
Oct 25, 2017
My first night with the game the servers were acting strange so I set it to offline and went on my way. Most people aren't screeching about the online bugs because honestly most people don't engage with the online features of FH much, if at all.

Horizon Life online freeroam is the default when you launch the game and it's broken. I wouldn't assume most people are playing solo right now even though it probably feels that way for most of them since there's no traffic and other players are phasing in and out.

Bugs are affecting offline play too. There have been plenty of bugs trying to complete the seasonal championships or encounter accolades that don't work or getting wiped and there have been a lot of posters in here complaining.

I think the game may have been given a bit of a grace period at launch but as the days pass I think the mentality is changing and people are starting to get fed up.


Oct 29, 2017
lol the main hook of both h4 and h5 is social play and live service content, but sure, no one plays online 🤣


Social Media Manager • EA SPORTS WRC
Mar 28, 2021
Warwick, UK
Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but heads up:

If you use Quick Resume for a few days on Xbox Series X, connection to events and servers gets a little funky.
A full quit and restart does the trick though.

I think the game may have been given a bit of a grace period at launch but as the days pass I think the mentality is changing and people are starting to get fed up
If this game has a service period similar to the last one, there will be a patch every 4 weeks. It's usually accompanied by a developer stream (first look at the new Series) and a Forza Monthly show.

This patch would primarily add new Series content and rewards, but also come with a round of bugfixes and the occasional new feature/challenge/Achievement etc.

By my count I'd expect the first of those patches at the end of the next Season, probably around Tuesday, December 7.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but heads up:

If you use Quick Resume for a few days on Xbox Series X, connection to events and servers gets a little funky.
A full quit and restart does the trick though.
Have been having this issue since day 1. BUT, it allowed me to redo all 7 of my super wheelspins and keep both sets of rewards before and after my cold restart to fix the online.

This launch reminds me a lot of Driveclub. Another game that had online intertwined throughout the entire game and was completely broken at launch.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but heads up:

If you use Quick Resume for a few days on Xbox Series X, connection to events and servers gets a little funky.
A full quit and restart does the trick though.

This is good advice. I quit and restart the game every time I play after I wake up my Series X from sleep and I have been able to avoid quite a few issues that way. I also took the advice of another poster here (sorry I don't remember who gave the advice) and I go home or to the auto show to change cars, instead of having them delivered on the map, before doing the weekly PR stunts and I have not experienced the 1mph short/1 ft short/ 1 second short glitch since.

It won't fix everything but it definitely helps to complete some of the playlist content.


Nov 6, 2017
Thanks! I look forward to any feedback you have!

I really, really hope that isn't the case. I will say, in terms of directional arrows and whatnot, most signs are destructive. That's why I need to be careful in terms of what I rely on, since any vehicles ahead of you could just be destroying the signs before you get to them (assuming they have collision with them). That said, no, I haven't yet placed any other items, as I'm really just trying to nail down the route itself and can always REALLY skimp on the checkpoints early on if needed to finalize the route itself. The only reason I used checkpoints this time around was to test that crossover section, which I unfortunately didn't even reach with the checkpoints I had. So close. Haha.

That said, I'm really worried about the repercussions if objects aren't showing up in player-created routes. If that's happening, then would ramps still function if not visible? Would the problem be fixable retroactively? In either case, I'll still work on finalizing my route, but now I'm even more worried about relying on

On my blueprints the other players were able to drive through the objects I placed; they can't see them nor collide with them. AFAIK I was the only player, as the blueprint creator, who was able to see and interact with the placed objects. So I received some complaints from people who did not see certain turns or chicanes coming. Which sucks because I spent quite some time carefully placing arrow signs and stuff at every turn I considered to be somewhat hard to see for drivers while approaching.


Nov 6, 2017
What is "Complete a Horizon Tour?" as a Daily challenge?

You can find the Horizon Tour at the northside of the main festival site. It's a 3-event long coop championship with matchmaking in which you drive to the next race in the open world in-between races. Simply completing a Tour should tick off the related daily challenge.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually had a blast doing the tour last night. I joined solo the first time and tested out a S1 tune on a classic racer, the Ford Lotus Cortina, and it hauled ass. It was really fun to test it out in a casual way instead of the stress of the usual pvp.

I played again with a friend who wanted to convoy up and complete the daily and we just spent the tour crashing into the AI drivatars and trying to run them off the road, since with a decent team the AI doesn't stand a chance of winning.

If I have one complaint about the tour it's that they shouldn't make you drive so far to the next event especially if you are driving slow B class cars. It just takes too much time.


