
Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Some awesome stuff to look forward to discussed in this new dev update.

Each month we take some time to discuss ongoing feature work, content, and changes that the Publishing Team is working on for Halo: The Master Chief Collection. This month we are joined again by Design Director, Max Szlagor, and Technical Designer, Dana Jerpbak. Let's dive on in with some updates from Max!

With Halo 3: ODST out now and Season 3 in full swing, players are loving all the new Halo 3 content and pretty much unanimously want more of it. Players have been vocal about wanting more vehicle skins like what Halo: Combat Evolved received along with additional weapon skins. We have seen this as a hot topic across the community since Season 3's release. Do you think there's potential for more Halo 3 content down the road?

: Short answer is, yes, we do! We are looking at where and when we can deliver in the categories that we have already delivered for skins and then where can we introduce new categories of customization. Meaning, what sort of customization can we add beyond what we have already done?

There are some additional areas we are exploring so investigations are definitely underway and we're coming to it with a lot of ideas, including looking at unreleased content. But we are unsure of the technical feasibility of bringing that work into MCC like the [REDACTED] armor pieces. We're excited, but we want to keep some of the [REDACTED] stuff close to our chest as we figure out just how realistic it is. We do not want to over-promise stuff, but we're definitely taking a look.

I really hope we can make that [REDACTED] happen as a LOT of players would be happy with that! Moving along, one piece of feedback that we have been seeing relates to the Halo 3 Acrophobia skull. Is there a world where additional skulls come over to ODST for either Campaign or Firefight?

: Some clever folks have already discovered that the Acrophobia skull's implementation was not limited to Halo 3 – it's hooked up in a few of the other engines as well, just not fully enabled. Officially supporting this skull in ODST (and beyond) in the future is absolutely something we're open to doing. Acrophobia is a really cool skull in that it allows players to experience classic environments – missions they've played hundreds of times – in an entirely new way. Seeing familiar spaces from an entirely different angle is really exciting.

For ODST, we prototyped yet another new skull but we didn't quite get it in a place we were happy with. I hope we can circle back to it in the future as it was a really cool concept that leaned into some of the same strengths I described about Acrophobia above. It just needed more time to bake.

Regarding new skulls in Firefight, the answer is largely the same. When developing ODST Firefight game variant support, we were careful to build a foundation that would support future additions without breaking compatibility with existing variants. This leaves the door open for skull additions among other things. There are lots of great Firefight options in Reach that would be cool to explore in ODST such as skull configuration and wave composition.

As for when any of this will happen, we'll have to wait and see. Right now, our main focus is Halo 4 and some of the other cool features we've recently talked about. It'll also depend on how players react to the current ODST Firefight game options suite and what they want to see more of.

Well, thank you for the details. We'll continue to keep a close eye on this feedback across the community and be sure to let you know what we hear. Next up, I was hoping to discuss future seasons and features. As Halo 4 approaches, we've got a lot of new content and features on the horizon. Last month, we talked a little bit about Season 4 and sort of teased some new content for Halo: Reach. Max, is there anything else regarding Season 4 content that you want to talk to more about?

: Yeah, players can expect to see a few long-lost pieces return for Halo: Reach when Season 4 comes online. The "GRD" helmet is the one that most people have requested, but there were other pieces like another helmet and an additional chest piece that we're able to basically unearth, finish, and polish-up to get in for a future update and seasons. We really think players are going to enjoy these future pieces!


The long-lost unreleased Halo: Reach helmet referred to by the community as "GRD" is finally coming to the game! What's "AKIS"? Stay tuned for an upcoming deeper dive with our own lore master GrimBrother One in an upcoming Canon Fodder here on Halo Waypoint!


An unreleased chest piece from the original game is also coming to Halo: Reach in Season 4! Here's a first look from a work-in-progress build.

In addition, we are bringing armor effects back for Elites along with new combinations of chest pieces paired with the prosthetic arm. We are looking at content in terms of how we can expand the surface area of what is possible. We look at finishing unfinished things, making new content, and bringing in things that may not have made their way into MCC but existed before.

I think just saying that GRD is going to be a reality will make some people super excited! But, it sounds like y'all are taking the customization even further, building on some of the recent Halo 2: Anniversary work that was done with this last update. Can you provide some more detail there?

