Imagine paying standard game price for five full games, three of them brand new, in today's gaming climate.
Valve did just that but in 2007 with The Orange Box, a package containing Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2, those being brand new at the time, as well as Half-Life 2 and HL2 Episode 1.
That's five world-class games, some of the genre defining, in a single package for the normal price of a game at the time.
Unheard of then and unheard of now.
If that isn't the best deal in all gaming to this day then I'd like to know what is.
Valve did just that but in 2007 with The Orange Box, a package containing Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2, those being brand new at the time, as well as Half-Life 2 and HL2 Episode 1.
That's five world-class games, some of the genre defining, in a single package for the normal price of a game at the time.
Unheard of then and unheard of now.
If that isn't the best deal in all gaming to this day then I'd like to know what is.