
Oct 27, 2017
As a gamer and collector I always try to grab games I want to own, before they become scarce and the prices start to increase. It can be a fine line waiting for retailers to clearance out titles to get them as cheap as possible, but not waiting too long and the prices skyrocket. I wanted to create a thread so we can discuss and share games from any console that are getting harder to find so we can pick them up before the prices go crazy.

You can still find a lot of new games from PS4, X1, 3DS, and even systems like Wii, DS, PS3, 360, and older still have games new that can be found at places like eBay, Amazon, and sometimes even box store retailers and that's not mentioning used copies at places like GameStop.

You may also want to checkout a couple of threads below that focus on 3DS and PS4/Vita.

Highlighting 3DS games before they become harder to find:

So what rare PS4/Vita games are starting to get rare/expensive:

Thread to note Switch games to avoid missing out on.

With that said, have you noticed any games that your fellow Resetera member should be picking up before the prices skyrocket?

Update: A discord has been created for discussing games to pick up before they are hard to find.
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Feb 5, 2018
Gonna second Danganronpa/Nonary games stuff on PS4. I personally think it's worth picking up the UK edition of Trilogy and Ultra Despair Girls from shop4megastore. They have coupons fairly often and they are still cheaper there compared to 3rd party sellers on Amazon US and Ebay. They also have no DLC and are complete on disc so no need for needing a UK PSN account for anything.

It feels like NISA in particular has been pretty bad about keeping games in stock lately. Ys IX and Ryza 2 are already store-only at Best Buy and who knows how long it will stay in stock at Amazon. Things like Ryza 1 had a reprint but is already OOS in most places outside of VideoGamesPlus.

A lot of DS/3DS RPGs are expensive now. It feels like most big Atlus DS/3DS games are in the $80+ range and things like Dragon Quest IV and higher have all hit the $100 range when they were pretty cheap and available just a few years ago. Gamestop tossing a bunch of DS cases probably didn't help


Oct 26, 2017
As a recommendation for this thread, maybe we should get a spreadsheet going to track some of these current values/trends?

It feels like NISA in particular has been pretty bad about keeping games in stock lately. Ys IX and Ryza 2 are already store-only at Best Buy and who knows how long it will stay in stock at Amazon. Things like Ryza 1 had a reprint but is already OOS in most places outside of VideoGamesPlus.

A lot of DS/3DS RPGs are expensive now. It feels like most big Atlus DS/3DS games are in the $80+ range and things like Dragon Quest IV and higher have all hit the $100 range when they were pretty cheap and available just a few years ago. Gamestop tossing a bunch of DS cases probably didn't help

NISA has taken on so many partners, and given COVID stuff with last year, I think they've severely cut down copies that they print for some of these 3rd party games they publish. As mentioned in the PS4/Vita thread, there were a ton that barely saw a trickle make it to store fronts, and most likely just due to supply chain/production restraints with warehouses/labor last year. A lot of these problems I saw last year, are continuing into this year (see: current trading card market). I know lots of people are very anti-preorder, but with these titles, especially considering things now, I would HIGHLY recommend pre-ordering NISA titles if you really want to own a physical copy of it.

As for DS/3DS it makes me so mad that lots of Gamestop district managers from a long time ago told employees to toss out these cases, so they wouldn't take up more shelf space for console titles, and fit into those glass display cases :/ I've talked to employees that were pretty much forced to do so, and that's a shame. Having a complete DS/3DS game also makes it way easy to avoid fakes, since I can't remember actually seeing fake cases for those (unlike GBA etc, where it is a lot easier to print a box). I have SO SO many regrets of not getting some of these at cost, and the prices on these have just not budged :/ Lots of Atlus games only got a single tiny printing, and that was it.


Oct 27, 2017
Gonna second Danganronpa/Nonary games stuff on PS4. I personally think it's worth picking up the UK edition of Trilogy and Ultra Despair Girls from shop4megastore. They have coupons fairly often and they are still cheaper there compared to 3rd party sellers on Amazon US and Ebay. They also have no DLC and are complete on disc so no need for needing a UK PSN account for anything.

