Edmond Dantès

It belongs in a museum!
Aug 24, 2022
Alexandria, Egypt

In one of the most significant discoveries related to Ancient Greek literature over the past half century, archaeologists have uncovered around 100 lines from two otherwise lost plays by the 5th-century B.C.E. playwright Euripides.

The texts in question are Ino, a revenge tragedy of which 37 lines were discovered, and Polyidos, a moralistic tragedy of which 60 lines were uncovered.

The discovery came during excavations in late 2022 by an Egyptian team of archaeologists working at the ancient necropolis of Philadelphia, a site 75-miles southwest of Cairo. The papyrus was uncovered in 3rd-century C.E. pit graves connected to an older funerary structure.

The director of the Philadelphia excavation project, Basem Gehad, contacted Yvona Trnka-Amrhein, an assistant professor of classics at University of Colorado Boulder who he works with on excavations at Hermopolis Magna, an ancient city on the boundary between Lower and Upper Egypt. After establishing that the texts were Euripidean through an online database of ancient Greek texts, Trnka-Amrhein looped in her colleague John Gibert, an expert on Euripides.

Together, the academics have translated and analyzed the plays with their findings appearing in the latest edition of Journal of Papyrology and Epigraphy, a publication with a focus on Greek and Roman literature, history, and philosophy.

"Ino and Polyidos, were known only by plot summaries and a handful of quotations before," Trnka-Amrhein said via email. "This is the most significant find of Greek tragedy since the publication of a papyrus of Euripides Erechtheus in the Sorbonne collection in 1967."


Fragments of Previously 'Lost' Euripides Tragedies Have Been Translated

Egyptian archeologists working at the ancient necropolis of Philadelphia discovered a papyrus containing Euripides plays in 2022.

Always preferred Sophocles over Euripides, but this is fascinating nonetheless.👍🏼


Mar 23, 2018
Oh, this is neat. When I read the title I was certain it was gonna be from the Herculaneum scrolls project.

It's depressing to realize how much stuff is and will probably be lost forever but it's comforting to get some great news like this every so often. <3


Apr 21, 2018
In all seriousness though, that's amazing news. Thinking about how little ancient literature has survived is always heartbreaking.

I tend to look at it the other way around - it's incredible how we can still read the works of people who lived millennia ago in a completely different culture. Every discovery and recovery like this is another window into the mind of someone long since gone, achieved through hard work and cooperation.


Dec 10, 2017
yo they found this shit in Philly???

Translation of the first lines from Euripides:

In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"