
Oct 25, 2017
I recently bought a Wii U to try Xenoblade Chronicles X for the first time. I wanted to run it via Cemu on my PC. I heard it was possible to do this now and connect to the network to get the online features (which I gather are pretty important), but I've run into a snag.

I dumped all the files, following a bunch of tutorials and (after a couple of evenings of slight headaches) got the game working. It's running on my PC using Wii USB Helper and Cemu. It's running great, 4k, 60fps (a few hitches), and so far this game is exactly what I wanted from an RPG right now.

The issue I'm having is my Wii U stopped connecting online at all. I spent a few days trying to resolve it, but it's no good. I bought it from Ebay and the seller has luckily agreed to a return. I've ordered another which I found for a really good price, but the seller contacted me and said he won't be able to send it out for a week due to lockdown etc... which is fine, I don't mind waiting.

I have a few questions for anyone who is versed on any of this... Cemu/dumping files/playing online on PC...


1. Online mode is worth this hassle, right? I've read that they add quite a lot to the game and I don't want to miss out on cool stuff.

2. When I get the new Wii U, will the files I dumped still work, or will I have to do it again for the new console? (I still have the game, I bought it separately). I don't want to make progress and have to start all over again... (I've only ever emulated a few games in the past, I'm not sure how all of this works - I really muddled through all of this...).

3. In the meantime, if I can, I'd like to keep playing. It will be in Offline mode. I understand some of the mods/cheats in the Graphics Pack section on Cemu for this game have things I can add that some of the things you might miss by playing Offline, and if so does anyone know which ones I should select here?


I'm starting a big job in 10 days, which will be full on work for a couple of months, and I've got a lot of free time to really get stuck into this. I don't want to have to just wait until the Wii U arrives as it will drastically cut my time in-game down, but I'll do it if there's no way around it.

Anyway, any help/advice would be appreciated, cheers!


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
I played like 80 hours of that game on the Wii U and I couldn't tell you what the online features were.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean yeh, lol, if the online stuff doesn't matter tell me now and I'll stop worrying about it and just play.


Dec 16, 2019
No, it's secondary stuff, you can ignore it altogether if you're not into multiplayer and alas I doubt you'd find someone to play with anyway


Oct 25, 2017
The online was a lot of fun but not necessary at all. Though I do think it gave ticket rewards that could be traded for any material which could be useful and I don't remember if you could get tickets without it, but still unnecessary


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, great, I'll just carry on as I am then. Thanks all.

Does anyone know about my second question? When my Wii arrives and I log in to check out the online stuff anyway (just curious, even if it's not essential), will I be able to continue on my current game just fine having dumped the game files and set it all up from another console?


Oct 25, 2017
The online was a lot of fun but not necessary at all. Though I do think it gave ticket rewards that could be traded for any material which could be useful and I don't remember if you could get tickets without it, but still unnecessary
I read you can get some for 100%ing exploration, and some of the mods in Cemu can give you some... but this is just to make the grind a little easier at end-game, right?

As long as I'm not missing out on things like great gear, I don't mind.


Apr 5, 2018
Main benefit the online added was making rare materials MUCH easier to get. This makes crafting endgame Skells far less of a grind. You might not care about going that far, but if you do read up on the requirements beforehand


Oct 27, 2017
Not at all. You can play through the entire game without online. The online features are mainly for building custom skells that you need to take on endgame bosses.

I read you can get some for 100%ing exploration, and some of the mods in Cemu can give you some... but this is just to make the grind a little easier at end-game, right?

As long as I'm not missing out on things like great gear, I don't mind.
The best gear is dropped from enemies, so no, you're not missing anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Main benefit the online added was making rare materials MUCH easier to get. This makes crafting endgame Skells far less of a grind. You might not care about going that far, but if you do read up on the requirements beforehand
Not at all. You can play through the entire game without online. The online features are mainly for building custom skells that you need to take on endgame bosses.
The best gear is dropped from enemies, so no, you're not missing anything.
If I really enjoy the game, then I'd like to take one end-game stuff like this. Is the Online essential for it, or does it just make it easier?

