What do you think?

  • I've liked this new schedule

    Votes: 227 20.6%
  • I haven't liked it. Bring back E3 week.

    Votes: 874 79.4%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I hate it. I want all the info blasted out in a couple of days. Stretching it out over a longer period of time only means I stop paying attention to anything except the absolute biggest beats (Sony conference.)


Oct 29, 2017
I kinda like it but most of the Streams apart from the PS5 one have been very underwhelming and generally contined the same things.
Some of the things I was most hyped about were Persona 4 Golden on PC and 13 Sentinels and those were very small 2 minute trailers in those longer streams.
I hope the New Game + Event on the 23rd will be good.
And I'm missing Nintendo news, but they seem to want to keep quiet for the tim ebing apart from dropping Paper Mario Info and hopefully the DLCs this month.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, with E3 I would watch all event and see games I never knew that might interest me, now I just look for trailer of what I like and want.
And it's really hard to get excited too.

Deleted member 44828

User requested account closure
Jun 10, 2018
The dates and organization? I hated
But I really liked the display for indie games this year.

I wish for some better schedule in general. Like go everything in one week and done. It's tiresome to follow every stream to get updated info about some games or new franchises.

edit: ign summer games and summer game fest is useless in my view
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Oct 25, 2017
I dig it. I think it'd be much better if COVID wasn't screwing everything up though.


Dec 10, 2019
I think Sony was right to delay their PS5 reveal a bit to make it as "professional" as possible. The PC Gaming Show was OK but everything else has been mediocre at best. Also by the end of yesterday's 3 big streams there were games that were already shown multiple times between them. That doesn't bode well for the next 3 MONTHS of this.


Apr 24, 2018
I like it because it gives other less noticeable games/developers a bit of shine rather than being lost in the shuffle from tons of other game announcements all at once.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
I've honestly hated it.

I'm surprised, yet delighted that the public opinion also reflects that.


Oct 27, 2017
Also who would have thought that spreading the events would be this bad, makes you realize that most of those event shows don't have enough content by themselves to catch people's attention


Oct 27, 2017
It's much better for the games being delivered gradually. A year of content is better than a year's content in a few days. Following Nintendo, I'm used to this. I'm not waiting til June each year for a software splat.

Must suck for a developer if your game gets trampled underneath the big rush and forgotten. Plus look at this place every direct, wall to wall Nintendo news on the first page. The other platform holders must be starting to become aware that they're leaving an 11 month void where Nintendo can just walk around in repeatedly.

I'm hoping that this is it for it now. Nintendo moved away from the "all or nothing" E3 thing years ago (despite the crowd seemingly not recognising this with "was that all the games?" comments), Sony were on the way and MS more than likely would have followed.

A lovely sizzle every month, 30/40 minutes long, better pacing. That's the future.
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Nov 18, 2017
It sucks. Giant Bomb E3 has been a favorite week of mine for years and years. Now it's a drip-feed of meh.


Jun 17, 2018
A lot of these events don't even warrant being events. Lots of filler and way too hard to keep track of. I miss E3 week. The lack of nintendo is also making me sad.


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
Nah, man. It's trash, and most of the events are a complete waste of time.

Besides, I never had a problem focusing on the stuff I actually like during E3 week.


Oct 25, 2017
Might be better in a year where things were a little more predictable with regards to what the events are and when they'd take place.

On the other hand, I'm not really going to make time to look at IGN for individual game reveals, and those games really benefit from an audience tuning in because they want to see Last of Us 2 or whatever.
Jun 8, 2018
As someone who's mainly a Nintendo gamer I feel sick. It's good that nothing was announced during the protests but I feel like we are getting no direct whatsoever for a long time.


Oct 25, 2017
PS5 Event was nice, anything else not much. What I probably miss the most is probably the round 2 of information we got during E3. Interviews and previews of the tech demos. The Playstation event had various games, but we barely got anything else after the show. I'm sure more nice stuff are coming later this summer, but the downtime is kinda big and the hype dies down.


Oct 25, 2017
nah, nothing compares to the lively insanity of e3 week. the ps5 event was a little taste, but it's usually much much more... 2010 was a long time ago now, damn.


Teyvat Traveler
Jun 29, 2019
Absolutely hate it and I hope this is a one time thing because of COVID. Give me a proper E3 next year please.


Oct 27, 2017
I like it. Feels like I get to hear about a wider variety of games rather than all the focus being on some headliners with everything else lost underneath.


Oct 27, 2017
Went back and forth on if I liked it or not. Right now I'm on I don't like it. Mainly because MS's stuff being in July is too far and Nintendo is nowhere in sight.


Jan 6, 2018
It doesn't have to be E3, but there needs to be a consolidated event that ppl can gather around.
Absolutely. And people that are happy for indie exposure:
the escapist indie thingie had i think 7k viewers...tahts really weak.

Without the big hitters, and witch so many mediocre indies to stretch these events out, nobody watches them -> not really a benefit for the indies. You need some big hitters, to get the people to watch, and then show some indies to that crowd.
Its just a mess with endless outlets. People watches e3 for the big 3 and because it was concise, 3 days to endulge.

With it moved so much appart, and the stuff thats shown never being that great, you just dont watch it, because you probably will only miss 2 or 3 anouncements, that are not that big, and instead go do something else with your time.
I'll not plan my summer by sceduled events that probably have nothing for me, and where i'll read here if something great gets anounced.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I agree only because Sonys showcase was their best since 2015/2016. I enjoy the IGN expo and other summer game fest stuff but I do wish Xbox and Ubisoft were also this month!


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
Hell naw. This is the worst year for new consoles ever because we don't have e3
i think the showcase last week was better than anything from E3 2019, minus the cyberpunk keanu moment and the 20 minutes of VIIRemake blowout/ In my opinion though.