May 3, 2018
lol the main hook of both h4 and h5 is social play and live service content, but sure, no one plays online 🤣
The main hook of Horizon for me has always been the solo racer content. I don't even look at the online stuff until I finish most if not all of the offline content. That's true of most games with me.

Win all the races
Three star all the PR events
Find all the roads and bonus boards

This is all I do in Horizon games.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
The main hook of Horizon for me has always been the solo racer content. I don't even look at the online stuff until I finish most if not all of the offline content. That's true of most games with me.

Win all the races
Three star all the PR events
Find all the roads and bonus boards

This is all I do in Horizon games.

That's totally valid and fair, and I agree there are probably a bunch of people who do this too. I think you can have a mostly trouble-free 40 hours out of the game and feel like it works mostly fine; this isn't like a SimCity kind of scenario where online issues ruined the game for everyone, even people who just want to play solo.

But Playground themselves are the ones who introduced this live-service format to Horizon in 4; they're the ones who push the seasonal challenges to everyone every time they start the game. They clearly want people to use it, and use it a lot; in a game where there's no defined endpoint, the seasonal challenges are Horizon's endgame, like endgames in MMOs and other live service games that you only interact with once you've finished the "story content." Just because a feature doesn't get used by everyone doesn't mean it isn't broken, and given that this is something aimed at the people who play the game the most (pretty much by design, even) you're going to get a lot of people complaining about it.


May 3, 2018
That's totally valid and fair, and I agree there are probably a bunch of people who do this too. I think you can have a mostly trouble-free 40 hours out of the game and feel like it works mostly fine; this isn't like a SimCity kind of scenario where online issues ruined the game for everyone, even people who just want to play solo.

But Playground themselves are the ones who introduced this live-service format to Horizon in 4; they're the ones who push the seasonal challenges to everyone every time they start the game. They clearly want people to use it, and use it a lot; in a game where there's no defined endpoint, the seasonal challenges are Horizon's endgame, like endgames in MMOs and other live service games that you only interact with once you've finished the "story content." Just because a feature doesn't get used by everyone doesn't mean it isn't broken, and given that this is something aimed at the people who play the game the most (pretty much by design, even) you're going to get a lot of people complaining about it.
I'm not saying it isn't broken. It absolutely is. I'm just saying that you can play this game for 60-80 hours and never really come into contact with the broken elements, and that might be why there isn't a bigger outcry about it. That's all I'm saying.


Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
I decided to try setting checkpoints again, though I regrettably didn't get to the crossover point to test it out before running out of checkpoints. In the interest of getting a feel for where I could either change the route or expend fewer checkpoints, I set a finish line shortly after running out of checkpoints and ended up with a point-to-point route measuring 28.9 miles in length.

I've already got some ideas as to how to change the route to eliminate some harsher turns and areas that're too heavy on checkpoints in favor of some more straightforward areas that'll allow me to user fewer checkpoints. As of right now, I'm still starting the route where The Titan usually begins. The share code is 109 747 756, and the event is currently called Dirt the Daring. It takes a little under 19 minutes to complete from my experience, and I've driven it several times, so I need to take a break from it for today. Haha.

Let me know what you think.

EDIT: Here's a screenshot of the route at the moment. I'm pretty sure it's badly tone-mapped, so sorry about the quality.

So, I finally had time to do the track and here are my thoughts while racing it:

Right out of the bat, I have to say I like your choice of season and the starting position. I miss the snow season from FH4 actually, even though I got the feeling many hated it.

I like the jump and the track so far has a good flow. I missed the corner after the "Dunas Blanca's" rubber tire (the "gate" on the dirt track). Perhaps that's just me though. Maybe an arrow where the white flag is would be neat, if some like me are missing the corner. I got rewind so no worries and actually if you pay attention you can see the next checkpoints. So it's probably just me xD

I like the fact you included parts of the FH track and even the festival. Looks really cool. I also like those hard corners you put in there.

I am now at 55% and I just can repeat myself. The layout you've chosen here is very fun to drive around and I like the flow with those fast corners and slow corners. The checkpoints are positioned very well so far, so I couldn't cut corners. Well done!!!

At 61-63% before the lake the corners is nice, but I almost missed it again, because I looked at the asphalt road where the next checkpoint is. It's a bit nitpicky I admit, but putting a truck on the road would've probably helped me there.

Just finished the track with a drift, because you put the finish after a corner. Looked good and the track in general is just amazing. If you said to me this was Playground Games biggest DIRT track I would've believed you. Thanks for sharing the track, it's a joy to drive!