: That's true. Like I mentioned with the new prosthetic arm pieces, players can take that unique piece and mix it up with some of the other outfits that already exist. Basically, we'll be bringing MCC to parity with legacy Halo: Reach customization and then pushing it a bit further. One of our goals is to bring parity to areas that we were not on par with Legacy and then expanding or improving on that.

This is all a win in my book and will get players even more excited! OK, so I am going to go even deeper and ask about bringing customization across even more the games in the collection. What can you share on that front?

: To be clear, we have a lot of ideas for MCC across customization. Finding out what is possible and how that builds on the existing experience is something we are talking about internally. Right now, we are doing our planning for the future sustain plans for MCC leading well into next year. There are a lot of things we are looking at in terms of how we continue to expand and build. I think the more interesting customization pieces we are going to look at in the future are ways we can give you more places in our lobbies and menus for you to showcase your character, pre-match and post-match, that kind of thing.

The possibilities are endless of what y'all could do, and that is awesome to hear! So, looking at things that have undergone planning over this year and are now in development, we have a lot of features coming. We have talked about some of these over the past month both internally and externally. We have had spec reviews, and there are a few features that are going to be debuting in flighting.

: Yes, we have a lot of things upcoming for MCC - Input Based Matchmaking and Crossplay, and possibly Regional Server Selection and work relating to PC file share updates to name a few, but there are even more features beyond that for the future.

So I've heard! We also have the long-awaited Custom Game Browser which is a huge feature the community is eager to check out.

: We have been busy for sure.


An early work-in-progress look at the Custom Game Filter that's currently in development and coming soon to MCC!

Yes you have! One interesting thing I've been seeing is that even though we didn't commit to specific timeframes on when these features would launch, some in the community expected they were coming with ODST. I was hoping we could clear up when we think these features are coming, what the community can expect in the flights later next month, and set some expectations on where we are at in development for them?

So yeah, Input Based Matchmaking and Crossplay are first, and they are features that we consider co-dependent. These are in development and we did a deep dive into them in the previous blog, but we have continued to iterate on the design, and implementation is going well. It is coming along, and I think it should work the way players would expect and I am excited about flighting it with Halo 4.


Input-based matchmaking is one new feature in the works for MCC and slated for release this year. Here's an early look at an input selection message from a recent internal development build.

Well, we are finally here! One of the key components left to work through on Halo 4 is the uncapped framerate integration, which has started. Like Halo: Reach and Halo 2: Anniversary, this is a tricky one, but we are hoping to take all of our learnings from Halo 3 and ODST to get a better first-time implementation. The additional goal is that we will be able to apply these changes and learnings to both Halo 2: Anniversary and Halo: Reach. At this time, we are unsure if those changes will work or make it into our next release – so no promises yet.

On the flighting side, we are finding ourselves in a difficult situation regarding the feature set. We have Halo 4, which needs to be flighted and tested thoroughly, but we have also got a lot of the juicy features listed below (and further above) moving into testable states very soon. We know from our past flighting data that the more we add to a flight, the less actual coverage we get on the things we need to ensure everything is stable and ready. So, the pickle really is - how do we flight all these things and still ensure Halo 4 is in a great state?

The simple answer here is that we are going to hold back some of these features and likely shift them into a later release. At the time of writing this, we're still going through the process of assessing where each feature is, asking if it needs to be in the flight, and weighing the priority of getting this into your hands now vs later. As we get closer to flighting, we will share more information on what features will be fighting alongside Halo 4.

Now, time for our second pickle. It's October and that only leaves us with three months to stabilize, polish, and ship Halo 4 along with all of these additional features before the end of the year. We are likely in a scenario now that some of the features outlined below will slip into 2021 if they do not meet our quality and functionality expectations. We are going to continue to work our hardest to get as much of this in your hands as soon as we can, and we will likely throw in a few surprises as well 😉

Looking into next year, I am in the middle of solidifying plans with our team and partners. There are some very exciting things in here, but more on that at a later time…..

Below is a status update to the top Known Issues which we've previously discussed in prior MCC Development Updates going all the way back to last December. As updates are made between blogs, you can always check out the latest status discussed in the MCC Development & Flighting Updates (, and also please review the Known Issues found on the Halo Support site for the latest details. The team is still progressing on various backlog issues and feature requests as possible. The scope and implications of these issues vary greatly so while some may see good movement in a given month, others may not.