It feels like NISA in particular has been pretty bad about keeping games in stock lately. Ys IX and Ryza 2 are already store-only at Best Buy and who knows how long it will stay in stock at Amazon. Things like Ryza 1 had a reprint but is already OOS in most places outside of VideoGamesPlus.

A lot of DS/3DS RPGs are expensive now. It feels like most big Atlus DS/3DS games are in the $80+ range and things like Dragon Quest IV and higher have all hit the $100 range when they were pretty cheap and available just a few years ago. Gamestop tossing a bunch of DS cases probably didn't help

These are all games that have started to increase and definitely worth getting if you can find them affordable.

One I noticed that is still affordable, but seemingly drying up quickly is Deception IV on the PS3.

There are less than 15 listings (used and new) on eBay and only 9 listings on Amazon, but one seller has some copies available for $29.99. May be worth grabbing if it's a game that is interesting to you.


Oct 25, 2017
I've spent a lifetime grabbing games that I figured would become difficult gets later, not for investment purposes but because I'd want them later and it would be difficult.

I've definitely hit on a lot of these, missed on a few. But I have tons of games that wouldn't net me much of anything. It's a fun hobby, both playing and collecting. It can just become a storage issue at some point.

I also hit a point where I feel the need to communicate to my wife what things are worth so she doesn't trash them if something happens to me. I got a nervous laugh out of Smokemonster Tweeting a pic of two 1-800-GOT-JUNK trucks on the highway with the caption, "Oh no, I hope a retro gamer didn't die!".


Oct 27, 2017
As a recommendation for this thread, maybe we should get a spreadsheet going to track some of these current values/trends?

NISA has taken on so many partners, and given COVID stuff with last year, I think they've severely cut down copies that they print for some of these 3rd party games they publish. As mentioned in the PS4/Vita thread, there were a ton that barely saw a trickle make it to store fronts, and most likely just due to supply chain/production restraints with warehouses/labor last year. A lot of these problems I saw last year, are continuing into this year (see: current trading card market). I know lots of people are very anti-preorder, but with these titles, especially considering things now, I would HIGHLY recommend pre-ordering NISA titles if you really want to own a physical copy of it.

As for DS/3DS it makes me so mad that lots of Gamestop district managers from a long time ago told employees to toss out these cases, so they wouldn't take up more shelf space for console titles, and fit into those glass display cases :/ I've talked to employees that were pretty much forced to do so, and that's a shame. Having a complete DS/3DS game also makes it way easy to avoid fakes, since I can't remember actually seeing fake cases for those (unlike GBA etc, where it is a lot easier to print a box). I have SO SO many regrets of not getting some of these at cost, and the prices on these have just not budged :/ Lots of Atlus games only got a single tiny printing, and that was it.

Spreadsheet is a good idea. If someone starts one I'll add it to the OP and help update it. If not, I'll try to start one when I have a chance.

The DS and 3DS have definitely started increasing but it's at a place where you can still find deals for them and there are still a lot of titles that are probably undervalued.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly many physical editions of Switch games that aren't the popular Nintendo games can be hard to find in Europe these days if they are more than a year or so old, as they rarely get second printings. Even heavily promoted third-party titles like Skyrim and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 are out of print.

In the past I've always grabbed portable RPGs as soon as they came out as portable print runs are often tiny here, and I thought the success of the Switch would be the end of that, but even relatively recent releases like The Alliance Alive HD and Dragon Quest XIS can be hard to find new here. Some small RPGs you'd think would disappear quickly are still relatively easy to find, I suspect publishers are still even now finding their feet with how many copies to print, with no real incentive to keep them available after launch when it's all on digital now anyway.
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Oct 27, 2017
These are all games that have started to increase and definitely worth getting if you can find them affordable.

One I noticed that is still affordable, but seemingly drying up quickly is Deception IV on the PS3.

