Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
OK in comics and comic based films there is always plot armour which prevents the heroes from being unmasked or when it does happen it gets ignored or the reset button gets hit so everyone forgets.

Case in point - Spider-Man 2 which sees Peter unmasked in front of an entire train full of people, camera phones existed at the time of release, granted they are much more primitive than smartphones but still anyone could have gotten a photo of Peter's face and sold it to the highest bidder to mint some serious coin. Instead the crowd just puts his mask back and agrees to forget about it collectively.

Now let's fast forward to 2021 and break down everything a superhero would need to contend with to keep their identity hidden.

Smartphones automatically massively exponentially increase the number of cameras in any given area, with HD video and decent still image quality in the pockets of pretty much everyone ready to snap a pic or video literally instantly. Also consider cloud based back ups even if our bystander loses their phone there is a strong chance the data is backed up. Then on top we have drones which makes following a superhero in real time a possibility. Then we also have dashcams to think about as well on, cars, buses and taxis etc. Plus superheroes will attract both pro and amateur photographers as well, some equipped with high end gear.

Following on from this, home CCTV has exploded in popularity with wall mounted cameras and Ring style doorbell cameras. So when we factor in government operated CCTV, home CCTV, smartphones, dashcams, superhero chasing photographers and drones, you suddenly find that getting away from cameras is extremely difficult.

Also if you're carrying a smartphone, you are a goldmine of information, email, call history, message history a camera and microphone that could be activated without your knowledge at any second. Highly accurate location tracking too, a hacked or real time tracked smartphone is a checkmate level move given the amount of information they contain.

Then there is the biggest threat of them all, the one that ties it all together - social media. Once any or all of this get onto social media it's just a matter of time, sighting data and videos/photos get collated and reported in real time, once analysts start cross referencing what is out there it won't take long for patterns to become apparent.

Given all of this, realistically no superhero makes it 6 months or less without getting ID'ed.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Unless they were Tony Stark level genius their phones would be hacked by the press as soon as they became public, pretty much like any celeb.

Deleted member 4461

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Longer than you might think. The only real risk is if they get their ass beat so hard their mask is off in a public place.

Other than that, they both fight in elevated or secluded places. Batman is literally a ninja. Spider-Man has used Spider-Sense to detect that it's unsafe to unmask.

I guess you could figure out which direction they're going home? More Spidey than Bats though.

Daredevil has radar sense, could be fine.

The ones with teleportation are good.

Probably depends on powerset & resources.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol how do you hide from the world's governments? All of the intelligence powers will be out to find you. Unless you're living like Osama, you are screwed.

A teleportation power will be handy (to avoid satellite tracking) but then you must never have your phone with you when fighting crime. Even then, I'm sure there are other ways they will find you.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Longer than you might think. The only real risk is if they get their ass beat so hard their mask is off in a public place.

Other than that, they both fight in elevated or secluded places. Batman is literally a ninja. Spider-Man has used Spider-Sense to detect that it's unsafe to unmask.

I guess you could figure out which direction they're going home?

We don't even need to see their face they could be pretty accurately profiled and identified just by analysing their movements, known sightings and other associated data.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Batman never takes his mask off outside of the Batcave, so it's unlikely he ever gets caught.

Spider-Man though? I give it a few years, if he gets caught at all. Peter making his money by taking pics of Spider-Man would honestly be a really good way to hide in plain sight. It'd give him an excuse to always be around.

Deleted member 4461

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
We don't even need to see their face they could be pretty accurately profiled and identified just by analysing their movements, known sightings and other associated data.

That's easier when the coverage area is small. The greater the resources or power, the more likely the superhero doesn't have easily predictable movements.

I think superheroes that operated in small areas get caught this way, yeah.

Dead Guy

Oct 25, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
Batman never takes his mask off outside of the Batcave, so it's unlikely he ever gets caught.

Spider-Man though? I give it a few years, if he gets caught at all. Peter making his money by taking pics of Spider-Man would honestly be a really good way to hide in plain sight. It'd give him an excuse to always be around.

That would actually be a good way to deal with things. Would allow you to carry your phone for sure and give you an excuse whenever you need it. You could just say your a massive fan who follows the hero really closely


Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Batman never takes his mask off outside of the Batcave, so it's unlikely he ever gets caught.

Spider-Man though? I give it a few years, if he gets caught at all. Peter making his money by taking pics of Spider-Man would honestly be a really good way to hide in plain sight. It'd give him an excuse to always be around.
The bottom of Batman's face being exposed would be used to identify him as soon as a clear pic was taken.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
We have superheroes with secret identities in the real world, OP.