I think the harsher turns are great. It's just that 1-3 turns would probably benefit from some visual clues where to drive next beforehand or perhaps there is even a "harsh turn ahead" sign somewhere. I don't know.
I placed some objects on the routes I created, but other players reported they couldn't see them.
Can you link your track and have you forced the weather to be something specific? I noticed while designing my own stuff that changing the weather to storm for instance can impact what objects are visible. I assume that's either a bug or intended to keep the framerate stable. After all you could add tons of stuff in one area and then add rain, storm, ... on top of it.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm not saying it isn't broken. It absolutely is. I'm just saying that you can play this game for 60-80 hours and never really come into contact with the broken elements, and that might be why there isn't a bigger outcry about it. That's all I'm saying.
I agree that there's a base of players just playing offline, and there's plenty of players who are just doing liveries, tunes, taking gorgeous photos, and making tracks in the event lab that probably haven't had too much in the way of bugs.

That's definitely part of it, but it feels like there should be quite a lot more complaining about the bugs. But as PJTierney pointed out Playground Games does monthly updates with new content and bug fixes so I guess it's possible that a lot of the player base is waiting for the new series update for all the bug fixes.

I'm optimistic they'll fix arcade, online freeroam, and eliminator issues whenever they do their next round of patching since I suspect they are all related. I'm not sure about the AI changes right away, but I know FH4 had AI tweaks happening over time, because I had periods where the AI was insane with violent ramming and then a week or two later the AI was as gentle and cautious as if it was driving with a newborn in the passenger seat.


Oct 27, 2017
Guys, do those Forza Points remain after each season?
I have lots of FPs, but don't want to use them now.
Oct 12, 2020
Just finished winning all dirt races on Expert. Feels good. Trusty Bronco and Audi TTS never let me down.

Onto cross country next. Hope the slight nerfing of the AI is still in effect, because at launch the AI were defying pretty much every Law of Physics. 😄


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished winning all dirt races on Expert. Feels good. Trusty Bronco and Audi TTS never let me down.

Onto cross country next. Hope the slight nerfing of the AI is still in effect, because at launch the AI were defying pretty much every Law of Physics. 😄
I don't think the AI has been nerfed sadly. They are beatable on Expert though but still ridiculous at times. I did a Cross Country Horizon Tour last week for my weekly and the first race was a storm and my whole team quit after the AI stomped them all and that is on average difficulty lol.

I luckily had the starter bronco too, which is really good for stock for some reason, and was able to win but it was surprisingly brutal for average difficult races. I guess when you don't have to worry about traction even the average AI can be fast.


Nov 6, 2017

Can you link your track and have you forced the weather to be something specific? I noticed while designing my own stuff that changing the weather to storm for instance can impact what objects are visible. I assume that's either a bug or intended to keep the framerate stable. After all you could add tons of stuff in one area and then add rain, storm, ... on top of it.

Sure thing, this post contains my first track including share codes for the blueprints.

My second track is called 'Jungle Boogie' and can be found under the 'River Scramble' dirt event near Uxmal in the south (share code for it at A-800 nighttime: 136542438; I made multiple blueprints simply search the name).

When we did the latter as a group I was neck-on-neck with a convoy mate on Discord and he for example reported no objects at the finish line. I actually saw him speed straight through the purple light columns undeterred. I asked him if he saw any assets around the finish line while it was happening, and he reported a negative. The track uses jungle roads that aren't visible on the map at first and you'll pass through a temple; there should be concrete blocks and lit up arrow signs in the middle of the temple's courtyard to warn approaching drivers for the turn you have to make there.
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Kernal 64

Oct 28, 2017
Something else to add to my growing list of irritations..

Started trying out liveries cos I'd rather do that than race or build up skills whilst there's still all these problems. Mirroring a design from one side to the other ends up positioning it wrong every time.

This has been a problem since at least FH3 and it drives me up the wall every fucking time. You wanna talk about how many dumb issues are in the livery editor that have been a problem for like half a decade? I shall gladly rant about it!