There are less than 15 listings (used and new) on eBay and only 9 listings on Amazon, but one seller has some copies available for $29.99. May be worth grabbing if it's a game that is interesting to you.
Don't see it happening, the version people want is the PS4 or Vita English version with the upgrade.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't see it happening, the version people want is the PS4 or Vita English version with the upgrade.

Going by rarity alone, I can actually see the PS3 one being a lot rarer in the long run (anecdotally, I saw that version on stores shelves the least of the 3). On eBay right now, the actual sold prices don't reflect the current asking prices, with all 3 going for roughly the same amount right now (although the PS3 version is on the lower end). We haven't quite reached the "PS3 is retro and collectible" point yet, which makes it hard to forecast which will become rare within a few years.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread made me realize how expensive and unavailable 13 Sentinels and the Ryza games are in Europe :(

This brings up a fair point. As we note games we may need to note which region we are discussing. I have mostly been discussing ESRB rated games, but no reason we have to limit the discussion.


Oct 28, 2017
Most of those newer games like Ryza and 13 Sentinels are low in stock or sold out but new stock is coming in all the time.

And I feel like game prices in general are higher than normal and stock is lower than usual. Probably due to covid.

Honestly many physical editions of Switch games that aren't the popular Nintendo games can be hard to find in Europe these days if they are more than a year or so old, as they rarely get second printings. Even heavily promoted third-party titles like Skyrim and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 are out of print.
Most of them aren't out of print. Put them in your basket on amazon and you'll get a message when they are available again. It can take months but they come again eventually. Like Diablo 3 always goes down in price once it's sold out and goes up when it's available again.

Some of you seem to have severe fomo. But I understand why, considering what some old, hard to get games are worth now.


Oct 27, 2017
Going by rarity alone, I can actually see the PS3 one being a lot rarer in the long run (anecdotally, I saw that version on stores shelves the least of the 3). On eBay right now, the actual sold prices don't reflect the current asking prices, with all 3 going for roughly the same amount right now (although the PS3 version is on the lower end). We haven't quite reached the "PS3 is retro and collectible" point yet, which makes it hard to forecast which will become rare within a few years.

This is the reason I noted the PS3 version. If the PS3 version turns out to be much harder to find, it will be the most expensive of the bunch. Anecdotally it does seem to have the shortest print run, and with the PS4 I would expect that will hold up long term, though who knows to what extent it will matter.


Oct 26, 2017
Most of those newer games like Ryza and 13 Sentinels are low in stock or sold out but new stock is coming in all the time.

And I feel like game prices in general are higher than normal and stock is lower than usual. Probably due to covid.

Most of them aren't out of print. Put them in your basket on amazon and you'll get a message when they are available again. It can take months but they come again eventually. Like Diablo 3 always goes down in price once it's sold out and goes up when it's available again.

Some of you seem to have severe fomo. But I understand why, considering what some old, hard to get games are worth now.

I don't think it's the case of FOMO, when some NISA titles are impossible to find physically (as noted in the PS4 topic) with titles such as Disaster Report 4 and Uta: Prelude. I can see 13 Sentinels (in both regions) being the type of game that suddenly goes OOP, while everyone expected a price drop. Trust me, I've been there on titles where "oh this won't be rare, I'll get it on Black Friday/clearance sales" aaaaand those turned out to end up being super rare.

It can be tough to pick out which titles will get reprinted abd which you just never see again. If it's something you really want and is niche, I always recommend the "better safe than sorry" approach, so you don't need to pay above MSRP in a collectors' market value, in the future.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If we can speculate, how crazy will Super Mario 3D All Stars jump in value? Obviously they aren't jumping April 1st, but with a short run for a famous franchise like Mario there is going to eventually be a jump in resell prices for that game.

I still can't believe Nintendo is doing a short run of that game.


Oct 27, 2017
If we can speculate, how crazy will Super Mario 3D All Stars jump in value? Obviously they aren't jumping April 1st, but with a short run for a famous franchise like Mario there is going to eventually be a jump in resell prices for that game.

I still can't believe Nintendo is doing a short run of that game.

