
Oct 27, 2017

So I've gone back and forth with how I wanted to share this information. I've debated doing a video and just letting my emotions come across raw and unfiltered but I believe the best way to share is to write how I feel.

I worked at Microsoft for 2 years starting in 2017. In 2018 I relocated to Seattle to work on the Mixer team. I was beyond happy and anxious to have the ability to finally work in the gaming industry. The flip side to all of this is crazy, this experience was the worst I've ever had professionally and it's all due to RACISM.

#1 - I was one of the only black people working at Mixer during my tenure. While at a conference I was pulled aside and told that the only reason I was hired is because I am "street smart". The first thing that popped into my head at the time was affirmative action. I believed I was only hired to meet a diversity goal because I was black. Anyways I decided to brush it off and let it go.

#2 - Time goes by and we are in an internal meeting discussing projects we wanted to execute. My manager decided to give us an analogy, that analogy was "I'm in between a rock and a hard place. What I mean is all the partners are my slaves, I own their content. I control their success on our platform. For me I am the slave master, I own partners". Immediately I got angry, pissed off and honestly I didn't want to work at Microsoft/Mixer anymore. My manager saw my mood was not the same and decided to have a 1:1. Within that meeting I told her why I was angry and why her using that analogy was NOT okay. She decided to defend her statement and even had the nerve to google that analogy to prove why it was okay. After Google showed her it was NEVER okay to use that analogy, she told me I need to work on myself. If I wanted to go far in this industry I need to work on my emotions and feelings to similar comments. After this meeting I knew I was leaving.

#3 - I reported my entire experience to a skip level manager, I also included examples when my ideas in meetings were passed on. When said ideas were the exact same from my white colleagues. The skip level NEVER reported any of the slavery comments to HR. So when I spoke with HR they were surprised and said this has never been communicated. After that meeting I resigned a few weeks later.

#4 - I spoke with the legal team to start an investigation with my manager. This investigation would continue even though I decided to terminate my employment. Months go by without a verdict. One day late last year I get a call from the legal team with their final findings. That finding was not guilty! The reason my manager was not penalized and the reason she still has her job today is because she CANNOT be racist. The reason she CANNOT be racist is because she hired a black person.

This is why you haven't seen me in any streams. These four points are the reason I do not and will not support Mixer. Now I have a lot of close friends at Mixer and I don't want you to think they are all bad. But one of the main people calling the shots has zero respect for any partner not their platform. She believes you all are slaves and she owns your future and content. I stood up to her because I refused to let anyone be classified as such and I hope no partners feel bad I did so. I do not care about how big a company is or their market share. If we do not have the same values, if you cannot be intelligent enough to know racism isn't tolerated then I will not work for you or your company.

All in all this was my experience!
- Update- The Racist person still currently works at Microsoft even after Mixer got shut down and another former employee has brought proof that it was all known and ignored

-Update 2

She no longer works at Microsoft

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Tries to be a positive role model
Apr 30, 2019
As a black man...this infuriates me to no end. What she said was 100% inappropriate on every lvl.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That finding was not guilty! The reason my manager was not penalized and the reason she still has her job today is because she CANNOT be racist. The reason she CANNOT be racist is because she hired a black person.

You'd think that something so fucking stupid wouldn't come out of anyone's mouth, but what infuriates me so much is how I can see many people believing dumb shit like this.


Oct 31, 2017
As a black man...this infuriates me to no end. What she said was 100% inappropriate on every lvl.

Heck, I'm a white man and that pisses me off. Both in part with how they see people creating content on their platform, as well as being racist as hell. Never had anything against Mixer, but now I hope it just crashes and burns.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Honestly, this isn't something I expected from a Microsoft company. I thought they were much better about this than other tech companies?


