Oct 27, 2017
So is Larys trying to smash Alicent right? he is in love with her hence why he is all creepy stalker around her...
The guy is a co-conspirator in trying to change the inheritance of the crown, he literally has routine meetings where he discusses with the queen how to commit treason. His primary life goals are objectives he can only communicate in coded speech or behind closed doors.

The alternative is that he's dumb and can't read people, causing him to act "stalkerish" when he's trying to seduce somebody. That's a convenient theory if somebody needs to believe the crippled character is secretly a perv (common trope).

Nah. He's trying to gain favor with the person he wants to be in power.
He definitely doesn't seem like he gives a shit who has the throne, he probably just calculates that it will most likely be Alicent's son so he hedged his bets on building loyalty early.


Jan 1, 2018
Jesus Rhaenyra can you not have sex with your uncle on the day of his wife's funeral. I also love how shes the Greens fly off with Vhagar and her thought is to get rid of Laenor, a dragon rider who literally just devoted himself to her. Sure its a swap deal with Daemon taking his place but you could have had 2 experiened dragon riders instead of just 1 and now a rider less dragon


Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm genuinely amazed that Rhaenyra didn't press the advantage there and just end things. She had the leverage, she was the one who was assaulted in full view of everyone. And yet she just let it go.
Viserys is such a push over trying to make everyone happy that he'd pardon his own wife and nothing would come of it. He's objectively a bad king because he cares too much about keeping the peace instead of doing what's best for his family and the realm.


Oct 25, 2017
Rhaenyra had all the great lords of the realm kneel before her and swear fealty when she was named heir - that inherently comes with a ton of authority. She is also at her father-in-law's castle. She should have ordered the Velaryon household to seize all the dissenters at the very least.
At which point, Viserys would go "Lol, no" and they wouldn't have done it. Like, Viserys isn't going to just let his daughter kill his wife, no matter how fucked up shit gets.

Besides, their oaths mean that she will get their alliegance when she ascends the throne. Then she will theoretically be able to order them into doing what she wants. But now, she's just a princess, and her power is on par with the queens, if not below hers.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
And I say again. How should Rhaenyra have pressed her advantage to end things?

If the queen can ask for an eye and have her hired hand be ready to take it in front of everyone I'm willing to bet Rhaenyra could have gotten some shit done on Velaryon soil. Especially how much Corlys, Daemon, and the twins were probably feeling losing Vhaegar.
Oct 25, 2017
Norman, OK
Rhaenyra had all the great lords of the realm kneel before her and swear fealty when she was named heir - that inherently comes with a ton of authority. She is also at her father-in-law's castle. She should have ordered the Velaryon household to seize all the dissenters at the very least.

Two problems:

- Being heir is not the same thing as being King/Queen
- The actual King was standing right there, and would not have allowed anything in your post to happen


Oct 25, 2017
Rhaenyra should have challenged Alicent to a dance off and the loser has to step off and let the winner be the heir to the kingdom


Jan 1, 2018
Dunno how anyone can still support Alicent after she orders Christopher Colan to go and cut out a kids eye and when he wouldn't do it she was gonna go get it done herself.


Feb 28, 2018
Two problems:

- Being heir is not the same thing as being King/Queen
- The actual King was standing right there, and would not have allowed anything in your post to happen
Then she should've called Viserys's bluff - what Alicent and her kids did was high treason on multiple counts. Joffrey was pondering having Cersei executed for slapping him while she was Queen Reagent.

Big Baybee

Oct 27, 2017
I can't stop thinking about those kids jumping Aemond or however is name is spelled. Goddamn that was funny llol


Feb 28, 2018
This is better than S1 of GoT, but it's very unlikely to match GoT S2/S3/S4 levels of quality - the scope was so much bigger with GoT that the world felt a lot more alive and interesting.

Herr Starr

Oct 26, 2017
Then she should've called Viserys's bluff - what Alicent and her kids did was high treason on multiple counts. Joffrey was pondering having Cersei executed for slapping him while she was Queen Reagent.

I don't understand how someone can watch HotD and/or GoT and still think that what should be able to happen is the same thing as what is possible. Rhaenyra making a move in this situation would have been the dumbest thing she could have possibly done. She made the best out of the situation, which was to let Alicent expose her vindictive, hateful nature to the entire court, including several major houses. She then immediately followed up by cementing her personal power through a (fake) assassination that people can easily track back to her but not prove, and marrying her uncle.