It would help to know how many copies are left unsold. For example while scouring Wal Marts for their recent clearance titles I took pictures of the games so I would know what they had in the future for clearance games and my local Wal Mart had over 20 copies of the game, which is a lot compared to other titles. There are also plenty of collectors that bought them to keep sealed.

Eventually it will go out of stock and be sought after, but I wouldn't expect a large jump anytime soon.


Feb 5, 2018
If we can speculate, how crazy will Super Mario 3D All Stars jump in value? Obviously they aren't jumping April 1st, but with a short run for a famous franchise like Mario there is going to eventually be a jump in resell prices for that game.

I still can't believe Nintendo is doing a short run of that game.
I feel like 3D All Stars will be more like a Pokemon game where it doesn't get expensive for awhile. They sold so many copies of it compared to most games that go OOP/OOS


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Most of those newer games like Ryza and 13 Sentinels are low in stock or sold out but new stock is coming in all the time.

And I feel like game prices in general are higher than normal and stock is lower than usual. Probably due to covid.

Most of them aren't out of print. Put them in your basket on amazon and you'll get a message when they are available again. It can take months but they come again eventually. Like Diablo 3 always goes down in price once it's sold out and goes up when it's available again.
Good to know, thanks. At least that makes a change from some Atlus games on DS/3DS, where the print runs were so small that even a few weeks after release you couldn't find them aside from paying a third party seller a wildly inflated price.


Oct 27, 2017
Monster Hunter Stories 3DS-a game released late in the 3DS lifecycle. Copies are drying up and have been on an upward trend since the sequel was announced. Expect it will continue after the sequel release date draws near and especially if it's well received.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think it's the case of FOMO, when some NISA titles are impossible to find physically (as noted in the PS4 topic) with titles such as Disaster Report 4 and Uta: Prelude. I can see 13 Sentinels (in both regions) being the type of game that suddenly goes OOP, while everyone expected a price drop. Trust me, I've been there on titles where "oh this won't be rare, I'll get it on Black Friday/clearance sales" aaaaand those turned out to end up being super rare.

It can be tough to pick out which titles will get reprinted abd which you just never see again. If it's something you really want and is niche, I always recommend the "better safe than sorry" approach, so you don't need to pay above MSRP in a collectors' market value, in the future.
You're actually right.
I feel the problem is that this isn't the 360/PS2 gen anymore where it felt like every game was like 50% off or even more after a short time. I was and still am watching so many games right now and it feels like games get less stock at once but get restocked more often. Problem is that it's kind of unpredictable for so many games.

Example I was looking for Sekiro sometime last year and it was so hard to find for a normal price (EU) and I thought this game was going to be cheap really quick because it's published by Acti and probably getting a large print run.

And Switch games are completely unpredictable with this. I swear I was watching games like Labyrinth or Refrain, Diablo, Skyrim etc. - they were all sold out but I didn't want to buy used so I just waited and it took months for them to get reprinted/get back in stock. And I almost bought them for a higher price.

This gen feels weird as a physical buyer. There's AAA games that are clearly easy to find and get really cheap at some point but even those can hold their value for a longer time than last gen.

Last gen was amazing for cheap buys. I imported games for like 20-30£ a few weeks after launch.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Monster Hunter Stories 3DS-a game released late in the 3DS lifecycle. Copies are drying up and have been on an upward trend since the sequel was announced. Expect it will continue after the sequel release date draws near and especially if it's well received.
I swear that when Persona Q2 was one of the last major 3DS releases, most buyers still had it in shrink wrap a year later as it followed a ton of 50 hour releases in a row, several of them also by Atlus


Oct 27, 2017
You're actually right.
I feel the problem is that this isn't the 360/PS2 gen anymore where it felt like every game was like 50% off or even more after a short time. I was and still am watching so many games right now and it feels like games get less stock at once but get restocked more often. Problem is that it's kind of unpredictable for so many games.

Example I was looking for Sekiro sometime last year and it was so hard to find for a normal price (EU) and I thought this game was going to be cheap really quick because it's published by Acti and probably getting a large print run.