Oct 31, 2017
User Banned (3 days): inappropriate joke

The 37 people using mixer should consider jumping ship.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
Should've name dropped the manager. She needs to be fired. What an asshole

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
wait they didn't fire her because "I'm not racist, one of my best friends is black?" but even less than that? Jesus Microsoft. Bad bad look.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I know from personal experience that Microsoft doesn't do business like this. Unfortunate he got stuck in a group that seemed to be systemically corrupt all the way up to management. When they aren't reporting properly to HR, something is seriously wrong. Hopefully he is able to be re-hired and that leadership team fired.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
Mad as hell for this person, wtf. The fact she doubled down and got away with it too, ridiculous.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, this isn't something I expected from a Microsoft company. I thought they were much better about this than other tech companies?

It doesn't surprise me that shit like this can fall through the cracks with any company of that size. Microsoft needs to take action here though.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, this isn't something I expected from a Microsoft company. I thought they were much better about this than other tech companies?

In a company of 150,000 people it's super likely. My company is only half that size and it's insane how going from one team to another can feel like a completely different world in terms of culture and everything. I assume became Mixer was an acquisition that team is also more self-contained than other internal teams, at least that's how it is in our company.

But Microsoft needs to bring a reckoning upon them. This type of shit needs to be burned out when it's found.


Apr 13, 2019
And this is just one of many. I'm not sure how her not being racist because she hired a black person is valid. All you have to do is point to discrimination cases and it gets thrown out the window. Imagine hiring women and then proceeding to be sexist and go "I can't be sexist. I hired women !". I think he should take this further.
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Oct 28, 2017
Bronx, NY
I know from personal experience that Microsoft doesn't do business like this. Unfortunate he got stuck in a group that seemed to be systemically corrupt all the way up to management. When they aren't reporting properly to HR, something is seriously wrong. Hopefully he is able to be re-hired and that leadership team fired.

If I were in his shoes, even if they were to fire them, I wouldn't go back. Given everything he posted, it's fucked up in more ways than one, that he had to deal with all of that. Microsoft/Mixer needs to hold those people accountable for their actions.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
It doesn't surprise me that shit like this can fall through the cracks with any company of that size. Microsoft needs to take action here though.
In a company of 150,000 people it's super likely. My company is only half that size and it's insane how going from one team to another can feel like a completely different world in terms of culture and everything. I assume became Mixer was an acquisition that team is also more self-contained than other internal teams, at least that's how it is in our company.

But Microsoft needs to bring a reckoning upon them. This type of shit needs to be burned out when it's found.

That's fair. I work for a much smaller tech company, so any shit like this would be known instantly.

One can only hope Microsoft will do the right thing once they find out.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
"I can't be racist I have a black friend" defense still being used in different forms in 2020. Jesus Christ.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not that surprising to hear. A company the size of Microsoft probably has stories/experiences just like this across all of their departments. Hopefully Milly's experience causes a major change from top to bottom.


Oct 30, 2017
That's pretty fucking gross, and even more gross is how they acted when they googled up if it was okay of an analogy and even googled straight up said no.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Awful, Phil + Nadella, this needs to be corrected asap.


The King of Games - One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Even if she doesn't think it was racist, you have to be really dumb to compare your userbase to slaves in an analogy.


Oct 27, 2017
wasn't there recently another news that Mixer has low morale from the people that work there ?
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Oct 27, 2017
Did MS keep majority of the same team when they bought mixer? Would explain a lot of things with what is going on there. Seems like they need new management to run it.
Oct 28, 2017
All the news coming out about what's going inside Mixer makes it sound like a dumpster fire of a place to work.

MS/Xbox need to do a clean-up.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
isnt this also when the og creators where still in charge of mixer(reporting to there ms boss)


Nov 2, 2017
Ignorance isn't an acceptable excuse. Not for a leader or in any company, nevermind a mega-corporation. Nobody should be in a position of power who's either 1) racists or 2) ignorant on the topics of discrimination. There is no way to talk their way out of it. They can get their second chance at another company. Microsoft can't drag their feet on this issue because that would send the wrong message to everyone else.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
"I can't be racist I have a black friend" defense still being used in different forms in 2020. Jesus Christ.

Cops still beating up/killing black people after Floyd, and Karens still being racists on camera.

Racists just can't help themselves. They think they're always in the right somehow.