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Oct 27, 2017
I think I'll be starting to slow down in this game (at least until they provide new in modes), the current cycle is starting to get a bit repetitive.

Also, having to pull for Arena bonus units (yeah yeah I know you can use Anna/Alfonse/Shareena) to keep my Arena rank has been exhausting at times.

Good man!

Pulling for Tempest bonus is even worse


Oct 25, 2017
Amelia was the best chance for a Sacred Stones character breaking through. Don't think that's going to happen for a long time now.


Oct 26, 2017
Meh I'm just salty both my favorite characters lost even though they were more popular due to multiplier shenanigans.


Oct 27, 2017
Shanna..? Are you serious, wow.

On a much brighter note FINALLY we have a date for FEH Channel, feels like ages since the last one, hoping for tons of content.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Had no other VG Units so chose Shanna soon as it went up

this is working out very well lol


Oct 29, 2017
Florida, USA
Welp, Soren lost. GGs Takumi.

Time to 4 star this spare Shanna and train her. Luckily she's +SPD, plus I have 2 neutral ones.

Mini edit to put this under a spoiler just in case people are waiting for tomorrow to see the results.


Oct 30, 2017
Well, on the plus side I finally actually pulled an Amelia. Should be able to manage an armor team just in time for the extra missions.

Went ahead and opened all five orbs and got a dupe Brave Roy as well. I'm guessing I'm better off using him to +1 my other Roy instead of giving someone Steady Blow?


Oct 27, 2017
Man, the multiplier crap makes the VG even more unappealing than before. I hope there won't be another until IS finally figures out how to make these events fun ... oh well, joining Takumi, whom i don't like at.all. but outside of the 5 matches for the orbs and coins i won't bother with it anymore. The feather rewards aren't really enough to keep me interested in.

Oh Feh-Channel next week? So no new heroes on monday then, guess the Halloween heroes get another week at the Arena?


Nov 4, 2017
So what can I do with my +hp - spd Waifu Cordelia?

Cupid Arrow +
Rally Attack

Is all I have on her right now, I have 609 sp to spare ATM.

Is it worth giving her LAD 2 to patch up her speed bane?


Oct 27, 2017
So what can I do with my +hp - spd Waifu Cordelia?

Cupid Arrow +
Rally Attack

Is all I have on her right now, I have 609 sp to spare ATM.

Is it worth giving her LAD 2 to patch up her speed bane?

Dunno if the Firesweep-build is viable with -spd ... though, with -spd i think she also won't be reliably able to quad many enemies, so maybe go with Brave Bow and Deathblow instead of LaD. But i'm not an expert on builds, might want to wait for additional comments.


Oct 26, 2017
RIP Soren. You had a good run.

Anyway, I'm on team Shanna now. I don't have a Takumi, and I pulled a 4* Shanna on my free summon on her banner. Let's go!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
VG is the most pointless mode. It went to a popularity contest to a get most feathers contest like the other modes.


Oct 26, 2017
Yep, VG has no real interest, and it's pretty telling that the best "strategy" to it is to use level 1 heroes... but hey, I'll take the easy orbs and coins it brings! ^^
At least you don't have to grind it to get those, so I'm pretty indifferent to this mode in the end.


Oct 25, 2017
Halifax, Nova Scotia
-Atk 5* Kagero :-( I'm guessing just hang onto Poison Dagger+ for someone else?

Came on a Elincia pull that's -Spd (+Def) but Swift Sparrow and flier buffs should patch that up.


Oct 25, 2017
You think Hinoka is more popular by definition because she's from Fates? Some entitlement there. Maybe if she was available at 4*. She might as well not exist for me lol


Oct 25, 2017
I think we should let go of the concept of popularity. Not everyone who played FExx is playing FEH. Not everyone playing FEH has played FExx. For me, I chose Shanna simply because I have her at 4* which nets me more points. I don't even like her that much in FE6.
Oct 25, 2017
lol I still don't get why VG makes people salty, its effortless quick runs periodically for a few thousand feathers, 12 orbs, and now 135 coins


Nov 4, 2017
Dunno if the Firesweep-build is viable with -spd ... though, with -spd i think she also won't be reliably able to quad many enemies, so maybe go with Brave Bow and Deathblow instead of LaD. But i'm not an expert on builds, might want to wait for additional comments.

