
Oct 25, 2017
The difference between this level of specialization and precision compared to what they do every day in Gaza lol

Treadstone in the streets, Stormtroopers in the sheets


Feb 27, 2018
A goverment compund guarded and run by islamic revolutionary guards corps hat a bomb planted in advance for 2 months and nobody found out about it until now. Great security there.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
In hindsight that giant teddy bear he got for a birthday present was pretty suspicious


Nov 2, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
That Mossad is still capable of wielding the scalpel like this further underlines the senseless imprecision of the IDF's sledgehammer approach. To set a trap and just... wait two months for your target to walk into it is the definition of revenge served cold.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheer incompetence by the IRGC
The bomb had been hidden approximately two months ago in the guesthouse, according to five of the Middle Eastern officials. The guesthouse is run and protected by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and is part of a large compound, known as Neshat, in an upscale neighborhood of northern Tehran

Such a breach, three Iranian officials said, was a catastrophic failure of intelligence and security for Iran and a tremendous embarrassment for the Guards, which uses the compound for retreats, secret meetings and housing prominent guests like Mr. Haniyeh.

So they do know how to do precision strikes
The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, was staying next door, two of the Iranian officials said. His room was not badly damaged, suggesting precise planning in the targeting of Mr. Haniyeh.


Oct 25, 2017
That Mossad is still capable of wielding the scalpel like this further underlines the senseless imprecision of the IDF's sledgehammer approach. To set a trap and just... wait two months for your target to walk into it is the definition of revenge served cold.
Pretty much. This story is pretty funny. But the overall context of this compared to what Israel is doing elsewhere? An even bigger joke, maybe the biggest of all, and we in the US get to be part of it


Mar 14, 2018
Pretty much. This story is pretty funny. But the overall context of this compared to what Israel is doing elsewhere? An even bigger joke, maybe the biggest of all, and we in the US get to be part of it
I mean, it's a hard comparison because there's a difference between fighting up to tens of thousands of armed combatants from a terrorist group versus killing an individual. This story reads like a mission from a Hitman game.

This is pretty wild, but also it's reassuring to know that someone who caused so much pain to tens of thousands of people, and who called on women and children in Gaza to become martyrs, finally met his end. Over the last two days I've seen a lot of people and media claim he was a moderate. Lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess this a little better than it being a straight up airstrike? I imagine Iran will still respond


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Look, this should go without saying, but just because this guy was an asshole doesn't mean you need to cheer this sort of thing on. These sorts of extra judicial killings have an incredibly negative effect on the people who live not only in these countries but across the entire region. When things get destabilized as a result of stuff like this it leads to innocent people who just want to live their lives being harmed. It's easy to look at this stuff and laugh or cheer it on, but that's only because we're not the ones who get stuck facing the consequences. We aren't the ones who will have to face the crackdowns or the violent aftermath. Stuff like this has the potential to cause a war and that isn't something we should forget. This is a scary moment in time for the people living in the region, for your friends and fellow members who live in that region, and it would be nice if we could keep that in mind when posting.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it's a hard comparison because there's a difference between fighting up to tens of thousands of armed combatants from a terrorist group versus killing an individual. This story reads like a mission from a Hitman game.

This is pretty wild, but also it's reassuring to know that someone who caused so much pain to tens of thousands of people, and who called on women and children in Gaza to become martyrs, finally met his end. Over the last two days I've seen a lot of people and media claim he was a moderate. Lol.
As I said, a pretty good joke.