And Switch games are completely unpredictable with this. I swear I was watching games like Labyrinth or Refrain, Diablo, Skyrim etc. - they were all sold out but I didn't want to buy used so I just waited and it took months for them to get reprinted/get back in stock. And I almost bought them for a higher price.

This gen feels weird as a physical buyer. There's AAA games that are clearly easy to find and get really cheap at some point but even those can hold their value for a longer time than last gen.

Last gen was amazing for cheap buys. I imported games for like 20-30£ a few weeks after launch.

I think you are seeing Publishers tighten their physical print runs knowing they have the digital store to offer if the Physical version sales out. Then they can make a decision on whether an additional print run makes sense, based on demand. Especially on Switch where the cost is much higher than disc based systems.

We still see plenty of titles clearanced now, but they don't seem to get multiple print runs or aren't clearanced as long before they are gone. Of course you also have the titles that just disappear without ever having a price drop as well.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It would help to know how many copies are left unsold. For example while scouring Wal Marts for their recent clearance titles I took pictures of the games so I would know what they had in the future for clearance games and my local Wal Mart had over 20 copies of the game, which is a lot compared to other titles. There are also plenty of collectors that bought them to keep sealed.

Eventually it will go out of stock and be sought after, but I wouldn't expect a large jump anytime soon.

Yea it will definitely be a slow burn on that title. The weird part though is the game is getting pulled off the eshop as well. Who knows what their plans will be for the games moving forward but having all three games on one cartridge will be a selling point to collecters (see Fire Emblem Fates)

I feel like 3D All Stars will be more like a Pokemon game where it doesn't get expensive for awhile. They sold so many copies of it compared to most games that go OOP/OOS

Man I still can't believe how high those Pokemon DS games rose, especially over the past ~12 months. I have been tryin to get a copy of either Black or White 2 to play but I refuse to pay the current market value. I hope there is somewhat of a drop in the future on those. I'm seriously considering getting the other 3DS versions for my collection that I haven't bought yet (For example I have moon but never bought Sun)


Oct 27, 2017
I swear that when Persona Q2 was one of the last major 3DS releases, most buyers still had it in shrink wrap a year later as it followed a ton of 50 hour releases in a row, several of them also by Atlus

Guilty, lol! I still have the collector edition sealed. With the frequent eShop sales on Atlas 3DS games I'd probably just grab it on there when I decide to play it eventually.


Oct 26, 2017
I think you are seeing Publishers tighten their physical print runs knowing they have the digital store to offer if the Physical version sales out. Then they can make a decision on whether an additional print run makes sense, based on demand. Especially on Switch where the cost is much higher than disc based systems.

We still see plenty of titles clearanced now, but they don't seem to get multiple print runs or aren't clearanced as long before they are gone. Of course you also have the titles that just disappear without ever having a price drop as well.

Was pretty much going to reply with something like this. When you read a lot of the financials on a lot of these companies, you can see just how much more they want to push digital, and those graphs are also telling to show that digital is creeping up to being the bulk of many company's sales. So COVID issues aside, any physical collector should look at these trends and note that while physical prints ARE still being done, don't expect many to hang around too long, that aren't AAA million+ sellers.

So when Sekiro being hard to find was mentioned, I'm not too surprised. It's not a huge title like CoD, so I feel like they still treat it as a 'niche' title, and just didn't print nearly many as they could've, like their other giant titles, relying more on digital sales.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You're actually right.
I feel the problem is that this isn't the 360/PS2 gen anymore where it felt like every game was like 50% off or even more after a short time. I was and still am watching so many games right now and it feels like games get less stock at once but get restocked more often. Problem is that it's kind of unpredictable for so many games.

Example I was looking for Sekiro sometime last year and it was so hard to find for a normal price (EU) and I thought this game was going to be cheap really quick because it's published by Acti and probably getting a large print run.

And Switch games are completely unpredictable with this. I swear I was watching games like Labyrinth or Refrain, Diablo, Skyrim etc. - they were all sold out but I didn't want to buy used so I just waited and it took months for them to get reprinted/get back in stock. And I almost bought them for a higher price.

