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Deleted member 57990

User requested account closure
Jun 18, 2019
First of all, since it's so unusual, I should probably explain why Xbox is currently my primary platform for playing games. Like every other right-thinking person I was disgusted by Microsoft's behaviour at the start of this gen, and didn't plan to get an Xbox One. I only did so because the people I play online with all decided to stick with Xbox - because of this I kind of naturally gravitate towards getting single-player games there too. That, and my PS4 Pro's cooling fan is mind-bendingly loud, so I try to only use it when I have absolutely no choice.

Why do I think Phil Spencer needs to get more aggressive? I follow him on Twitter, and he's an extremely affable and courteous gentleman, giving praise when he thinks it's due regardless of whether it's to a competitor or not. He recently tweeted the video of the Unreal Engine 5 demo, saying he's looking forward to seeing it used in Xbox Series X games. He didn't acknowledge that the video was obviously co-sponsored by Sony, and those involved avoided referencing Xbox like their jaw would fall off if they did. He really shouldn't be so supine about it, he should be a bit pissed off and driven to do something in response that specifically serves his customers.

Also, Xbox gets excluded from the general conversation about video games time and time again. Recent examples include the Wonderful 101 Kickstarter and Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Xbox owners couldn't share in the excitement about these big events, because the companies involved consider the platform and its users unimportant. I'm sure Phil bangs the Xbox drum as best he can when he goes on his port-begging tours of Japan, but he needs to do more.

He needs to, for starters, get back the Call of Duty co-marketing deal - the way CoD went from being utterly synonymous with Xbox last gen, to where it's now an afterthought compared to the Playstation version is just... unfathomable.

He should acknowledge that overhyping the Inside Xbox "Next Gen Gameplay Reveal" was a mistake, and pledge that we'll get what we wanted to see in the June first party showcase (assuming that's true).

He should start to try to compete directly with Playstation, because at the moment it's like they're not even playing the same sport.

If cross-platform multiplayer become more prevalent next gen, then it's extremely likely I'll not even need to buy an Xbox to be able to play with my online friends. It'll be a shame to wave goodbye to Xbox after all the good times I've had with it, but Phil needs to justify Xbox's existence in the world's gaming ecosystem. If he can't do that, then maybe it doesn't deserve to be.


Oct 27, 2017
Console wars are silly and I think Phil has a great attitude about how games are for everyone.
Berating the competing company isn't in line with that same attitude.

I'd rather games be celebrated and shared as a common medium for us to enjoy and not constantly be a pissing contest between brands and their minions.


Jun 14, 2018
Personality wise, he isn't going to change and that's for the best. Humble and hungry is what I see Spencer as and it's a good image for Xbox division.

Agressive wise, I am not sure I mean more than doubling your studios in 2 years and designing a beast of a machine. Gamepass and soon xCloud. That's all pretty aggressive to me.


Self-requested ban
Apr 9, 2018
To get marketing deals for the biggest games he would need to be the market leader.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know what you would expect him to say in public about UE5 that he didn't say. He's not going to 'go off' on Epic publicly.

I feel this is a bit of a case of short term sentiment that comes and goes. People get antsy when one company is perceived to be 'up' and the other 'down' and this seems to change from week to week. I'm sure Phil Spencer has his own plans that he's quite confident in.


Oct 26, 2017
Console wars are silly and I think Phil has a great attitude about how games are for everyone.
Berating the competing company isn't in line with that same attitude.

I'd rather games be celebrated and shared as a common medium for us to enjoy and not constantly be a pissing contest between brands and their minions.
This is the correct take.


Oct 27, 2017
Random guy on resetera vs a Microsoft executive who's been in the business like 20 years... I'll choose Phil Spencer. He knows what's he's doing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
It's not his style. Dude's just happy to be at the table which is what I like about him.


Oct 28, 2017
I think so. He has done a great just stabilizing the brand and getting it where it should be. Now it's time to really start putting pressure and it seems like he might when it comes to price. We will wait and see what first party looks like in July to see where they stand.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
Console wars are silly and I think Phil has a great attitude about how games are for everyone.
Berating the competing company isn't in line with that same attitude.