The heir to the throne doesn't carry as much actual power as some people in this thread seem to think, especially not compared to the reigning queen. The heir survives on the promise/threat of things they might do in the future, not on what they can do now.

Edit: And since Joffrey (GoT) was mentioned previously, are people forgetting how Tyrion bitchslapped Joffrey multiple times while he was heir and Joffrey was utterly powerless to do anything about it until he was crowned? The only thing he could threaten Tyrion with was his potential future power (which he delivered on), but he had no actual power at the time. Had he tried to push his authority, whoever he was commanding would likely have gone straight to Cersei (the queen) to ask for confirmation.

And Tyrion wasn't even king or queen!
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
First great episode for me, finally felt invested in what was happening. Looking forward to the last 3.


Oct 27, 2017
Beautiful Province of Quebec.
Okay guys,I am a week behind,I just watched the episode where everyone is like what 10 years older and confused on a few characters...now the teens with the white hair are the King's sons right and the kids with the dark hair are the Princess' sons that she did not have with her gay husband or yes? and who is the guy that was thrown out because he fought in the arena...is he the father of the dark hair kids...? I have no idea who he is and where he fits lol...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Okay guys,I am a week behind,I just watched the episode where everyone is like what 10 years older and confused on a few characters...now the teens with the white hair are the King's sons right and the kids with the dark hair are the Princess' sons that she did not have with her gay husband or yes? and who is the guy that was thrown out because he fought in the arena...is he the father of the dark hair kids...? I have no idea who he is and where he fits lol...

Blond hair kids = Alicent and Viserys' kids

Dark hair kids = Rhaenyra's kids, she has no kids with Laenor, you saw him briefly in the previous episode at the wedding

Man thrown out = Harwin Strong, Rhaenyra's secret lover and Lyonel Strong's (the current hand) son


Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Okay guys,I am a week behind,I just watched the episode where everyone is like what 10 years older and confused on a few characters...now the teens with the white hair are the King's sons right and the kids with the dark hair are the Princess' sons that she did not have with her gay husband or yes? and who is the guy that was thrown out because he fought in the arena...is he the father of the dark hair kids...? I have no idea who he is and where he fits lol...
Yes to everything. And to clarify on that guy (Harwin Strong), he's the son of the Hand of the King. Look at this page on HBO's site, it doesn't spoil anything from outside the show.


Targaryen Family Tree | House of the Dragon | HBO.com

Explore the key characters and political roles in the House of the Dragon, and view the family trees of House Targaryen, House Hightower, and House Velaryon.


Oct 25, 2017
I think what HotD is lacking are some characters that heavily lean into "Good side". Yea yea I know GoT is all about grey and changing morality, but we had Starks and their "Good" as a constant from start to finish. Even Tyrion was pretty much "Good" from the start.

We don't really have any such major characters in HotD, and the most sympathetic and relatable character so far happens to be....Daemon. Lol

Well we did have Lord Strong and Harwin, but they died pretty quick and weren't main characters.


Jan 1, 2018
I think what HotD is lacking are some characters that heavily lean into "Good side". Yea yea I know GoT is all about grey and changing morality, but we had Starks and their "Good" as a constant from start to finish. Even Tyrion was pretty much "Good" from the start.

We don't really have any such major characters in HotD, and the most sympathetic and relatable character so far happens to be....Daemon. Lol

Lyonel Strong RIP


Nov 4, 2017
Man, this was some ride! It started slow, but that tension during the funeral scene was really well made. Felt like anything could happen at any given moment. Then we have the epic dragon taming scene and subsequent flying after. Aemon showing himself like badass fighting 1v4 unarmed. Confrontation scene with the king was a really nice symbol of how this frail person standing in the middle of it all is the one thing holding everything together.

Even so, Alicent snapped and went violent. I was really holding my breath there, thinking what the hell is going to happen now! All the while Daemon stands in a corner smirking. Speaking of Daemon, he is such a terrible person and knows it. Even knowing all the awful shit he has done, I can't but help loving his character. So masterfully played by Matt Smith. #teamblack


Oct 25, 2017
We don't have good characters cause we saw what happens to good characters. Moral high road don't mean much in Westeros.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how someone can watch HotD and/or GoT and still think that what should be able to happen is the same thing as what is possible. Rhaenyra making a move in this situation would have been the dumbest thing she could have possibly done. She made the best out of the situation, which was to let Alicent expose her vindictive, hateful nature to the entire court, including several major houses. She then immediately followed up by cementing her personal power through a (fake) assassination that people can easily track back to her but not prove, and marrying her uncle.

