Deleted member 29464

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Nov 1, 2017
It must be their policy at this point, don't rock the boat, don't piss anyone off, deny everything we make is in any way political.


Oct 31, 2017
I mean if u conveniently leave out the specific part about the drones and decide to ignore the fact that the US military has been using UAVs since the early 2000s in its War on Terror then yeah the above summary can def sound apolitical

What makes drones inherently more political than guns or tanks or nukes?

What will determine if this game as some sort of political value is how these things are portrayed and what messages it will carry, not their mere presence, no?


Oct 26, 2017
Nope! He never had an airline pilot crash into a symbol of the United States and kill the President and most of Congress in his books...

Right and the Division, Division 2 and other Ubisoft games have nothing political about them. They don't open with a statement about how the game was made by people of various ideologies, gender identities or sexual preferences or anything. Which in and of itself is sadly a political statement in today's day and age.


Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I mean if u conveniently leave out the specific part about the drones and decide to ignore the fact that the US military has been using UAVs since the early 2000s in its War on Terror then yeah the above summary can def sound apolitical
Reading that post was like reading an OBJECTIVE GAME REVIEW™

Look, agree to disagree, ok? You've devolved into insults since a few messages now and I'm not going to follow you there. You set your standards, I set mine.

You think Bond is political and I shut my brain off. I think Bond is dumb and none of its clumsy and superficial attempts at "themes" is worthy of the dignity of the world "political", and I'll consume my media based on how it deserves to be consumed.
Literally how do you not have the self awareness to realize that you shutting your brain off and thinking something's dumb and superficial does not=something is not full of political statements.

"I didn't get the point and commentary, thus it doesn't exist" is a nuclear take.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
I for one don't mind what position Ubi publically take, and how contorted it is, because I don't anticipate any video game doing anything with any great insight anyway.

A reductive take, I know, but eh, it's why I don't get worked up about it. Except when people assume 'normal' is 'apolitical', cos that's on all of us to combat.


Jul 27, 2018
What makes drones inherently more political than guns or tanks or nukes?

What will determine if this game as some sort of political value is how these things are portrayed and what messages it will carry, not their mere presence, no?

The fact that it involves American-made drones in a modern military setting with US military characters? Also, if it involved nukes then yes it would still be political since nukes are political. Both are not just weapons that simply exist, both are weapons that signify the political power that a superpower wields over weaker countries.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't get what people want him to say
It's not that we want them to say anything in particular. It's just that war/conflict is inherently political. It's just incredibly idiotic to make statements like "we don't want to make political statements" when your game handles topics like AI/drone usage in conflict, domestic terrorism, assassinating political figures etc.


Mar 1, 2018
Maybe someone can help me understand, but to me a statement implies condemnation or condoning whatever themes are being presented. Why is it not possible to have these obvious themes as just plot points? For example even if Watch Dogs 2 deals with surveillance of the populous, it doesn't mean the writers are trying to tell a cautionary tale, maybe it just makes an interesting story.


Nov 10, 2017
At this point Tom Clancy is pure branding.

The games have had nothing to do with him or his themes for at least a decade.

Are there any real-world parallels to a special forces agent going rogue and creating their own government on a private island? Hell, this is more in parallel to Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker than it is to anything Clancy ever wrote about.

yeah, i'm equally confused. both division 2 & ghost recon: wildlands are far more loaded with real-world parallels than this. this's just semi-scifi stuff :) ...


Oct 25, 2017
User Warned - Thread Whining
Who cares

Edit: That wasn't thread whinning. Better things to worry about. Just stating a fact of opinion.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I know people always get mad at Ubisoft when they say this, but... why do their games *need* to make political statements? The Division 2 was actually docked review points from several outlets because of this, and it's like... the game is a looter shooter. No one asks Destiny to take a stand on current issues. Does the kinda-modern day setting mean it has to choose a side? I don't get it.


Oct 25, 2017
Straya M8
I know people always get mad at Ubisoft when they say this, but... why do their games *need* to make political statements? The Division 2 was actually docked review points from several outlets because of this, and it's like... the game is a looter shooter. No one asks Destiny to take a stand on current issues. Does the kinda-modern day setting mean it has to choose a side? I don't get it.
Because their games make political statement, like saying only the people with guns will survive is a political statement.