I'd rather games be celebrated and shared as a common medium for us to enjoy and not constantly be a pissing contest between brands and their minions.
This. Plus Xbox has self-evidently got a lot more bolshy where it actually matters: spending a shit tonne of cash on expansion and quality studios and tech. That's worth infinitely more than a marketing deal.

Deleted member 10847

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Console wars are silly and I think Phil has a great attitude about how games are for everyone.
Berating the competing company isn't in line with that same attitude.

I'd rather games be celebrated and shared as a common medium for us to enjoy and not constantly be a pissing contest between brands and their minions.

First post quality.


Nov 17, 2017
Console wars are silly and I think Phil has a great attitude about how games are for everyone.
Berating the competing company isn't in line with that same attitude.

I'd rather games be celebrated and shared as a common medium for us to enjoy and not constantly be a pissing contest between brands and their minions.

This is where I'm at.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Why do I think Phil Spencer needs to get more aggressive? I follow him on Twitter, and he's an extremely affable and courteous gentleman, giving praise when he thinks it's due regardless of whether it's to a competitor or not. He recently tweeted the video of the Unreal Engine 5 demo, saying he's looking forward to seeing it used in Xbox Series X games. He didn't acknowledge that the video was obviously co-sponsored by Sony, and those involved avoided referencing Xbox like their jaw would fall off if they did. He really shouldn't be so supine about it, he should be a bit pissed off and driven to do something in response that specifically serves his customers.

There was no mention of AC Odyssey during the Xbox event, it's just marketing deals. UE5 is already confirmed to be Multiplatform anyways.

Also, Xbox gets excluded from the general conversation about video games time and time again. Recent examples include the Wonderful 101 Kickstarter and Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Xbox owners couldn't share in the excitement about these big events, because the companies involved consider the platform and its users unimportant. I'm sure Phil bangs the Xbox drum as best he can when he goes on his port-begging tours of Japan, but he needs to do more.

FF7 Remake is a time exclusive so not much he can do there, but no one is buying games like Wonderfull 101 (probably most Japanese games) on Xbox. It's a small release so they really can't waste money on that.

He should start to try to compete directly with Playstation, because at the moment it's like they're not even playing the same sport.
That's because they don't, every Xbox game is going to be available on PC and on Gamepass day and date. They don't have the same business model.


Apr 26, 2020
I'm not blaming you for anything, because I know you're not a fanboy for either console, but I feel like this thread will bring bad energy from trolls.

To answer your question, I think Phil Spencer is doing fine. I feel he's being aggressive in ways regarding services, accessibility and player options, which may not be enough for some, but I think it's gonna work out better for gaming in general in the long run.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
losing COD lost them like 40 million players at least it feels like.

They could have purchased 20 new studios. It wouldn't have made up for losing COD


Nov 10, 2019
Phil should stop hyping up every little thing to oblivion, other than that he's doing great.


Nov 27, 2018
To be fair the ff7 remake is similar to what you were mentioning with the unreal engine 5 stuff where Sony and the company obv have an agreement. Most likely that game will come out on the xbox as well so I don't think that's really even worth mentioning when it comes to him becoming more aggressive.

as far as the recent MS event flounder it was just how they set expectations. On it's own it's was not really that bad of a show, it was just how xbox hyped it up. Over all I think Phil being courteous should be something that everyone in the industry should do (and often does). It's really why I'm not a fan of Aaron Greenberg who strikes me as a console warrior despite the fact that he should be a professional.


Jan 4, 2019
None of us have any idea what's going on behind closed doors. I wouldn't make any assumptions. Also, the dude is smart and experienced af. He's been doing great work to position the Xbox brand and product where it is.


Oct 25, 2017
He is just taking after his boss. Microsoft is all about partnerships and kumbaya these days. Of course they are still as competitive as ever but their future business, the cloud, lends itself to being buddy buddy with everyone. Their main competition is Google and Amazon, they can sometimes still be a little heated towards those two, but nothing like when Balmer and Gates were around.

As for why Microsoft would want to be nice to Sony / Nintendo? They want their business. They already have a handshake agreement for Sony for Azure development. I'd expect they want Nintendo to use Azure in the future as well.


