Man God

Oct 25, 2017
Appalachia gets covered all the time because its a bunch of poor white people. There's always a documentarian or two crawling around there.

Doesn't mean I don't feel bad for the people but I also got no illusions that they've not helped themselves much either by electing Republicans and lily livered Dixiecrats.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong but haven't seen anything that would put Lobos on the "avoid" radar. Dude regularly supports charity and doesn't have any right-wing views.

I stopped watching him regularly a while ago when he got called out by his former fiancee for cheating because it was awkward as heck to know their business and see chat constantly bringing it up (since I watched both of them at the time), but I do that with any content creator who goes through some big relationship event we probably shouldn't know about until they're back in a good place.

I was a mod for both at the time and played games with both of them at times. I had to step away cus there was no way I could be neutral.
It was the main streaming community I'd been in for a few years so it sucked.


Oct 26, 2017
Not right wing leanings but I was super disappointed We're In Hell turned out to be a creep.


Nov 27, 2020
This thread is reminding me of all the YouTube channels I used to watch years ago before alt right bullshit became a movement and a grift.

I remember enjoying Midnight's Edge quite a bit when they were covering the Fant4stic disaster and BvS. They were one of the few making documentary style videos on just how bad Fant4stic went.

Then the Ghostbusters (2016) videos came and they realized how much money they were making appealing to that certain audience. I fell off from watching them after that.

I looked them up a couple years ago and they went full mask off. Constant whining about "wokeness." Constant videos on Kathleen Kennedy getting fired any minute now. Typical alt right talking points. Click bait. Fake news. The works.

Pretty embarrassing to see some of the old Youtubers I used to watch.


Nov 18, 2017
so in that new eddy burback video, he met up with someone called jschlatt. he flashed a gun in the video so that was a huge red flag. looking at his twitter, he posts pictures of himself posing with guns and seems to make gay jokes quite frequently
i'm not 100% who this guy is, but i see no reason to give him the benefit of the doubt


Prophet of Regret
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
so in that new eddy burback video, he met up with someone called jschlatt. he flashed a gun in the video so that was a huge red flag. looking at his twitter, he posts pictures of himself posing with guns and seems to make gay jokes quite frequently
i'm not 100% who this guy is, but i see no reason to give him the benefit of the doubt

Jschlatt I think is good people but not for everyone group. Ludwig and him created a YouTube channel of Non Copywritten music that anyone can use for streaming. Also chills with OTK (used to be in it) and other streamers a lot. (Hasan etc)

On the risque side sometimes but from what I've seen, not 'mean' spirited.


Nov 18, 2017
Jschlatt I think is good people but not for everyone group. Ludwig and him created a YouTube channel of Non Copywritten music that anyone can use for streaming. Also chills with OTK (used to be in it) and other streamers a lot. (Hasan etc)

On the risque side sometimes but from what I've seen, not 'mean' spirited.
ah, my mistake. i guess gay jokes are fine if you make non copyrighted music
edit: is he gay? i should have asked that because that would change things a bit


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
It does need it, but they keep shooting themselves in the foot by voting for Republicans who fuck them over at every turn.

Dems did a really good job fucking them over too. The limitless pockets of big coal and the logging industry. WV used to be a reliably blue state until W and then Obama. Hell, their current governor switched parties after getting elected as a Dem.

The entire American political system failed the state, regardless of party. Dems did some good work in the state during JFK/LBJ admins, but time and time again— it never improved enough…

So the state goes for the populists. Look at how Bernie did in the primaries compared to Hillary…


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
You don't think Appalachia is legitimately impoverished and in desperate need of help?

Of course it is, and does, that isn't what I meant to imply. My issue was that Santanello doesn't bother engaging with these people on a level where a solution beyond the vague "get Democrats out of power" idea is ever even mentioned, much less discussed in-depth.