The problem is that the games have political statements but then Ubisoft says "nah guys, this story dealing with real life political issues isn't political".


Aug 22, 2018
The fucking announcement trailer centres on the role of drone warfare and the unforeseen societal consequences it could have.

Are the people saying they can't see any political themes the same as those who say "they don't see color"?


Oct 25, 2017
Not that bothered. Not every piece of media needs to be a political statement. Like those Marvel flicks games can also just be dumb popcorn fun.

The point is that all their games do have political statements, but Ubi is too chicken to actually openly acknowledge that.


Oct 25, 2017
I know people always get mad at Ubisoft when they say this, but... why do their games *need* to make political statements? The Division 2 was actually docked review points from several outlets because of this, and it's like... the game is a looter shooter. No one asks Destiny to take a stand on current issues. Does the kinda-modern day setting mean it has to choose a side? I don't get it.
Nobody is saying they should make political statements, that they should be good, deep or whatever.
Just that they should own the fact that their games do have and make political statements.


Oct 27, 2017
Because their games make political statement, like saying only the people with guns will survive is a political statement.

The problem is that the games have political statements but then Ubisoft says "nah guys, this story dealing with real life political issues isn't political".

Or maybe it's just fleshing out it's own fictional world?

Again, people are only making these connections because the game takes place in DC and the guns look real. If that exact same statement was made in Destiny, no one would call it a "political statement".


Apr 9, 2019
anyone expecting them to publicly say they are making/going to make political statments in these games are honestly kidding themselves.


Oct 26, 2017
I look forward to the day some Ubisoft pr guy tries to insist Assassin's Creed doesn't advocate violent anti-capitalist/authoritatian activism


Oct 25, 2017
Or maybe it's just fleshing out it's own fictional world?

Again, people are only making these connections because the game takes place in DC and the guns look real. If that exact same statement was made in Destiny, no one would call it a "political statement".

Or it's because most people can notice insanely obvious political statements.


Oct 29, 2017
I predict we'll get this one statement along with at least one but likely mutliple politically charged adverts for the game before launch, and Ubisoft won't officially comment on any of it past this initial statement.

People ate up their cynical bullshit every time so far with this playbook.


Oct 27, 2017
Or it's because most people can notice insanely obvious political statements.

Just as a short exercise:

Imagine all of the story beats in The Division 2 are exactly the same, but the game takes place on a fictional planet 1000 years in the future and the enemies are humanoid in appearance but also clearly alien. Imagine hearing the line "We only survived because we had guns".

Is this still a political statement?

Ubisoft games, for whatever reason, aren't allowed to exist within their own fictional universes. Everything they do has to be some sort of political message because the games take place in real-world locations and involve governments. I imagine the devs, who more than likely just want to make interesting scenarios for players, get real tired of hearing this stuff about their games.


Oct 25, 2017
Some people here are arguing with almost nobody.

The problem here isn't that the games are political or have political themes or messages that we disagree with or something.

Like most people have said, media by and large typically has some kind of message of statement, regardless of their quality or the execution.

What's hilarious is this one company that goes out of its way to say that no, they don't have those things.

"What do you want them to say?"

Pretty much anything other than "Uh, no politics here!" lol


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Its a Tom Clancy game, it's gonna have certian themes. I don't even know why they're saying anything. Nobody is gonna get upset that a Tom Clancy game feels like a Tom Clancy game. They just look dumb by saying it's not supposed to be political


Oct 26, 2017
Just as a short exercise:

Imagine all of the story beats in The Division 2 are exactly the same, but the game takes place on a fictional planet 1000 years in the future and the enemies are humanoid in appearance but also clearly alien. Imagine hearing the line "We only survived because we had guns".

Is this still a political statement?

Ubisoft games, for whatever reason, aren't allowed to exist within their own fictional universes. Everything they do has to be some sort of political message because the games take place in real-world locations and involve governments. I imagine the devs, who more than likely just want to make interesting scenarios for players, get real tired of hearing this stuff about their games.
Uh, aliens and science fiction are a notorious hotbed of political storytelling. Its often a way to look at our society through a layer of abstraction, revealing its hypocrisies in starker detail or arguing for better ways we could all live together.

