Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This level has it all: unfair knock back, bullshit enemy placements... what makes it worse is that if you get a game over, you gotta do the whole level all over again even though every other level let you start at the boss, but not here you can't.

This game was so fair in its challenge until you get to this part.

Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
It's the portion of the game where you have to pull out the tricks to be successful, even with memorization. Glitching enemies off screen becomes important like it never was previously.

That said, the key is to never enter the boss room unless you're prepared. I THINK you only get sent way back if you lose to the boss. This applies to all of the final stages.


Oct 27, 2017
It definitively felt like it.
That jump you have to do with one ennemy and two birds is pure rng, unless you have a specific item.


Oct 25, 2017
Now I remember. The trick is having the spin slash attack. It's tough to keep it ...but you can own those cheap bastards!


Oct 25, 2017
The NES trilogy of Ninja Gaiden was really unique... imagine an AAA game today with that kind of base difficulty.

cdr Jameson

Oct 27, 2017
Still, I beat it. A couple of years ago. As an old man.
Took me 2 months playing half an hour a day more or less.

Once, never again.


One Winged Slayer
Aug 6, 2019
When you get to the boss, you get a health refill. But only once. If you die and repeat the whole level (which is itself inconsistent with the rest of the game), then you don't get the health refill again. Ever. You have to fight the boss in your worn down state. That's the worst part of all.

Also, it's a very tricky boss that takes significant effort to learn. So you'll be doing this a lot.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Now I remember. The trick is having the spin slash attack. It's tough to keep it ...but you can own those cheap bastards!
Don't grab other powerups. While jumping if you only want to hit one enemy and it's safe, hold down while you slash and it won't use the ninpo for the spin slash and you attack normally.
Oct 25, 2017
The NES trilogy of Ninja Gaiden was really unique... imagine an AAA game today with that kind of base difficulty.
I think it's because most publishers are honestly beyond ranking the difficulty level up to ridiculous levels for the western release now. Famicom Ninja Gaiden is surprisingly fun at a decent level of difficulty, but the US release is ridiculous lol.

I think the last proper examples I can think of them screwing up difficulty in a western release of a game is Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. That practice seemed like it died out over the last decade, and for good reason too. There's making a game a decent challenge, and then there's NES Ninja Gaiden: literal hell incarnate.

Jay Shadow

Oct 28, 2017
I beat this game 2 or 3 times, and every time I had to go through that level 3 times cause I'd bring a different weapon for each boss.

I kept a pillow next to me to punch every time these random ass fuckers hit me here. I punched that pillow a lot. The only rage I've ever felt playing a game.

May 21, 2018
The NES trilogy of Ninja Gaiden was really unique... imagine an AAA game today with that kind of base difficulty.

There would be crying, bombardments of low review scores, and gnashing of teeth.

Though tbh... it's not that hard after you've memorized the waves. Use windmill slash to destroy those birds in 6-2. You get it kinda early, so be careful not to pick up another subweapon after obtaining it.
May 21, 2018
Jaquio was one of the greatest video game villains... ever (for me).

He was pure evil incarnate. I wanted him dead so badly as a young grasshopper and saw Ryu's adventures through.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Mm, I don't think it's that bad aside from one screen with bats, a bird, and one of those old lady mummy things that throws sticks. But maybe that's because I played it a million times from losing to the last boss so I got it down pat.

The first Ninja Gaiden is definitely the hardest of the original trilogy. The third game is actually kind of... nice and fair.
May 21, 2018
Mm, I don't think it's that bad aside from one screen with bats, a bird, and one of those old lady mummy things that throws sticks. But maybe that's because I played it a million times from losing to the last boss so I got it down pat.

The first Ninja Gaiden is definitely the hardest of the original trilogy. The third game is actually kind of... nice and fair.

Yeah, Ancient Ship of Doom isn't nearly as "impossibly difficult" as it was said to be. There's a 1up on almost every level, so even if a mistake happens, being able to get it each time means you'll never get game over. The limited continue setup in the North American version becomes a non-factor.


Oct 26, 2017
The game isn't that hard compared to others of its era. Pretty difficult last level sure, especially sending you back to the start if you get a game over.

