
Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
Sometimes it's a 70/30, sometimes a 50/50; sometimes you prefer the opposite sex romantically and the same sex physically; sometimes it literally depends on the MONTH. And in some cases you may feel forever "bi-curious." xD That's the fun in being a two-way player; the permutations are endless! xP

If you're comfortable with it, feel free to share your own leanings below..!!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd estimate something like 65% f and 35% m, when it's not affected further by the bi-cycle. Obviously it's hard to include a value for non-binary people in the percentages since that's an entire category of genders.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably a 2 on the Kinsey scale. I'm a little self-doubting but sometimes I'll see an extremely hot masc or androgynous person and do the cartoon "awooga, jaw drops to the floor" thing in my mind and it's like, oh, yep, definitely still bi/pan.


Oct 28, 2017
85% f, 15% m.

It's mostly that I recognize I can find men attractive, though I mainly prefer women. My romantic relationships have only been with women, including my current one.
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Part of my environment during my youth helped me be more open minded to ideas but when it came to relationships, it was more about man x woman with queer relationships being accepted but not for me (at least that how media framed it to me). So my attraction leans more on women than men., 60/40.


Mar 21, 2022
I lean towards women more, but some dudes are really cute and ahhhhhh.

I only bottom for girls though.


May 3, 2022
70% men/30% women

I'll occasionally come across a woman who just really does things for me, but most of the time i'm more interested in men and am more interested in pursuing relationships with men
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I dunno if I can split it into a ratio like that, it really just comes down to the guy and his personality on whether or not my gay gene kicks in. I am generally more comfortable around women/femmes so that also reflects in my sexuality I guess, cuz a lot of men are men.
Oct 25, 2017
I consider myself mostly Heterosexual but I'm Panromantic, honestly I'm attracted to femininity 99% of the time but I could date men, but I'm just very picky.

Thankfully I'm taken so this isn't something I have to worry about.


Oct 26, 2017
After all this time I'm still not really sure. I'm probably going to find a random gal more attractive than a random guy but it depends. And I'm marrying a guy so there's that too


Jan 24, 2024
Idk how normal this is but it really depends on when you ask me. Like sometimes I'm all about men, and I can't really feel attracted to women. Then something will flip and I'm like "aw yeah, women sexy" and men suddenly become uninteresting.

I think my ratio is 55-60% men and 40-45% women but it's hard to gauge


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
Idk how normal this is but it really depends on when you ask me. Like sometimes I'm all about men, and I can't really feel attracted to women. Then something will flip and I'm like "aw yeah, women sexy" and men suddenly become uninteresting.

I think my ratio is 55-60% men and 40-45% women but it's hard to gauge
perfectly normal ime, i also just go with the tides

it's become clear to me now though in my ADVANCED AGE what will really peg someone as being someone i want to be involved with though, so i feel like it's become less volatile and more even for me. which is to say, i used to like feminine much more than masculine, and now i like masculine a lot more than i ever expected and find it prettymuch equal. and any other gender identity for that matter


The Wise Ones
Nov 11, 2019
I'm pretty equally attracted to masculinity and femininity but in terms of women and men about 80/20. I'm waaay more particular about men. As for fellow non-binary/GNC people (kinda surprised no one in the thread has spoken on this?, nm, my bad Alavard) I'm attracted to like most of them genuinely, but that's simply an extension of my raging preference for T4T dating anyway.


Jun 14, 2023
70F/30M. I'm attracted to more women than men, but the more attractive of each are very similarly regarded.


Oct 25, 2017
Like 80F/20M? I have a pretty broad attraction to woman while I have a very specific...uhm...type I am attracted to male wise.


Oct 30, 2017
Pansexual, but I need some semblance of emotional connection to want to have sex with someone (not necessarily be sexually attracted to them), which I rarely seem to be able to reach with cis men and especially cishet men. So it's probably like 5% cis men, 95% everything else (I don't have any type of a preference in this category tbh)
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
I read the thread title hearing his voice.


Nov 13, 2017
85% f, 15% m.

It's mostly that I recognize I can find men attractive, though I mainly prefer women. My romantic relationships have only with women, including my current one.
Like 80F/20M? I have a pretty broad attraction to woman while I have a very specific...uhm...type I am attracted to male wise.
Yeah these sound about right

I am a cis man married to a cis woman who would also probably label herself similarly
Oct 27, 2017
Mount Airy, MD
I'd say broadly "heteromantic", but comfortably bisexual otherwise, with a general feeling more of "I don't care what parts you have" than "I really like women and men and miss different sorts when I'm not in that kind of relationship".

My existing partners are all women, but definitely run the spectrum of femme to masc and I can't say I feel much preference in that regard.


Jan 24, 2024
I'm pretty equally attracted to masculinity and femininity but in terms of women and men about 80/20. I'm waaay more particular about men. As for fellow non-binary/GNC people (kinda surprised no one in the thread has spoken on this?, nm, my bad Alavard) I'm attracted to like most of them genuinely, but that's simply an extension of my raging preference for T4T dating anyway.
I'm nb and this post just made me realize I have no idea how I feel about other enbies sexually

Is this the most complicated version of heterosexuality


Oct 25, 2017
I'd say I'm heteroflexible. I usually pursue woman romantically and sexually but every now and then I find men really attractive. When I was younger it was slightly more even, but I've had some less than stellar experiences with men which have been a bit of a turn off.


Apr 25, 2022
I don't know what the fuck I am. I'm only interested in women physically and emotionally. (However, I've never been with a woman)
I am not attracted to masculinity like at all other than male genitalia. I don't wanna touch it, but I do enjoy looking at it.

Never admitted that before and it feels weird.