And even putting aside the fact that ALL storytelling is political (especially any storytelling pointed to as being apolitical) the problem here is that most of the popular franchises ubisoft has explicitly deal with politics. Waging war against despots, government missions to kill terrorists, inspiring the people to rise up and help you assassinate their oppressors. Their assertions of apoliticism are absurd and made in bad faith.


Oct 27, 2017
Uh, aliens and science fiction are a notorious hotbed of political storytelling. Its often a way to look at our society through a layer of abstraction, revealing its hypocrisies in starker detail or arguing for better ways we could all live together.

And even putting aside the fact that ALL storytelling is political (especially any storytelling pointed to as being apolitical) the problem here is that most of the popular franchises ubisoft has explicitly deal with politics. Waging war against despots, government missions to kill terrorists, inspiring the people to rise up and help you assassinate their oppressors. Their assertions of apoliticism are absurd and made in bad faith.

There is a difference between political themes/settings and political statements/messages. Of course Tom Clancy-branded games include political themes.

Ubisoft is saying that the games aren't meant to convey statements about real-world politics, which a lot of people here and in the media are having trouble separating from story themes. The games and universes are still fictional, and if the creator specifically says "we aren't taking any political stances with this creation", maybe people should listen to them instead of saying "nuh-uh, lol".
Oct 27, 2017
There is a difference between political themes/settings and political statements/messages. Of course Tom Clancy-branded games include political themes.

Ubisoft is saying that the games aren't meant to convey statements about real-world politics, which a lot of people here and in the media are having trouble separating from story themes. The games and universes are still fictional, and if the creator specifically says "we aren't taking any political stances with this creation", maybe people should listen to them instead of saying "nuh-uh, lol".
Wildlands is literally about the War on Drugs.

Its a Tom Clancy game, it's gonna have certian themes. I don't even know why they're saying anything. Nobody is gonna get upset that a Tom Clancy game feels like a Tom Clancy game. They just look dumb by saying it's not supposed to be political

What they're saying is that there will be no progressive politics on the game. Which is fine I guess, but then then dont say that pandering to conservative fantasies isnt politics for some reason.


Oct 27, 2017
Wildlands is literally about the War on Drugs.

This is what I'm talking about. People are unable to separate the setting/theme from messages. As if the game is automatically making a statement about the real world in some way because it loosely mirrors things that happen in the real world. It's not allowed to just be a video game about 4 spec ops guys shooting dudes in a jungle.


Oct 25, 2017
I heard Terminator 1, 2, 3, etc. were all political too. Damn smart A.I. and their politics.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean... remember when Rainbow 6: Patriots got cancelled? Based on what I had read about the game, it sure seemed like it would have been easy to identify with the "bad guys."

Deleted member 36749

User requested account closure
Dec 24, 2017
I dont mind people expressing opinions in videogames or any form of media. I dont mind being cool with and hearing someone with different views.

I dont expect people to turn off part of themselves when theyre expressing themselves
Oct 27, 2017
This is what I'm talking about. People are unable to separate the setting/theme from messages. As if the game is automatically making a statement about the real world in some way because it loosely mirrors things that happen in the real world. It's not allowed to just be a video game about 4 spec ops guys shooting dudes in a jungle.
By setting the game on an actual, sovereign country being effectively invaded by an United States murder squad, they're pretty much taking a stance.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Imagine all of the story beats in The Division 2 are exactly the same, but the game takes place on a fictional planet 1000 years in the future and the enemies are humanoid in appearance but also clearly alien. Imagine hearing the line "We only survived because we had guns".

Is this still a political statement?

SCI-FI is one of the most politically charged genres in fiction because sci-fi is often directly inspired by real world politics. JFC.

This is what I'm talking about. People are unable to separate the setting/theme from messages.
Do you know what the plot of Ghost Recon Wildlands is?

And Wolfenstein 2 definitely didn't either
.............Are you being sarcastic?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Interviewers need to stop asking Ubisoft "Isn't your game making a political statement?" and start asking "Who do you think you're kidding when you deny that your plainly political game is political?"


Mar 17, 2018
A game existing is a political statement simply because 20 years ago they chose to associate with the name?