This gen feels weird as a physical buyer. There's AAA games that are clearly easy to find and get really cheap at some point but even those can hold their value for a longer time than last gen.

Last gen was amazing for cheap buys. I imported games for like 20-30£ a few weeks after launch.

The retail game has changed big time. From an American perspective Toys R Us is gone, Target and Best Buy have slimmed down their in store offerings and don't have nearly as many weekly deals like they used to. Kmart and Sears are gone. Say what you want about Kmart but I found a fair amount of games sitting in the display cases long after they were sold out anywhere else.

I know it has been a long running joke on the internet about Gamestop is failing, but if we lost Gamestop that would hurt physical collectors quite a bit. They are still the go to place for getting just about anything niche, at least at launch.

Like others have already mentioned, games will have smaller prints going forward and the days of finding gems in the clearance bins will be few and far between.
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Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Guilty, lol! I still have the collector edition sealed. With the frequent eShop sales on Atlas 3DS games I'd probably just grab it on there when I decide to play it eventually.
Hah, I'm the same, I've got that, the original PQ, at least one Etrian Odyssey game and 7th Dragon all sitting in a box. At the time I was like 'if I don't grab these RPGs I'll never be able to find them for a decent price later, and I'm not sure about the 3DS store being around in 10 years time'. Seeing as it's 3 years later and I still haven't played them, I don't know whether I was right about having them able for me to play when I get around to them, or deluding myself that I'll ever do that. Am leaning towards the latter. :D


Oct 26, 2017
I know it has been a long running joke on the internet about Gamestop is failing, but if we lost Gamestop that would hurt physical collectors quite a bit. They are still the go to place for getting just about anything niche, at least at launch.

Agreed. Best Buy doesn't get in all of the niche titles and when they do, it seems to be in very small quantities and pre-orders sometimes sell out early on them. Amazon is well, another story if you like LEs and want to received one NOT damage, which is very YMMV. Another good thing about their used games, is that for titles that weren't brand-new releases, they were for the most part fairly priced and did NOT use eBay as a guide for pricing. It worries me that GS wants to go in a "digital" direction for their stores, which is pretty silly. Why not go with their retro idea from over a year ago? Not all of us have access to mom n pops, and this would be a great option to have. A head-scratcher, for sure.
Oct 29, 2017
I recently picked up Baldur's Gate 1/2, Neverwinter Nights, Planescape Torment/Icewind Dale, and Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 on Xbox One. Maybe I'm wrong and these games will be cheap and readily available forever, but I just have a hunch that these games are so niche that once the physical copies go OOP they are going to completely disappear.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the reason I noted the PS3 version. If the PS3 version turns out to be much harder to find, it will be the most expensive of the bunch. Anecdotally it does seem to have the shortest print run, and with the PS4 I would expect that will hold up long term, though who knows to what extent it will matter.
It is kind of a hard comparison because they are different game, so even with a smaller print the demand won't be the same.

To get back on topic on what to buy. Trails of Cold Steel III PS4 is $26.97 at amazon. This might be as good as it will ever get.
Oct 31, 2017
Honestly many physical editions of Switch games that aren't the popular Nintendo games can be hard to find in Europe these days if they are more than a year or so old, as they rarely get second printings. Even heavily promoted third-party titles like Skyrim and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 are out of print.

Just checked and those two games are currently available on! :P
Oct 31, 2017
Sweet :D

Skyrim is only available from third party sellers from Amazon UK (they want £70!) at the mo.

I took a closer look and both games aren't sold by amazon either. Skyrim is 57/61€ while Marvel is 55/60€.

It seems like you were right in the end: games are available at a premium price because there's currently no stock. Covid related maybe?
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Oct 27, 2017
The retail game has changed big time. From an American perspective Toys R Us is gone, Target and Best Buy have slimmed down their in store offerings and don't have nearly as many weekly deals like they used to. Kmart and Sears are gone. Say what you want about Kmart but I found a fair amount of games sitting in the display cases long after they were sold out anywhere else.