I know this is a moot point, but if you took this exact showcase, and included a substantial final fantasy showing, on par with last years VIIR reveal from square enix at e3 2019 as well as a God of War teaser, on top of everything we got at the showing,.. this would be for me the best conference we have ever gotten. Personally. But i say this as someone that thinks 2013, 2015 and 2016 were special E3s.
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It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
Never understood why people wanted to cancel the hype culture around E3. Why get mad over other people getting overly excited about something?


Oct 25, 2017
So far, really not in to it. Can't believe people were looking forward to this format. If it was all one week, that'd be one thing (though you'd still lose a lot with an all digital event), but these companies are going to keep it spread out as long as E3 isn't a thing to corral them.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
E3 was always exciting and Sony's ps5 event was the one day thus far that bottled a similar feel. The stuff I've been watching this weekend hasn't been a suitable replacement. Summer isn't over yet but I much preferred E3 existing for that one crazy week to what we have now. Being able to attend it was especially awesome. I've been missing E3 a lot this week.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
Never understood why people wanted to cancel the hype culture around E3. Why get mad over other people getting overly excited about something?
No kidding.

"But they're just commercials".

Yeah, no shit. Learn to find a little joy in things lol. Otherwise go away and watch the trailers later on YouTube.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I like taking vacation to watch all of e3 week, this scattershot approach means I'm often working during part of an event which I hate.


Oct 29, 2017
I hate it.
Maybe 1 week is too short and devs don'thave enough time to shine and people to breathe, but 3/4 months is way too long.

Give me a Summer E3 and a Winter E3, or a 2/3 weeks E3. But give me E3.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The only thing I'm missing is seeing guys like EZA discuss their experiences with the games on the show floor honestly.


Oct 27, 2017
This is 95% terrible. The 5% is that you may notice games you otherwise wouldn't have. But otherwise it's absurd. Every website and then some has their own thing. Who the fuck is guerrilla collective and why are they not the developer and why do I care? I avoid IGN pretty consistently, why do I need to tune in there to see like two game announcements? UGH. And then as was just stated, zero gameplay impressions. it's terrible.


Jan 6, 2018
For me it's very hard to follow the news. When it's condensed, smaller games are often put next to big games, so I get to see a whole range of games. When it's a month long or whatever, I don't have time to tune in the entire time, and I feel like I'm only seeing the biggest headlines.


Nov 13, 2018
I don't really care about it not being under the E3 banner all in one place, but it would be nice if all the major publishers had their events a little closer together rather than spread out so much. Like everything happening over the next 2-3 weeks would be way better than the next 2-3 months. It's just too spread out. Also missing the big Nintendo Direct/Treehouse, but I'm sure Nintendo will do something soonish for their whatever their holiday line-up is.


Nov 8, 2017
It's annoying how disjointed it is, but as someone who devotes like 50% of their gaming time purely to first-party Nintendo games (possibly more), it's mostly just bad because we switched from a designated time where we know Nintendo will make big announcements to being completely in the dark with regards to their release schedule. I know why it had to happen but it's not fun as a fan.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
The circumstances that have driven the current reveals are awful, but the content delivery schedule is superior to a traditional conference. E3 is such an overblown event for reveals that the very very few great moments are the ones that people will prop up to make it seem like it's always worth it. Fact is, most companies have no idea how to fill out an hour of stage time unless they're swimming in game reveals.


Oct 25, 2017
I significantly prefer having a few days devoted to unveiling and showcasing games than having everything scattered around throughout the summer.

Me too. Only ones I've kept up with so far have been Microsoft's and Sony's. It feels harder to know the schedule and be able to see everything because of how scattered it all is.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
You had people in the industry complaining about E3, in that it didn't give their game time to shine and yet here I am ignoring 90% of everything being revealed now. It feels so scattershot and random I can't be assed to keep up with the reveal of any random game on some random day. During E3 week the emotions and stakes are higher and it's fun to devour everything.


Apr 27, 2019
So apparently there was a PC Gamer show which I totally never heard about. I normally would have seen an OT or something. It feels like these shows are passing me by and games are being dripped out without any fanfare.

**edit Uhh Ok so I'm dumb and haven't even noticed teh sticky indexing a shitload of events. For FUck's sake!!!!!!!!!


Summer 2020 Video Game Events Mega Thread

This thread is a WIP, and new events, information, and summaries will be posted as more information is known. Please bear with us as we flesh out this thread :). Any information or help is greatly appreciated as we work to present you with a comprehensive list of all important gaming...
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Oct 27, 2017
This has been complete garbage. In my head I thought it would have played out like this:

- We would have one big day every week (Monday or Tuesday) where we have a showcase dedicated to whatever IGN/ Geoff dug up. Sony games, big budget games, indie games, the catagory wouldn't matter, it would just be a big focal point
- we spend the rest of the week discussing what we saw. Maybe could even have some extended developer interviews.
- we still get to see other announcements from other companies made on their own time

That's what I had believed, basically take the entire cake that was E3, and spread it out 3 or 4 times, but still retaining the same structure as an e3 week. Journalists don't have to rush, the big dogs still lead the week news, indie get their space, we still get our showcases to discuss, everyone wins.

What we actually got is a shitshow. It's not just that everything is spread out, there is no structure to the scheduling. So it feels like the only different between developers showing the goods on their own time and "The Summer of Games" is that in the latter the dev might sit on a couch with Geoff on a webcam. The only focal points we have (Sony, MS streams) only happened because we have consoles coming out this year.

In IGN/ Goff's defense, they had to come up with this stuff on the fly, but hopefully they know next year to have publishers and developers commit to a schedule that generates hype and discussion on a weekly basis. Maybe not crammed into one week, but not all summer. And schedule your weekly content much more strictly!