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Oct 25, 2017
On yesterday's episode of KindaFunny Games Daily, Greg Miller and Andrea Rene discuss the "Minecraft Drama", which is centered on Microsoft announcing that they were not inviting Notch to the 10 year Minecraft anniversary because of his comments and opinions. They also discussed PewDiePie shutting down his subscription campaign. What proceeded from this conversation is thorough handwaving, downplaying, and giving benefit of the doubt to two of the most well-known racists, transphobes and anti-Semites in the gaming industry:
  • Greg points out that Notch has ostracized himself with his twitter comments that included transphobic statements, heterosexual pride day, and "It's ok to be white".
  • Andrea suggests that Notch is willfully choosing not to partake; he doesn't want to be there because he doesn't do public events, not because MS axed him due to his comments. Greg points out that indeed in the press statement, MS announced they cut him and re--reads the statement. Andrea tells Greg that it's not a fair extrapolation to make from that statement. Andrea adds that to her it would be disappointing on MS part if Notch expressed interest in wanting to be involved and MS said no thanks. She adds that MS saying "his comments and opinions do not reflect those of MS" is a disclaimer made for everyone that speaks on behalf of MS, unless they are part of the MS team.
  • Andrea refers to the transphobic and racist things notch mentions on twitter as "wacky", and it's really Notch putting a line in the sand saying he doesn't want to be involved in Minecraft, and it's just MS making themselves look good by saying "yeah, we don't want to be involved with him anymore" and that it's all drama.
  • Greg said he googled "why do people hate notch" and got the top bullet in this OP, and went "what, I don't understand enough, can you give me more". Andrea said Notch's tweets were taken completely out of context and we don't need to analyze his tweets right now.
On the topic of PewDiePie:
  • Greg also mentions that some of the things has done like PDP paying 2 men to hold up a sign that said "death to all jews" and using the N word on a stream is beyond his comprehension, but PDP did apologize. This was followed up with "Why does the internet got to be so complicated when people get successful?" Andrea responds "Because everyone wants to be part of the zeitgeist", and added she's glad PDP apologized. She then removes blame from PDP for all the racist, hateful and anti-Semitic antics he encourages and places it on his community of followers and a few degenerates.
  • Greg says because he doesn't know notch or PDP personally, he doesn't know what their real motivations are, but says that PDP should have closed the subscribe movement since his name is associated with it. And he's glad he was silent on the shooting so he didn't make the shooting about himself, absolving him of any blame.
  • Andrea says PDP gets crucified for his mistakes, his missteps, and an internet lynch mob forgetting we are all humans and make mistakes and that PDP has been a target. She said he does a lot of great work like raising money for charity and a lot of good things.
  • Greg said he's leading with these two stories but he doesn't know everything about the stories and histories but not that hes trying to be ignorant but because it doesn't pertain to his normal every day life, but wants to have a convo about wtf is going on, and why this would happen, and he thinks it differences how we were all raised, not in parenting but how they come up in their careers
  • Andrea said she wants to support PDP because he's the heart of youtube and where youtube came from. "corporations for the win I guess" (in reference to T-Series getting more subscribers than him)
  • KF subscriber describes the N word incident "on stream when someone kills him on stream by accident". Greg wonders if that means PDP does use it. Andrea said some people were adding context on why PDP used it was that because he was Swedish and doesn't understand the connotation of that word; She added she had heard from a lot of Europeans that they use that word - both her and greg shout "that's bad, that's not cool that's not cool, you should stop that!". She said PDP apologized for it, and he's not gonna do it again so its ok now.
More in the video below.

As a person of color, and a very vulnerable minority (Arab American), I cannot support anyone that stands idly by and downplay the hatred Notch and PewDiePie seed into the gaming media. How do you not come down hard on people that say "it's ok to be white" or make transphobic comments or pay 2 people to hold a sign that says death to all Jews? How? I don't understand the train of thinking. I can no longer support Kindafunny. It's utterly saddening to see Greg Miller not take a stand on this.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Hey maybe you should try to be familiar with a news topic if you're gonna bring it up and maybe not assume every commenter you get in your stream is posting in good faith when they try to defend a hugely popular celebrity that's immersed in internet culture by pretending Euro folks don't know the context of the n-word.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Andrea said Notch's tweets were taken completely out of context and we don't need to analyze his tweets right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Greg sure does use the "well I don't know much about this topic" card a lot on controversial topics. Willfully ignorant and unable to make an actual stand.

Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nobody should be surprised that a couple of hacks and shills would behave like hacks and shills, especially considering the company they keep.


Oct 27, 2017
Frankly, it comes off more as somebody uninformed of the situation than an earnest defense.
Somebody saying his tweets were taken out of context isn't somebody uninformed, it's somebody trying to deflect.

And a lot of the times the actual context makes them look worse, but it's an easy out in a podcast where they need to keep moving on subjects and then it never gets brought up again.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Frankly, it comes off more as somebody uninformed of the situation than an earnest defense.
if thats the case hopefully they pull an easy allies and address both in more detail next week

edit: just as a note, I'm referring to how they handled their THQ/8chan coverage

they haven't talked about the notch situation yet
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Oct 25, 2017
Andrea Rene has always been trash, and I'm not surprised by Greg "was friends with Colin for years and won Trending Gamer" Miller.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I don't know these names, but I googled them and saw a Trending Gamer award nomination.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
Frankly, it comes off more as somebody uninformed of the situation than an earnest defense.

I haven't watched their content in weeks and one reason was they are always uninformed about the topics they discuss in the daily show. If I would to take a guess I would say today's discussion is a continuation of that trend.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
"His tweets are being taken out of context"

can you explain the context some more then

"We don't need to talk about them"

Every fucking time. Just admit you don't care or you agree with them, jesus christ. This "well that wasn't ACTUALLY racist" schtick is so transparent and just makes everyone involved look bad.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
the actual context of notch's tweets is that he's tweeting from a mirror universe where everything that is bad is good and vice versa


Oct 27, 2017
Dude is or was friend that gaming guy with the yellow snowflake snake flag, of course he would say that.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Frankly, it comes off more as somebody uninformed of the situation than an earnest defense.
How about we stop making excuses for people handing waving horrible shit like it's nothing? You don't need to be fully informed that using slurs is a bad thing regardless of context.


Nov 13, 2018
I don't know why they even bring shit like this up on their shows, they always seem to pussyfoot around it or claim ignorance. Maybe just don't report on stuff you have done zero research into other than reading the headline and first paragraph.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
"I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice."


Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Two things:
1. Fuck Andrea for this defense bullshit
2. Sorry Greg but coming up with "doesn't know everything about the stories and histories but not that hes trying to be ignorant but because it doesn't pertain to his normal every day life" while trying to talk about it is weak as hell.

Jeez is there anyone that has some values left in this god forsaken industry?
Fuck man

Noah Om

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I'm not surprised as Greg has been friends with Colin for seemingly forever.

Incorrect actually. They're no longer friends as Greg has publicly stated. Stopped talking as soon as Colin left.

OT: Kinda shocked to hear this from Greg and Andrea. As a fan, it's very very out of character from both of them. I hope they come out and apologize/take a tougher stance.


Oct 25, 2017
Greg seems willfully ignorant and going with the centrist stance but it's still just as bad. Andrea is just disappointing, she clearly knew the problem was but still continue on painting Notch and PDP as victims.


Oct 25, 2017
While I don't like shitting on people for not shitting on people who deserve it, do your fucking research if you are going to talk about it. That's the bare fucking minimum.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Andrea said some people were adding context on why PDP used it was that because he was Swedish and doesn't understand the connotation of that word; She added she had heard from a lot of Europeans that they use that word

There isn't a single person on this planet who is using that word without knowing the connotation.

And no not a lot of Europeans use that word, except racist people.

Like how come you first say that he doesn't understand the connotation of the word because he's from Europe, but at the same time saying that a lot of people use it there? Somehow Europeans commonly use a word they don't know about?


Oct 25, 2017
Frankly, it comes off more as somebody uninformed of the situation than an earnest defense.

I hope this is the case. And if it is, they have every chance to re-address on a new episode and outright state they do not support the behavior and comments from PDP and Notch.

Absolutely no fucking room to sugarcoat this or play down the center with this in my book.
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