They're called Vtubers.


Oct 27, 2017
Batman never takes his mask off outside of the Batcave, so it's unlikely he ever gets caught.

Spider-Man though? I give it a few years, if he gets caught at all. Peter making his money by taking pics of Spider-Man would honestly be a really good way to hide in plain sight. It'd give him an excuse to always be around.
Batman often travels in a vehicle. Satellite tracking will handle unless he owns all the satellites or has image scrambling paint lol.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Batman never takes his mask off outside of the Batcave, so it's unlikely he ever gets caught.

Spider-Man though? I give it a few years, if he gets caught at all. Peter making his money by taking pics of Spider-Man would honestly be a really good way to hide in plain sight. It'd give him an excuse to always be around.

Wouldn't anyone who wasn't that moron JJJ start putting two and two together though?
May 26, 2018
Spider-Man could be found pretty easily, just need to track his movements. Dude lives in NY and swings around very visibly.

Batman though... a country or Jeff Bezos-type would be required as Batman probably uses all his own communications devices to keep from being tracked. If he can stay stealthy enough that no one can follow him back to the batcave with a tracker/satellite or by interpolating his location through previous spottings, he could stay anonymous for quite some time. He'd need to keep his whole face covered though, leave no hair/skin/fingerprints, and mask his body language and voice. Bruce would have the resources to do all of this.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Batman often travels in a vehicle. Satellite tracking will handle unless he owns all the satellites or has image scrambling paint lol.
Placing a satellite in geosynchronous orbit over a major city would cost millions, if not billions, of dollars. Good luck justifying that cost. It's not like the FBI has their own satellites or something, they'd have to borrow from the CIA or military.


Oct 27, 2017
Limbus Patrum
Longer than you might think. The only real risk is if they get their ass beat so hard their mask is off in a public place.

Other than that, they both fight in elevated or secluded places. Batman is literally a ninja. Spider-Man has used Spider-Sense to detect that it's unsafe to unmask.

I guess you could figure out which direction they're going home? More Spidey than Bats though.

Daredevil has radar sense, could be fine.

The ones with teleportation are good.

Probably depends on powerset & resources.
Agreed, it really depends on power set and radius of activity. Another good example to go with hard to catch teleporters would be speedsters. Superman, The Flash and other speedsters have in the past vibrated their molecules in such a way you can't ever get a clear image of their face via photo.

Also, how do you track a person who be on the other side of the country before you can finish a sentence.


Oct 28, 2017
Batman never takes his mask off outside of the Batcave, so it's unlikely he ever gets caught.

Spider-Man though? I give it a few years, if he gets caught at all. Peter making his money by taking pics of Spider-Man would honestly be a really good way to hide in plain sight. It'd give him an excuse to always be around.

Two extremely famous people and we have multiple photos of both their lower chins and their physiques.
I mean it might take a minute if Bruce Wayne wasnt famous.
But because Bruce Wayne is famous, the internet links him and batman in no time.
We would have entire communities dedicated to "find Batman"

The internet has "proved" leaked nudes are of Celebrity X based on much less physical information.
Hell ive seen even scarier "find her" threads where im like how the fuck did you guys actually find out who this random girl is based on a pretty blurry picture of her from 5 years ago, hanging out in a city she doesnt live in anymore.

Spiderman it might take a while assuming he doesnt get his masked overly damaged.

All the domino mask heroes we catch in no time.
Youre telling me you dont know who this man is:


Oct 28, 2017
Anyone with access to cell phone location data and a list of sightings could probably do it.

Look for either:
- A phone that always matches the time and place of the sightings
- A phone that always stops moving during sightings (if they leave it at home)


Oct 25, 2017
Thousands of Internet Detectives dedicating their lives to the "cause".....quickly. I give r/whoishe less than a month.

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
Do you even need a satellite to track the batmobile? Couldn't you do stuff like track his response time, narrow down an area of Gotham, then profile. You'd probably reach Bruce Wayne as a suspect fast, then you could zero in on him.


Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Someone would hide an AirTag on the Batmobile and get electrocuted by it. lol


Oct 25, 2017
no change as heroes are also cell phone aware, so they won't take off their mask until they get home.

via a passageway that is completely hidden.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Two extremely famous people and we have multiple photos of both their lower chins and their physiques.
I mean it might take a minute if Bruce Wayne wasnt famous.
But because Bruce Wayne is famous, the internet links him and batman in no time.