Trump and the GOP never lifted a finger to help these people, and yet they'll still vote for him come 2024. I would love to see Santanello actually discuss with these folks why they continue to support a man and a party that seems to actively ignore and even despise them. His interactions with a lot of the locals he meets is often superficial at best, and I think it ultimately hinders his goal of shining a light on areas of the country that don't get a lot of media attention.

His best and most illuminating videos were the ones where he spends hours or even days talking with the same person(s) and really diving deep into a particular topic.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Of course it is, and does, that isn't what I meant to imply. My issue was that Santanello doesn't bother engaging with these people on a level where a solution beyond the vague "get Democrats out of power" idea is ever even mentioned, much less discussed in-depth.

Trump and the GOP never lifted a finger to help these people, and yet they'll still vote for him come 2024. I would love to see Santanello actually discuss with these folks why they continue to support a man and a party that seems to actively ignore and even despise them. His interactions with a lot of the locals he meets is often superficial at best, and I think it ultimately hinders his goal of shining a light on areas of the country that don't get a lot of media attention.

His best and most illuminating videos were the ones where he spends hours or even days talking with the same person(s) and really diving deep into a particular topic.

Sorry man, I think the way it was phrased left it to that interpretation and I've seen the sentiment here before— so forgive me for being so reactive.

The GOP will never help them, but they are basically fed the culture war bullshit. When you have poor infrastructure, income, etc it molds the average Appalachian MAGA-type because they are told the liberals are ignoring them for the sake of equality.

Which is sad because there are a lot of leftists in the state, but it's never focused on.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
So I have a kind of interesting addition to this when it comes to channels the main guy behind Double Toasted, Korey, is really starting to annoy me with his casualness of gay and ableist slurs he likes to use during some streams and especially with one of his guest stars in particular. I've written personally on an email to him and his response is basically kind of like died down as it's just something he does with that dude in particular and whatever but it's gotten more and more and I especially noticed this with a recent transphobic joke... Ugh. Haven't been clicking on their videos until I see the general reaction on the subreddit as those people tend to call him out very quickly.

On the plus side while he was on vacation he had some guests filling for him and to be honest some of these guys were a pretty okay but then again I know he had Brad Jones on his show who I still have issues with with the whole channel awesome .. thing

Deleted member 3924

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
he had Brad Jones on his show who I still have issues with with the whole channel awesome .. thing

Not surprising after they had Doug on for an interview. I don't think he really has any idea about the controversies, which is his own fault because its pretty well known at this point. Its weird because he'll sometimes tell viewers who have a problem with lgbt folks to get lost but then fall into doing the same bad stereotypes, sometimes with the reasoning that "we make fun of everyone here".


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
its weird seeing TLOU2 brought up as a major point where folks had to drop people they followed, when the originator of all this shit was gamergate

TLOU2 shit was just a continuation of the gamergate divide that bled into the alt-right and anti-woke shitheads propaganda

when gamergate happened i shed no joke at least half of my subs, even people who never talked about politics before, like folks who did nothing but play TF2 or sommit, suddenly had to add their shitty views to the conversation


Oct 25, 2017
I used to like TheEpicNate315's Fallout videos but then he turned into a right wing shithead at some point.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I watched that Appalachia video and while it's sad how the system has failed these people, it was obvious how the video was being framed. "We're good people and misunderstood, why just the other day we went and put up a confederate statue!"

Not surprised he's an anti-vaxxer


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
If it's a movie channel, always go into their history and look for the Captain Marvel thumbnail.

If Brie's eyes are white, the channels all right
If Brie's eyes are red, there's alt right ahead.

Re: smartereveryday, he always struck me like the lockpickinglawyer dude in that he's one of those true believer libertarians who probably lean left on social issues but think taxes are theft or something. He seems like a decent person who just has some dumb ideas about how the world should work. At any rate he's never said anything in the videos I've seen that made it seem like he's a secret Trumper or something.


Oct 25, 2017
I find operating on the assumption they're all assholes is the easiest way. Even the supposed left leaning ones repeatedly show their true colors but it gets glossed over


Oct 28, 2017
The worst is 8 Bit Guy.