  • UI/UX Improvements around navigation, roster, customization, and many more areas of the game
    • Saber is in the process of fixing integration bugs around this work
  • View Model Adjustment for all games
    • Saber is in the process of fixing integration bugs around this work as well as bringing this to all the other games in the collection
  • Steam Account Linking
    • This is lower priority so for now, it's sitting in a separate branch. We'll pick this back up once higher priority features are completed.
  • In-Game FPS Cap/Adjustments
    • In test with our QA team
  • PC File Share
    • Still making good progress here but this is a large feature and is taking a lot of engineering and design iteration time
  • Additional Video Settings/Options
    • In test with our QA team
  • Custom Game Browser
    • Another large feature that we are taking our time with
  • Input-based Matchmaking
    • In test with our QA team
  • Regional Server Selection
    • In test with our QA team
  • Cross-Play between Xbox & PC
    • In test with our QA team
  • Double Key Binds for all games
    • Saber is in the process of fixing integration bugs around this work
  • Better ways to Report Players
    • This work is now being bucketed alongside our file share work, as that stream progresses, so will this
  • Per Game Audio Options
    • Work is starting to come in for this now, we should be transitioning to testing soon
  • Additional season content (season 4+)
    • Looking really good, I think you all will be excited
  • Text Chat Improvements (added)
    • More on what we're planning here in a later update
  • Additional Mod Support
    • Part of our plan for next year currently. We will have additional information in a later update
  • VFR Improvements to Reach & H2A
    • This should move up before the next blog but will depend on how our H4 integration and investigation into these goes
  • Bringing PC Features to Console (Like FOV Sliders)
    • Hoping to move this into development soon
  • Additional Accessibility Support
  • Idle System Improvements
  • Split Screen on PC
  • HDR Support on PC
As always, there are likely some things we've neglected to mention in here. Please reach out to us through the various forms of social outlets and let us know your thoughts to help us build our topics for the next development blog.


Halo: The Master Chief Collection - MCC Development Update - September 2020

Join us for our latest MCC Development Update for a closer look at what you can expect with Halo 4 and our next Insider flight, updates on new content and features on the horizon, and the latest status of key community feedback items. Buckle up and prepare to drop!

There is more discussed in the blog itself but it seems that 343i and their dev partners are far from done with MCC once Halo 4 ships to PC as they have long term plans throughout the next year as of now. Important to note as mentioned though some features could be delayed if they are not up to par quality wise.
Oct 25, 2017
Most exciting news for me was that they're looking into bringing in the Halo Online exclusive maps, which I've been hoping would come for ages but never actually expected.

Finally getting GRD and some other cut armors will be great too, and I'm PRETTY sure the [redacted] armors are the campaign armors (i.e. Chief's battle damage armor and the Arbiter armor), so hopefully those are coming too. AND they're finally talking about bringing in the missing skins from Halo 4. So that's a few random wish list items all touched on. Plus it's neat to see them breaking up the armor pieces to do stuff like having Kat's arm on any chest piece, which is something I never even considered.

I also somehow never considered Thorage for Halo 4, and the likelihood we'll get multiplayer Pelicans and Broadswords now. That would be dope.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The amount of work that this game has had, from original launch to today, is nothing short of incredible. Yes, it was in their interest to fix the original blunder, but all the additions they've made are nothing short but amazing.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I like the new content, but I have to say i'm not a fan of how to unlock it. I'm still not even 100% sure on how it works.
My assumption is that you get points for completing challenges? Then you go and buy thing but in a Battle Pass Format (So you have to buy thing by tier and can't just buy whatever you want). That's how I was assuming I was unlocking stuff anyway.

Was kind of a bummer for Reach MP that the Customization Options were all locked since it takes awhile to unlock all of it if you want (I understand in the original reach it did as well, but I figured as a game that doesn't have MTX we'd be past that).

Not really a knock on the game and the work they've been doing, but it would be nice if there was more options on how you unlock content, especially for stuff that's from the old game.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Hard to believe we are going to be getting FOV sliders on Xbox aswell, being able to play Halo 3 without a cramped FOV is going to be a great experience.

