In addition to 750 military officers and 250 law enforcement officers, she's trying to ban people convicted of a violent crime from the NYC public subway transit.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is deploying 750 National Guard officers into New York City's subway system after a rash of violent incidents has reignited fresh concerns about safety on the biggest US transit network.

Hochul will send a combined 1,000 safety officers to the subways: the 750 National Guard officers along with 250 personnel from state and Metropolitan Transportation Authoritytransit police forces, the governor announced Wednesday. The officers will conduct random bag checks on passengers and plans are underway to install more safety cameras, she said.

New York to Deploy National Guard to NYC Subways to Fight Crime

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is deploying 750 National Guard officers into New York City’s subway system after a rash of violent incidents has reignited fresh concerns about safety on the biggest US transit network.

add this with what I posted in another thread and I'd say NYC is dangerously close to the martial law spectrum if not on it already.
Attempts at "transparency" from NYPD:
NYPD opens official israel branch:

NYPD Now Has an Israel Branch

Coming soon to a town near you.
Details about them practicing for the war on terror in europe :

Exclusive: Inside the NYPD's Counterterror Effort in Europe

Since the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the NYPD has embedded intelligence officers in 13 locations, including London, Paris, Jerusalem, and Amman, as part of a growing effort to exchange threat information with international partners in real time.
Mass surveillance being used on muslims:

Factsheet: The NYPD Muslim Surveillance Program | American Civil Liberties Union

WHO is spying on whom? Since at least 2002, the New York City Police Department’s Intelligence Division has engaged in the religious profiling and suspicionless surveillance of Muslims in New York City and beyond. The NYPD’s Intelligence Division has singled out Muslim religious and community...
Polices tied in with israel :

Where Do Many Police Departments Train? In Israel

U.S. law enforcement agencies need partners for effective training to strengthen their identified weak areas. Israel is not such a partner.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess this is an attempt to instill the appearance of order before the summer interns descend upon the city.

Already saw the increased presence this morning.

Krauser Kat

Oct 27, 2017
Imagine paying everything they do to NYPD and it not working kinda proves crime isnt prevented through violent means.


Oct 27, 2017
Only if your goal is to take down violent white supremacist groups, though I guess we could just add more fare gates to combat that too.


Jan 22, 2018
What are they paying the NYPD absurd amounts of money per year if not to deal with this?

Sure seems to imply the NYPD are inept and overpaid.


Oct 25, 2017
Misread this as her sending them into the sewers. The real headline is much less cool

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Sure seems to imply the NYPD are inept and overpaid.

They are but if they weren't it wouldn't make much difference because, and I know this will come as a surprise to that absolute dumb fuck Hochul, reducing crime means solving the underlying issues which cause it and simply flooding NYC with dumb, overpaid cops and National Guard isn't going to help.


Nov 16, 2017
Everything I ever hear about NYC is always bad news like this. I haven't never visited and do not plan on it any time soon.
Oct 27, 2017
The NYPD sucks
Kathy Hochul sucks
Eric Adams sucks
NY and NYC are still great and I can't imagine living anywhere else.


Jan 26, 2018
Everything I ever hear about NYC is always bad news like this. I haven't never visited and do not plan on it any time soon.
It's really not that dangerous. Republicans have a vested interest in portraying NYC as a lawless hell hole where you could be murdered at any moment.

It's not even in the top 50 most dangerous cities in the country. Is it dirty and not that exciting to visit? I'd say so, but that's up to the vacationer.


Oct 27, 2017
Everything I ever hear about NYC is always bad news like this. I haven't never visited and do not plan on it any time soon.

It's an amazing place. Don't let this deter you.

That being said, anecdotally the subways have been much different post-pandemic. People smoking on the trains, much more f,ighting, a lot more people strung out just lying on the trains - things ive never seen in this quantity or was well hidden.

I wonder what the guards will do. Random bag checks aren't really random lol. The police are on their phone 95% of the time. What will the guards do?


Nov 16, 2017
It's really not that dangerous. Republicans have a vested interest in portraying NYC as a lawless hell hole where you could be murdered at any moment.

