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King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
First things first, lemme just say that I made it through the entire shift, got dinner and returned home before making this thread. Good? Good. Second off, am I being an asshole for doing this? I went through a temp agency, got a job on a maintenance staff for a mental health facility that will both go unnamed and laid on my ass for a week until my scheduled first day. Now, I'm no handyman, hell I told this to my coordinator when she offered it but she assured me that no experience was required. I thought, "What the hell, I did well at my last two jobs despite having no clue what they entailed before I walked through the door," plus it was paying $10 an hour and it was on first shift. Now, that's the highest I would've ever been paid because career prospects for a college dropout with few practical skills are dismal in this part of the country and it being from 8 to 5, I could finally start taking martial arts again! Not to mention, my new posting was to be in Johnson City, which while not really noteworthy for anything might as well be New York compared to dead-end town I've been living in since middle school.

Last night, I couldn't sleep. This happens to me every time something major's scheduled the next day, like an out-of-state road-trip or somesuch. So I decide to actually look up where in town this facility is, because I spaced on doing that earlier in the week. Can you blame me, I was too busy reading John Scalzi novels and shoving pizza into my maw. That's when a sense of dread began to creep over me. See, the handout giving me the address is telling me it's in Johnson City, but Google is telling me it's in Gray, which while only about five minutes away is still the same kinda ass-backwards, bumfuck-nowhere town I'm trying to escape from.

FUCK ME. Well, whatever. The job still pays better than all of my past ones and if nothing else, then at least I'd have BJJ classes to look forward to after work, right? So I throw some Little Big Town on the radio and head in anyway, might as well give it the ol' college try. Walk into the lobby, get sat down next to some dude in his 60s and wait for my supervisor. This conservatively-dressed guy in his mid-40s comes up to us, his nametag matching the one on my handout. He shakes our hands and introduces us to the person who will be actually supervising us, another 60-year old guy who has history with the first. Then they said something about a van and about how the company has, like, a hundred facilities all over. This was not in the handout I was given. In my naivety, I assumed that I'd just be in one building all day, doing all kinds of things with a toolbox that my dad tried and failed to drill into my head. Nope, our assignment today is to go to this one office in the middle of goddamn nowhere and paint the walls of everything beyond the reception desk during business hours. And we gotta wait half an hour because the fourth guy in our crew hit the snooze button on his alarm.

Once Sleeping Beauty arrives, it takes us a full hour to get to the place and I'm about ready to hurl. The anxiety from the previous night already has me off-tilt and I'm riding in a twenty-year old Caravan driven by a typical Tennessee motorist, by which I mean he doesn't know what turn signals are and will slam on the brakes at a yellow because he's paranoid about cameras. Our geriatric supervisor gets out the tools we need and asks me and Sleeping Beauty if we have any experience painting at all. We don't and my supervisor gives us a thousand-yard stare. Apparently, nobody told him about the newly relaxed requirements for new hires. So he briefly shows us how to trim (because he didn't bother to bring along tape) and tosses us in separate bathrooms to see how well we fare. We don't do that well, neither of us have the dexterity to keep the paint off the doorframes and ceiling tiles. It takes us a while to get our tasks done as we get wrapped up in wiping off errant brush strokes and it this point, you're guessing that the supervisor flipped his shit. Thing is, he didn't. Sure, he pointed out multiple times throughout the shift about how we needed to clean those off, but all in all he was pretty chill about it. So was the office staff, they were completely cool with all of us working around each other, some snide sexist remarks from my supervisor aside. The job were absolutely mundane, no real stress aside from getting paint where I shouldn't be, but for a couple of complete amateurs, we managed to get 60% of the entire job done in one day to the satisfaction of the staff. We even get an "atta-boy" from our supervisor.

That being said, I'm still uneasy. It's still an hour ride back to my car in Gray and I don't know quite know where we're supposed to be when our shift ends at 5p, at the office we're renovating or at the main building? Because if it's the latter, then I won't be able to make those BJJ classes, should I stick with this job. There's also word of a potential weekend shift, which my handout says I shouldn't be subject to, but its track record hasn't been doing well thus far. In any case, at 4:15, we pile back into the minivan and head back to Gray. Unfortunately, Sleeping Beauty brings up the subject of taxes and the shoe I've been waiting for the entire day drops. What follows is a rapid-fire MAGA screed from the two old bastards in front about socialism, how it was the Democrats who actually denied aid to Ukraine and how the economy's the best it's ever been, the Democrats just wanna see us fail, after all this trade deal with China's gonna be GREAT! Sleeping Beauty, for his part, claims he's not into politics but says his dad thinks Trump's great. I can't erase the look of mortification on my face, so I dig into my coat pocket for my iPod so I can drown out their nonsense. Like, I knew it was coming, but still. This is the exact reason I left my last job, because I was tired of entering an all-white environment and be subjected to this unsolicited bullshit every day. Fuck the 10 bucks, fuck being on first shift, I called up my staffing coordinator and asked for a new assignment while I was still in the van. I gave my supervisor some bullshit platitude about how the job was fine, it just wasn't what I was expecting (which was true) and that I'd be willing to work the week, which remains to be seen depending on how my meeting with my coordinator goes in the morning. I have to stop by the agency anyway because she forgot to mention to us that we were all supposed to get screened for TB before we ever went on shift, which would make it three TB tests in as many fucking months.