I mean look at this shit

I can't imagine a more callous display of impotent toxic male compensation than that. What an irredeemable asshole

I'm not an 8bitguy fan and this behavior is abhorrent, but I fell down a YouTube drama rabbit hole a few months ago learning about him and he has a pretty long video talking about how he feels bad about doing this and how he was kicked out of the group doing these protests for being "too liberal" because he is now pro gun registration and regulation following recent school shootings. Was specifically interesting that he's against the old "good guy with a gun" idea and doesn't believe it's a realistic response to school shootings. He's still def right leaning and for open carry, but hearing someone who was clearly very far gone on gun control go towards a more neutral/regulated way following actual statistic and reports was oddly refreshing in America where most people are just absolute nut jobs on gun control.


Oct 25, 2017
Is Asmongold supposed to be a bad guy? And I liked watching him a lot...
He's a Trumper, racist, misogynist, ableist, and against LGBT folks.

WoW/FFXIV streamer Asmongold has a recent history of using ableist slurs and defending the use of racial slurs Video/Streaming

7/23 UPDATE: As pointed out later in this thread, this video is from just last week. In it, he claims that women who are bothered by the oversexualization of female characters in video games are just "ugly and insecure" and that men are actually more oversexualized in video games that women...


Jul 25, 2022
Is Jeremy Jahns problematic? I kinda like his reviews.

I know he had a blackface episode years back. Recently he reviewed Sound of Freedom.

A little suspicious...


Oct 25, 2017
YouTube in general feels like such a cesspool. Especially people who end up getting big. Not just conservative shit but jerks and fucking creeps. Idk why it seems to be mostly the popular channels. When somebody has like 20k subs or less I feel like odds are they're good vibes.
Oct 25, 2017
Re: smartereveryday, he always struck me like the lockpickinglawyer dude in that he's one of those true believer libertarians who probably lean left on social issues but think taxes are theft or something. He seems like a decent person who just has some dumb ideas about how the world should work. At any rate he's never said anything in the videos I've seen that made it seem like he's a secret Trumper or something.
My impression on smartereveryday is that he's a science-loving Christian but had made some right-adjacent comments that definitely give me pause. Right now I take that as the Christian biases sneaking in, but his public persona so far seems like he's following Christ's actual teachings (love thy neighbor, give unto Caesar, yada yada yada...) rather than falling in with the hatefilled anti-LGBT+ crowd. Or so I hope.


Oct 25, 2017
Is Jeremy Jahns problematic? I kinda like his reviews.

I know he had a blackface episode years back. Recently he reviewed Sound of Freedom.

A little suspicious...
Blackface was enough problematic.

In that Sound Of Freedom review, Jeremy Jahns found the film informative, sings praises of Jim Caviezel (not just his performance), had done his research and he believes the organisation the film is based on actually did save victims of trafficking when that is far from the truth. He even says "if these guys don't do it, no one else will", so he's fully believed in the right wing saviour myth about Tim Ballard.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It does need it, but they keep shooting themselves in the foot by voting for Republicans who fuck them over at every turn.

It's frustrating. The Dems (but really only the progressive ones) only have tough answers and long-term solutions to help get Appalachia out of their economic hardships and the Republicans can just offer the short term solutions and whisper sweet nothings all day. Former is a hard sell and the latter gets you through another day.

They're so impoverished and uneducated that they can't even fathom the grass being greener on the other side of the fence.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Lately the leftists i follow are:

Mogul Mail
Noah Samsen

Any other recommendations?


Jul 25, 2022
Blackface was enough problematic.

In that Sound Of Freedom review, Jeremy Jahns found the film informative, sings praises of Jim Caviezel (not just his performance), had done his research and he believes the organisation the film is based on actually did save victims of trafficking when that is far from the truth. He even says "if these guys don't do it, no one else will", so he's fully believed in the right wing saviour myth about Tim Ballard.
Yo thanks for the input. Thats a shame honestly.