Mar 31, 2020
How has he not been aggressive?
Bought a ton of high caliber studios
Going nuts with Game Pass
Will have the most powerful next gen console

I think it's unfortunate that Sony is paying for third party exclusivity and I don't want Microsoft to go down that path again so I think it's good they're not doing that at this point. I'd wish Sony knock that shit off though. If that's what we're considering aggressive behavior, they can fuck right off with that.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I think the current Microsoft strategy is less about attacking PlayStation head on - and more just making a clear argument for their own services. It doesn't hurt that Sony hasn't shown a ton that they can directly contradict & top within their own announcements.


Oct 29, 2017
What a thread.

UE5 is going to run on XSX just as good as it does on PS5. If anything it's probably in Epic's interests to give MS the white glove service given how much they use the engine and likely to continue using it going ahead (compared to Sony's internal engines).

Lol. Gets me every time.
Nov 2, 2017
Xbox has been going in the right direction under his leadership, and Microsoft's gaming future as a more open company with a friendly attitude is nothing but a boon for them.

Also, honestly, if your response to less than favorable results (in your opinion) is "get aggressive"... I think you should think about why you feel aggression is the answer.


Self-requested ban
Apr 9, 2018
I dunno about that, Cyberpunk 2077 has a marketing deal with MS despite not being market leader.
AC: Valhalla as well.
I was more referring to the FIFA's and Call of Duty's of the world. Those are the games that they had last gen and lost this gen. MS had Witcher 3 marketing and it still ended up selling more on the PS4


Oct 25, 2017
As a company for which services are far more important than hardware and for which it's important for those services to be on as many platforms as possible in some sense, Microsoft probably doesn't want any of its employees getting "aggressive" with business/market partners. Phil's approach is fine.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
At the first big games convention post-Covid, he should dropkick Jim Ryan to establish dominance. Added post-victory piss optional.


Sep 19, 2018
XBox is still relevant because there are many people who like the brand. There has been no evidence so far that anyone that buys a Series X is getting under served. Yes, exclusives are important, but the exclusives that one platform has isn't important to everybody.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
He should start to try to compete directly with Playstation, because at the moment it's like they're not even playing the same sport
Perhaps he realised that they can't. Hence the switch and focus on game pass and expanding the ecosystem to PC. Even in the best generation for Xbox and the worst for PlayStation, the two consoles ended up basically level in global sales. Maybe he realised he can "win" through this alternative tactic.


Dec 10, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Platform warring, numerous prior bans for platform warring; account in junior phase
Spencer needs to bribe media as Sony does

Like when Gave IGN suff ps4s each by his name engraved on it....

Deleted member 63122

User requested account closure
Jan 16, 2020
No, he should do his role and stop hyping stuff up. I know he's well like, kinda like Reggie and Iwata, but they knew their roles.

Deleted member 57990

User requested account closure
Jun 18, 2019
I'm not asking Phil to Hulk out and start cussing out the compettion - I just think he needs get a little bit more cutthroat and put his customers before being so "aw, shucks" about the console he's in charge of constantly being at the back of the queue.

It feels a bit odd for me to be asking this of him, when I'm a person who avoids confrontation as much as possible in real life, but that's why I'm not in charge of Xbox and he is.
Oct 27, 2017
I think so. He has done a great just stabilizing the brand and getting it where it should be. Now it's time to really start putting pressure and it seems like he might when it comes to price. We will wait and see what first party looks like in July to see where they stand.

I agree. Sony money hats it's way into COD exclusive content, Destiny exclusive content, etc, Final Fantasy VII remaster, etc. I don't necessarily want that out of XBOX, but there's no point in just standing there and taking it if you keep getting punched in the mouth. All these folks preaching kumbaya on here also own a PlayStation for the shitty reasons and cosign that practice when they buy the machine and validate their strategy.

No, he should do his role and stop hyping stuff up. I know he's well like, kinda like Reggie and Iwata, but they knew their roles.

Can you articulate that a little better because "do your role" makes no sense.


Oct 27, 2017
He needs to, for starters, get back the Call of Duty co-marketing deal - the way CoD went from being utterly synonymous with Xbox last gen, to where it's now an afterthought compared to the Playstation version is just... unfathomable.

No it isn't. CoD went with the market leader.
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