
Oct 27, 2017
12/7 update: Just bumping this to show another excellent use of the symbol:


---End 12/7 update---

(Excluding platform symbols like the Switch symbol)

EDIT: There is confusion about what I mean by "best-used." I don't mean most iconic, nor do I mean best looking. Basically, given the symbol was created 20 years ago, and given the series and reach it represents, the devs, designers and marketing team utilizing the symbol over the past 10 years have really made the most of the established symbol. It's been excellently handled in terms of making it cool (the slash+flames), recognizable to its audience (placing it before nearly every trailer), and hype-inducing (again, placing it before nearly every trailer), and they have used it in creative, memorable ways (e.g. putting it in the eye, making it the smash ball, etc.).

If you think a game's symbol has been handled better by its devs and marketing team, post it here and what they've done (there's an excellent example on the second page of the MK symbol being cleverly used).

Hope this clears up what I mean.

--Original post--

I think so.

It's simple. It uses the rule of thirds. And it's often stylish and kinetic:

The symbol was instantly recognized by everyone:

Just listen to how quickly people cheer (and it's this way in every single reaction video):

Even my 5-year-old son recognized it instantly, and he's barely played the game.


Obviously there are more iconic symbols (e.g. the Triforce), but I think Smash has used its symbol the best, at least so far as marketing and style is concerned.

Do you think another symbol beats it?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
I kinda like the way it looks but does it mean anything? Do the lines represent something or is it just random? Sorry for ignorance just wondering.

Edit—Triforce is still #1 for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Its hype in its purest simplest form. No other symbol in gaming have brought so much hype, the melee trailer, the brawl/snake trailer, the sonic trailer, the smash 4/megaman trailer, the bayonetta trailer, the ryu trailer, the cloud trailer and now this inklings trailer.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I kinda like the way it looks but does it mean anything? Do the lines represent something or is it just random? Sorry for ignorance just wondering.
I always took it as a reference to being a "cross"over, but it can be used as slashes in combat, like the Smash 4 trailers would do.
Dec 22, 2017
No doubt. The smash slash is also one of the most iconic gaming sound effects. Smash is one of the best marketed franchises in all of entertainment.


Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo made it super hype with Smash 4 cut-ins, and that Switch reveal trailer only improved from there.

Yeah, I don't know what is.

I guess that blame lies with Valve letting Half-Life rot.

The symbol was well-used in Half-Life 2, where it's presence would symbolize secret caches for Gordon to find.


Oct 27, 2017
Smash arguably has the best marketing ever for a series.

But it helps its all star series with a couple super mainstream characters.


Oct 28, 2017
Smash arguably has the best marketing ever for a series.

But it helps its all star series with a couple super mainstream characters.

Not only that, it's great marketing for lesser-known Nintendo franchises. When I was but a little Nintendo junkie, Smash 64 convinced me to play F-Zero X, Star Fox 64, Kirby 64, and Metroid Prime.


Oct 28, 2017
Don't think I have ever seen i before. Or, as I have played a bit (not much) Smash, I guess I have? But I haven't really noticed it at all. So I would disagree.
Jan 4, 2018
I don't really like the Smash logo, but I suppose it is relatively iconic. I find the GoW Crimson Omen pretty recognizable, as well as the Half Life Lamda, but Half Life hasn't been relevant in over a decade. Tri-force and Pokeball are also really good answers.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it's pretty crazy how recognizable and hype inducing it is, considering it's a completely abstract symbol compared to other game icons people are mentioning. The Triforce is a very important part of the Zelda series. Mario's hat and the 1 up mushroom are visible constantly in game. The Metroid S is used as a power up place holder. But the Smash logo has no real connection to anything tangible in the series other than maybe being a vague reference to the window in the opening cutscene of Smash 64.

While the Smash logo is on the Smash ball from Brawl onwards, the symbol was established and codified long before this item appeared, and it is a reference to the logo itself rather than the logo referencing something in game.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I feel like some people are forgetting the question is about whether it's the "best used" logo, and not if it's the "best" logo or "most recognisable".

In that regard, I can't think of any other logo that has been used as well as the Smash logo.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
(Excluding platform symbols like the Switch symbol)

I think so.

It's simple. It uses the rule of thirds. And it's often stylish and kinetic:

The symbol was instantly recognized by everyone:

Just listen to how quickly people cheer (and it's this way in every single reaction video):

Even my 5-year-old son recognized it instantly, and he's barely played the game.


Obviously there are more iconic symbols (e.g. the Triforce), but I think Smash has used its symbol the best, at least so far as marketing and style is concerned.

Do you think another symbol beats it?

Idk what the symbol symbolyzes or why its made of fire but the inkids seem to be afraid of it


Oct 25, 2017
No, of course not. Smash isn't even that big a selling series. Its fans are insanely passionate, but Smash really isn't a huge system seller or draw outside of it's fanbase.

Most gamers wouldn't recognise it.