(Read post first pls) Is BOTW Master Mode Worth it?

  • YES

    Votes: 20 19.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 81 80.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 30, 2017
i tried botw before and cuz of life issues, (health and work) i could never managed to finish the game, i just know the game is really long. so now that i have some time to play it was wondering what kind of game is Master Mode, is it fun/worth playing it considering the game's lenght?

thanks in advance.


Oct 25, 2017
Houston, Texas
There's some merit to being forced to use multiple tools but unless you're creative and varied (this takes effort) you end up using the same tricks and avoiding encounters. Or I did, at least.

Deleted member 56266

Account closed at user request
Apr 25, 2019
Normal mode with Pro HUD is enough of a hard mode for me. Not that it really makes the game any harder, but it's not frustrating like Master Mode is.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
I enjoyed it until DLC parts, Master Mode's rules don't work for some of those rematches. I straight up had to tap out there.

But before that, I absolutely loved it. The opening area is like a stealth survival game. You can straight up run out weapons (I genuinely don't know how this happened to people on regular difficulty). Minibosses recovering health can be a little annoying, but you can adjust to a more aggressive play style.

Floating weapons on platforms were an odd inclusion, but they're more powerful to help with the balance.

Granted, this probably worked better for me because I had already beat the game on normal difficulty.

Deleted member 12107

Oct 27, 2017
I cheesed it with the DLC Phantom armor and Majora's Mask since you can get those in Central Hyrule early on lol


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, if you enjoy survival/scavenger type games. Because that's what MM kind of becomes. It gets tricky if you aren't already pretty familiar with the mechanics of it all.

I'd say for most people, normal + pro mode HUD is best.

is this pro HUD something that comes with the game or is it a mod?
It's in the options. Turns off a lot of the HUD so you're more in tune with the sights and sounds of the world.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
No. It's a challenge but you definitely don't feel like this is balanced. I actually still haven't been able to beat trial of the sword on master. Also went into the the DLC dungeon on master mode blind and pretty much exhausted all my resources in order to beat the boss. Took forever. Great dungeon tho.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Had fun doing a full shrine run in it, but the regenerating health really felt cheap at points.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Also, BotW is big, but it's not necessarily long. My first playthrough was 70 hours, but subsequent playthroughs are more efficient and most of it is optional.


Jul 14, 2019
I bought it and wish I didn't. Tried the Master Sword trials and eventually gave up after way too many failures.


The Fallen
Nov 11, 2017
United States
Just get the Majora's mask in master mode that automatically de-aggro enemies and do a normal 3 heart challenge to make up for it.

It's worth trying it out second play through at the Great Plateau.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
It wasn't very well received. I personally felt that it didn't add much. I liked the trial of the sword, though.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Master mode sucks so much ass. It just turns everything into HP sponges; I think the only behavior difference is the guardians' beams are a bit more random? It's fun for maybe the first few hours of the game, then you'll find yourself avoiding and stealthing by every enemy instead of fighting them cuz it's too much of a hassle and every battle leaves you drained of resources. It's not even hard, only annoying.
If you want a challenge just switch to pro HUD, keep yourself at 3 hearts, and don't level any outfits beyond 2. Much, much more fun this way.
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Oct 25, 2017
For a first playthrough? Absolutely not. Play on normal with Pro HUD.

That said, Master Mode can be a pretty fun challenge run for a subsequent playthrough.


Oct 26, 2017
It's totally unbalanced which leads to problems but I enjoyed it as a third playthrough (would be a good second playthrough as well). It makes you much more cautious at the start of the game. At a certain point, with more powerful weapons, the danger kind of evens out if you are very aggressive and need to use all your offensive abilities. It is unbalanced though. I'm on a master mode playthrough right now that I will pick up and play an hour of here and there. As a BOTW veteran, I like it.
Aug 13, 2019
Nah. Master Mode is incredibly tedious. I recommend turning off the HUD and deactivating the Shrine Detector. I was surprised by how many Shrines I was able to find without it.