  1. As you said, mirroring vinyl groups from one side to the other results in a misalignment about 95% of the time. Sometimes it's only by a little, sometimes it's a by a huge amount.
    1. Fun fact: If you look at the placement coordinates from one side and manually place the vinyl on the other side at the same coordinates, it won't actually be in the same spot as the first side. Why? Who knows! Keeps life interesting, I guess. Enjoy eyeballing every single placement on every single car!
    2. Another ridiculous placement issue is that it doesn't drop a newly loaded shape or vinyl group at the center point reliably. Sometimes it'll be at 0,0, other times it'll be off by a few positions. This is most noticeable when you have a vinyl group for your own racing stripes and place it on the top/hood/trunk and then place that same vinyl group on the front or rear bumpers. They do not line up. You have to move one of the groups (actually both, because rarely will either of them drop centered) in order to match them up.
      1. As a sub-issue of this is the fact that the center point isn't on the center for every car. There's times where the vinyl drops at 0,0, but it's clearly and noticeably shifted to one side of the car and not actually centered. Good luck centering it manually! Hopefully there's a logo or trim detail in a convenient spot that you can use to guide you.
      2. Another thing that's somewhat related to this is the fact that vinyl groups are sometimes different sizes on different parts of a car. I have a racing stripe vinyl I use a lot and sometimes when I place it on the front or rear bumper, it's a wildly different size than when it's on the top/hood/trunk. If I then scale it so it matches the width of the existing stripe, the proportions end up being off and the inner parts of the stripe don't match up anymore. It's super frustrating and I can't imagine why this would be the case.
  2. You can't have a vinyl have a different surface than the paint on the car. Want a matte vinyl on a car with gloss paint? Go play Hot Wheels Unleashed, because their livery editor absolutely lets you do that, but Forza Horizon 3 through 5 says fuck your preferences.
  3. Like a 2 tone or metal flake color combo you've spent some time color tuning to look exactly the way you want it? Better write down those values because there's absolutely no way to save them in game for use on other cars.
  4. In DriveClub, I was able to save a livery for my club (along with several other custom livery save slots). When I picked a car to drive in a race, I didn't have to spend 20 minutes recreating the livery on the car. I just selected the saved livery from my list and that was that. Granted, DriveClub's livery editor was much simpler. You couldn't really do custom placement or shapes, just select colors for the preset group of a hundred+ existing liveries. Still, they managed to somehow make it so that once you customized one of the built-in liveries, it just worked on any car. Wanna do that in FH series? Yeah, me too. I keep simplifying my designs so that I can quickly slap them on new cars, but it still takes too damn long. I just want to have my club colors just work on every car. Maybe I'm being dumb and this is a computational impossibility for the team that can create damn near photo-realistic environments for us to drive through in hundreds of nicely recreated cars with a superb handling model. I may be asking for too much. But still, it would be a HUGE time saver for me and I'm sure many others.
I'm sure there's other things I'm forgetting at the moment. I really, really like the FH games, but the livery editor gives me such a headache. It's so close to being truly excellent, and judging by some of the liveries I see on the creative hub, you can clearly do a lot with the editor as is, but just imagine how much easier that level of creation would be if they would give the editor some attention each game aside from UI changes that sometimes just make things more difficult.


Oct 25, 2017
I tried to make my own livery with just like a simple racing stripe or something and got confused overwhelmed and frustrated and noped right out of there to download some patient saint's hard work rather than figure it out myself.


Oct 25, 2017
On my blueprints the other players were able to drive through the objects I placed; they can't see them nor collide with them. AFAIK I was the only player, as the blueprint creator, who was able to see and interact with the placed objects. So I received some complaints from people who did not see certain turns or chicanes coming. Which sucks because I spent quite some time carefully placing arrow signs and stuff at every turn I considered to be somewhat hard to see for drivers while approaching.
Could you provide me with some of your share codes that're active so I can have a look? That's a serious bummer if that's any sort of widespread issue.

EDIT: Never mind. Just noticed you already posted one. I'll check it out when I get off of work.

So, I finally had time to do the track and here are my thoughts while racing it:

Right out of the bat, I have to say I like your choice of season and the starting position. I miss the snow season from FH4 actually, even though I got the feeling many hated it.
Yeah, sadly, I think the snow is a bit too tame in 5. I'm glad it's there, but I definitely think the seasons felt more substantially different in 4.

I like the jump and the track so far has a good flow. I missed the corner after the "Dunas Blanca's" rubber tire (the "gate" on the dirt track). Perhaps that's just me though. Maybe an arrow where the white flag is would be neat, if some like me are missing the corner. I got rewind so no worries and actually if you pay attention you can see the next checkpoints. So it's probably just me xD
You know, that's actually one area I'm considering redoing, as I think I want to add a bit of length to the course in that area so you don't have to take that corner. Out of curiosity, how'd the exit for that area feel to drive through? I thought maybe it was a bit too tight, even to the point that I was considering completely removing that area by simply having you turn left right before the big jump into the track. I just thought that huge jump was one of the coolest portions from the game's "story" missions, though, so I really wanted to leave that in.

I like the fact you included parts of the FH track and even the festival. Looks really cool. I also like those hard corners you put in there.
In the area where you cut across the drag strip, do you feel that the transition through the festival gates and onto the open road killed the pace at all? I'm kind of divided on that one, as that's the best spot to go through to get to the better dirt routes without passing over too much asphalt.