I like the new content, but I have to say i'm not a fan of how to unlock it. I'm still not even 100% sure on how it works.
My assumption is that you get points for completing challenges? Then you go and buy thing but in a Battle Pass Format (So you have to buy thing by tier and can't just buy whatever you want). That's how I was assuming I was unlocking stuff anyway.

Was kind of a bummer for Reach MP that the Customization Options were all locked since it takes awhile to unlock all of it if you want (I understand in the original reach it did as well, but I figured as a game that doesn't have MTX we'd be past that).

Not really a knock on the game and the work they've been doing, but it would be nice if there was more options on how you unlock content, especially for stuff that's from the old game.

They did change it up a bit and give you more options with how to unlock things, but it has to be within the 10 tiers you are currently within.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Hard to believe we are going to be getting FOV sliders on Xbox aswell, being able to play Halo 3 without a cramped FOV is going to be a great experience.

They did change it up a bit and give you more options with how to unlock things, but it has to be within the 10 tiers you are currently within.

Ahh ok, that sounds a bit better. Was a little bit ago when I played through with a friend (We finished that up and then went into Halo Wars 1 and 2).
Think i'll go take a peek as it probably updated at some point, had a few points just chilling.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I read through the update a little earlier tonight. Lots of good stuff. I'm super to see the support continue. I would've never ever in my wildest Halo dreams expected 343 to improve MCC and expand on it with more cool stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
That MCC will live forever in the Xbox ecosystem in its current, incredible state (with more to come) is honestly one of the best things in gaming. It's like a museum for one of gaming's most iconic franchises. I will literally be playing it for years to come.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Have they fixed the shot registration in Halo 3? I did a quick scan here but didn't see anything.
Oct 25, 2017
That MCC will live forever in the Xbox ecosystem in its current, incredible state (with more to come) is honestly one of the best things in gaming. It's like a museum for one of gaming's most iconic franchises. I will literally be playing it for years to come.
I don't think it would happen, but my god could you imagine a "Marcus Fenix Collection" or "Doom Slayer Collection" on par with current MCC?


Oct 25, 2017
People are in for a suprise on how good Halo 4 will look in campaign. Back when I played MCC on xbox 1, Halo4 at 1080p looked better to me visually than the next-gen game (Halo 5)


Prophet of Truth - You’re my Numberwall
Oct 26, 2017
So happy we will finally get the GRD helmet. Also very excited at the prospect of 343 going back to unreleased content and releasing it. MCC will be the definitive classic Halo experience.

Ok, that makes a lot more sense now in terms of why we haven't already globalized these Forge objects and canvases. It sounds like MCC would become around 400GB to install!?

: Yeah, if we added every Forge object to every map in every game that supports Forge, we would be adding many, many gigabytes.

Man, a Series X rebuild of MCC for the SSD would be a godsend. They wouldn't need to worry about every map needing each piece which balloons the game size.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I really hope we get a Series X version of MCC, I'd love to play it at 120fps also nice to see a FoV slider on console is in the works!


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Very cool that they're adding unreleased armor.

You honestly don't want it in MCC, it's over 100GB by itself.
The collection lets you pick and choose what you want to install though. If someone doesn't want it they don't have to download it.


Prophet of Truth - You’re my Numberwall
Oct 26, 2017
I really wish they'd put H5 into MCC.
So do I but it would have to be done on Series X considering Halo Reach and UE4 were already bringing the game to the XB1 RAM limit.

Would be perfect though to update every Halo game to Series X and in one package so that there would only be two "platforms" for Halo. Infinite for the future and MCC for classic.

You honestly don't want it in MCC, it's over 100GB by itself.
Like I said it would have to be with a Series X patch which would include benefits like rebuilding the game around the SSD which should condense the game by several 10's of GB.

Also it would mean Halo 5's UI gets thrown out and that would be a major benefit alone for the armor customization, and considering the work 343 are doing now, would also open up Halo 5's abysmal customization to be more like Reach.
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Very cool that they're adding unreleased armor.

The collection lets you pick and choose what you want to install though. If someone doesn't want it they don't have to download it.

There is also the issue of the REQ system. That would have to be implemented due to Warzone mode. Even then Halo 5 would be redundant as Halo 5 is perfectly playable on Xbox One.

