Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
My favourite part of the movie is when Rufus attempts to explain how his ass survived and Cloud goes "shut the fuck up"

Also Barett becoming an oil baron is some shit.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
A friend forced me to sit down and watch this -- years and years before I played through FF7, I should mention -- and had no idea what I watched.

I watched it again after I finally beat it and still had no idea what I watched.

Just an empty, loud mess.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Also Barett becoming an oil baron is some shit.
that was so fucking stupid considering the environmental themes of the game and the fact that Shinra exploiting the lifestream and refining it into Mako is an analogy for the real world's oil industry and the ravages it does to our planet.

Like what the fuck lol. They couldn't have had him scout some plains where he would set up wind turbines or solar panels or some other green energy tech? They had to go with oil, really?


Oct 27, 2017
Awful movie, and not in a fun way. Dumb plot, bad writing, worthless new characters that fail to mesh properly with the originals. The fights are complete nonsense and they all feel weightless and inconsequential anyway when everyone can jump 50 stories in the air and be thrown through buildings and never suffer for it. It reminds me of the popular fan animations at the time that were like "best fight scene ever" that was just unconnected anime characters flipping out and none of it means anything.

It's really emblematic of the terrible tendencies the company had in the mid 2000s, which they're still trying to shake.


Oct 25, 2017
I just finished Rebirth, kinda wanna watch this again.

The Tifa fight in the church was awesome. But the english voice acting is pretty rough.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Dirge Of Cerberus is better, and that required a full update to the game to let you be able to jump and shoot at the same time.


Oct 25, 2017
It was crap then and crap now. Basically, if the fanservice is what you wanted, it maybe passable.


Sep 19, 2021
I watched it as a kid knowing nothing about final fantasy at the time. I thought it was the coolest shit ever. I still get a kick out of certain scenes but yeah it's pretty bad. It has the absolute worst version of Barret both in design and writing.


Oct 27, 2017
It had me going for awhile but then i realized they were just going toward the "Sephiroth is BACK" angle (and not in a particularly interesting or nuanced way) and my eyes rolled to the back of my head

still, it was a spectacle. I in my naive young mind thought those battles were exactly what FFXIII would look like with the sheer power of a $600 PS3 lol


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
As a hardcore FFVII fan, I didn't hate it but it hasn't aged particularly well. It's always just been fan service and not much more than that. It just feels unnecessary. The ending of the original game was perfectly fine.
Apr 17, 2018
I lost my virginity at roughly one third of Advent Children, so it will always have a place in my heart.

I became fully aware of this fact ten seconds ago. Thanks OP! <3
Apr 19, 2018
Oh yeah and bringing back Rufus fucking sucked, that dude is dead.

My favourite part of the movie is when Rufus attempts to explain how his ass survived and Cloud goes "shut the fuck up"

In light of Advent Children now being canon, Rufus's 'death scene' is what I'm most looking forward to see how they handle in Remake Part 3. Will it be a 1:1 recreation? More ambiguous? Or will they outright show that (and how) he survived?

Whatever the case, I'm still madly in love with this part in AC:



Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Absolute hate it, as someone who holds FF7 as something quite sacred.

Reminds me of Alien - Promethius. When the creator goes back and it makes me think 'do you not understand this, or do I not understand this? Because this fucking sucks'


Oct 26, 2017
I watched it last year after finally finding Final Fantasy VII, and I thought it was awful but it was cool seeing realistic, well-rendered versions of the characters.

The Spirits Within is better in every way and I will die on this hill!


Oct 25, 2017
It's also a shame that Complete is the only version that exists now; the added content is hit and miss, but most blatantly, Uematsu did a rad score properly timed to the action scenes that got chopped up and extended when the HD version added to them.


Nov 23, 2021
It retroactively made the original game worse for me. I try to forget it

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
I saw it so long ago when I watched it, but at the time I remember the story being pretty much impenetrable.

I remember is there's some kind of disease, and then it's just people fighting each other.


The Dood
Feb 19, 2019
How was AC generally received when it first appeared?

Literally took over the internet in the mid 2000's. Movie was massive and we're seeing its influence still today(not just in FF7 material). We take it for granted now, but the action scene direction, camera and character details were unrivaled when it came out. Advent Children became the visual pinnacle at the time, and held that place for how good a fully CG movie can look with all digital characters.

Many watched ripped raw versions of the film, and feel that adding voices/subtitles actively hurt the movie. It's visual storytelling is much much better than what comes out of characters mouths.


Oct 25, 2017
I was very excited for this movie back in the day, and I enjoyed it well enough when I saw, but I felt the need to watch it again -- only just select scenes. It's a really odd movie story and style wise. But honestly, it did serve as a stylistic basis for modern FF games like XIII and XV. I'm glad the FFVII Remake trilogy is doing its own thing instead of trying to be a direct copy of what Advent Children did.

Honestly, the biggest impact this film had is that it taught a generation of gamers what bitorrent was and how to use it to get bookleg copies of the original JPN release, lol.


Nov 13, 2017
At the very least this movie needs an updated localization cuz EVERYONE is talking in fuckin riddles instead of just explaining something outright.

Normanski 2.0

Nov 21, 2017
I loved it back then and still do now. I was so excited to see it that I bought the original Japanese release on import (with no English dubs) way before the western release.

Everyone I've ever seen it with including myself on first viewing can't help but say "oh shit" out loud when Kadaj turns into Sephy and he does that slow look up before hitting Cloud into the stratosphere.

My favourite scene is the end of the Bahamut fight when the gang all help Cloud ascend.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
Spirit's Within was for the Final Fantasy fans who actually paid attention to the stories and themes of the franchise. Advent Children was for the ones who fantasised that they were Cloud and every dude hitting on the girl they liked was Sephiroth.


Nov 13, 2019
Kinda didn't like it when I watched it last year. After finishing OG I thought we would be different then what AC served us

But then I thought more about the themes at play and portraying the time has where Cloud can grieve together with finding a cure and being more at peace at the end, that is pretty okay

If we look at the Remakes and how it portray Cloud the AC pales in comparison, tho…

There isn't a thing I don't cherish is a fire line tho


I hope they give FF7 another movie shot or live action even. The games already look better then AC does


Oct 28, 2017
I thought the basic idea was great, where Jenova's death and attempts to heal the planet has caused a tragic and unintended disease to break out. And Cloud's dealing with a depressive episode because things STILL aren't going well and 1/2 of his girlfriend's are gone. Brutal!

But I think it loses a lot of potential as just an excuse to get the character to fight in fancy CG and not looking like this:

The fact it ends with just another Cloud vs Seph fight is predictable, and why I see AC as nothing but fanservice.

It's fine/10.

It really is


"So I kicked the fuck out of him… BAAAAAHHHH"



Oct 27, 2017
I don't think I've ever been more hyped for a movie than I was for Advent Children. I would have the promotional website open for days just so I could listen to Yakusoku no Chi on repeat, I loved everyone's new design so much, it got me back into art. Hell, the first time I've ever watched the movie was a bootleg version at a karate movie kiosk in my local mall. No subtitles, poor quality, and I stood there for the entire thing.

It's not a good movie. Actually, most of it is nonsense, but I hold it very dear to my heart.