Deleted member 34385

User requested account closure
Nov 26, 2017
So, I dont know how to feel right now. i just(a few weeks ago) lost my income from my biggest client who brought in about 30k per year. this might not seem a lot to you, but in the creative field, having customers who come back is something we cherish.

I've been working with his company for a few years now. He invited me to a business dinner with a few of his partners. I decided to join of course since this guy placed lots of design orders with me. Once there everything was going ok till out of the blue he asked if i was planning on expanding and hiring more artists.
I replied with that i might outsource a few things but i just am not that big enough to hire someone permanent.
He instantly replied jokingly with: whatever you do, don't hire women, they only good for two things and those two things aint thinking! he laughed and his colleagues laughed with him. I froze and i think my face honestly turned pale, because right at that very moment i knew i would no longer work with this company, i had all these things run through my head, like how in gods name am i going to pay my mortgage and expenses, just a lot of fear came up that i did not have for a really really long time.
Once the shock left I immediately got up and I just left. the next day i sent them a mail saying that we are terminating the contract, i just payed them 8k back for the current project i was doing so i would not get sued.

I had a few weeks where i was really worried, but thankfully i am now doing ok, i am making about 60% of what i used to make, but at least when i get home and look my girlfriend in the eyes, i know i did the right thing, even thought she never for once told me what i should do and always supports me.
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Oct 26, 2017
All the respect in the world for standing up for your values. We need a lot more people like you.


Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
Yeah, it sucks but it happens. I'm not directly responsible for my organizations business relationships, but I've definitely had phone calls that end them because people are asshats. Good on you for standing up for your values.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're supporting a family, you gotta eat shit till you become your own boss. This dude will just find someone else and not give a crap. You're only hurting yourself. Hopefully you don't lose your house.


Oct 25, 2017
holy shit.

its crazy, i mean i know people like this still exist, but to say openly in front of lots of other people like that. Good on you for dropping them.

IGgy IGsen

Mar 19, 2019
Good on you for sticking to your principles. Especially when it screws with your finances like this it probably took a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
Massive respect OP.

I hope you find many other clients soon, that both pay well and aren't a-holes.


Oct 27, 2017
I eat shit all the time to put food on the table. I respect and am impressed by your decision, but I would swallow that sort of thing if it meant trouble for my wife and my family.


Oct 25, 2017
I eat shit all the time to put food on the table. I respect and am impressed by your decision, but I would swallow that sort of thing if it meant trouble for my wife and my family.

Yes, that's the correct decision. No one cheering you on will actually pay your mortgage. We live in the real world here and it's a struggle.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
One of those decisions you'll always be proud of when you look back. Respect OP.

Deleted member 8741

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Damn, you're a baller.

That's a hard move to make, but that says a ton about your character - that's priceless.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Why did you go from 0-800?

Don't get me wrong, the guy clearly made an inappropriate comment worthy of censure, but wouldn't it have been better to email them and say "hey, this happened and if it continues I will be forced to leave" rather than just bolt?

On principle I think we all agree that OP did the right thing, but it strikes me that this might have been an outsized response to something the shitty comment guy might have come back and said "you know what, that was a shitty thing I said, I shouldn't have said it and I apologize and I hope we can continue working together".

Deleted member 38573

User requested account closure
Jan 17, 2018
Damn bro, that's intense

I spent an hour drive with my boss whilst he explained how much he wants a no deal brexit. And I sat there ate that shit up...

You're a good guy.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Go you! Damn, that's heroic.

I can only hope that the person at that company who made the comment was in a position to get reprimanded at their company.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
Your principles are top notch, and I hope this brings you more success.

Most people would've probably laughed with him and moved on. Glad you recouped some of the business elsewhere.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If you can afford it then way to go. If you cant afford it then still way to go but maybe dont do that again.

Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
I would've probably recommended shoring up new clients before doing that tbh

Or noting to him that those kind of comments are inappropriate and you won't abide by them
Oct 27, 2017

Deleted member 34385

User requested account closure
Nov 26, 2017
If you're supporting a family, you gotta eat shit till you become your own boss. This dude will just find someone else and not give a crap. You're only hurting yourself. Hopefully you don't lose your house.
Thank god we don't have any children yet, that made things a lot easier, if i had kids things would be totally different, i fully agree with you.

Why did you go from 0-800?

Don't get me wrong, the guy clearly made an inappropriate comment worthy of censure, but wouldn't it have been better to email them and say "hey, this happened and if it continues I will be forced to leave" rather than just bolt?

On principle I think we all agree that OP did the right thing, but it strikes me that this might have been an outsized response to something the shitty comment guy might have come back and said "you know what, that was a shitty thing I said, I shouldn't have said it and I apologize and I hope we can continue working together".

I come from a background where me and my brother where raised only by my mom. i saw what men did to her as she took us from Iran on her own with only a 1000 dollars in her pocket and gave me and my brother a future. Everytime a male individual disrespects a women, something in me snaps, i just get reminded of all the things i saw as a kid happen to my mom, this was one of them.


Oct 27, 2017
I appreciate you have your morales and want to stand up for what you believe, but it doesn't sound like you were in a financial position to drop a client that made up 40% of your yearly income. I would get it if you built up clients to make up for most or all that loss before dropping future business or if you were already in a position to drop them without much financial harm to you and your family.

I work in an environment where people do similar shit and it's terrible and I speak up about it and fight back, but I'm not in a position to just suddenly quit without a new job in place.


Oct 30, 2017
Well done OP. It'll hurt in the short term, but there's no question that you'll respect yourself for this choice long into the future.

Pretty surprised at the number of posters that think this should be just shrugged off, particularly with the typically hard-lined attitude on ERA.


Oct 28, 2017
I applaud your laurels. However....

I think I agree with the poster who said that you should have lined up a new client before cutting this jerk loose. But since said you don't have kids it will probably be fine and you'll be must less stressed over working with an asshole like that.


Mar 19, 2018
Don't get me wrong, the guy clearly made an inappropriate comment worthy of censure, but wouldn't it have been better to email them and say "hey, this happened and if it continues I will be forced to leave" rather than just bolt?

In all likelihood this would leave the client feeling embarassed and/or defensive and would soon find a reason to work with someone else. OP got to do things on their terms.


Oct 25, 2017
Whatever it is that you do, if I ever need that service, I'm coming to you first OP.


Oct 25, 2017
its admirable in a sense, but the way i look at it, every one of your clients is likely to be some sort of supreme asshole, as are most people in the world. not being comfortable for working for people is one thing, but unless you're working for churches, i'm not sure how that sort of standard can benefit you.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
In my experience the sort of person that says a thing like that doesn't have any motivation to learn otherwise, unless it becomes deeply inconvenient for them not to.

That's a hard choice to make, OP. I'm glad you could.


Oct 27, 2017
I would've probably recommended shoring up new clients before doing that tbh

Or noting to him that those kind of comments are inappropriate and you won't abide by them
Yeah exactly, make sure you have another client in the wings before telling someone to piss off.

I would have definitely made a face like "da fuq" at dinner but that wouldn't cause me to lose a client. Hopefully he would feel embarrassed for a minute and we'd move on with our lives.

I got bills to pay I got mouths to feed aint nothing in this world for free.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
How did they respond when they got your email? For that matter, did they say anything when you were leaving or after you were gone?