
Cerny’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
First of all, sry if this is a stupid question, since my technical knowledge is limited.

In the Final Fantasy 7 Remake we had certain points, where you had 2 Party Members follow Cloud around (Barret and Tifa or Tifa and Aerith).
At the End it was even the whole group for a short sequence (with REDXIII), tough the group was seperated when it came to Gameplay iirc.

It's just hard for me to imagine, how the Game will look as soon as all Party Members are present


That's 8 Party Members !!!

With the World beeing more open, will we have Cloud running around 7 Party Members following him?
Are they gonna rewrite the Story,, so that the group will always be split up?
With the real time Combat and Monster roaming around it sounds like a nightmare from a development perspective.

I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but i remeber how Cory Barlog (Director of God of War) said in a Interview, how the team was scared to include Atreus and even Naughty Dog advised against it (probably because it's so hard to develop?)

Do you think the inclusion of Party Members being present might even affect and limit the Gamedesign in terms of level structure or am i just talking bs (given how linear and limited the Areas in FF7 Remake felt)


Nov 4, 2017
It's going to be the "pick three" routine that's been a staple in JRPGs for 30 years now.

I will say that the Suicide Mission and The Citadel in ME3 were really cool in that the entire party helped out.
I don't expect that for the entire game but it would make for some very cool story moments.


Oct 29, 2017
I assume you'll just pick a party of 3 and that's it. The other characters will gain EXP even if not used.

I expect there'll be some sequences where your party gets divided like in Hojo lab, or the game forces you to play with certain characters.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I would hope that you can switch out members at will during battle.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 11, 2019
Same way it works with every other JRPG


Oct 27, 2017
I have absolutely no clue where Part Two is going to go. But, I expect massive changes from here on, and they'll simply do like they did with Part One and you'll control different members at different times and never get to fully switch characters. That or:

Same way it works with every other JRPG


Nov 4, 2017
all of them should follow cloud across the world map, that would be funny
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Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
Guarantee that for most of the game you won't get a choice, and they'll use the story to split groups up. They're not treating this like the second part of the game, they're treating it as a second standalone game, and as such it needs to have the gradually expanding battle system and increasing difficulty of any other JRPG. There'll be a point where you can choose your party I'm sure, probably 2/3 in.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
You'll just pick 3 and be able to swap around at any time. Same as most JRPGs that have a larger cast.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope the party number is upped to 4, I always hated how the party size dropped to 3 once the games moved into 3D on the PS1 (though FFX somewhat negated that with its switching system).

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Fate has been changed, so they can do new subplots and stories for the characters.

There could be like a sequence when once you've recruited Cid and Vincent, you're drawn into a conflict with the other Avalanche cell across their possible bases hidden within Coral Desert Mines, the team splits up and there's a repurposed train sequence. (which was in the huge materia quest in the original)

I think in general some people still take the remake idea at face value, saying there's too much world before they can reach the city of the ancients, Aerith's key scene, or to say they can't introduce the whole team and pace it well. Technically things can be drastically moved around and expanded because of the premise of the new series.


Oct 25, 2017
Whole party together. Your 3 battle starting members visible when running around. Others appear in cutscenes. There is so much they can do and add by actually having the whole group together

Combat now 3 on the field like in part 1 but you can switch out anyone on the field at any time probably for 3 atb bars.

Hopefully also no Cloud restriction outside of combat and you can control whoever you wan aside from certain moments where it restricts you to Cloud obviously

And I would be extremely surprised and disappointed if this isn't the route they go. Mid battle party switching opens the door for so much more customization with specific materia builds that would be kinda meh if you can't switch but if you can switch a more specific build becomes much more interesting
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Oct 27, 2017
I hope they still do the boss battle with one to three teams (similar to original) in the remake. But that's only ten years (and more) from now on so we'll see.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I believe Remake 2 or whatever it's called, will be set in the western and eastern continents, before part 3 introduces the more open world.
I think the question though is about that in the original, Vincent and Cid are placed at the end of the western continent, which could be near the end of the game. I think this is where the complication presents itself, and just having a mobile phone in-universe, doesn't shed much light, on how they might rearrange these characters.


Cerny’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
i know how it works with other JRPGs but i was assuming with the end section of the remake, that they will continue that with the sequels.
So yeah if they do it like all those other JRPG's it's clear


Oct 25, 2017
They definitely need to get some genuine party control at some point, Part 1 feels so dang restrictive.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
The most unpopular characters get killed off and we keep the party nice and trim.

Fate has changed, new game, not a remake, surprise and intrigue etc etc


Cerny’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
oh wait i remember....In Star Ocean 5 you had all Party Members follow you around right?


for those of you that played the game, how did that work out?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
You know that one sequence in the Re:Mind DLC for KH3?

Do that.


Aug 1, 2019
Remember the final boss fight of Remake? I expect that's how they will handle that.
Yup, it's pretty clear that's the format to expect.

As the story goes the game mixes and matches groups of 3 members with cloud probably being the one constant. When necessary some extra party members are AI, and your team might change midbattle when it fits.

seems like a pretty dynamic and fun system.


Oct 26, 2017
I imagine they'll just split them up for the most part, and for the Remake probably have some stay in the Highwind unless the story requires them to be present. Outside of just screwing around on the world map, that's what happens anyway on the original, if you just focus on the main story stuff + Yuffie leaving during Wutai.
If they're keeping the same story beats, which at this point I doubt but anyway, then :
  • Vincent can really come and go whenever, like how he is on Advent Children. They could technically have him join super duper late, like post Mideel, although he'll obviously join at Nibelheim when they first pass through.
  • There's only really the part between getting the airship/after Rocket Town/fighting Palmer and the Temple of the Ancients where the whole party are together, and doesn't Aerith leave a bit before her death anyways ?
  • Yuffie leaves for Wutai, and is there during the Junon escape, but other than that she's free to come and go whenever.
  • After Junon you lose Cloud and then Tifa. I'm kinda looking forward to Cid being the protagonist for a while tbh.
  • Everyone is back for the finale, and split up in Northern Crater.
  • Red, Cid, and Barret are like the only constants in your party once you leave Midgar. I guess Cait Sith too, but they can easily justify him not hanging around at points.
  • If Red, and maybe even Cait Sith, remain AI members only, they could easily get away with 3-4 playable, 1-2 AI party members for most of the game.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine it will be like the original game where you leave Midgar and whoever isn't in the party goes off and does their own thing.

You wanna swap folks out you have to call them up with PHS.