
Oct 27, 2017
This stuff about the story indicates its indeed soft reboot. Easier to jump in as a new player. Wich is a good thing.

Halo Infinite takes place well after the ending of Halo 5, with a rampant Cortana nowhere in sight and the Master Chief adrift in space. The Pilot (as seen in the E3 2019 presentation trailer, which 343 reconfirmed to IGN is the very beginning of the game) then discovers him.

"Chief and the Pilot are in exactly the same position as the player when the game starts," Crocker said. "They don't know what's happened. They're learning what's happening, together." Lee told us that the new Xbox Games Showcase demo takes place roughly four hours into the campaign, which he said is "several times larger than our last two campaigns put together," referring to Halo 4 and Halo 5.

Players fight The Banished in Infinite – a rogue faction of Brutes (along with plenty of familiar Covenant Elites and Grunts too) who were prominently featured in Halo Wars 2. The team at 343 is quick to note that you won't need to have played that 2017 real-time strategy game to feel comfortable in Infinite ("It's not required reading," Crocker noted), nor will you have to consume the comic books and novels of the larger Halo universe in order to understand what's going on in the new game – a criticism of Halo 4 and 5 that 343 acknowledged. "We don't want a game where players have to do homework to enjoy this game," Crocker said. But why The Banished? "Because they're super cool and everyone likes them," he said with a laugh, before more seriously adding that the team wanted "to have something that's an evolution of the Covenant so you get some of the familiar, but something that's different [too], and it comes together to feel fresh."

"We want places to go and we want new mysteries." Lee added, "It's setting the foundation for future storytelling as well as tying some of those threads from the past. You don't need to go through the whole franchise to learn and understand the fiction coming in, but if you do have that knowledge we want to reward that. You'll see these [extended universe] elements and nostalgic moments. There have been a lot of goosebumps in the studio as we have [finished] different scenes and things that are in the game."

"What you saw in the montage at the end was us setting the stage for the journey the Chief and Pilot have been going through."

That ending sequence also introduces us to the villain of the story: a Banished leader named War Chief Escharum, who is the leader of The Banished on this Halo ring and "is connected to The Banished in a fundamental way," according to Crocker, and proclaims this Halo ring as his last stand, knowing that Master Chief is coming for him:

Halo Infinite Villain and Story Details Revealed - IGN

Halo’s next-gen spiritual reboot attempts to tie up old threads and create new storylines.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Sounds good, but I still want my grappling hook waifu


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Looks like the game will start with us fighting banished threats almost exclusively. I wonder when prometheans/created and the flood will make an appearance though, theres no way they dont


Oct 30, 2017
I'm honestly up for it if the premise and "chapter 1" turns out cool enough that I would want to shill out for the inevitable expansion packs and DLC that extend a typical Anthem/Destiny level of beginner pack.


Jun 2, 2020
the villain speech was not good. i wanna see what direction they take Halo. them forgetting 4 and 5 is a good thing tho.


Nov 8, 2017
Do we really want a 30-50 hour Halo game?

I will give them credit for acknowledging the lore requirement issues of Halo 4 or Halo 5.

Halo games can already take like 20+ hours for me to finish because of how much I die in FPS games lol, making it this long basically means I'll probably never finish it
Oct 27, 2017
Do we really want a 30-50 hour Halo game?

I will give them credit for acknowledging the lore requirement issues of Halo 4 or Halo 5.

I interpreted this as playable space and map size, rather than length?

That said, I do think longer term engagement is part of the fundamental design and plan here so they're probably hoping it's more than 50 hours..


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully the book that's coming out later this year helps bridge the gap because I have no idea how we go from The Created taking over the galaxy at the end of Halo 5 to... The Banished being in control of this Halo and all these references to them having "won the war".


One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Provo, Utah
I better have the story with Cortana resolved by the end of the game.

Kill or off or redeem her and fix the rampancy I don't care anymore. Let my beloved character's story end. It's been 20 years 343 please let them rest.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, you can't just abandon the Cortana plot line. I hated it (SO freaking much) but all the AI's in the galaxy rebelling against the humans is a LITTLE important.


Oct 31, 2017
I feel like I've heard that villain speech a million times.. its not interesting in the slightest. Hopefully he actually has depth. I do not trust 343 with this however.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Hopefully the book that's coming out later this year helps bridge the gap because I have no idea how we go from The Created taking over the galaxy at the end of Halo 5 to... The Banished being in control of this Halo and all these references to them having "won the war".

