
Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America

It's used as a title card/poster-eque macro here, but outside of the title placed above their heads, the image is a direct screencap from the game, and it may just tug-of-war this little heart if looked at a little longer than necessary. 🥲

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0eJotWn0m0

*slams box of tissues onto tabletop*

Here's to the moon..!! 🌕 (Feel free to discuss, with spoiler tags as you see fit! 😸 )
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Oct 25, 2017
The cut to credits of the game will always make me cry. I played this game before it came to Steam, it feels like it was ages ago.
Something that always bugs me when I think about the game, and maybe it's on purpose, it's the sadness that comes from knowing that Johnny never remembered her first meeting with River. Johnny got his happy ending right before he died but River didn't get that(she even decided to not get treatment for her illness IIRC), and even that "happy ending" wasn't actually real.

I played the 2nd game and it also had an interesting ending, I wasn't expecting the twist at all... and I remember playing the 3rd one but I don't remember that much about it for some reason. I wonder how and when the series will end. There are some teases about where everything is going but who knows.
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Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
The cut to credits of the game will always make me cry. I played this game before it came to Steam, it feels like it was ages ago.

Something that always bugs me when I think about the game, and maybe it's on purpose, it's the sadness that comes from knowing that Johnny never remembered her first meeting with River. Johnny got his happy ending right before he died but River didn't get that(she even decided to not get treatment for her illness IIRC), and even that "happy ending" wasn't actually real.

May have to put this in spoiler tags, FYI..! xD Unless folks want to make this an open discussion, in which case, I'll ask to edit the thread title. 👀

But indeed, it is ultimately a tragedy.

What I get from it is that neither of them got their happy ending in reality -- instead, they got it on 'the moon', far-away on some distant plane, a possible alternate outcome that their hearts yearned for so much that even if it wouldn't manifest in real life, it at least could in memory, Frankensteined and cobbled together as it were.

In my head, what drove River to her actions late in life was her awareness that something was off with Johnny, that he was missing a chunk of his childhood experience with her. She was driven by the past, while Johnny's was taken away from him; and she wanted to restore it, for him to return to her the way he thought she did when they rekindled their relationship as adults. In the end, it feels like fulfilling Johnny's 'dying wish' was also a way to fulfill, perhaps, River's -- it was his way of apologizing to River and meeting her halfway, if not in life, then maybe beyond it. Even if doing so in real life was, ultimately, no longer possible. That alone wasn't enough to stop their souls from trying, whether their physical bodies would allow them or not.


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Aug 19, 2023
I actually read that title as Deliver Us The Moon, which in itself is also a sad ending too. Moons are sad.


Oct 17, 2018
I think I'm the only person that didn't like this game.
You're not alone; I thought it was hot ass. The gameplay is nothing but walking around interacting with everything in the area until you find the arbitrary triggers to progress, which would be fine if not for the fact that your movement speed is frustratingly slow which makes it a pain to play. Clearly the focus is the story, but the writing is so amateur and juvenile that I assumed it was a school project that was extended into a full game, although it doesn't seem that it was. The ending is sweet but it doesn't make up for the rest of the game.


Oct 16, 2021
Same. It's incredible how deep, emotional mark that game left in me. Still everytime I think about its story or listen to the soundtrack, I can't hold back tears.


Oct 27, 2017
You're not alone; I thought it was hot ass. The gameplay is nothing but walking around interacting with everything in the area until you find the arbitrary triggers to progress, which would be fine if not for the fact that your movement speed is frustratingly slow which makes it a pain to play. Clearly the focus is the story, but the writing is so amateur and juvenile that I assumed it was a school project that was extended into a full game, although it doesn't seem that it was. The ending is sweet but it doesn't make up for the rest of the game.
Thank you for validating my existence

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I had friends actually ask me if I was okay while playing this game. They knew the themes of the game and I didn't, and were worried the game might impact me too much given my life experiences.

There were more than a few points I had to put the game down and just cry.


Sep 4, 2019
i wonder if finding paradise is just as good, never played that one
Would highly recommend the sequels, though I would say if you haven't, play the To The Moon minisodes and A Bird Story before Finding Paradise. Impostor Factory is the latest game, though we're supposed to get a release date for presumably the final game in the series sometime this month.

Franky D Tank

May 15, 2024
To the Moon and Finding Paradise are two of my favorite games of all time. The characters whether it's Eva and Neil or the characters who are the focus of the game, I find myself laughing at times and crying at those really emotional moments. They are short, very impactful experiences that I go through again every once in a while.

Bird Story and Imposter were pretty good in their own ways, but for me didn't quite hit as hard as the other two. I will give Bird Story credit for being as gripping for me as it was considering not a single line is spoken in the game. Looking forward to the next game in this little franchise.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Love this series. Impostor Factory was one of my favorite games in the year that it released. Not sure I've ever prolonged cried as much during a game as I did while playing that game.

Still waiting on Beach Episode…