How Do You Feel About Yakuza 7 Going Turn-Based?

  • Hyped / A Welcome Change

    Votes: 619 34.5%
  • I'm Cautiously Optimistic

    Votes: 621 34.6%
  • I'm Cautiously Pessimistic

    Votes: 201 11.2%
  • Disappointed / An Unwelcome Change

    Votes: 353 19.7%

  • Total voters
Sep 28, 2018
The latest instalment in the decade-old series, Yakuza 7, has some big changes. Not only is it set in a brand new, much larger city, it also has a new protag and most controversial of all it has been revealed to have turn-based combat. Let us know how you feel!

Here is an idea of how it may play from the April Fools Day video:

Personally, I love the brawling aspect of Yakuza, but it isn't the main draw for me. The main draw is the setting, story, characters, and wacky shit. While I feel a loss because there are very few high budget 3D brawlers left, I would say I am somewhere between excited and cautiously optimistic.

It's certainly a ballsy shake up and maybe, after a decade, it's what the doctor ordered?

How about you?


Oct 8, 2018
if its anywhere near as seamless as the april fools footage is, i am all for it.


Oct 27, 2017
Just what I want. Never liked the combat in the games but love everything else.

And turned based is ideal.

The combat in the judgment demo made me not buy the game.
Oct 27, 2017

Seriously though, I am dissapointed. There are countless other J RPG games so to turn one of the few brawlers (a dying genre) into one sucks.

I will still get it though but I can't say I am happy.
Last edited:


Mar 30, 2018
It's going to have to fundamentally change the way the game works... You spend so much time fighting or running from fights in Yak as it is. If it's turn based, you can assume fights will take a lot longer, so if they happen at the same frequency as they already do, the game is going to get a hell of a lot longer.
I can't see it being a good thing


Oct 28, 2017
Where is the 'I don't mind' option? I'm only on Kiwami 2 so it'll be like 5 or 6 years before I get round to playing this.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the combat was kinda stale for sure, so usually I'd be all for a notable switch up. But I'm currently unsure if they've got the chops to design a great turn based system that would keep me engaged for the game's runtime.

Basically I find myself of being in the odd position of supporting their decision to shake it up, but not optimistic about them pulling it off.

Deleted member 59

I think the options shouldve been: long term fan - happy, long term fan - disappointed and so on


Oct 25, 2017
Okay with concept but the execution seems terrible, a slow clunky mess.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
It's just another reason for me to drop this game completely. I already wasn't a fan of dropping Kiryu for Ichiban and with the change of combat style I finally have no actual reason to play this other than it being Yakuza, which frankly isn't a good enough reason anymore. I don't hate turn based for what it's worth, but I think it's a bizarre choice and one that does not work with Yakuza at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Very disappointed. My least favorite form of combat and I would welcome a "shakeup" for the existing formula instead.

Alien Bob

Nov 25, 2017
It is vitally important to me that sequels in long running series play exactly the same way. I do not know how I will continue my life now.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine. I played through Kiwami and Zero and I found the combat to be a drag anyway.

The problem is that battle in the turn based video took way too long but I'm more likely to buy it now.


Oct 27, 2017
Very happy. More games (rpg's especially) could do with turn-based combat these days and it's good to see Yakuza fully embracing the RPG elements. I hope they don't chicken out and only go half-way with it.


Jan 17, 2019
As much as I love Yakuza's traditional combat, I'm hyped for this.

New protag, new saga, new gameplay style... I'm more than ok with it, especially since Judgment's almost certainly gonna get sequels and carry the brawler torch.


Oct 25, 2017
The system they showed for the April Fool's "joke" was decently creative with team combos, multi-stage attacks, etc. but I'd be lying if I said this is what I want from Yakuza combat.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
So freaking excited & the guy likes DQ and I don't have to catch up with 3 more games :P they can always go back once excited to see what they do with the flare of the combat how that transitions to turn based. Over the moon about it actually.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm all for it. I started with Yakuza 4 and Judgment finally made me realize that I was sort of sick of the Yakuza formula despite loving everything about that game. Judgment would be better if it deviated more from Yakuza and the main series needs to do the same. I understand why people aren't happy with it but we haven't seen enough to really judge it yet. As long as the new combat is snappy and battles aren't as frequent, I'm happy.

