leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
I love how when people post clear images and examples of the poor textures/LoD across various areas of the game there's never any response from those claiming they never noticed any or it's overblown.
Oct 27, 2017
There's a few issues with textures, nothing that dampens the experience particularly. In terms of exclusives not many with these types of texture issues but a few with high levels of pop-in (especially Days Gone when it was unpatched). To be honest it is pretty crazy they never went back to patch those out or improve them but I guess they just wanted to move onto the next game and probably have whatever allocation of resource they had left work on ports post exclusivity I'd imagine. Overall the game considering a lack of patches, has only one bug that actively crashes the game that I know people have encountered which is pretty impressive for modern game releases. I do think Square had a much bigger focus on high LoD character models for this game than textures though which can make the game look visually unbalanced at times. The game can be visually stunning then a scene later have a character model next to a muddy, low-res texture.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
I love how when people post clear images and examples of the poor textures/LoD across various areas of the game there's never any response from those claiming they never noticed any or it's overblown.
I mean it was posted at 5am for half the world, just a few hours ago, so I think you can cut out the hostility.

That example with the rubble is extremely egregious soI'm surprised I never saw anything like that. The little items are nothing though. Resi Evil 3 is exactly the same issue. It's a PS4 game, it's to be expected.


Oct 28, 2017
Visually this is the most inconsistent big game I have played, just because the highs are so bloody high, and the lows are so noticibale. Cyberpunk 2077 is of course far more shoddy a product - FFVII R is still a great package - but it is much more consistent visually.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
I mean it was posted at 5am for half the world, just a few hours ago, so I think you can cut out the hostility.

That example with the rubble is extremely egregious soI'm surprised I never saw anything like that. The little items are nothing though. Resi Evil 3 is exactly the same issue. It's a PS4 game, it's to be expected.

I'm not really talking about this thread in particular. We've had this thread and conversation many times since launch and you still get people saying they never saw it or it's overblown nitpicking even after countless examples are shown. It just gets annoying when it's clearly there and people still deny it exists or make out like people are cherry picking one thing like "the door" and exaggerating based on that. It's fine if it doesn't bother you but it's clearly a problem and something that wasn't done properly for whatever reason.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
I'm not really talking about this thread in particular. We've had this thread and conversation many times since launch and you still get people saying they never saw it or it's overblown nitpicking even after countless examples are shown. It just gets annoying when it's clearly there and people still deny it exists or make out like people are cherry picking one thing like "the door" and exaggerating based on that. It's fine if it doesn't bother you but it's clearly a problem and something that wasn't done properly for whatever reason.
To be honest that'll be because people's experiences will differ.

Something I noticed on my second play through when i was rushing through for those damn dresses, was that there were a ton of performance issues because I was speeding through. The game constantly tries to slow you down with corridors or high fives or little cutscenes and a lot of that will be because of loading. My first play through I took in the world, explored, second I sped through.

Now I'm not saying anyone who has seen performance issues is 'playing too quick' but it just shows how someone's experience of performance can differ depending on their style of play. It's one reason I'm looking forward to a PS5 version where loading won't be an issue.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
not a exclusive, but Jedi: Fallen Order

not only the textures fails to load most times, but the entire level loads in front of your eyes
There's a part that have a big bird (to avoid spoilers) that looks like a ps3 game with lots and lots of pop-in


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I suspect this boils down to the developers cutting back on certain things to hit 30 fps, at least on the PS4 pro. Performance was very consistent for me on the PS4 Pro. This seems to only happen in the larger areas.


Mar 16, 2018
I'm not really talking about this thread in particular. We've had this thread and conversation many times since launch and you still get people saying they never saw it or it's overblown nitpicking even after countless examples are shown. It just gets annoying when it's clearly there and people still deny it exists or make out like people are cherry picking one thing like "the door" and exaggerating based on that. It's fine if it doesn't bother you but it's clearly a problem and something that wasn't done properly for whatever reason.
I know that the bad textures exist but I had never noticed them when I was playing because I'm never looking at things like textures that closely. Even the pictures posted in this thread don't look bad to me. I just don't think graphics are the most important thing unless the main characters themselves look terrible. But I understand why they bother others.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
I wish SE would talk about a PS5 update or the inevitable PC port, but guess we have to wait until April. Here's to hoping the team responsible can make the game more visually consistent.
Oct 31, 2017
I'm fine with the JPEG backgrounds. They honestly look fine on my TV.