I would love to see the internet fights if Bruce Wayne looked like Matt Bomer or some other celebrity with tons of lookalikes.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Two extremely famous people and we have multiple photos of both their lower chins and their physiques.
I mean it might take a minute if Bruce Wayne wasnt famous.
But because Bruce Wayne is famous, the internet links him and batman in no time.
We would have entire communities dedicated to "find Batman"

The internet has "proved" leaked nudes are of Celebrity X based on much less physical information.
Hell ive seen even scarier "find her" threads where im like how the fuck did you guys actually find out who this random girl is based on a pretty blurry picture of her from 5 years ago, hanging out in a city she doesnt live in anymore.

Spiderman it might take a while assuming he doesnt get his masked overly damaged.

All the domino mask heroes we catch in no time.
Youre telling me you dont know who this man is:
Again, Batman operates at night or in pitch black settings. Good luck getting a clean picture.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A supervillain that uses Internet detectives in order to hunt down who a hero's secret identity is.

Internet detectives being who they are, a LOT of people who aren't that hero end up dying.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think real life super heroes would have secret identities. They'd be egomaniacs who want the attention like most modern social media celebrities.


Oct 27, 2017
Superheroes as depicted in comics (and most adaptions) would generally be found out pretty quickly but a superhero operating with a few relatively basic precautions would probably be okay for quite a while, depending on their power set. A full face covering would probably be considered as the most obvious step to take to protect a secret identity. That would probably include some kind of really simple material to hide the contours of the face.

The easiest way to get around the smartphone problem is to not have one.

Superheroes with limited movement and an urban residence have the biggest problem, which is that they need to find some way to get to and from their residence unseen. Spider-Man crawling into his apartment or web-swinging out of it is something that is going to lose his secret somewhere close to instantly.

Lol how do you hide from the world's governments?
The assumption should be that you don't. That's almost taken for granted nowadays with most heroes working with government organisations or semi-government organisations or at least with some kind of unspoken agreement along the lines of "stay out of government business so we don't have to construct a really expensive prison to put you in".

So most of the stories now treat government knowledge of a superhero's identity as being quite a big different from the superhero's identity being public. How that would play out in real life is I guess not clear.

Batman often travels in a vehicle. Satellite tracking will handle unless he owns all the satellites or has image scrambling paint lol.
You have quite an unrealistic perception of what's possible with satellites. To start with, satellite tracking is something that ground-based receivers do to locate themselves via satellite broadcasts. Satellites themselves do not track things, other than big ground-based transmitters.

The Batmobile's a big security risk for Batman, but not because of satellites - instead because it's a totally unique vehicle that has the problem that it's extremely famous and instantly recognisable. There's only so many times it can be driven to or from the Batcave before someone makes a very good guess about where it's going.


Oct 27, 2017
If we're letting the public take reasonable steps to make deductions, then I think we have to let the heroes take reasonable steps to conceal their identity as well. Let Batman wear a full mask, stop Peter from taking his off at dramatic moments, etc. Like, when Batman is The World's Greatest Detective(tm), and a billionaire, he's gonna have the means to avoid "hey, that looks like Bruce Wayne's chin"-level blunders.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
Any superhero who has like, an apartment in any moderately-sized city would get found out REAL fast. I'm shocked nobody ever followed Spider-Man back to his house and put 2 and 2 together.


Sep 9, 2020
I always thought it'd be pretty easy to see Spider-Man jumping from his apartment window or landing back on his apartment roof in full costume.

I agree with OP, secret identities would be discovered insanely fast.


Oct 25, 2017
We don't even need to see their face they could be pretty accurately profiled and identified just by analysing their movements, known sightings and other associated data.
Pretty sure this is how Batman figured out Clark's identity in The Batman. Was pretty impressed with the show for coming up with yet another way for them to deduce each other's identity for their first encounter. I do still enjoy World's Finest in the DCAU version as my favorite take on that encounter though.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine all the bad IDs. Probably a few people's lives getting ruined.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty quickly, but only after 20-30 people who only passingly resemble them have their lives ruined by internet "detectives".


What is a tag? A miserable pile of words.
May 13, 2021
I've always wondered how Peter never gets caught going in and out of his window.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol how do you hide from the world's governments? All of the
Depending on the stories Amanda Waller knows but doesn't use it

In Marvel Nick Fury pretty much knows everyone identity he's just doesn't tell public and keeps it to himself

So in essence you don't the big spy agencies for most heroes just don't bother you unless they have a reason 4