The heir to the throne doesn't carry as much actual power as some people in this thread seem to think, especially not compared to the reigning queen. The heir survives on the promise/threat of things they might do in the future, not on what they can do now.

Edit: And since Joffrey (GoT) was mentioned previously, are people forgetting how Tyrion bitchslapped Joffrey multiple times while he was heir and Joffrey was utterly powerless to do anything about it until he was crowned? The only thing he could threaten Tyrion with was his potential future power (which he delivered on), but he had no actual power at the time. Had he tried to push his authority, whoever he was commanding would likely have gone straight to Cersei (the queen) to ask for confirmation.

And Tyrion wasn't even king or queen!
Tyrion even bitchslapped Joffery while he was king...Joffery could've had him murdered right there but ultimately he was still intimidated by Tyrion (perhaps ultimately cause he was intimidated by Tywin). Heh


Oct 29, 2017
What the fuck did I just watch?

That episode was absolutely fucking incredible. Writing, acting, directing. Music, landscapes, CGI. Pacing and tension, beauty and depth. It's up there with the best Thrones episodes.

That's a fucked up thing to say but... #TeamIncest


Nov 10, 2019
I really can't get it through my head that there are people who compare and even put above the first season of Game of Thrones what we've seen so far.
I also can't get over the fact that other people have opinions different than me, it pisses me off to no avail if I'm being honest.

Herr Starr

Oct 26, 2017
Tyrion even bitchslapped Joffery while he was king...Joffery could've had him murdered right there but ultimately he was still intimidated by Tyrion (perhaps ultimately cause he was intimidated by Tywin). Heh

Yeah, at that point Tyrion was protected by his father because he was officially representing him in court, so he was untouchable. But he had no such protection while Joffrey was heir. Joffrey simply had no power to flex at the time.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
I think what HotD is lacking are some characters that heavily lean into "Good side". Yea yea I know GoT is all about grey and changing morality, but we had Starks and their "Good" as a constant from start to finish. Even Tyrion was pretty much "Good" from the start.

We don't really have any such major characters in HotD, and the most sympathetic and relatable character so far happens to be....Daemon. Lol

Well we did have Lord Strong and Harwon, but they died pretty quick and weren't main characters.
I guess I don't see that as "lacking", it just isn't that show, it's not GoT its own thing. If people keep trying to watch HoTD expecting Thrones season 0 then I think you're probably gonna keep being disappointed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think what HotD is lacking are some characters that heavily lean into "Good side". Yea yea I know GoT is all about grey and changing morality, but we had Starks and their "Good" as a constant from start to finish. Even Tyrion was pretty much "Good" from the start.

We don't really have any such major characters in HotD, and the most sympathetic and relatable character so far happens to be....Daemon. Lol

Well we did have Lord Strong and Harwin, but they died pretty quick and weren't main characters.

Lacking implies we need them, I certainly don't to feel invested in the story whatsoever imo

That's a fucked up thing to say but... #TeamIncest




"This guy are sick"
May 18, 2022
I'm just gonna say it, team green is in shambles. Like yeah you have Aemon the 1v4 dragon stealing lord, but you also have TWO creeps. Hard deficit to overcome


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still not sure about Daemon feeling towards the death of his wife. He looks genuily pained, at least as much he ever showed so far, but he laugh at the funerals... Also, he let Rhaenyra come to him, he wasn't jumping on the opportunity, yet he serves him very well... I really enjoy Matt Smith and the character.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still not sure about Daemon feeling towards the death of his wife. He looks genuily pained, at least as much he ever showed so far, but he laugh at the funerals... Also, he let Rhaenyra come to him, he wasn't jumping on the opportunity, yet he serves him very well... I really enjoy Matt Smith and the character.

Daemon is just casually the most fascinating character in the show, you just never really know what he's thinking, and Matt Smith has just totally mastered being able to speak volumes with just his eyes


Apr 13, 2020
the whole Laenor faked his death thing just seems very out of character for GOT, its as if the writers doesn't want the audience to hate Rhaenyra lol what a cop out.


Oct 25, 2017
the whole Laenor faked his death thing just seems very out of character for GOT, its as if the writers doesn't want the audience to hate Rhaenyra lol what a cop out.

What do you mean? I thought it was well in character what Rhae ended up doing. She's always lived her life how she wanted and she's giving Laenor that same opportunity. They've maintained a cordial if not friendly relationship and Rhae gave Laenor the out he always wanted (since Laenor always brings up how he'd rather be out there fighting than dealing with politics).