Genuinely one of the funniest stories in the news since the JD Vance stuff for me to picture this stupid fucking Hitman no collateral damage 100% achievement Ghost mission effort compared to the skulls of kids in Gaza streets. They really tried here! It's too good, gotta take my hat off to them


Dec 26, 2023
New York, NY
Official Staff Communication
Look, this should go without saying, but just because this guy was an asshole doesn't mean you need to cheer this sort of thing on. These sorts of extra judicial killings have an incredibly negative effect on the people who live not only in these countries but across the entire region. When things get destabilized as a result of stuff like this it leads to innocent people who just want to live their lives being harmed. It's easy to look at this stuff and laugh or cheer it on, but that's only because we're not the ones who get stuck facing the consequences. We aren't the ones who will have to face the crackdowns or the violent aftermath. Stuff like this has the potential to cause a war and that isn't something we should forget. This is a scary moment in time for the people living in the region, for your friends and fellow members who live in that region, and it would be nice if we could keep that in mind when posting.

Well said. In fact, it could destabilize the world as we know it.


May 4, 2023
Official Staff Communication
Look, this should go without saying, but just because this guy was an asshole doesn't mean you need to cheer this sort of thing on. These sorts of extra judicial killings have an incredibly negative effect on the people who live not only in these countries but across the entire region. When things get destabilized as a result of stuff like this it leads to innocent people who just want to live their lives being harmed. It's easy to look at this stuff and laugh or cheer it on, but that's only because we're not the ones who get stuck facing the consequences. We aren't the ones who will have to face the crackdowns or the violent aftermath. Stuff like this has the potential to cause a war and that isn't something we should forget. This is a scary moment in time for the people living in the region, for your friends and fellow members who live in that region, and it would be nice if we could keep that in mind when posting.

Wild that we're 9 months into a genocide and shit like this still needs to be said. Some members really need to lock in.
Jan 20, 2024
Yeah all this shows how fucked up them leveling Gaza is. If they can do targeted attacks like this but *chose* to indiscriminately bomb Gaza back into the stone age killing thousands; it's just pure evil.

And the fact that this is just going to keep escalating resulting in even more innocent civilians getting killed is just sad.


Oct 27, 2017
The difference between this level of specialization and precision compared to what they do every day in Gaza lol

Treadstone in the streets, Stormtroopers in the sheets
At the beginning of the war they used a hybrid approach fairly often where they'd ring up a random journalist or academic's phone, yell "lol gotcha bitch" into it and then drop a missile through the front window into their family dinner destroying the entire floor of the apartment block.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Huh, so they can get one dude without killing a bunch of children after all, in a hostile country no less!


Oct 25, 2017
Huh, so they can get one dude without killing a bunch of children after all, in a hostile country no less!

Mossad have been doing insane shit that seems impossible like this for decades, just look at how they caught up with some of the Nazis that were left over after the war. It was always an excuse by the IDF that there was no other way.


Oct 25, 2017
What does this mean in the grand scheme of things? I doubt this is the end of the blood shed as much as I wish it would be

Oh this is a leader, not THE leader of Hamas

So this isn't the end, unfortunately


Oct 28, 2017
More proof Israel was never serious about a ceasefire deal, plotting to kill one of the chief negotiators months in advance while stringing everyone along with the pretence of trying to get a deal.

Their actions only speak to the aim of further escalation and destabilisation of the region.


Jun 24, 2018
Chicago, IL
What does this mean in the grand scheme of things? I doubt this is the end of the blood shed as much as I wish it would be

It's funny to think the goal of the assassination is to stop the blood shed.
Guess who they've been negotiating the ceasefire deal with? They just prolonged the war in Gaza and quite possibly started a new one.


May 4, 2023
What does this mean in the grand scheme of things? I doubt this is the end of the blood shed as much as I wish it would be

As far as the status quo? It will have little affect on negotiations as Haniyeh is a figurehead. I'm sure there are plenty more in Hamas who will take up the role of Haniyeh.

However, this + the hezbollah bombing give Iran a lot of excuses to increase the intensity of the war. A wider regional conflict is all but certain if things continue without any intervention from the UNSC/US to reduce tensions.

Israel want a wider conflict as the only means to maintain their current order. Any lull in fighting would give space for scrutiny and the possibility of ousting the government.


Oct 25, 2017
Further underscores that the genocide by Israel is not an accident.

I wonder if Iran is combing through every single building used by their top brass now.