If there's no issue with switching to a new Wii U console, I'll be able to get online soon anyway.
Nov 17, 2017
The online isn't necessary to the core experience of the game but it is a nice thing to have.

One of the main features of the online is optional missions that you can tackle with other players to get extra stuff. There's also a raid type of boss that appears every once in awhile you can participate in killing to get rewards. However, I don't really know how many people play online anymore. I didn't really play online missions even when the game was new.

Another feature of the online is that you would see other player's avatars in the overworld and you could temporarily recruit them into your party. You could also search up other people's avatars to recruit them. Again, not a necessary feature but it was helpful if you were stuck and wanted to add someone stronger to your party.

There's also squad tasks. Basically, you are put into an online squad when you start up the game. It's a completely passive thing but basically the game will give you tasks like "kill x amount of this enemy" or "collect this type of thing", you know basic fetch/kill quests. However the difference is that your entire squad can complete these tasks and progress is all pooled. So even if you choose to ignore the squad tasks, your other squad mates playing their own game might end up completing them and you'll still get the rewards. The great thing about this feature is what you get are "reward tickets" which can be exchanged for materials that usually drop from enemies so it exists as a way to get items for quests or other things without needing to farm the actual enemy that drops it. But again, it's not actually crucial or necessary to enjoy the game.

I read you can get some for 100%ing exploration, and some of the mods in Cemu can give you some... but this is just to make the grind a little easier at end-game, right?

As long as I'm not missing out on things like great gear, I don't mind.
Yeah, the majority of the grinding in this game is for post-game stuff. Reward tickets are honestly a godsend but I don't think I used them that much before I beat the game and was grinding to get the best gear to fight superbosses and stuff. Even then you don't NEED the reward tickets, it just makes the grind easier.

Honestly, Xenoblade X is such a dense game. There's so much to enjoy about it that I'm pretty confident you'll be fine even without the online. Though you might go crazy from the "offline" text sitting in the top corner of the screen the whole game lol


Oct 25, 2017
I read you can get some for 100%ing exploration, and some of the mods in Cemu can give you some... but this is just to make the grind a little easier at end-game, right?

As long as I'm not missing out on things like great gear, I don't mind.
Honestly I used it more to get certain quest materials more easily than crafting (it could be used to get materials for end game mechs too, but those required a ton of tickets)


Oct 27, 2017
If I really enjoy the game, then I'd like to take one end-game stuff like this. Is the Online essential for it, or does it just make it easier?

If there's no issue with switching to a new Wii U console, I'll be able to get online soon anyway.
Online makes farming these materials a lot of faster. I don't know if you can find the materials in the wild. If you can, they're pretty rare.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, so looking through the mods on Cemu, there seems to be a bunch of tweaks that are related to tickets and drop rates. It sounds like it's a bit of a grind even if you get those online tickets, so I might look into messing with these mods to speed things up if I get into end game and need it (I'd usually take my time, but I won't have as much game time for a while).

Thanks for the advice, everyone!

The online isn't necessary to the core experience of the game but it is a nice thing to have.

One of the main features of the online is optional missions that you can tackle with other players to get extra stuff. There's also a raid type of boss that appears every once in awhile you can participate in killing to get rewards. However, I don't really know how many people play online anymore. I didn't really play online missions even when the game was new.

Another feature of the online is that you would see other player's avatars in the overworld and you could temporarily recruit them into your party. You could also search up other people's avatars to recruit them. Again, not a necessary feature but it was helpful if you were stuck and wanted to add someone stronger to your party.