I am now at 55% and I just can repeat myself. The layout you've chosen here is very fun to drive around and I like the flow with those fast corners and slow corners. The checkpoints are positioned very well so far, so I couldn't cut corners. Well done!!!
Thanks! That's why it's so hard for me to not use as many checkpoints as I do. I definitely used a bit of discipline in holding back on using them as much as I would, but I think most of the checkpoints present are necessary for either helping players know where to go or to protect the route integrity.

At 61-63% before the lake the corners is nice, but I almost missed it again, because I looked at the asphalt road where the next checkpoint is. It's a bit nitpicky I admit, but putting a truck on the road would've probably helped me there.
I'm having a bit of trouble picturing this one, but I'll take a lot at it once I get home from work and see what I can do. Thanks for listing percentages, by the way. That's extremely helpful.

Just finished the track with a drift, because you put the finish after a corner. Looked good and the track in general is just amazing. If you said to me this was Playground Games biggest DIRT track I would've believed you. Thanks for sharing the track, it's a joy to drive!
What's funny is that I hadn't noticed just how much of the map my route spans so far until I took the screenshot of the route itself. I almost want to make it go from coast to coast and somehow loop, but I suspect that'd require me to remove the volcano, as I know the trek up the volcano is gonna take a big chunk of miles of my limit. That said, yeah, there's just something really relaxing about a nice, long dirt route in these games, and I really hope I'm able to complete this one and make it a circuit so I can maybe make it a 3-lap race that's designed to take an hour or so.

I think the harsher turns are great. It's just that 1-3 turns would probably benefit from some visual clues where to drive next beforehand or perhaps there is even a "harsh turn ahead" sign somewhere. I don't know.
Yeah, I'm debating whether I should go for more straightforward routes without those harsh corners, as they'd allow me to cut down on my checkpoint use. They're just so hard to "mark" properly without wasting too many checkpoints, and what Arrahant is saying about obstacles not appearing for other players is seriously concerning to me. It's a huge time sink doing even a single run of a route of this size, and adding more complexity that may not even show up is something I'm not so sure I want to bother with unless I know Playground Games can fix it retroactively for tracks already submitted.
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A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017

I had a go at this. There were some issues with my min ground clearance Daytona clipping the "speakers", but the track is great.
Massive kudos to whoever designed it.
I hope we start seeing more things like this, especially in super 7, since it's just spammed with people posting 30-second events, especially simple jumps.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 8, 2017
Managed to beat the trial on the second attempt with an S1 car. Thankfully the three S2s were actually decent drivers and one of the other S1s dropped out.


Oct 26, 2017
The main hook of Horizon for me has always been the solo racer content. I don't even look at the online stuff until I finish most if not all of the offline content. That's true of most games with me.

Win all the races
Three star all the PR events
Find all the roads and bonus boards

This is all I do in Horizon games.

Yep that's how I played both Forza Horizon 4 and 5, almost entirely single player.

I'm not really a racing game aficionado so I don't bother with all the other content like rivals laps, online races, etc. I've been doing the festival playlist stuff too but the AI difficulty being forced to "Highly Skilled" for those events is making me skip some.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah there's definitely a bug with car mastery unlocks going missing. The same spot (second bottom row, second from the right) is missing on multiple cars for me, with unlocks beyond it still being there.

Also uh this seems like a really long jump, could this be correct? 22 km?

edit: I also can't find the weekly eventlab :/


Dec 5, 2017
Yeah there's definitely a bug with car mastery unlocks going missing. The same spot (second bottom row, second from the right) is missing on multiple cars for me, with unlocks beyond it still being there.

Also uh this seems like a really long jump, could this be correct? 22 km?

edit: I also can't find the weekly eventlab :/

Is in Horizon Baja. In the dirt track.

I think it is really fun. For each checkpoint, the fastest time get 100 points. The racer with most points at the end wins. And I still don't know how I got 25 points, but I enjoyed the event.


Oct 25, 2017
Is in Horizon Baja. In the dirt track.

I think it is really fun. For each checkpoint, the fastest time get 100 points. The racer with most points at the end wins. And I still don't know how I got 25 points, but I enjoyed the event.
Cheers! edit: Yeah that was alright
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Kernal 64

Oct 28, 2017
I tried to make my own livery with just like a simple racing stripe or something and got confused overwhelmed and frustrated and noped right out of there to download some patient saint's hard work rather than figure it out myself.