May 14, 2019
Naw, on top of everything else the floating enemies on platforms kinda ruin a lot of good views in the game.


May 17, 2018
It's not a very interesting difficulty mode and it doesn't particularly do anything difficulty-wise to the mid or end game, mainly just the early game. It basically kills any creative solutions to combat using the environment and the like. And the treasures from the additional floating platforms honestly can fast track your power progression since they regularly give out strong weapons, which ironically makes the game a lot easier since you bypass a lot of Breath of the Wild's early game difficulty.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Nah Master Mode isn't really worth it. I felt late game enemies tended to be too spongy in normal mode. Add in Gold variants and it's just tedious, especially in the early game when you have absolute shit dmg output. Enemies don't become more difficult to deal with just take way longer to take down and you get punished way more for screwing up. It's just a good way to waste even more time.
Ugh. Now I'm tempted to fire up BotW again and try no hud.
It's the only way to play. I don't know how or why people would keep the full HUD cluttering up the beautiful world around you with needless icons. Like there's zero need for it at all. The game conveys everything you need to know diegetically. It's easily one of the best games when it comes to not screwing you over for turning off HUD elements and actually providing you the feedback you need without them. So many other games let you pick and choose, but then you're just kind of lost without certain elements.

St. Eam the 3rd

▲ Legend ▲
Aug 18, 2022
400h+ on multiple playtrough:)...I'd say absolutely YES. It is the intended mode!
More enemies and items around, all enemies variants from base(rare, every mob is 1 level stronger) to gold, little floating "camps" with enemies and treasures in the sky also enemies regenerate health after some time...

This means the traversing and also the gliding(thanks to flying enemies) is more engaging, interesting and more dangerous from at the start, it change the way you approach combat using all your resources, you have to fight smarter, use your food or gear buffs and the environment and physic. The regenerating health prevent some form of cheese(like 10 minutes of bombs:)) and emphasize the combat...

The start of the game is pretty much a survival game:), you have to be stealthy with some enemies(in Master mode the great plateau has an OP boss:)), learn to optimize your tactics, planning and combat skills(dodging, parrying, best attack or weapon for every enemy, throwing when weapons are broken for x2 damage, headshots, horse fighting, backstabs, slow mode, using sounds or food to lure or distract enemies, disarm and give them "bad weapons" like the korok leaf and let them throw themselves down a cliff for big damage:)) or flee.

The stronger enemies and the floating chest can drop better starting weapons so you have a nice incentive to explore and kill(also the materials for upgrading the gears dropped by the enemies are very important to not be one-shotted).

It's harder but more rewarding and make every mechanic of the game more essential...But i'm a fan of challenging gameplay, you have to be creative and plan your actions and i personally find it more engaging.

The end when you are basically unstoppable(not only because of some powerful gears and stats, but because you mastered your skills) is very satisfying.

If i may suggest the first objective after the great plateau: Masks, phantom armor and a horse with good stats:).

EDIT: And yes, as other have said, no HUD:).
Oct 27, 2017
Unless you enjoy taking 5 mins to kill a simple enemy, no. They should've made them just hit harder or more aggressively. But smacking an enemy 50 times with a bunch of sticks is not fun combat. I'd rather just avoid all encounters.


Next Level Seer
May 15, 2020
I played the game blind on master mode, it's not worth it coming from someone who plays on harder difficulties. Outside of the Barry beginning, it's still really easy except everything is more obnoxious with enemies regaining health which is annoying given how far you can launch them with your basic combo

Master mode should have been instead implemented some rest and digest system with the items in battle


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If you've played it already and want something to encourage you to use more of the combat system and slightly more ways to interact with the world through the floating platforms it's great.

As the first time playing through absolutely not.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I tried it and I did not really enjoy it unfortunately...
Started another normal playthrough and still love the game to death.