I don't have access to firesweep so I guess brave bow plus is the way to go. I do have a spare Reinhardt for db3 I could use....

Really hope they let us turn bad units into neutral ivs sometime soon.....


Oregon tag
Oct 25, 2017
1 It is a horrible game mode
2 It is usless
3 Many find it boring and stupid
4 It add nothing to the game itself.

5 The game would be better without it.

I think this is silly, log in the game 4-12 (times depending on how bad your luck is wtih friends) and you get a ton of rewards for doing nothing.

I reallydon't care who wins this.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't particularly care for VG as a game mode, I certainly don't want it gone though, unless it was replaced by another way to earn feathers.

Regardless, I do find it strange the level of animosity it generates between teams, people taking it way too seriously.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't particularly care for VG as a game mode, I certainly don't want it gone though, unless it was replaced by another way to earn feathers.

Regardless, I do find it strange the level of animosity it generates between teams, people taking it way too seriously.
I definitely want more substantial content, but VG is fucking excellent for how little effort it takes, 5 matches or so every two days is plenty to maximize the relevant rewards. By then you will still get a few thousand feathers, all the orbs, and all the coins. A nice change of pace from Tempest trials where you really have to grind it out to be rewarded


Oct 26, 2017
I think this is silly, log in the game 4-12 (times depending on how bad your luck is wtih friends) and you get a ton of rewards for doing nothing.

I reallydon't care who wins this.
No one care about how win, other than obsessed people about characters..
If they gift you things, don't means it's a fair or nice content...


Oct 26, 2017
I think this is silly, log in the game 4-12 (times depending on how bad your luck is wtih friends) and you get a ton of rewards for doing nothing.

I reallydon't care who wins this.

I mean these are the reasons why it's a bad mode. You get rewards for doing nothing and there's not reason to care who wins.


Oregon tag
Oct 25, 2017
I mean these are the reasons why it's a bad mode. You get rewards for doing nothing and there's not reason to care who wins.

1. There's player engagement, you don't want to give rewards for people logging in only, you do want to reward people for playing in short minute bursts.
2. This gives a chance for players to use other units that they don't own (its the one thing friends units are really good in gacha games, to get people jealous about their gacha units).
3. I don't care, but honestly a lot of people do which is kinda scary.

Most gacha game events are useless, but they need the player engagement. Yes they do need another event type other than TT and VG but hopefully we get one soon with the Feh Channel.


Oct 26, 2017
1. There's player engagement, you don't want to give rewards for people logging in only, you do want to reward people for playing in short minute bursts.
2. This gives a chance for players to use other units that they don't own (its the one thing friends units are really good in gacha games, to get people jealous about their gacha units).
3. I don't care, but honestly a lot of people do which is kinda scary.

Most gacha game events are useless, but they need the player engagement. Yes they do need another event type other than TT and VG but hopefully we get one soon with the Feh Channel.

If i have to daily log in, for play a boring mode that give me nothing other than rewards, i would probably get bored after the second month reiteration of the same things..
Give daily rewards over something that it's boring, easy, and ultrafast to do is worse than give bigger daily rewards..
I can at least spent my time in a more constructive way.

it's clearly a placeholder mode, and in my way to see the the game it would be cooler to put more special maps with re used free characters or with special quests
Oct 25, 2017
Really excited by this new FEH Channel thing! They feel like some sort of Mini Nintendo Direct to me.
I've been calling them micro-Directs due to their specific focus on this silly little game.

My current wish list:
  1. Move the random badges from Saturday-Monday to Friday-Sunday. I'm tired of getting colorless badges on Friday when I'm grinding SP.
  2. More orbs. Don't get me wrong, I think the free orb rate is still quite generous. I just want more orbs. (morbs?)
  3. Demote a few heroes to 3*. For skill inheritance purposes, and I'm sure it'd be hilarious to see the reactions to someone's favorite hero being booted to the minors.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
My idea:
Pool rebalance: Drop the 3-4 star units to 3 star only, drop the original 4-5 star units like Peri, Cain and Effie to 4 star only. Healers are 4/3 star only now.
Modes: A mode where you can make your own special challenge like the developer ones last month.
Gameplay: Laguz/beast units, also healer revamp to give them 5 star staves(the + weapons or the other classes)


Oct 25, 2017
I like Voting Gauntlets, they let me play with other peoples' units, which I find really interesting.

I love seeing some of the unique stuff on both sides of the field.
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