I totally get this. There's no real tutorial to the livery editor and you either have to look up other people's instructions online or just play with things and see what does what yourself. It's really intimidating to people new to it. I barely did anything in it in FH3 and it was only like a year into playing FH4 that I felt brave enough to try anything even slightly more complicated than putting two different shapes on the same car. Here's a couple of WIP shots of a livery I'm working on now:

While these aren't some shining examples of art, I started off knowing absolutely nothing about how to use the editor and I taught myself by just playing around with the various features in the editor. I did have to google how the masking feature worked and also how people recreate real world stuff in game and found that at least on PC, you can get an app that lets you turn one window semi-transparent so you can see the window behind it. It's basically like tracing stuff, lol. I used that to make the DriveClub logo. You have to get creative with what shapes you place and what size they are so that you can assemble an absolute mess of random shapes into something coherent. At least, that was how I did it! If you decide to jump back into making your own liveries, good luck! It can be challenging (unnecessarily so at times), but it's also rewarding.


Sep 21, 2018
This has been a problem since at least FH3 and it drives me up the wall every fucking time. You wanna talk about how many dumb issues are in the livery editor that have been a problem for like half a decade? I shall gladly rant about it!

  1. As you said, mirroring vinyl groups from one side to the other results in a misalignment about 95% of the time. Sometimes it's only by a little, sometimes it's a by a huge amount.
    1. Fun fact: If you look at the placement coordinates from one side and manually place the vinyl on the other side at the same coordinates, it won't actually be in the same spot as the first side. Why? Who knows! Keeps life interesting, I guess. Enjoy eyeballing every single placement on every single car!
    2. Another ridiculous placement issue is that it doesn't drop a newly loaded shape or vinyl group at the center point reliably. Sometimes it'll be at 0,0, other times it'll be off by a few positions. This is most noticeable when you have a vinyl group for your own racing stripes and place it on the top/hood/trunk and then place that same vinyl group on the front or rear bumpers. They do not line up. You have to move one of the groups (actually both, because rarely will either of them drop centered) in order to match them up.
      1. As a sub-issue of this is the fact that the center point isn't on the center for every car. There's times where the vinyl drops at 0,0, but it's clearly and noticeably shifted to one side of the car and not actually centered. Good luck centering it manually! Hopefully there's a logo or trim detail in a convenient spot that you can use to guide you.
      2. Another thing that's somewhat related to this is the fact that vinyl groups are sometimes different sizes on different parts of a car. I have a racing stripe vinyl I use a lot and sometimes when I place it on the front or rear bumper, it's a wildly different size than when it's on the top/hood/trunk. If I then scale it so it matches the width of the existing stripe, the proportions end up being off and the inner parts of the stripe don't match up anymore. It's super frustrating and I can't imagine why this would be the case.
  2. You can't have a vinyl have a different surface than the paint on the car. Want a matte vinyl on a car with gloss paint? Go play Hot Wheels Unleashed, because their livery editor absolutely lets you do that, but Forza Horizon 3 through 5 says fuck your preferences.
  3. Like a 2 tone or metal flake color combo you've spent some time color tuning to look exactly the way you want it? Better write down those values because there's absolutely no way to save them in game for use on other cars.
  4. In DriveClub, I was able to save a livery for my club (along with several other custom livery save slots). When I picked a car to drive in a race, I didn't have to spend 20 minutes recreating the livery on the car. I just selected the saved livery from my list and that was that. Granted, DriveClub's livery editor was much simpler. You couldn't really do custom placement or shapes, just select colors for the preset group of a hundred+ existing liveries. Still, they managed to somehow make it so that once you customized one of the built-in liveries, it just worked on any car. Wanna do that in FH series? Yeah, me too. I keep simplifying my designs so that I can quickly slap them on new cars, but it still takes too damn long. I just want to have my club colors just work on every car. Maybe I'm being dumb and this is a computational impossibility for the team that can create damn near photo-realistic environments for us to drive through in hundreds of nicely recreated cars with a superb handling model. I may be asking for too much. But still, it would be a HUGE time saver for me and I'm sure many others.
I'm sure there's other things I'm forgetting at the moment. I really, really like the FH games, but the livery editor gives me such a headache. It's so close to being truly excellent, and judging by some of the liveries I see on the creative hub, you can clearly do a lot with the editor as is, but just imagine how much easier that level of creation would be if they would give the editor some attention each game aside from UI changes that sometimes just make things more difficult.

Wow, I apologise for reminding you, I can feel your annoyance in your words. So basically there's no way this is gonna get fixed then. What a shame.

Anywho, my first attempt at liveries..



Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Uh. Got a good group for Horizon Arcade Drift. Almost got the third round down, 4 of us stayed and joined with 2 others for another go.

3 minutes into the next one with 6 of us making good progress it just said "Time out, 0 points" and the thing ended. lol :(

Kernal 64

Oct 28, 2017
Wow, I apologise for reminding you, I can feel your annoyance in your words. So basically there's no way this is gonna get fixed then. What a shame.

LOL, no worries. I've been spending a lot of time in the livery editor lately, so it's been on my mind. It is indeed a shame it likely won't get fixed, but I keep hoping that if enough noise is made about it, we might get something in the way of fixes.