The towns though, they look so ugly! Easily the worst parts of the game IMO. And yes this includes Wall Market though that includes some charming and fun segments.


Oct 28, 2017
Its crazy how people overblow this issue tbh.

My only real issue with the game is the inconsistencies with its graphics (and maybe the ending, but I've sort of got over that now and I'm fine with it). When that's basically the only thing that's "wrong" with it (for me), it stands out a ton. Does it make the game worse? No. Does it make the game not enjoyable? No. Is it, at the end of the day, a big deal? No. But is the problem there? Yes.

It's not bad to have criticisms about something, even things you love. Pointing them out doesn't make you a troll, it doesn't mean you're nitpicking. So I don't personally believe it's crazy that people talk about this, nor do I think it's overblown. The issue is there, and hopefully future versions on PS5, Series X/S, and PC solve it. It's a great looking game overall, and it deserves to have those issues fixed.

The thing is, you may argue these low res textures are a bug of the engine, fixed or not, that's another story.

But the 2d backgrounds? That can't be a bug, right? How do you even approve the Shinra Tower climb 2d background in your AAA game of this year?

I assume the main reason for them is scale. Making the distant parts of Midgar actually 3D and part of the world would be pretty difficult, in terms of actual workload and potentially performance. It's easier to use skyboxes. I think all of them do a really good job, all things considered. But yeah, the one when climbing up to the top plate does really stand out. But again, I assume scale was the main issue there and making it all 3D just wasn't viable. I think it mostly looks ok once the gang are higher up and reach the part where they have the cutscene overlooking it, but prior to that I think that maybe they should have had more 3D elements to hide it, such as more buildings and whatnot.


Prophet of Regret
Aug 10, 2020
I'd buy this game if it received a PS5 patch or a remaster, but right now texture issues and 30 fps are massive turn offs (although I am willing to ignore the shitty textures if the game runs at 60fps).
I want this game to become my first Final Fantasy experience (not really interested in older games; FF XIII is shit, according to many people; watched like 5 hours of FF XV and its... bad; not interested in MMOs).


Oct 25, 2017
Part of me hope that when the PC version launch in a few months, the textures and objects will look a lot better. The pictures shown earlier are just a few examples of what you can see all over the game. Sometimes, it feels like they put all their effort into the characters details(which look insanely good) to the detriment of the rest of the game.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if some textures were low res because the characters were so detailed? I thought the character models were insanely good in this game. Maybe the PS4 couldn't handle it all.

Another possibility is the artists losing motivation because a big chunk of the game has literal garbage for environment.
They prioritized framerate. The game runs at a locked 30fps. That easily explains the low-poly assets.

Also, I don't think it's a coincidence the the area where the game has texture quality issues is in the interconnected slums areas. They've must've been hitting some kind of memory limitation with streaming in UE4. Only a few of these "problematic" textures are loading bugs, most of them just look like they're low resolution by design. Elsewhere, where the game doesn't have to deal with streaming a big map connecting a bunch of towns together, the texture quality is pretty good.

Regarding the literal garbage textures (lol), I simply don't think they were ever meant to be looked up at close (and you usually don't unless you really want to get a good look at the trash). From a distance it looks somewhat decent.


It's not some texture that failed to load. Which is why I don't think PC version will change things all that much, unless they revamp a lot of it.


Jul 26, 2018
Part of me hope that when the PC version launch in a few months, the textures and objects will look a lot better. The pictures shown earlier are just a few examples of what you can see all over the game. Sometimes, it feels like they put all their effort into the characters details(which look insanely good) to the detriment of the rest of the game.
Thats where im at. Still waiting for a fix for this issue on PS4. If not then PC version it is.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm just at Wall Market now and whilst the technical issues are jarring at times, it's not particularly ruining my experience.