Feb 9, 2022
I'm never sure.... and as I delve into the history and mythology channels, I always have concerns.

As an educator I need to block almost all of the history and geography channels because 95% of the popular ones are conservative or pushing historiography that was outdated in the 1910s.

If you really wanna learn history look up all the free lectures professors posted over the pandemic.


Oct 25, 2017
You shouldn't discard people because they have some conservative views or some right leaning positions, you should discard them if they're racists/bigots/shitlords/dickwads

Living in an echo chamber helps no one, be it on the left or right side of the political spectrum. And I say that as a lifelong socialist.
This is a ridiculous statement to make because it's attributing the benefits of hearing different arguments (or knowing what your enemy is saying) to following content creators who happen to be right wing pieces of shit outside their content (or even with it).

I agree it's good to know what the rights current position is on subjects and what their tactics are in those arguments but that in no way applies to the threads premise of not wanting to follow a film critic because he supports Ben Shapiro etc.

You also can get a balanced review of what the other side is saying by not actually watching them. There are plenty of fair left wing channels that cover politics and represent the arguments being made by the right without spin and then counter them accordingly.

Honestly your post just comes across like fence sitting.


Oct 25, 2017
Is he? He admitted he was wrong in thinking Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine, hoped Ukrainians were safe, and raised $200K in Ukrainian relief funds back in early 2022.
And yet still complains that Ukraine shouldn't be getting sent weaponry. Also Hasan honestly kinda sucks. Here's a guy who gets into a childish tantrum anytime his audience call him out on anything and goes to "you stupid fuck" cause he can't even be wrong ofc.

Seen him call a female viewed a "dumb bitch" for saying his dog wouldn't have pissed in his room if he'd have let it out, frequently tell his audience to "take their meds" should they have issues with anything he says, and laugh his ass off at someone using the R word even rewinding the clip to hear it again and defending it as funny. He's off the list for me. He's just a self important ass who's entirely selective in what is of isn't ok based on whether he likes it or not
Oct 27, 2017
A friend linked me to Thomas Brush's videos about game development. He has some interesting stuff, though with a little bit of a grifty slant (selling courses, encouraging people to do something that's ultimately quite risky as if they're going to find success by listening to him). I found it odd that he's a semi-prominent indie dev that almost no other indie devs followed. So I looked more closely at his Twitter, which is mostly just him trying to sell courses or whatever (already a bit sketchy), and then saw he follows every far right nutcase you could think of. Oh well, he kinda weirded me out anyway. There were signs - from a huge focus on making money, to talking about being a Christian and the importance family (unfortunate that these can be "signs" when they'd otherwise just be normal things).

I think he's just an average dude that's right wing though, not someone trying to engage in culture wars. Still... I wasn't the biggest fan of his content anyway, so I'm fine with just staying away.

Lol no offense, but this is kind of ridiculous. Everyone who talks about Christianity isn't secretly right leaning. Some of you don't have religious friends... Brush is just a dude who had a successful indie game like a decade ago and has been coasting on that trying to grift indie game dev courses. That doesn't make him right wing. But I agree, his content is pretty mediocre and his recent game dev videos have shown just how little he knows about what he's talking about, so I also largely stay away from him


Oct 25, 2017
And yet still complains that Ukraine shouldn't be getting sent weaponry. Also Hasan honestly kinda sucks. Here's a guy who gets into a childish tantrum anytime his audience call him out on anything and goes to "you stupid fuck" cause he can't even be wrong ofc.

Seen him call a female viewed a "dumb bitch" for saying his dog wouldn't have pissed in his room if he'd have let it out, frequently tell his audience to "take their meds" should they have issues with anything he says, and laugh his ass off at someone using the R word even rewinding the clip to hear it again and defending it as funny. He's off the list for me. He's just a self important ass who's entirely selective in what is of isn't ok based on whether he likes it or not
That doesn't mean he's pro Russia though, right? He's got other issues for sure.


