I don't feel comfortable seeing anyone kissing until I know who is related to who officially.
Maybe English isn't their native language? Chill outWhy does this type of thread title always have bad grammar?
The NVIDIA 4090 has developed quite following with size comparisons
https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1578107479392923648?s=46&t=POmovAYBYEd-uhpYkyWrJQ https://twitter.com/Okami13_/status/1577700175665053702?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1577700175665053702%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url= i have no skin in the game, just easily...www.resetera.comFinal Fantasy VII Has Quite The Fan-Art Following...For The Last 20 Years Square Enix
I had dared someone to make this thread...and then I got motivated to do it myself. The single most popular JRPG of all time has spawned years of fan illustrations...and some of it is actually really good! And with the Remake on the horizon (and hopefully some significant updates this...www.resetera.com
I don't feel comfortable seeing anyone kissing until I know who is related to who officially.
Why does this type of thread title always have bad grammar?
The NVIDIA 4090 has developed quite following with size comparisons
https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1578107479392923648?s=46&t=POmovAYBYEd-uhpYkyWrJQ https://twitter.com/Okami13_/status/1577700175665053702?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1577700175665053702%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url= i have no skin in the game, just easily...www.resetera.comFinal Fantasy VII Has Quite The Fan-Art Following...For The Last 20 Years Square Enix
I had dared someone to make this thread...and then I got motivated to do it myself. The single most popular JRPG of all time has spawned years of fan illustrations...and some of it is actually really good! And with the Remake on the horizon (and hopefully some significant updates this...www.resetera.com
The MC of this one is a million times more appealing visually than Zagreus. Top tier design.