Exactly how I feel. Like wth happened?


Dec 13, 2019
Several times larger than Halo 4 and 5 sounds wild. Assuming we peg each game at about 7 hours that's 14 hours. Several is definitely more then twice as long... So go with three times 14 and you've got a 42 hour experience.

That could be really amazing in that it could offer a much more meaty slice of the traditional Halo formats. We could have more "storm the battlefield" moments like The Silent Cartographer or landing on Delta Halo in Halo 2. More stealth or heavily scripted experiences like Truth and Reconciliation and lots of exploration. But it could also be really watered down like many of Ubisofts games where the encounters feel very samey and not special or unique.

I hope they nail it because I love the concept.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Hopefully the book that's coming out later this year helps bridge the gap because I have no idea how we go from The Created taking over the galaxy at the end of Halo 5 to... The Banished being in control of this Halo and all these references to them having "won the war".
Yeah how exactly did Cortana just "lose" and that's that. Like come on I was legitimately wondering a lot of it and was hoping we'd see it.

But I guess we're just gonna be like fuck it and forget it happened.
Jan 2, 2018
I don't like them tossing away the Guardians/Cortana plot,they really need to follow it through,not giving me a re-skin of the Human-Covenant war.
Oct 30, 2017
Thought the speech was pretty cool. Humans called you savior, Covenant called you demon, Banished calls you prey.
But it's such empty posturing. We, the player, know being called "prey" is an empty threat; 343i wants to convince us this new villain is Thanos-level powerful or whatever.

I mean, this brute dude obviously knows that he's talking to a soldier who is responsible for the partial genocide of the Covenant. John has killed thousands upon thousands of Covenant and brutes.


Nov 27, 2017
Kitwe, Zambia.
As someone who actually liked Halo 5's direction(but not Halo 4), I hope they tie the story and stuff to the halo 5 plotline eventually later in the game.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Hopefully the book that's coming out later this year helps bridge the gap because I have no idea how we go from The Created taking over the galaxy at the end of Halo 5 to... The Banished being in control of this Halo and all these references to them having "won the war".
Galaxy is big, I still expect the created to be around and Cortana to have control of them. I just think that the first few hours of the game are vs the banished before they introduce the other threats, like the inevitable flood.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 22, 2020
The team at 343 is quick to note that you won't need to have played that 2017 real-time strategy game to feel comfortable in Infinite ("It's not required reading," Crocker noted), nor will you have to consume the comic books and novels of the larger Halo universe in order to understand what's going on in the new game – a criticism of Halo 4 and 5 that 343 acknowledged. "We don't want a game where players have to do homework to enjoy this game," Crocker said.
Thank god. I know there are big Halo fans out there who have delved into the lore and the books, and all of that - but it was just ridiculous at times in Halo 4/Halo 5. People who have played through the mainline Halo games shouldn't be confused about the key details of the narrative in your game.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI


Oct 16, 2018
Considering the proported length of the game and a supposed 10 year plan, I'd suspect that Escharum and the Banished are more of an "Act 1 of 3" antogonist and things open up beyond the Halo Ring.


Mokuzai Studio
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
I better have the story with Cortana resolved by the end of the game.

Kill or off or redeem her and fix the rampancy I don't care anymore. Let my beloved character's story end. It's been 20 years 343 please let them rest.

Yep. If they don't finish the story they started with 4, they'll have failed. If they finish it in a book, I'll be disappointed, but not as much so.


Alt account
Mar 23, 2019
I like the villain speech. Its like he sees the Chief as his equal and itching for a fight

Set fire to your heart, Spartan! Bear your fangs! Fight hard! Die well!


Oct 28, 2017
I really dont like the method they used to pick the banished as the villains (people like them?)
It seems like infinite is just the third try at 343s first try of starting a new halo story...
Wish they had of just kept going with the Didact as the villain. Now it looks like they replaced atriox as well just so they could have their own creation as the main villain...


Oct 27, 2017
I would have preferred an even bigger reboot but I am not that attached to Masterchief like others.

Good for them trying to get new players in though. Long running series can be offputting.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
Hopefully the book that's coming out later this year helps bridge the gap because I have no idea how we go from The Created taking over the galaxy at the end of Halo 5 to... The Banished being in control of this Halo and all these references to them having "won the war".

Im pretty sure it will be explained in game, didnd't the previous trailer feature Cortana talking? So I doubt that plot line is going away.