EDIT: As mentioned above adding Reach has almost certainly made Halo 5 impossible anyway due to the RAM limit being reached. The game currently has the following engines in the collection...

  1. Halo 1
  2. Halo 1 Anniversary
  3. Halo 2
  4. Halo 2 Anniversary (campaign)
  5. Halo 2 Anniversary (multiplayer)
  6. Halo 3
  7. Halo 3: ODST
  8. Halo Reach
  9. Halo 4
  10. Original UI engine
  11. UE4 for customization models in UI

Halo 5 is more than likely not worth it at this point. At most it should get a proper PC port by itself.
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Oct 25, 2017
I like the new content, but I have to say i'm not a fan of how to unlock it. I'm still not even 100% sure on how it works.
My assumption is that you get points for completing challenges? Then you go and buy thing but in a Battle Pass Format (So you have to buy thing by tier and can't just buy whatever you want). That's how I was assuming I was unlocking stuff anyway.

Was kind of a bummer for Reach MP that the Customization Options were all locked since it takes awhile to unlock all of it if you want (I understand in the original reach it did as well, but I figured as a game that doesn't have MTX we'd be past that).

Not really a knock on the game and the work they've been doing, but it would be nice if there was more options on how you unlock content, especially for stuff that's from the old game.
None of the cosmetics in Reach were tied to DLC or MTX, it was just a timesink. I'd be happier if things were just available from the start, but I understand that you can't have games now without some kind of progression.

Though in the hundreds of hours I've put into Reach alone, I never came close to unlocking all the armour in the game. In MCC, I unlocked all the Reach armour in a few dozen hours.


Feb 4, 2020
Halo 5 is more than likely not worth it at this point. At most it should get a proper PC port by itself.

I don't even like Halo 5, and I still think they should add it to the MCC. Feels strange to just leave one of the games out of this collection meant to encompass all of Halo. Particularly when they are adding Halo 4, whose MP was actually worse. And when I assume part of the reason for adding all of this to PC is to onboard people to what has been going on story-wise, running into Infinite.


Oct 26, 2017
I apologize if it's been asked a thousand times but, has the sound and frame stutter been fixed in Reach?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I don't even like Halo 5, and I still think they should add it to the MCC. Feels strange to just leave one of the games out of this collection meant to encompass all of Halo. Particularly when they are adding Halo 4, whose MP was actually worse. And when I assume part of the reason for adding all of this to PC is to onboard people to what has been going on story-wise, running into Infinite.

The whole point of MCC was to bring the old games to current gen at 1080p 60fps before Halo 5's release. ODST was only added as an apology and Reach was added due to them bringing it to PC. Halo 5 is already functional on Xbox so having a second version on MCC is just not worth the effort.


Oct 28, 2017
Been replaying the Halo series on PC, has there been any news if the PC enhancements will be coming to Series X?

Also, kinda of unrelated, but with the game coming piece by piece, does anybody else feel like this is leading up to Halo 5 getting a PC release?

Castor Archer

Jan 8, 2019
I'd love it if they brought Honor Guard armor into Halo 2 multiplayer.

I know it's unrealistic but dammit I've wanted that since I was a kid!


Dec 3, 2017
If theres a game that needs those Halo Online maps it might be H2A. Shame there isnt more support for it cause its quite good imo.


Prophet of Truth - You’re my Numberwall
Oct 26, 2017
If theres a game that needs those Halo Online maps it might be H2A. Shame there isnt more support for it cause its quite good imo.
They would be Halo 3 maps.

It would be a massive pipe dream but imagine if 343 contracted Certain Affinity or another dev to remake more maps for H2A.

I really do believe there would be value in keeping MCC updated throughout the next 10 years, just like Infinite is planned to. This is the most exciting time to be a Halo fan.


Dec 3, 2017
They would be Halo 3 maps.

It would be a massive pipe dream but imagine if 343 contracted Certain Affinity or another dev to remake more maps for H2A.

I really do believe there would be value in keeping MCC updated throughout the next 10 years, just like Infinite is planned to. This is the most exciting time to be a Halo fan.
Its a win-win for the fanbase, MCC for the no-sprint, classic gameplay purists and Infinite for an evolution of the formula. While a pipedream, maybe once mod tools are released the community can make maps and 343 can highlight them.

Great time for Halo, been playing MCC nonstop since 3 was released.
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