I don't understand why FF7R is getting such a free pass though, especially in world where the likes of TLOU2 and Days Gone exist. This is Square we're talking about—they used to be synonymous with graphical excellence.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
I love how when people post clear images and examples of the poor textures/LoD across various areas of the game there's never any response from those claiming they never noticed any or it's overblown.
What really gets me is that it seems the textures are there, but SE as usual never bothers to patch their games (see Nier on PC as another example). How in the world is it they can't be bothered on some of their biggest games I can never understand.

It's a really shitty stands from a company that seems to actively dislike fans of it's products.


Oct 27, 2017



I still think the game was originally meant to be played with a camera view that was pushed far back so that these assets could not to be seen up close.


Oct 27, 2017
Feels like some of the textures may have not been done with optimization in mind, and maybe on some areas there were too many different assets using different unique textures that end up having to be downsized to fit all of them into memory.

But that's just a guess. Only the devs themselves know lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Horizon: Zero Dawn had similar issues on my PS4 Pro though nowhere near as prevalent and it was more like entire buildings and geometries being slow to load in rather than individual textures.

There was an in-game cutscenes in a boat nearer the end of the game where if I moved the camera to face the nearby shore, literally every building would pop in suddenly when you were right on top of the shore - and it would pop in in chunks.
Oct 25, 2017
The worst examples were the junk piles and the skybox during the climb being really low res.
The rest were pretty minor and didn't bother me much.
If I recall, there's a full res version of the skybox the game files though, so that one's probably a bug.
There's also higher LOD versions of a lot of things, like the door and various knick knacks that fail to load in properly.


May 28, 2020
I don't know if I just don't notice this stuff or this place is incredibly nitpicky because I went through the whole game twice before ever reading about textures online and never even noticed there were any problems. Definitely not a severe issue in any case.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
To be honest, I didn't even notice any texture issues besides "The Door".
I thought the time it takes for conversations to start because the game is still streaming stuff was way more jarring.


Oct 25, 2017
The worst offender to me was the low-res JPEG background, it was already bad when you try to infiltrate the reactor, but when you climb to shinra during the day, ooooof (it's way worse while playing since there's movement against that giant still image)


For the textures, It was so bad that even an iconic place like aerith's house was plagued by this :





One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The worst offender to me was the low-res JPEG background, it was already bad when you try to infiltrate the reactor, but when you climb to shinra during the day, ooooof (it's way worse while playing since there's movement against that giant still image)

I'm not sure if it's this texture of another, but I remember seeing a background texture rips come by on Twitter shortly after release, and some were bloody huge and looked great, but apparently appeared very low res in-game. Guess something went brutally wrong between the creation of those textures and the implementation of them. Curious why the game hasn't been updated yet except for that small one...


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
It's not just a texture issue - there are low resolution assets everywhere. There is an abundance of low poly enviromental assets throughout the whole game.

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
It's insane this hasn't been patched and a next gen upgrade for PS5 hasn't been announced. Given that this series is supposed to stay alive for at least the next 5-8 years it seems like they should ensure these kinds of blemishes don't harm the shelf life of the game. I loved it so much and definitely want to play it again, but I have been holding off playing Hard Mode until this gets fixed.

I'm really hoping they release a next gen update soon. Fingers crossed that cut Tifa chapter makes its way back in too.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
I just don't understand how people can play through the entire game and never notice any of it. Saying it doesn't bother you is one thing but saying you never even saw it is another. Do people play games and just not pay attention to anything in the scene except the character models? This isn't some average low res texture, this is stuff that literally has assets with zero detail and geometry levels that look like PS2 level at times. It's even clearly visible in certain cutscenes.
Nov 11, 2017
I was really impressed with the Midgar skyboxes actually. The fact that you're surrounded by structures in 360 degrees that all keep relatively accurate perspective despite basically being just a huge texture projected onto a background, I haven't seen a game do anything quite like that before, at least not on that scale. The resolution issues didn't really bother me in that sense, not surprised big textures like that needed to be downsized or compressed to run well/save memory on consoles.