Deleted member 59

I can tell there will be a lot of jrpg fans who are non Yakuza fans voting "happy" or hyped
Oct 25, 2017
I'm happy they're trying something new (please no more Kamurocho) I hope it works out for them. Judgment is going to be a series so folk will still get the classic brawler style (Ishin localisation too).

I'm feeling burnt out on the series as a whole so change is welcome .

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's just another reason for me to drop this game completely. I already wasn't a fan of dropping Kiryu for Ichiban and with the change of combat style I finally have no actual reason to play this other than it being Yakuza, which frankly isn't a good enough reason anymore. I don't hate turn based for what it's worth, but I think it's a bizarre choice and one that does not work with Yakuza at all.
Basically my thoughts


Jul 26, 2019
If the pacing is wildly different from the clip they showed at the reveal I'll be okay with it. That clip looked super bad though.

Also: This rapidly developing meme about how Judgment is definitely going to be a series and continue the brawler gameplay is weird.


One Winged Slayer Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
It's fine by me. They made a ton of games with the brawling combat system (which was never super amazing to begin with) so I'm totally okay with them switching things up. How will it work out in the end? Who knows but I'm totally open to try something different.


Oct 27, 2017

I'm buying the game and I'm definitely interested in seeing how it's implemented.

However, as I said in the other thread I think such a big change would have been better as a spin-off to gauge the reaction to changing the combat system. Then "Yakuza 7" could have been next and if need be, gone back to the series' trademark combat system.

I just hope the change doesn't affect the game's sales and the prospect of future RGG Studio games being localised.


Nov 12, 2017
I'm really open about it and interested to see where it goes. Obviously I'd need to see some more indepth gameplay/how it goes long term because turn based takes suddenly a lot more time.

I think after 7 games + spinoff of what is the same brawler mechanics with very little changes each time in between, I can't say i'm at least not excited. It's also not like the brawler system is gonna go away, they very much probably gonna still use it for other spinoffs or judge eyes sequels (they'd be crazy to throw an entire other system out too).
Oct 27, 2017
Pretty damn hyped. I haven't been this excited for a Yakuza title in quite some time.

The poll is a great idea. It would be nice to see a proper gauge of how interested people are in the new direction.


Oct 27, 2017
Been playing Yakuza since 2005 and I welcome the change. The combat has grown stale and after so many games it's time for a change.


Oct 25, 2017
I support a big shakeup for the series since the studio has been stuck doing the same formula for years, but I think the combat system doesn't really suit the series. I would have expected something more akin to the Tales of series, keeping frenetic action with a new battle system altogether... not ditching action completely with a more slow system.

I will still support this project, though. When everyone is jumping on the action train, it's bold that they actually had the balls to switch to turn-based with this entry.


Nov 30, 2018
Final Fantasy VII is an action game and Yakuza 7 is turn based, 2020 ladies and gentlemen!


Oct 27, 2017
Worst case scenario. The fast and frantic arcade-battles made me fall in love with the first Yakuza game. I always enjoyed the chaotic and spectacular fights. They never took too long and had some amazing trigger events in them.

I am really tired of slow ass turn based combat. And getting this instead of the stuff I loved about the series feels very bad. Might actually be a reason for me to not play the new Yakuza game. Good thing I have enough games left to play like Judgment, Lost Paradise and the remakes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is one of those "God of War" situations where it feels like combat having gone "stale" in the series implies that the correct solution is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It could be good, but that doesn't mean it feels like the right decision.

Don't get me wrong, I would totally play a game based on that Yakuza April Fools joke, but I'm not sure I'd actively replace the Yakuza brawler experience with it. The genre is already a bit of a dying breed, and there are plenty of ways you could improve the things that Yakuza tried to do while still sticking to similar beats. As it stands, I'm sure the new game will be good, but I don't really believe this was a change that had to be made.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Killed the game for me. Its going to reverse whatever growth they;ve enjoyed in the west. Hard pass.


Oct 26, 2017
Cautiously optimistic I guess, they've earned the benefit of the doubt from me. I have my worries, but will wait and see.