Taffy Lewis

Oct 27, 2017
Just saw this on Twitter, really feels like the accidents/coincidences/oversights are stacking up with Trump and his administration: https://www.trumpstore.com/products/trump-baseball



Oct 27, 2017
I'm confused. Does the baseball represent something really bad? Obviously I'd never buy this and I think that all trump merchandise is horrible and I can't wait to see him and his administration out...but is there something I'm missing in the design of the baseball itself? Or is it just making rounds on Twitter because it has his name on it?

sorry I don't mean to sound so misinformed


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused. Does the baseball represent something really bad? Obviously I'd never buy this and I think that all trump merchandise is horrible and I can't wait to see him and his administration out...but is there something I'm missing in the design of the baseball itself? Or is it just making rounds on Twitter because it has his name on it?

sorry I don't mean to sound so misinformed

88 (number) - Wikipedia


The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
About the 88 thing... I know the heil Hitler reference but it's also a really common request for donations. I got like 100 emails in may asking me to donate $88 to biden.

I just searched $88 in Gmail and I have like .. over 100 emails asking me to donate $88 to various causes/campaigns all from act blue. I'm not sure but $88 is this number all over donation things


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused. Does the baseball represent something really bad? Obviously I'd never buy this and I think that all trump merchandise is horrible and I can't wait to see him and his administration out...but is there something I'm missing in the design of the baseball itself? Or is it just making rounds on Twitter because it has his name on it?

sorry I don't mean to sound so misinformed

Over 600% markup for a single shitty etching of "Trump" on a baseball. Plus the significance of the number 88 as stated above


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Wow. I'm just amazed that they're not even trying to hide it one bit. Bold.


Oct 29, 2017
About the 88 thing... I know the heil Hitler reference but it's also a really common request for donations. I got like 30 emails in may asking me to donate $88 to biden.

I believe campaigns/ donation drives often request donations just under rounded numbers, the idea being that people will round up to the nearest 'big' number. "Yeah, I can afford to donate $27. Guess I may as well make it $30."

I haven't heard of $88 in particular being a common number, but I would imagine in most cases its innocent. Trump Tweeted a video of one his supporters yelling "White Power" at protestors thing morning. If you want to assume this is an accident I suppose that's your prerogative.

Setting aside the whole "88" thing for the moment: why the hell is this being made by a luxury golf brand?

Probably so one of the companies who supplies his properties can benefit.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Trump's folks love doing shit like this so they can make it look like liberals are crazy/seeing ghosts but I'm not sure if now is the right time to continue playing these games.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to pass on adding that to my baseball collection. Thanks though

Laser Ramon

Oct 28, 2017
Reminds me when the Department of Homeland Security posted an article with 14 words in the headline about securing the border and offered this statistic about asylum claims:

"On average, out of 88 claims that pass the credible fear screening, fewer than 13 will ultimately result in a grant of asylum."


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
It really can't get any more blatant than this.
Kinda speechless right now...


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
There are plenty of actual real actions that he and his administration have taken (such as, you know, retweeting a video of a man yelling, "White power!") without the need to break down the price of a random item on his store as some secret Nazi symbol.

Looking for one minute shows random pricing on many items:

$98 - heather shirt
$22 - luggage tag
$46 - cardholder
$66 - cologne
$22 - face mask
$128 - clutch


Oct 26, 2017
There are plenty of actual real actions that he and his administration have taken (such as, you know, retweeting a video of a man yelling, "White power!") without the need to break down the price of a random item on his store as some secret Nazi symbol.

Looking for one minute shows random pricing on many items:

$98 - heather shirt
$22 - luggage tag
$46 - cardholder
$66 - cologne
$22 - face mask
$128 - clutch

Its not secret, quite common, and is well known enough that someone should have told them to change it.
Oct 28, 2017
88 bucks? He really shows you how much he thinks the base are suckers with a price like that.

And they keep proving him right.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
I still think I could have put my Trump check with his signature on sale for a much higher price than the check is worth to some dumb fuck Trump supporter.

Ultimate Bear Cub

Makes illegal "tacos"
Mar 30, 2019
To think all this dog whistling shit has disseminated this far into common knowledge. No wonder they are using boogaloo and corrupted memes.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably the worst thing to fanboy over. Screw the anime jokes. Dude ruined red snapbacks lol


Aug 6, 2018
Goes without saying but that's clearly intentional, jesus.

There's a meme going around claiming that website shopping cart abandonment has a bad impact on inventory. If this is true..let's get to work.
Oct 25, 2017
"Trump baseball" is 14 characters including the space. I don't know if this was intentional as well or we are all becoming crazy looking for patterns now. I feel like I am going insane with this administration.


Jul 26, 2019
Just sayin', I think the way that "TRUMP" is positioned on the baseball is attempting to evoke an SPQR Roman laurel-leaf type of motiff. And we all know White Supremacist types have an unhealthy obsession with the Roman Empire. The color choices match with someone trying to evoke a Roman SPQR motiff as well. Note the lack of traditional white/red color scheme as an option.

Wouldn't be surprised if it had 88 stitches in it.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but fuck it, nothing surprises me now.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I posted this eaarlier but couldn't really take screenshots.

I don't think the $88 thing is intentional, I think $88 is a number that for whatever reason gets thrown around a lot in campaign fundraising. For some perspective, since June 7th, I have at least 50 emails from the Biden campaign asking me to donate $88.


Most of them have my name in the subject or body, but I've got hundreds of emails like that above.

Since April 24, which is the first day I donated to the Biden campaign, I have.... at least 157 emails asking for $88 donations or multiples of $88.


$88... 176... 88 x 7 = 616...
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