Edit- just talking about skyboxes though, not really sure why there was so much inconsistency in the resolution of other assets

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly, the most problematic area is Aerith's house and garden, as several cutscenes take place there and the flowers are hilariously low res:

There are close-ups on the flowers during said cutscenes.

The area in general still blew me away though, simply gorgeous (when not pushing the camera close).




I still think the game was originally meant to be played with a camera view that was pushed far back so that these assets could not to be seen up close.

Or maybe it was originally intended as a Vita game?


Jan 28, 2019
They probably aren't going to work on making a "next-gen" or "fixed" or "definitive version" of it beyond just porting it to PC/PS5 because they're already working on active development for the sequel.


Oct 28, 2017
I can't think of another game that's more inconsistent. That's for sure.

I'm baffled that people don't notice. The game takes a nosedive after the intro and can be downright ugly at random times. I don't think I've ever really cared much about game graphics but the issues have never been this noticeable in a game before, at least to me.
Feb 19, 2018
It's no longer an exclusive now, but Persona 5 is oftentimes about the same, there are a LOT of low res PS2 era background textures everywhere especially outside dungeons in the everyday overworld.
FF7 arguably takes the cake though considering the much higher budget, it being several years younger ( P5 first released in Q3 2016), the even starker contrast between the excellent state of the art character models vs PS2 era background textures you can encounter and the fact that the textures are often on complex objects which sometimes even seem to have a low poly count (some background objects particularly in the Sector 5 slums and scrapyard such as non-destructable boxes look like they were ported straight over from the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4 - it becomes really obvious when you keep up to date on the RE4 HD mod project where they show off just how bad the original textures and models for background objects are) rather than just flat walls or posters like in P5.

It also doesn't have the excuse of initially being developed for PS3 or having a PS3 version to consider.

Considering how often FF7 looks like a PS5 game even when running on a base PS4, I consider it amusing that you end up seeing quite a few PS2 era textures, background models and geometry particularly in the two big slum areas. I didn't even consider the "below the plate" sky boxes that bad, I thought the devs wanted to keep them similar to those in the original FF7 in the same locations, even if they could have been higher res.
Last edited:


Dec 25, 2017
I only remember three clear texture issues, the door, the view of the slums from the city, and the view of the wreckage of the slums later on in the game.

I wouldn't say it's severe all over the game.
It's all over the game. The mountains right before Aerith's house are absolutely atrocious, and they're right in your face. No amount of "waiting" fixes it.

The fact that the problem exists and happens in different places for many people suggests that is a severe issue, as it's not the TEXTURES that are bad, it's the way the memory is allocated...


Oct 27, 2017
There was one point during the last 1/3 of the game where the skybox of the midgar plate above you is just completely broken and warped looking if you bother to look up and pay attention to it.


Oct 27, 2017
The worst offender to me was the low-res JPEG background, it was already bad when you try to infiltrate the reactor, but when you climb to shinra during the day, ooooof (it's way worse while playing since there's movement against that giant still image)

This will always remind me of Warner Bros


Wasn't there someone who found out that better quality textures (including Cloud's apartment door) do exist in the game but are just not used at all?


Oct 25, 2017
Played the game for the first time on PS5 BC, over 35 hours. Even with the SSD, textures never loaded properly. Have 77% trophy completion, but won't try to beat the game on Hard Mode until a PS5 upgrade patch releases and makes it 60FPS and loads the textures properly (and makes the Midgar JPEG climbing to Shinra tower 4K)

Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I played it on PS5, so I thankfully didn't have texture issues at all. I thought the game looked gorgeous honestly. Surprised they managed it on a PS4.


Oct 30, 2017

This is honestly a more flattering angle of this skybox, but it's like a ps1 game down there lol the skyboxes were mostly bad, made the world feel fake and static.

I get that it doesn't bother some, but come on lol the game looks rough in lots of places. FF7 deserved better.