All of a sudden, I'm contemplating moving in with my mother and seeing how the job market is out there. Then I remember she's deep in snowbird country and my rep would be Matt fucking Gaetz. Like goddamn, it should not be this hard to find a job where I'm not the only non-white or non-straight person in the room. And also, I got oil paint on my favorite pair of jeans. I liked these jeans, I wouldn't have worn them had I known I'd be doing this all day.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Dumb question, but have you considered retail? Because Target and Walmart start people at like $12/hr now, and I think Kroger is around there too. Granted retail isn't great by any means and finding a store that will hire you with full time hours on your desired shift might not be easy, it's better than $10/hr and you can work toward something better.
King Alamat

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
Dumb question, but have you considered retail? Because Target and Walmart start people at like $12/hr now, and I think Kroger is around there too. Granted retail isn't great by any means and finding a store that will hire you with full time hours on your desired shift might not be easy, it's better than $10/hr and you can work toward something better.
Tried, never got anywhere because of the online personality assessments. Also, I doubt retail's gonna be $12/hr, I'm in Tennessee; I'd be surprised if they pay above minimum. Like, the only time I've ever gotten a job is through an agency, staffing and rehabilitative, I've never actually gotten a call back from filling out an application.

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Oct 27, 2017
Tried, never got anywhere because of the online personality assessments. Also, I doubt retail's gonna be $12/hr, I'm in Tennessee; I'd be surprised if they pay above minimum. Like, the only time I've ever gotten a job is through an agency, staffing and rehabilitative, I've never actually gotten a call back from filling out an application.

Have you looked at being a mailman or other government jobs like that? No college degree needed and good pay. Sorry, I know this isn't the point of your post!


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America


Oct 26, 2017
$10 an hour for painting wtf.

Man, you are in Tennessee. As a poc you already know what's up. Been there man, don't let these assholes throw you off your money.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes you gotta do a shit job if you ever want to get a job that's not shit. Not to mention good luck finding a job where you don't have an asshat here or there, if it's not politics it'll be some other reason you can't stand their ass.


Oct 25, 2017
OP I'm still only part way through your post - I can maybe binge the rest at the weekend, but does your job require a lot of intenseive use of chronological tense for narrative and geographical clarity - or useful paragraph breaks? If so then your instincts might be correct. Again I will know more by Sunday evening or so.


Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
If it was just it being new and something you aren't good at, I'd say stick with it at least a week but you're just going to be miserable there. Move in with mom if you have to so you can get out of there. Maybe check with other agencies in the city and tell them you won't take anything not in the city.


Oct 27, 2017
Gray is only like 15 minutes from Johnson City, it's basically a suburb...

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
I wanted to quit my current job after the first day too. It's now a year later and I was promoted 2 months ago. Give it sometime to settle ion first. Being new at something you're not good at happens with every job. Hell, my current job's training was pretty lackluster yet after a few months, I became a pro.

That said, if you want to quit, I still think looking for a job while you have a job is still the best policy. I got laid off around October last year and while I found a job 4 months later, I'm not going to pretend there wasn't any anxiety during those 4 months. Having some money is always better than having no money.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Tried, never got anywhere because of the online personality assessments. Also, I doubt retail's gonna be $12/hr, I'm in Tennessee; I'd be surprised if they pay above minimum. Like, the only time I've ever gotten a job is through an agency, staffing and rehabilitative, I've never actually gotten a call back from filling out an application.
I'm in Alabama and they start at $12. If you're even somewhat interested it's worth just going into a store and talking to a manager or especially the personnel/hiring manager, that can go a long way.

If you're not I wouldn't blame you, retail can suck and a big reason I've struggled to get out of it is lack of valuable skills and anybody willing to hire me won't pay as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't you ask the Temp Agency to place you with a different company?

Isn't that like the only benefit to working through a temp agency?


Oct 28, 2017
Stay on the job while you're getting paid to be trained in manual labor jobs you have no knowledge about. Once you quit you will have a boatload of different abilities you never had before.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
As I'm in California, I get saddled with Trump talk....from fellow Latinos. I work in the finance sector so I guess conservatism is big with them but jeez. They're not Trumpsters but they're totally very conservative-leaning indepedents that trash-talk Democrats and think Trump is funny.