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still not sure about Daemon feeling towards the death of his wife. He looks genuily pained, at least as much he ever showed so far, but he laugh at the funerals... Also, he let Rhaenyra come to him, he wasn't jumping on the opportunity, yet he serves him very well... I really enjoy Matt Smith and the character.
He laughed when Vaemond was not so subtly making his feelings known about Jace, Luke , and Joffrey. He was taking the attention off his nephews.


Oct 25, 2017
Weak as he is, Viserys is by far one of her important allies right now
Yup. This episode is a critical turning point because before Alicent's outburst, the realm in general seemed to prefer her over Rhaenyra who they're vaguely uncomfortable with due to her being a woman. Alicent was the simple option of being a nice, doting mother who has given birth to a trueborn son. But with her outburst, people see her as a little more unstable, giving Rhaenyra a slight edge, but only slight. Until now, Viserys insistence is the only reason Alicent hasn't steamrolled over Rhaenyra.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, at that point Tyrion was protected by his father because he was officially representing him in court, so he was untouchable. But he had no such protection while Joffrey was heir. Joffrey simply had no power to flex at the time.

No, that was in like the second episode before Tyrion was Hand. Joffrey laughed at Bran being crippled and women crying, Tyrion slapped him and told him to give his sympathies to Lady Stark. The Hound then tells Joffrey that "the little prince will remember that." And he did.

But, Joffrey is a child and the only one who would've called for his head would be Cersei. And as much as Cersei despises Tyrion, even she would agree that Joffrey was fucking stupid to utter such comments out loud in Winterfell and agree he needed to pay his respects to Catelyn Stark, whether he cared for the boy or not, as he is expected to as Prince. And Robert would've beat Joffrey bloody if he heard what he said.


Oct 25, 2017
If you watched on your Macbook then you likely watched an SDR stream, which was then boosted up in brightness to whatever your screen brightness was set to. People who watched via their TV/streaming device and got a Dolby Vision feed can't really boost the brightness in that way, since Dolby Vision is already utilizing the whole dynamic range capabilities of the display. So if something is graded very dark, it will show up very dark unless you raise the black level on the TV and give yourself washed out blacks. This may make dark scenes more visible, but will just make normal scenes look like crap.

Compounding this issue further, people with OLEDs may get hit even harder, as extended dark sequences, or sequences that have a consistent overall brightness without fluctuations between shots, may erroneously trigger the OLED screen protection feature known as ASBL (automatic static brightness limiter). HDTVTest has a good video on this issue. This is intended to detect when the TV is left on a static scene and dim the brightness, to mitigate burn in/image retention. A very dark scene will fool the algorithm into thinking it is more or less static, which will trigger the ASBL and dim the screen even further, making a very dark scene borderline illegible. And because it is a gradual dimming over time, it can sometimes be difficult to even be aware it is happening until the screen is already damn near pitch black.


You can restore normal brightness by changing the relative brightness on the screen by pulling up a menu or backing out of the show, but that can be a pain to manage. And if the TV owner isn't even aware this is a thing that can happen, then they won't know to watch for it, let alone how to mitigate it. It will just seem that dark scenes are sometimes impossible to actually see.

Luckily, on some brands of TV you can turn this feature off by accessing the service menu, but that can be risky because clicking the wrong thing can mess up your TV, and it may void your warranty, not to mention increase risk of burn in.
Do you think it's worth going through the effort of disabling ASBL? It seems ridiculous that the issue is so common that threads as big as this exist.

Do Sony OLEDs not have this issue or something? Do they not have ASBL, or is their algorithm better? Has LG acknowledged this in any way? It seems like a very serious issue, even if it was only made worse by the shitty grading in last night's episode.
Oct 25, 2017
Norman, OK
Do you think it's worth going through the effort of disabling ASBL? It seems ridiculous that the issue is so common that threads as big as this exist.

Do Sony OLEDs not have this issue or something? Do they not have ASBL, or is their algorithm better? Has LG acknowledged this in any way? It seems like a very serious issue, even if it was only made worse by the shitty grading in last night's episode.

It's an LG firmware issue, doesn't affect other brands. LG has known about it forever and refuse to address it. ASBL triggering on bright scenes after some time passes makes sense. Makes no sense for it to engage during extended dark scenes.

I own two LG's and disabled it on both. The issue doesn't arise often, but it's just awful when it does.