It's not even in the top 50 most dangerous cities in the country. Is it dirty and not that exciting to visit? I'd say so, but that's up to the vacationer.
It's an amazing place. Don't let this deter you.

That being said, anecdotally the subways have been much different post-pandemic. People smoking on the trains, much more f,ighting, a lot more people strung out just lying on the trains - things ive never seen in this quantity or was well hidden.

I wonder what the guards will do. Random bag checks aren't really random lol. The police are on their phone 95% of the time. What will the guards do?

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I didn't mean because of the crime, but because of the heavy police presence and surveillance.
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder what the guards will do. Random bag checks aren't really random lol. The police are on their phone 95% of the time. What will the guards do?

probably literally nothing. they just want the image of people with assault rifles walking around the public transportation because it looks good to rich people


Nov 2, 2017
bEast Coast
Everything I ever hear about NYC is always bad news like this. I haven't never visited and do not plan on it any time soon.

-don't stand near the tracks, someone can push you in
-the cocktail smell of urine, weed and cigarettes is just natural smell of the city
-don't step on any liquid puddles, it's probably not water
-don't make direct eye contact with the crazy people, my sister in law got kicked by one in a crowd of people. she just had to get up and act like nothing happened cause no one will help you
-on escalators stand on the right, walk on the left
-don't spend $6.95 on a slice of gentrified pizza, real pizza is in New Haven Connecticut


Oct 25, 2017
visited NY this year and the last few years and still think it's the best city I've been to. Been trying to live there for years but at the moment my job is absolutely shit and trying to get a tech job in this tech purge is depressing as fuck lol. But hopefully I get there at some point.


Oct 25, 2017
Everything I ever hear about NYC is always bad news like this. I haven't never visited and do not plan on it any time soon.

Nah, it's perfectly safe for the average person. The median civilian is more likely to see a rat than something that makes them unsafe out and about or in the subway.

But it's less perfectly safe than it was pre-COVID and pre-police intransigence because:

- COVID basically ended the normie social contract, so people are feeling like they can be assholes, jump the turnstile, pick a fight with anyone for any reason, act antisocially and people just have to accept it, etc
- cops are intentionally not doing anything to deter or prevent the little crime or nuisance stuff that does happen because they don't want to be accountable for how they do it or responsible for handling increasingly volatile interactions with the most serious types of offenders that would be in the subway (gang members, mental health cases/junkies that may refuse medicine/rehab and shelter, etc)

99% of people are going to be just fine and have a blast doing shit in NYC. You just have to have some common sense, really. I'm telling you this, and I'm Black - it should be scariest for me, and I'm good. Don't let people scare you that don't even live here, no matter their ideology.


Feb 3, 2022
I take the subway every day into work and almost every morning when I watch the news before leaving there's always some story about someone getting beaten, maimed, or killed in the subway. It's fucking crazy here as of late so this makes sense.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
-don't stand near the tracks, someone can push you in
-the cocktail smell of urine, weed and cigarettes is just natural smell of the city
-don't step on any liquid puddles, it's probably not water
-don't make direct eye contact with the crazy people, my sister in law got kicked by one in a crowd of people. she just had to get up and act like nothing happened cause no one will help you
-on escalators stand on the right, walk on the left
-don't spend $6.95 on a slice of gentrified pizza, real pizza is in New Haven Connecticut

That first one is just evil and sounds like premeditated murder.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, it's perfectly safe for the average person. The median civilian is more likely to see a rat than something that makes them unsafe out and about or in the subway.

But it's less perfectly safe than it was pre-COVID and pre-police intransigence because:

- COVID basically ended the normie social contract, so people are feeling like they can be assholes, jump the turnstile, pick a fight with anyone for any reason, act antisocially and people just have to accept it, etc
- cops are intentionally not doing anything to deter or prevent the little crime or nuisance stuff that does happen because they don't want to be accountable for how they do it or responsible for handling increasingly volatile interactions with the most serious types of offenders that would be in the subway (gang members, mental health cases/junkies that may refuse medicine/rehab and shelter, etc)

99% of people are going to be just fine and have a blast doing shit in NYC. You just have to have some common sense, really. I'm telling you this, and I'm Black - it should be scariest for me, and I'm good. Don't let people scare you that don't even live here, no matter their ideology.