I much prefer NG2 which is also quite a bit easier. But, I didn't struggle too much back in the day compared to say Zelda 2 or Battletoads (which actually took years to beat).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, Ancient Ship of Doom isn't nearly as "impossibly difficult" as it was said to be. There's a 1up on almost every level, so even if a mistake happens, being able to get it each time means you'll never get game over. The limited continue setup in the North American version becomes a non-factor.
And! Enemies actually stay dead instead of respawning when you move the screen slightly and then back again.


Oct 27, 2017
I was able to finish Ninja Gaiden (NES obviously) when I was 15 and without any guides. Seriously, once you exploit the game (like enemies disappearing when you move the camera/viewpoint) or sticking with specific power-ups, the game becomes a lot easier than most people think. For instance, my favorite powerup was the boomerang-style shuriken. You can jump (when it comes back) and kill multiple enemies with ease.


Oct 25, 2017
The game isn't that hard compared to others of its era. Pretty difficult last level sure, especially sending you back to the start if you get a game over.

I much prefer NG2 which is also quite a bit easier. But, I didn't struggle too much back in the day compared to say Zelda 2 or Battletoads (which actually took years to beat).

I completed Zelda 2 in like... 2 weeks? (because i didnt know how the hell get to the secret town)... Ninja Gaiden 2 made my parents ground me for 1 week without videogames for yelling and cursing the tv screen once


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
I love how in those old NES games enemies are all up in the area with your life bar and all that information.


Apr 1, 2019
NG 1 on the NES was just as hard as TMNT 1 on the NES (in which I've beaten the latter game plenty of times).


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
99% of what Makes NG1 hard is enemy respawning. Move that screen back 1 pixel too far and all the enemies you just wasted with your precious ninja power come right back only now you have less resources. I swear 6-2 and 6-3 just throws all kind of shit at you that tries to force you to scroll back to trigger an endless wave of respawns. Its also funny that damn near every type of enemy in the game is in this one stage just to be placed in the most precarious spot possible to fuck you over.


Oct 27, 2017
This and some levels in Mega Man II, zero chance I would finish them now.

BS as some parts of MM2 are those are very cheese-able and ultimately doable with rote memorization.

there is no way out with NG. to quote ski instructor guy from South Park "you're going to have a bad time..."
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Edmonton AB
I passed all three NES NG games in my teens oh so many years ago. Finally beating such a hard game was so rewarding.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
I passed all three NES NG games in my teens oh so many years ago. Finally beating such a hard game was so rewarding.

I was only able to beat the second one, and thats mostly due to shadow clones and the game being a lot less absurd with enemy placement. I believe Tecmo nerfed the shit out your swords hitbox because of that power up because now your basic attack has a hitbox of like 1 pixel wide. Which means hitting enemy projectiles that don't fly at you straight on while you're standing still is far harder than in the other two of the original NG trilogy. Did they not think it through that the player wont always have shadow clones available??

Doc Holliday

Oct 27, 2017
Got ninja Gaiden as a Christmas gift. Got to 6-2, game over. I threw the cartridge at the wall and traded the game the next day.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
And y'all out here complaining about Sekiro. LOL J/K Sekiro is definitely harder, but I had trials and tribulations trying to get through this damn game back in day.


Nov 6, 2017
BS as some parts of MM2 are those are very cheese-able and ultimately doable with rote memorization.

there is no way out with NG. to quote ski instructor guy from South Park "you're going to have a bad time..."

True, doable but my old brain no longer can do it. NG even less so. I have way less patience and dedication for that kind of madness.


Oct 26, 2017
Although I agree that NG2 is an easier game, I also think that it's much better than NG1 largely because NG2 ends a lot better. 6-2 is a worse stage than 7-2 and you're forced to do it dozens of times because of the bug (and also because of how annoying the last boss is).

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Ninja Gaiden is hard but it's a pretty fair game at least. It's certainly less bullshit than any stage in Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt, I tell y'all what.


Oct 25, 2017
The level is not bullshit. But the way it handles the boss fight if you don't beat it on the first attempt is bullshit.

Also go plays the last level of Ghouls and Ghosts on the NES if you think this is hard. Makes Ninja Gaiden look like a modern press x to win game in comparison.