Nov 1, 2017
Feeling pretty confident that harbinger is cortana. Looks like the created/ promethean + banished absolutely wrecked the unsc. But what's interesting is that brute mentioned something along the lines of they did it to honour Atriax. Probably because he is somewhere else doing something else, but it could also mean that he had died prior to the game, or at least presumed dead. I'm kind of theorising that Atriax might have been overthrown by this new brute and he is using Atriax's name to keep control of the banished. Could be sick seeing chief and Atriax teaming up to put an end to cortana and her forces now that he is (presumed) to be all on his own.


Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes, I don't understand the whole concept of "soft rebooting", I haven't read the OP because I feel like I will read a huge spoiler (been meaning to go through the campaigns for the first time ever), but did the story continue after 343 took over Halo, or was 4 and 5 part of this new timeline?


Oct 25, 2017
"Chief and the Pilot are in exactly the same position as the player when the game starts," Crocker said. "They don't know what's happened. They're learning what's happening, together."

Given 343's storytelling chops so far with Halo 4 and 5, I don't trust them to handle another title that is taking such an approach with a deliberately huge gap from Halo 5

nor will you have to consume the comic books and novels of the larger Halo universe in order to understand what's going on in the new game – a criticism of Halo 4 and 5 that 343 acknowledged. "We don't want a game where players have to do homework to enjoy this game,"

Although at least they're aware of the problems now I suppose. FIngers crossed.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I better have the story with Cortana resolved by the end of the game.

Kill or off or redeem her and fix the rampancy I don't care anymore. Let my beloved character's story end. It's been 20 years 343 please let them rest.
I hope that happens because that cliffhanger in 5 left so many questions that need to be answered. Even if this is sort of a soft reboot leaving all the Cortana stuff like "oh she just disappeared" seems like a kick in the balls to Halo Lore fans.


Oct 30, 2017
I hope that happens because that cliffhanger in 5 left so many questions that need to be answered. Even if this is sort of a soft reboot leaving all the Cortana stuff like "oh she just disappeared" seems like a kick in the balls to Halo Lore fans.
Then again, Halo 5's plot was a Saturday morning cartoon tonally. I get why they rebooted that crap.


Oct 27, 2017
Do we know the actor who plays the PIlot? As then we also know how he is called.


Oct 25, 2017
Halo 4 felt like the start of something big imho.

Halo 5 felt like a reaction to Halo 4's reception rather than what Halo 4 set up

Halo Infinite feels like a reaction to Halo 5's reception rather than what Halo 5 set up

Worried Halo Infinite 2 will be the same.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
Speech was definitely eh generic, but idrgaf about Halo needing incredible writing. They tried too hard with that in 4 and 5 and it just ended up falling flat on it's face. Halo has a cool enough universe to sustain its story without the need for some TLOU level narrative and dialogue. Kind of glad they're soft rebooting, the shit that happened in 5 made it feel like it wasn't even Halo anymore. Though I wish they had just followed through with the Didact tbh.
Halo 4 felt like the start of something big imho.

Halo 5 felt like a reaction to Halo 4's reception rather than what Halo 4 set up

Halo Infinite feels like a reaction to Halo 5's reception rather than what Halo 5 set up

Worried Halo Infinite 2 will be the same.
Yeah this is exactly how I feel. Both games after 4 feel like an extreme reaction to the previous one based on fanbase reception. Still I'm happier with the approach they're taking with infinite, I can deal with just going back to regular old Halo.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, you can't just abandon the Cortana plot line. I hated it (SO freaking much) but all the AI's in the galaxy rebelling against the humans is a LITTLE important.
Yeah how exactly did Cortana just "lose" and that's that. Like come on I was legitimately wondering a lot of it and was hoping we'd see it.

But I guess we're just gonna be like fuck it and forget it happened.
I don't like them tossing away the Guardians/Cortana plot,they really need to follow it through,not giving me a re-skin of the Human-Covenant war.

Halo Infinite is a sequel to Halo 5.

Meanwhile, longtime fans will also pick up with the continuation of the events of Halo 5: Guardians and be rewarded with new mysteries to unravel.


"This guy are sick"
Mar 24, 2019
So I doubt this villain lasts long right? He's not even the leader of the Banished and they are talking about a 10 year plan for the game. This dude is out of the way in the campaign and a bigger threat arrives that becomes the main focus for a few expansions