So if this game was called Ghost Recon: Breakpoint without the Tom Clancy monniker, it wouldn't be political?

That's basically what I'm getting from the comments. Wildlands most definitely had its flaws but it's not like it was made for "political masterbation" just to satisfy alt right skin heads to get off on murdering POC.

These operations happen and have been happening since the war on drugs started. They could have abandoned the real country of Bolivia and went with a made up country but to each their own I guess.

I thought Wildlands was one of the best coop tactical games since the original Ghost Recon or even the old Delta Force games with voxels from the late 90s.

On topic for Breakpoint, I'm not a fan of the direction their going tbh. They could have stuck with the drug war theme and had the same scenario. There are many references or accounts of CIA/DEA/etc. operators engaging actual US military forces in South America and they didn't know they were fighting fellow Americans. Each had their own objectives and were out of the loop with one other.

I've read a lot of Clancy's original work and this doesn't honestly fit the bill. Wildlands yes to an extent but the Division and this no.

Rainbow Six and Without Remorse were my favorites.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not that bothered. Not every piece of media needs to be a political statement. Like those Marvel flicks games can also just be dumb popcorn fun.

I assume you've not seen Iron Man 1, Iron Man 3, captain america first avenger, Captain america winter soldier, captain america civil war, or captain marvel. All films that have political themes and messages. I assume you're gonna argue star wars and final fantasy 7 don't have political messages too.

I'm surprised so many people go for the bait and don't understand their statement, lmao

The statement of "we don't want to lose the sales of the alt right white boys who buy these games at face value". Ubisoft would make a gundam game and say it was not a political statement.


Oct 27, 2017
"Breakpoint's story focuses on a silicon valley genius who develops advanced AI and drones to help humanity and save American lives. The tech giant and its drone army are hijacked by a group of rogue US soldiers, and the game's reveal stream states the drones assassinate an election candidate."

I'm seriously having a hard time seeing how this plot relates to anything going on in current U.S. politics or on the world scene. It just sounds like a sc-fi plot, like you might find in any movie or book. Please enlighten me.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Sure do. Completed it 100%. But it's just that - a plot.
That has political messages in it including a direct commentary on whether or not it'd be a good idea to eliminate a warlord who committed atrocities vs not executing him and torturing him for information before he gets out and the cycle starts again. It includes things like political pardons for the sake of gaining useful intel. It's absolutely a politically charged game top to bottom. Just because the game is also fun doesn't mean it isn't rife with political messages. Their creatives aren't braindead, I'm sure they wouldn't be even able to create an apolitical game tackling this subject matter if they tried and even if marketing says otherwise.

Lemme translate this into gamer speak:

Devs arguing that their game about drone warfare isn't political is about as genuine as them arguing that 30fps actually makes a game more cinematic.


Oct 27, 2017
That has political messages in it including a direct commentary on whether or not it'd be a good idea to eliminate a warlord who committed atrocities vs not executing him and torturing him for information before he gets out and the cycle starts again. It includes things like political pardons for the sake of gaining useful intel. It's absolutely a politically charged game top to bottom. Just because the game is also fun doesn't mean it isn't rife with political messages. Their creatives aren't braindead, I'm sure they wouldn't be even able to create an apolitical game tackling this subject matter if they tried and even if marketing says otherwise.

Lemme translate this into gamer speak:

Devs arguing that their game about drone warfare isn't political is about as genuine as them arguing that 30fps actually makes a game more cinematic.

Slightly passive-aggressive ad hominem attack aside, this still doesn't qualify as sending a real-world political statement. These are story beats in a politically-themed game. I don't know why so many people seem unable to disconnect their brains for this stuff.

This is akin to saying Showtime is pro-capital punishment because they aired Dexter, a show about a serial killer murdering people who escaped the justice system. It doesn't make sense.

These are works of fiction.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
It's Tom Clancy, it's purely fictional.

They do know that Clancy was a right wing nut who really pushed that viewpoint beyond the military worship of his early books, and once he needed new foes after the USSR fell, went headlong off the right wing cliff, right?

Entire narratives would come to a halt so President Jack Ryan could talk about how cool flat taxes are.

One book had a subplot of his Doctor wife working at a hospital in England and decrying how terrible the NHS is.