Is MCU Wanda/Scarlet ireedemable?

  • Yes

    Votes: 153 40.8%
  • No

    Votes: 222 59.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
She tried to destroy multiple entire timelines and murdered thousands of people on-screen. We didn't even know Iron Man's mother.

They needed to write a better story, then. Because "I don't care how many universes I destroy as long as I'm allowed to kidnap another woman's children" is a shitty motivation for someone "going through grief". She's a monster and should not come back.
Wait, did I forget something? When did she cause the end of entire timelines? To my understanding she looked through the multiverse for her kids but she only dreamwalked into 838 which could have caused an incursion.


Oct 25, 2017
"Most of Kamar-Taj"?
Okay, let me rephrase "excluding people from other universes and sketchy magical warriors"? Like, sure that's not great, but I think with some community service and therapy, she could be integrated into the Avengers again. Besides, assuming she isn't dead (which would kinda make this discussion moot anyway), it's probably better to have the scary psycho witch on your side rather than on anyone else's.
Feb 24, 2018
No, she's not "irredeemable", because morality and ethics aren't math problems.
This. I've holding my tongue on this but I'm so sick of "redemption" is discussed in media recently (and I didn't like it before) because people really do treat it like if you say sorry or do something "nice" or good (that may have nothing fucking to do with what your originally did wrong), you're absolved of all wrong doing and don't have to face justice. Like it's a fucking karma system in a video game; and it's perfectly okay to gas light your victims and treat THEM as the baddies for not forgiving you (especially if their written to be a shitty as possible or just make them straight up villains to downplay the protagonists past actions).

So many writers treat redemption as free from consequences, free from fault, free from taking any responsibilities for what they've done and honestly I'm just going say it, that's such hack writing to me; so damn cheap; like it's bad when even Digimon Adventure 02 of all things does a redemption arc better then most modern works.

What's extra infuriating is this attitude isn't just fiction, people apply this logic to real life, treating people who have done horrible shit as "redeemed" because they gave to charity or said something nice; making it perfectly okay to gaslight and vilify their victims for not forgiving them or accepting their apology, refusing to date them, want to be friends etc.

Sorry for the rant.


Oct 26, 2017
Nope, but I still want to see her again anyway. One of my favorite characters and I enjoy her being batshit and somewhat evil. From the moment she said "You were pulling your punches" in Cap3 I was like "YESSSSSS, fuckemup!"

Yo... You gotta watch those 2 seasons its like the best thing out of the MCU since endgame. Plus it puts a fitting closure on the Loki character in ways I didnt think possible. The dude was nigh irrelevant to me until that series. Its incredible what they did to that character. The only other character in the MCU that had that impressive of and arc + conclusion was Ironman.

Seriously, if you have time, check it out.


Nov 27, 2020
Whatever they're doing with her they need to speed it up before Avengers 5 and Secret Wars. Loki and Bucky had multiple movies and their own shows to atone for their deeds. Wanda needs something. Here we are 2 years out from DS2 with no hint of her return.

But I'm certain Agatha will plant the seeds of her resurrection.


Sep 18, 2018
I feel like WandaVision and MoM did a lot to try and argue her worst impulses were outside her control. Like, will the general public forgive her? Probably not, but the general public is stupid. Will the Avengers invite her back and not treat her as an outcast if they find her alive? Definitely.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. She's a literal horror movie villain now.

They'll just use some mutliversal shit to reintroduce a new Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver with Magneto later on anyways.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

She's fine.
Apr 20, 2022
Yes. She went on a killing spree that wiped out many sorcerers, sorcerers who play a role in keeping our universe safe. Indirectly she's weakened earth magic defences. While dream walking she's killed plenty in other universes, we saw her destroy the Illuminati of 1 universe and she likely attacked the universe of the Dr Strange that dies at the beginning. Dream walking is said to destroy universes via incursions and considering she's adept to dream walking it is likely she could've induced incursions.

Basically Wanda was much more dangerous than Thanos


Jul 14, 2019
Yes because not only did she not learn from what she did in Wandavision where I don't think she killed anyone, she immediately doubled down on what she did previously and then also became a mass murderer in Multiverse of Madness.


Oct 25, 2017
It's comic books so no of course not. The point isn't a forever continuous story it's seeing what kind of interesting story you can tell with an established character and sometimes you don't fully worry about absolute continuity especially when it comes to morality of past deeds.
Apr 20, 2022
Clearly they weren't very good defenses if they were taken out by one person, I for one think it's great she provided them with a much needed wake up call.
In their defence they were up against the most powerful witch ever in the world, powered up by an infinity stone AND knew knowledge of a book written by an ancient evil powerful being so I think they deserve a liiiiitle bit of leeway lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Can she be redeemed? Yeah, sure, there's a work around or character building arc that would let her.

Is it realistically possible? Lol, no.