I know it has been a long running joke on the internet about Gamestop is failing, but if we lost Gamestop that would hurt physical collectors quite a bit. They are still the go to place for getting just about anything niche, at least at launch.

Like others have already mentioned, games will have smaller prints going forward and the days of finding gems in the clearance bins will be few and far between.

I agree losing GameStop would be a major blow. Just look at what traditionally happens to systems once GameStop clears out the games for those consoles. They almost always start going up in price. It would also be one less place to find clearance prices.


Oct 25, 2017
Still no reprint of Xenoblade 2, which has been quite inconvenient. Lots of luck to anyone attempting to find a US copy of AI: The Somnium Files for a reasonable price either whether it be for PS4 or Switch, I said screw it and ordered a cheaper EU import.


Oct 26, 2017
Still no reprint of Xenoblade 2, which has been quite inconvenient.

I feel like this was one of those "eh, they'll be enough around to buy later on" titles. I saw so many around, even the LEs stuck around in stocks long enough to get discounted. Actually, looking up on eBay, Torna is actually averaging to $60+, so that def is one that is starting to get rare. I do remember Nintendo saying it would be a "limited print" they were making, yet they also seemed to hang around for quite awhile in stores. Guess they finally cleared out and are now climbing in price.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like this was one of those "eh, they'll be enough around to buy later on" titles. I saw so many around, even the LEs stuck around in stocks long enough to get discounted. Actually, looking up on eBay, Torna is actually averaging to $60+, so that def is one that is starting to get rare. I do remember Nintendo saying it would be a "limited print" they were making, yet they also seemed to hang around for quite awhile in stores. Guess they finally cleared out and are now climbing in price.
Which leads such limitations to make even less sense to me after how well XB2 sold. Either way, I made a point of getting Xenoblade DE for cheap while I could once I had a Switch to avoid a repeat of that crap.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like this was one of those "eh, they'll be enough around to buy later on" titles. I saw so many around, even the LEs stuck around in stocks long enough to get discounted. Actually, looking up on eBay, Torna is actually averaging to $60+, so that def is one that is starting to get rare. I do remember Nintendo saying it would be a "limited print" they were making, yet they also seemed to hang around for quite awhile in stores. Guess they finally cleared out and are now climbing in price.

Yea I'm starting to kick myself with waiting on Torna. XC2 seems to be creeping up so I might grab that soonish


Oct 25, 2017
Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts is harder to find than you'd imagine. While other ones sell for like $8 shipped, that's never less than $40

It's because the community asked and asked for an actual hunting lite game, not the super linear stuff they made before. Those games you can just kind of play through in 6 hours and then play the arcade modes for a while (which are pretty dang fun tbf), and then that's it. They took until the last one they made to make it actually something replayable where you can actually have an open space to hunt in. Also the PC version, which is the only version you can find download codes for, is unfortunately bugged. After a while it will just corrupt your save and there's not a lot of info why.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 24, 2020
Most licensed anime games get a very limited printing especially from koei tecmo. No idea if the situation is different outside the uk but it's becoming increasing difficult to find copies of berserk band of the hawk and attack on titan 1 and 2 for a reasonable price.

I would definitely suggest picking up the AoT games now if you can find them as a lot of people are getting in on the final season and will probably go hunting for the games


Oct 27, 2017
If you can still find Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 big box editions for PS4, scoop them ASAP.


Oct 25, 2017
I forgot to mention that AI: The Somnium Files appears to be the only Spike Chunsoft-published VN that seems hard to find. 428: Shibuya Scramble on PS4 (for now, at least), YU-NO on both PS4 and Switch, and the Robotics;Notes Elite & DaSH Double Pack are all readily available, YU-NO and R;N in particular going for pretty cheap. No problems finding Steins;Gate Elite on PS4 or Switch, either.
If you can still find Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 big box editions for PS4, scoop them ASAP.
I had been consider double-dipping on these for a while, already having the PS3 collector's edition of CS1 made to house it and CS2. I may or may not go digital at low prices for the PS4 ones both to save money since platinums transfer across PS3/PS4/Vita, and because I just want the convenience of accessing them on more recent hardware (PS3 CS1 also has occasional hard lock issues).
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Yea I'm starting to kick myself with waiting on Torna. XC2 seems to be creeping up so I might grab that soonish

Makes me wonder if Xenoblade Definitive Edition will also end up similarly to those. It has exclusice content and is the most replayable version. Right now copies are fairly cheap new on the second hand market because they were clearanced out at Wal Mart. I already own a copy, but it's one that may be worth grabbing now for those that don't have it.