Anywho, my first attempt at liveries..

Believe it or not, I started out in a similar way! Some subtle accent stripes/shapes to paint colors I liked. Soon you too will learn the ins and outs of the livery editor and curse the day it was made. But you'll have some nice work to show for it!


Master of the Wind
Oct 27, 2017
Lava Stream
Stunts was amazing. I spent so much time playing and designing courses on that. Skid Vicious would beat the Unbeatable Off-road AI in FH5. The track designer was fantastic and I wish Super7 could be as easy to use.

I also remember a glitch where you could redline the engine and change gear rapidly to get near infinite acceleration on the Indy 500 car. I used to spend ages trying to trigger the glitch then send the car up a ridiculous jump.
Hell yeah great game. Better characters than FH5 as well haha.


And yeah the designer was so easy, of course a much simpler game but still. I tried in FH5 but noped out quickly, seemed very clunky at first glance.


Oct 26, 2017
Down to two cars left. The Honda NSX-R GT which I don't think appeared in the game yet. It is not up in the auction house either. And then that stupid Raesr Tachyon Speed which goes for 20 mil in the auction house. Would have to sell like half of my collection but would also be able to knock out two accolades with buying and then directly selling it again. Hmmm


Oct 25, 2017
God damnit! we had 10 people for the full horizathon and couldnt do it! The speed limiter one just goes too slow. Combine that with my Retro Muscle Drag not popping for the weekly....I cant win with this game

Not a Horse

Aug 15, 2018
Down to two cars left. The Honda NSX-R GT which I don't think appeared in the game yet. It is not up in the auction house either. And then that stupid Raesr Tachyon Speed which goes for 20 mil in the auction house. Would have to sell like half of my collection but would also be able to knock out two accolades with buying and then directly selling it again. Hmmm
The nsx-r gt was the reward for the season during the VIP early play. It does rarely come up for auction. The Raesr is next weeks reward car, the auction house ones were purchased through the car collection bug before it was patched.


Oct 26, 2017
God damnit! we had 10 people for the full horizathon and couldnt do it! The speed limiter one just goes too slow. Combine that with my Retro Muscle Drag not popping for the weekly....I cant win with this game

Speed Arcade seems to be one of the worst events. Targets really need lowered. Also its not obvious if you get more points for going way over limit are driving just above. Its a bad event.

I've mentioned it before around here, but always change cars at a house or festival before doing seasonal stuff. Game doesn't like open world car swaps for those events.


Oct 26, 2017
The nsx-r gt was the reward for the season during the VIP early play. It does rarely come up for auction. The Raesr is next weeks reward car, the auction house ones were purchased through the car collection bug before it was patched.

many thanks. Will be on the lookout for the nsx then.
And buy and immediately resell the raesr then for the accolades. Time to gather some money.


Oct 25, 2017
The only Speed arcade events I've managed to finish all three times are the ones that spawn on the main festival site and the highway. The limit breaker events are awful and the targets are way too high but at least the highway one is straightforward as it gets. The Festival one is bit less straightforward but there's a way to cheese it. Start on the west end of the drag strip (around the edge of the scoring zone), gun it to the main festival site and hit the ramp in front of the parked cargo plane and just fly across. If you're in some silly X class hypercar like a Jesko you can jump the remaining length of the scoring zone and it turns out don't need to be on the ground in order to score points -- flying through the air at high speeds also counts.

One of the issues with Limit Breaker as an event type is that it basically requires you to have Fast Travel Anywhere unlocked to be able to do it in an efficient manner. The arcade speed event on the volcano is stupid, as the best way to do the limit breaker there is to gun it south on the rim and just fly off the danger sign toward the main festival site... but if you can't fast travel anywhere good luck at getting back in the scoring zone doing that! Guh.

many thanks. Will be on the lookout for the nsx then.
And buy and immediately resell the raesr then for the accolades. Time to gather some money.
I haven't looked in the last couple of days but it feels like there was a glut of NSX GT-Rs in the auction house... it's just that anyone who is selling them wants megabucks for it and there aren't many takers.

The Raesr is going to tank in price next week since... well, there's going to be a bunch of people doing exactly what you are. :x


Oct 27, 2017
This one has been bugging me and I'm not sure what the logic is behind the current ordering, but the car types under filter should be alphabetical no?


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I'm debating whether I should go for more straightforward routes without those harsh corners, as they'd allow me to cut down on my checkpoint use. They're just so hard to "mark" properly without wasting too many checkpoints, and what Arrahant is saying about obstacles not appearing for other players is seriously concerning to me. It's a huge time sink doing even a single run of a route of this size, and adding more complexity that may not even show up is something I'm not so sure I want to bother with unless I know Playground Games can fix it retroactively for tracks already submitted.