There's also squad tasks. Basically, you are put into an online squad when you start up the game. It's a completely passive thing but basically the game will give you tasks like "kill x amount of this enemy" or "collect this type of thing", you know basic fetch/kill quests. However the difference is that your entire squad can complete these tasks and progress is all pooled. So even if you choose to ignore the squad tasks, your other squad mates playing their own game might end up completing them and you'll still get the rewards. The great thing about this feature is what you get are "reward tickets" which can be exchanged for materials that usually drop from enemies so it exists as a way to get items for quests or other things without needing to farm the actual enemy that drops it. But again, it's not actually crucial or necessary to enjoy the game.

Yeah, the majority of the grinding in this game is for post-game stuff. Reward tickets are honestly a godsend but I don't think I used them that much before I beat the game and was grinding to get the best gear to fight superbosses and stuff. Even then you don't NEED the reward tickets, it just makes the grind easier.

Honestly, Xenoblade X is such a dense game. There's so much to enjoy about it that I'm pretty confident you'll be fine even without the online. Though you might go crazy from the "offline" text sitting in the top corner of the screen the whole game lol
Ok, some of that sounds kind of fun... it'll add a small element of GaaS/MMO which I'd actually quite like (I know players might not be around, but some of that stuff won't rely on them). Good to know, thank you, I'll give it a go when the new Wii U arrives.

I managed to turn off the x Offline thing lol, that was very annoying. Thankfully there's an option in Cemu. :3
Nov 17, 2017
Okay, so looking through the mods on Cemu, there seems to be a bunch of tweaks that are related to tickets and drop rates. It sounds like it's a bit of a grind even if you get those online tickets, so I might look into messing with these mods to speed things up if I get into end game and need it (I'd usually take my time, but I won't have as much game time for a while).
Honestly, do it. Xenoblade X is insane with the grinding you need to do for superbosses. It's probably overkill for the main game but for post if you don't have hours and hours to put into grinding then go for it.

I managed to turn off the x Offline thing lol, that was very annoying. Thankfully there's an option in Cemu. :3
That sounds beautiful.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm also playing it on CEMU now (after having originally played it on release on WiiU).

OP, check out the "graphic packs" for the game, they can compensate for the lack of online by removing the "offline" logo, and giving you reward tickets by playing offline. You can tweak the amount, as well as all the other rewards like EXP, money etc. Since I don't want to go for another 120h, I'm currently playing with exp x2, and considering boosting other rewards as well.


Oct 19, 2019
Honestly, do it. Xenoblade X is insane with the grinding you need to do for superbosses. It's probably overkill for the main game but for post if you don't have hours and hours to put into grinding then go for it.
You don't need to grind at all. Did you know you can pull off a Telethia kill with store gear? Obviously it takes longer (20 to 30 minutes), but it's doable and makes mid-game strategies possible towards super bosses, too. Grinding is really only a necessity if you want to do one-shot kill or quick kills in general. In that sense, online was a blessing to get materials quicker, but, honestly, if you're playing on CEMU, you might as well use other tools to obtain reward tickets faster.
Nov 17, 2017
You don't need to grind at all. Did you know you can pull off a Telethia kill with store gear? Obviously it takes longer (20 to 30 minutes), but it's doable and makes mid-game strategies possible towards super bosses, too. Grinding is really only a necessity if you want to do one-shot kill or quick kills in general. In that sense, online was a blessing to get materials quicker, but, honestly, if you're playing on CEMU, you might as well use other tools to obtain reward tickets faster.
I guess I just suck at the game then. I'm sure there are very specific builds that can do the job (the amount of different builds is a strength of the game) but I guess I couldn't figure it out. I wasn't doing one shot builds either. I spent 40 minutes on Telethia, though I did fight it on foot and not with Cross.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 28, 2019
The online features add some color but they were mostly kind of repetitive. I think you'd be missing something but it's not essential. I didn't even use any of the synchronous multiplayer features, just the integrated ambiance stuff


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure where you heard that from! I spent almost 200 hours on the game and I don't remember what the online features were.