Oct 26, 2017
If you can still find Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 big box editions for PS4, scoop them ASAP.

It looks like the XSEED store still has copies of 1 in stock (they list 2, but link re-directs to something else). Ships to US-only, though.

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Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
It's because the community asked and asked for an actual hunting lite game, not the super linear stuff they made before. Those games you can just kind of play through in 6 hours and then play the arcade modes for a while (which are pretty dang fun tbf), and then that's it. They took until the last one they made to make it actually something replayable where you can actually have an open space to hunt in. Also the PC version, which is the only version you can find download codes for, is unfortunately bugged. After a while it will just corrupt your save and there's not a lot of info why.
I collect light gun games, and there's a frustrating lack of detail about these games and which guns, if any, they all support. Most information has been taken offline. Like, only later did I find out the other two Activision shooting games, MIB and GoldenEye, work with it.

I'm just glad the DLC for the two of their games that had it, was free on the PS3, and I grabbed it a decade ago. That stuff is LONG GONE. Tried playing African Adventures and I'm struggling with the controls. Not sure if the Fearmaster gun is any better, though.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Most of those newer games like Ryza and 13 Sentinels are low in stock or sold out but new stock is coming in all the time.

FWIW, in North America at least, Ryza Switch was out of stock for a very long time, and K-T America said there were no plans to reprint. They changed their mind in September, and copies began showing up in October and November, but I think those are mostly gone now as well. I'm not sure anyone should expect a third pressing. PS4's a different story, stock of that one is much easier to come by.


Oct 25, 2017
I collect light gun games, and there's a frustrating lack of detail about these games and which guns, if any, they all support. Most information has been taken offline. Like, only later did I find out the other two Activision shooting games, MIB and GoldenEye, work with it.

I'm just glad the DLC for the two of their games that had it, was free on the PS3, and I grabbed it a decade ago. That stuff is LONG GONE. Tried playing African Adventures and I'm struggling with the controls. Not sure if the Fearmaster gun is any better, though.

Honestly most of them are just way better with a controller anyway to be honest. It's mainly when you do the arcade shit that it gets really good. Dangerous Hunts 2011 is great fun going for the 7 minute survival trophy, although when I did it on xbox, I had to do it on a controller lollll. I've thought about getting a playstation move though, because I kinda want to get the playstation version and replay.

The latest one really just isn't built for the light guns I feel like. Its your typical controlling fps. Hunting sim lite lite. I don't even think it has the shooting gallery the other ones do, which like I said, is where the light guns shine (heh).


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's the case of FOMO, when some NISA titles are impossible to find physically (as noted in the PS4 topic) with titles such as Disaster Report 4 and Uta: Prelude. I can see 13 Sentinels (in both regions) being the type of game that suddenly goes OOP, while everyone expected a price drop. Trust me, I've been there on titles where "oh this won't be rare, I'll get it on Black Friday/clearance sales" aaaaand those turned out to end up being super rare.

It can be tough to pick out which titles will get reprinted abd which you just never see again. If it's something you really want and is niche, I always recommend the "better safe than sorry" approach, so you don't need to pay above MSRP in a collectors' market value, in the future.
I came so close to pulling the trigger on $20 SMT Apocalypse so many times but never did ;_;

"I'll just pick it up after I beat 4 some day "


Oct 27, 2017
It looks like the XSEED store still has copies of 1 in stock (they list 2, but link re-directs to something else). Ships to US-only, though.

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It is sold out, you are not able to actually add it to your cart