Nov 1, 2017
Lol no offense, but this is kind of ridiculous. Everyone who talks about Christianity isn't secretly right leaning. Some of you don't have religious friends... Brush is just a dude who had a successful indie game like a decade ago and has been coasting on that trying to grift indie game dev courses. That doesn't make him right wing. But I agree, his content is pretty mediocre and his recent game dev videos have shown just how little he knows about what he's talking about, so I also largely stay away from him
I say in the post that my main issue is his Twitter follows. I'm not going to pull it up again but I'm pretty sure it was like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, etc. I even say it's unfortunate that being Christian can be a "sign". That was and isn't the main issue.

And ultimately he's apolitical in his content. His content just also isn't that great so it was easy to cut him out.


Oct 25, 2017
That doesn't mean he's pro Russia though, right? He's got other issues for sure.
When he talks about Russia its kind of odd. I wouldn't necessarily say he's pro Russia, and he does say the invasion is wrong. But everything he proposes as solutions pretty much ends in Ukraine getting rolled through by Russia because he seems to foolishly believe there's some way to actually negotiate peace between them without war. He seems to have some weird grudge against Zelensky too and at times puts a fair bit of blame on him. So while he isn't pro Russia he also seems pretty anti doing anything to defend Ukraine a lot of the time.

I think on that topic in particular he is so entrenched in his own views he doesn't realise how incompatible they are with an actual invasion scenario


Oct 25, 2017
its weird seeing TLOU2 brought up as a major point where folks had to drop people they followed, when the originator of all this shit was gamergate

TLOU2 shit was just a continuation of the gamergate divide that bled into the alt-right and anti-woke shitheads propaganda

when gamergate happened i shed no joke at least half of my subs, even people who never talked about politics before, like folks who did nothing but play TF2 or sommit, suddenly had to add their shitty views to the conversation
There were still a good amount that didn't dip their toes into GG at all or didn't follow it, etc. Then when TLOU2 came out, they were all in on that. Tyrone Magnus for example.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
There were still a good amount that didn't dip their toes into GG at all or didn't follow it, etc. Then when TLOU2 came out, they were all in on that. Tyrone Magnus for example.
when gamergate happened I dropped roughly 30 subscriptions

when tlou2 happened, it was just angry joe I dropped

noone should subscribe to reactors 🤓


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
90% of the people in my neighborhood were fully vaccinated within about a month of the first booster coming out. 90+% of the ones who voted, didn't vote for Trump. I was texting a high school friend who is very progressive yesterday, the ones who turned into assholes I haven't spoken to in years. So, no, just because half the people who voted in the last presidential election went right, doesn't mean half the people we interact with are the same. We have some choice in some of the people we interact with, often made easier with where we live and career options, so we don't just talk to a random sampling of half the country.
Getting vaccinated and not voting Trump doesn't mean you have no conservative leanings. Tons of conservatives got vaccinated, and either didn't vote Trump or were hide the fact that they did.


Dec 17, 2020
When he talks about Russia its kind of odd. I wouldn't necessarily say he's pro Russia, and he does say the invasion is wrong. But everything he proposes as solutions pretty much ends in Ukraine getting rolled through by Russia because he seems to foolishly believe there's some way to actually negotiate peace between them without war. He seems to have some weird grudge against Zelensky too and at times puts a fair bit of blame on him. So while he isn't pro Russia he also seems pretty anti doing anything to defend Ukraine a lot of the time.

I think on that topic in particular he is so entrenched in his own views he doesn't realise how incompatible they are with an actual invasion scenario

There are plenty of leftists whose brain are somewhat broken about the war in Ukraine, because while they don't outright support Russia their anti-Western mindset also prevent them from wanting any outcomes that could be seen as a foreign policy win for the USA or strengthening Nato - though the latter has already happened due to Putin causing more Nato expansion.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Off-Topic Concern Trolling in a Thread Concerning Right-Wing Bigotry
Done with Double Toasted. They called Everything Everywhere mid but loved Multiverse of Madness. Their Marvel slant is just annoying. And their videos are too long.