Aug 1, 2018
This just means Black and Brown folks will be harassed more.

- cops are intentionally not doing anything to deter or prevent the little crime or nuisance stuff that does happen because they don't want to be accountable for how they do it or responsible for handling increasingly volatile interactions with the most serious types of offenders that would be in the subway (gang members, mental health cases/junkies that may refuse medicine/rehab and shelter, etc)

Just a word of advice: "Junkie" is dehumanizing language.
Nov 2, 2017

Do it citizens of New York.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
It's not just the subways, most of the city feels more unsafe than ever.

My mom is a food vendor in the city and she has been for 30 years, she's had to call the police like 10 times in the past month because people are so outta control and crazy. She's been in the same spot and never had people harass her and break up her cart, but teens and even kids are doing this and this is the middle of downtown Brooklyn.

You see young kids on the subway and homeless people just acting fucking nuts, my friend is 60 years old and got pushed down in the subway for telling a young group of kids not to ride on top of the train. It's not fucking nice to see a blood splatter on the street that used to be somebody.

Police seem to have taken a vacation from patrolling and crime seems crazier than I've ever seen it here in my whole life.

I haven't been to NYC in a few years are the subways really this bad?
Last week a conductor almost had his head taken off from somebody waiting outside his window with a blade . It's not safe.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't been to NYC in a few years are the subways really this bad?
I wouldn't call them any less unsafe than they've been for the past 20+ years I've been actively riding them weekly, but the experience has definitely gotten worse. Also just depends on where and what line. The 7 train has been terrible since as far as back I can remember. Still shit today.


Feb 3, 2022
I haven't been to NYC in a few years are the subways really this bad?
Its weird because its not going to happen to most people, like Ive been taking the subway every single day for years and never had any crazy encounter happen to me, but at the same time you will hear about some new wild shit happening in the subway almost every single day.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
It is. People do it though, its pretty fucked up.

It is. I've been in a station once where it happened and it fucks with you.

Lol I still remember waiting at/by the subway and heard someone on the phone telling his mom "yeah I know, stand with my back to the column (so someone doesn't push me)" and remembering I should also probably do that. Just a thing I guess unfortunately

That's crazy, but that's good to know. The first time I went to NYC I didn't ride the subway, but I'll keep that in mind for the future.


Oct 25, 2017
-don't stand near the tracks, someone can push you in
-the cocktail smell of urine, weed and cigarettes is just natural smell of the city
-don't step on any liquid puddles, it's probably not water
-don't make direct eye contact with the crazy people, my sister in law got kicked by one in a crowd of people. she just had to get up and act like nothing happened cause no one will help you
-on escalators stand on the right, walk on the left
-don't spend $6.95 on a slice of gentrified pizza, real pizza is in New Haven Connecticut

I just stand wherever on the escalators and never had an issue.

If you live on Long Island then you better get on that train quick or else you're standing.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't been to NYC in a few years are the subways really this bad?

There have been two high profile subway murders (targeted and gang related I believe) in the last month. That being said, statistics are statistics, and statistically I don't believe the subways have gotten much worse.

I wonder if the National Guard will also be playing Candy Crush the whole time?