Nov 2, 2017
Sounds like you live in a Red State. Unless you are working in one of the big cities, statistically you're gonna have to deal with plenty of Red Caps. Just the reality of your location.


Oct 27, 2017
If you can afford to quit, then quit.

Also, the guy painting existing office space without painter's tape, especially with beginners on the crew, is just asking for mistakes.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds awful, OP. Have you thought about going back to school? Look into community college if you have one nearby.


Oct 31, 2017
Man i hate to say it but you're going to run into people whose views you hate no matter what.
I make good money in IT. I live in Oregon just an hour away from Portland. Like 80% of the team i directly work with are my age and mostly chill but there are STILL crazy ass old as fuck Trump ass losers who failed their way into their technical analyst roles cause they've been here for 20 years or whatever.
You're never gonna find the perfect thing. Just head down, hustle, get money and get gone when your ready. Sucks but thems the breaks.


Oct 25, 2017
We just had a thread on this website full of mail carriers saying it's one of the most soul crushing jobs out there.
I don't know if I would want to be a full-time carrier at the Post Office, but they have part-time positions that pay $18.56/hour. This dude was happy to be getting $10.

There should be plenty of Rural Carrier Assistant positions in Tennessee. There are currently 27 positions being filled in the state, according to their jobs site.

I can't speak to diversity at all Post Offices, but here in FL they definitely have a ton of Black & Hispanic employees.


Oct 25, 2017
Costco starts at 15 and has good benefits though I hear it's hard to get hired as their turnover is crazy low


Oct 27, 2017
I agree with the sentiment that you should try retail if you don't want to do temp manual labor. Also I know it might not think like it right now, but your goal is to grab up experience and skills right now. You aren't going to list your BJJ classes on your resume, but you can act like you are an experience painter after a week of painting.

Also if you are looking for this mythical workplace that is going to be nothing but people that have similar views as you, you are going to be searching for a long time. Like I work in a blue state but my workplace always has people saying insane political views. As long as they aren't actively infringing on me or others, it isn't a big deal but if you are the kind of person that can't handle hearing random people talk about Trump 2024, then you might want to work from home.


Dec 7, 2018
I would at least give it a week. You had the typical first day jitters and anxiety but now you know at least the basics. See how the rest of the week goes and it's still crappy then move on.


Oct 27, 2017
That was surprisingly entertaining to read, despite having to turn on reader mode.

I ain't got anything to tell you, OP. Unless you find a way to move far away, i fear that's your deal, job-wise.

However, why don't you try your hand at writing? It's an interesting hobby to keep the mind busy.

Also, high five for reading Scalzi instead of sleeping, lol.
King Alamat

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
Can't you ask the Temp Agency to place you with a different company?

Isn't that like the only benefit to working through a temp agency?
I did, the decision now is do I work the remaining week so they can find a replacement or do I just dip? Like, I'm not psyched about it, but I'll do it. The job isn't exactly hard, I just don't like feeling like I'm behind enemy lines for half the day. Hell, I kinda wish I was working in a plant, the chaos in that kind of environment grants you some level of anonymity, at least from my experience.

Sounds like you live in a Red State. Unless you are working in one of the big cities, statistically you're gonna have to deal with plenty of Red Caps. Just the reality of your location.
The thing is, when I worked as a DSP, every manager I had was gay, a third of my colleagues were African immigrants and the conservative lady I worked with every day was more of a "both sides are idiots" kind of person. Where there full-throated MAGATs? Of course, but I only had to be around them for five minutes at most and they loved the shit outta me because I have a very friendly demeanor... in passing.


Oct 25, 2017
Tried, never got anywhere because of the online personality assessments. Also, I doubt retail's gonna be $12/hr, I'm in Tennessee; I'd be surprised if they pay above minimum. Like, the only time I've ever gotten a job is through an agency, staffing and rehabilitative, I've never actually gotten a call back from filling out an application.
Target now starts at $13 an hour anywhere in the country and IIRC Walmart isn't that far behind because competition and all that fun jazz. Target will be $15/hour by the end of the year though. The problem has more to do with hours I would say TBH.

I quit Target a few months ago after three years for other reasons that mostly involved my store being ran by the most incompetent people we've ever had holy fuck. The pay isn't my complaint though haha.


Nov 3, 2017
User warned: For driveby/low effort post; hostility to other posters
Holy fuck you're a whiner


Oct 27, 2017
I can't imagine there's any job that's not gonna have you hear some Trump support in Tennessee.


Oct 27, 2017
Dont wear your good/favourite clothes to work, you shouldnt need to know what you're doing to know that.

I've seen people quit jobs by first break so after first day isnt... well, its irritating but could be worse. lol
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