Your track route 109 747 756 is great. I had a lot of fun on it. It's a nice and fast (mostly) dirt run that covers a lot of good scenery. The mix of dirt to asphalt is good. The jumps at the start are fun and it's easy to stick the landings without spinning out.
I did it in 18:30, beating the unbeatable AI by 10 seconds. I don't think they're very good at matching custom routes! I use the braking line, which often goes red when it doesn't need to, but the line position looks good and doesn't send me into any silly detours.
I did it with the Car Pack Subaru (tuned to A800), which is a brilliant car for this track. I used some rewinds, so I wouldn't be able to do that time in an online race!

The sudden hairpin/turnoff at 61% has the checkpoint flags hidden behind a tree and easy to miss if you aren't watching the map properly. A road barrier would help.
There are probably a few other areas that could use an obstacle to mark the point where you turn off of a road.

The bit where you go through the festival/outpost area is a hard corner to master. I had to rewind a couple of times as I missed the hard right and faceplanted into the festival barrier. No major issues though, and I'm glad the route goes right through the middle of the festival site.

The lack of obstacles/barriers makes it quite forgiving when you take corners wide, which I like. So please don't go crazy with barriers, especially on the wilderness areas. It's nice to occasionally cut a corner or powerslide fast and wide and not have to rewind or hit a barrier. I didn't see any real exploits for cutting corners, so the checkpoints look good.


Social Media Manager • EA SPORTS WRC
Mar 28, 2021
Warwick, UK
I tried to make my own livery with just like a simple racing stripe or something and got confused overwhelmed and frustrated and noped right out of there to download some patient saint's hard work rather than figure it out myself.
I've been painting in Forza for 10 years.
  • If I lost all my previous work I wouldn't start again.
  • If a Forza game released and I couldn't import my previous designs/logos, I wouldn't start again.
  • If the editor gets totally reworked and previous content is no longer compatible, I wouldn't start again.
The Forza livery editor is the best and most intuitive on the market as a complete package (yes some games let you import .svg files, though they lack in other options). It's also an absolute pain if you want to make any logos as everything takes so long.

On top of this there's a tightrope you need to walk in terms of moderation as it's relatively easy for your designs to get blacklisted or banned if you're not careful.

Painting is fun once you're familiar with the UI and how to manipulate shapes the way you want to, but it never gets easy.



A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Down to two cars left. The Honda NSX-R GT which I don't think appeared in the game yet. It is not up in the auction house either. And then that stupid Raesr Tachyon Speed which goes for 20 mil in the auction house. Would have to sell like half of my collection but would also be able to knock out two accolades with buying and then directly selling it again. Hmmm
The Raesr is one of next week's Festival cars (24pt reward) if you can wait a couple of days!


Oct 25, 2017
It's also an absolute pain if you want to make any logos as everything takes so long.

Well no worries there, my biggest requirement for liveries when browsing the offerings is that it doesn't have any fucking logos except for MAYBE one for the manufacturer of the car itself if the livery is good enough for me to want to put up with it. I'd rock that mustang livery you posted if it was just the clean blue/red/white striping and none of the stickers.

Kernal 64

Oct 28, 2017
I've been painting in Forza for 10 years.
  • If I lost all my previous work I wouldn't start again.
  • If a Forza game released and I couldn't import my previous designs/logos, I wouldn't start again.
  • If the editor gets totally reworked and previous content is no longer compatible, I wouldn't start again.
The Forza livery editor is the best and most intuitive on the market as a complete package (yes some games let you import .svg files, though they lack in other options). It's also an absolute pain if you want to make any logos as everything takes so long.

On top of this there's a tightrope you need to walk in terms of moderation as it's relatively easy for your designs to get blacklisted or banned if you're not careful.

Painting is fun once you're familiar with the UI and how to manipulate shapes the way you want to, but it never gets easy.


That is an absolutely gorgeous livery! Really nice work!

I'm not sure what your perspective is on the UI going from 4 to 5, but I preferred the UI in 4. I felt that it was less button presses to get to commonly used items and it was less obtrusive. In 5, I've had some moments where the big blocky UI is covering part of the car and it's been an annoyance. That said, I agree with you that past designs definitely need to continue to be brought forward. I only have a couple of vinyl groups that I bring forward each installment, but the thought of having to remake them in some future installment makes me nauseous. Thankfully, I don't think they'd ever make the call to do that. I just wish they'd fix some of the buggy and twitchy behavior as well as add some in-game help to make the learning curve easier. I posted some of the stuff I've made earlier and it's OK, I think, but it took so long to make!