Oct 25, 2017
That's crazy, but that's good to know. The first time I went to NYC I didn't ride the subway, but I'll keep that in mind for the future.
Just don't stand near the tracks before it's time to actually get on the train and you really have nothing to worry about tbh. My mom has told me since I was first allowed to take the subway alone to never be near the tracks, I being stupid just never listened because it felt cool to feel the air as the train pulls in, especially in the summer. That's definitely not worth risking now. Otherwise it's business as usual, just with more smells on average that aren't fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't been to NYC in a few years are the subways really this bad?
They're definitely worse post covid. Anecdotally, I've seen more violent incidents, more hard drug use, and significantly more unhoused people sleeping on trains in the last few years than I did before 2020. I don't see that changing by sending the military into subways, but I do understand why people feel less safe and want something to be done.
Feb 9, 2018
Politicians and the media still like to act as if NYC is a grimy, dark, lawless, dangerous hellscape like how it was portrayed in 70s & 80s films, back when crime rates there were actually high, but hasn't it been one of the safest major cities in the country for like the past 20 years? The stats certainly make it seem relatively safe.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Politicians and the media still like to act as if NYC is a grimy, dark, lawless, dangerous hellscape like how it was portrayed in 70s & 80s films, back when crime rates there were actually high, but hasn't it been one of the safest major cities in the country for like the past 20 years? The stats certainly make it seem relatively safe.

New York is an extremely safe by American city standards and has a fraction of the homicide rate of pretty much any major American city. That being said, it's also by far the biggest, so crime stands out nationally here more than it would in say Kansas City.

Though to be fair, statistically crime is still up here since pre-COVID (which is also the case in most American cities).

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't feel the MTA being any more or less safe than it has for the past 15 years.

That being said, my sister has said it's gotten a lot worse since covid so I wonder how she feels about this.


Oct 25, 2017
how much money they gonna spend this year trying to mitigate the damage seen by last year's record-breaking flooding? Feels like that would do far more to enhance transit safety.
Feb 9, 2018
It's extremely safe by city standards and has a fraction of the homicide rate of pretty much any major American city. That being said, it's also by far the biggest, so crime stands out nationally here more than it would in say Kansas City.

That being said, statistically crime is still up overall since pre-COVID.
I guess that makes sense. In terms of volume, if you have a tenth the crime rate but 20 times the population of another city, you're going to have twice the number of incidents, and I think most people tend to look at absolute numbers than things like rates and percentages, esp. when "line goes up" involves a bad thing. Most humans suck at math.

Humans are also notoriously bad at risk assessment. I imagine you're at least an order of magnitude more likely to be run over by a motorist than killed on the subway. It's like how some people are scared to fly even though cars are by far the most dangerous form of transportation, because cars have been so ingrained in our lives that we just brush off the danger as an acceptable risk and sometimes even actively argue against things that would make our streets safer (like road diets or de-emphasizing cars in general). Humans really do tend to be more scared of very rare but very vivid things (like, say, death by lawn dart or plane crash or lightning strike) or even scary-sounding but nonexistent things (like poisoned Halloween candy) than we are of things that are actually most likely to kill us. See also the reaction to COVID.

The human brain is a really weird thing.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Everywhere and nowhere
New York is a funny place it's always presented as this liberal wonderland but all your politicians are garbage even the democrats, they makes the florida democratic party look competence in comparison.

Doc Holliday

Oct 27, 2017
It's not just the subways, most of the city feels more unsafe than ever.

My mom is a food vendor in the city and she has been for 30 years, she's had to call the police like 10 times in the past month because people are so outta control and crazy. She's been in the same spot and never had people harass her and break up her cart, but teens and even kids are doing this and this is the middle of downtown Brooklyn.

You see young kids on the subway and homeless people just acting fucking nuts, my friend is 60 years old and got pushed down in the subway for telling a young group of kids not to ride on top of the train. It's not fucking nice to see a blood splatter on the street that used to be somebody.

Police seem to have taken a vacation from patrolling and crime seems crazier than I've ever seen it here in my whole life.

Last week a conductor almost had his head taken off from somebody waiting outside his window with a blade . It's not safe.

Cops have definitely stopped patrolling, especially in dangerous neighborhoods. My mom lives in a shitty part of the Bronx and I barely see cop car. There's been an abandoned car in front of her building for 2+ years that I've reported multiple times. You figure a traffic cop would notice it, but nope. Walked by a Chinese restaurant being robbed in broad day light, customers included, in broad daylight and not a single cop near by.

Basically Cops got their feelings hurt with the protests, so now they doing their own quiet quitting. They will tell you straight up "you want cops now?"

That being said crime has been going down since the post pandemic spike. So things are not worse than ever. I think we will know more after this summer.