Gal Gadot is atrocious.

Comparing it to Cap or Thor, I find Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth to be much more entertaining lead characters. Thor has Portman and Loki, Cap has Tommy Lee Jones, and Red Skull/Hugo Weaving. WW has Chris Pine who I find underwhelming.
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▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
I enjoyed it, but no. Nothing in it really makes me think, "that was a really great scene."


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think anything that's like 4 years old can be considered a classic unless I were a hamster or maybe a dog.

The movie was just ok to me though. The final battle was boring but that seems par for the course with these movies.


Nov 25, 2021
When she decides to charge out of the bunker and everybody follows her I get chills, so yeah it scratches that superhero itch.


Mar 25, 2021
I think it got praise at the time because it was a DC film that followed the Marvel formula and was fun. Chris Pine carried Gal, but she's charming enough that it makes up for her acting.

The third act was terrible though and went full DC (dark, hard to see, terrible looking CGI), so it would be a somewhat mode tier Marvel movie if it belonged to that universe. But for a DC universe movie it's right up near the top.

Then DC fucked up by releasing a filler sequel as they have no plan whatsoever for these characters now that Justice League has tanked.
Dec 12, 2017
I thought it was decent, and think that No Man's Land is definitely a classic scene. But the ending was so disappointing. It's a no for me.

EDIT: Gal Gadot is a bad actress and the movie succeeded in spite of her.
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Oct 27, 2017
The No Man's Land sequence single-handedly makes the movie really good but the ending single-handedly keeps it from ever being truly great.

Also I've said it before and I'll say it again: Gal Gadot is a female Taimak. She's a completely wooden actress that managed to stumble into a movie where said awkwardness can be easily played off as childish naivete.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Got actively annoyed with it on first watching, though the watch itself had personal life issues surrounding it which affected things so I gave it some slack.

But no, going back to it still don't like it. That final third still annoys me to no end and Gal is just a terrible lead for the film.

I also don't like No Man's Land. Exact same Slow-Mo nonsense that wasn't good in BvS and Wonder Woman's theme song is one of the most grating annoying songs out there.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
It's an entertaining film, but it won't be remembered the way movies like Superman and Spider-Man were, no.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually quite like Birds of Prey, it's my favorite DCEU flick. Was surprised to find out it's not well liked on Era
BoP is also my favorite DCEU and is the quintessential female-led comic book movie IMO. WW just bored me, and I was way more into Chris Pine's character than the actual lead of the movie.
Oct 27, 2017
i fucking love that Ares has a mustache.

The No mans land section was kind of corny to me, as was the movie as a whole, but I think it had a solid heart to it. It kept alternating between good and cheese, so I wouldn't say it's a shining example but it's a competent movie with good chemistry between the leads and a decent arc for the main character