
This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
Man how does DRK still have an issue with self-sustain lol. TBN still sucks compared to the equivalent abilities that the other tanks have.

This go round it doesn't even pump damage to make up for its shortcomings. Crazy how it's just worse Warrior now.

I still maintain that DRK would be totally badass as the opposite of WAR, where it can turn on a stance to pump out insanely high damage by spending HP, making a Healer's concentrated effort essential to staying alive during an optimal burst. It doesn't work at all with the current balance philosophy, but god would it be cool.


Oct 25, 2017
(if the Ascians had a reflection on the verge of a lightning rejoining for the past twenty years at least, why did they never move forward to it and instead move on to the 7th calamity and the failed 8th instead??) Lotta open questions
I've been wondering if Alexandria is from a reflection that was rejoined or not. The existence of the barrier seems like a little pocket of a dead world, but it's possible like you said they were on the verge of a rejoining but didn't finish the job. I'm assuming because there wasn't a similar lightning themed calamity in the source to soak up the aether/reflection and Black Rose and the flood of Light were more readily at hand.

Man how does DRK still have an issue with self-sustain lol. TBN still sucks compared to the equivalent abilities that the other tanks have.

This go round it doesn't even pump damage to make up for its shortcomings. Crazy how it's just worse Warrior now.
Can't speak for extremes or savages but I managed to survive 6 vuln stacks in one of the level 100 dungeons as a DRK with a dead healer long enough to kill the boss. If that's the low end of tank survivability then wow.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
I've been wondering if Alexandria is from a reflection that was rejoined or not. The existence of the barrier seems like a little pocket of a dead world, but it's possible like you said they were on the verge of a rejoining but didn't finish the job. I'm assuming because there wasn't a similar lightning themed calamity in the source to soak up the aether/reflection and Black Rose and the flood of Light were more readily at hand.

Can't speak for extremes or savages but I managed to survive 6 vuln stacks in one of the level 100 dungeons as a DRK with a dead healer long enough to kill the boss. If that's the low end of tank survivability then wow.

for comparison, every tank except DRK can solo bosses in dungeons


Oct 25, 2017
Seems that way, yeah
What is Cenote Ja Ja Gural?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I get why Wuk Lamat may not be for everyone but I can't help but love her. I think a big part of it may be because she's voiced by a fellow Puerto Rican so I feel even slightly represented in a video game for once but even then I think she's endearing.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've been wondering if Alexandria is from a reflection that was rejoined or not. The existence of the barrier seems like a little pocket of a dead world, but it's possible like you said they were on the verge of a rejoining but didn't finish the job. I'm assuming because there wasn't a similar lightning themed calamity in the source to soak up the aether/reflection and Black Rose and the flood of Light were more readily at hand.
This was my initial thought as well, supported by the fact that Living Memory could no longer be sustained by their planet's own resources(because there IS no more planet). The way that the voice from the gate(likely Sphene) talking to Zoraal Ja about making a deal seemed very desperate, almost as if they were literally trapped in their Lightning bubble with no recourse but to slowly start shutting down the terminals in order to conserve what power they had left. Felt sorta like a "letting the genie out of the bottle" situation. What I'd love to know is how modern Alexandria(Solution Nine/Everkeep) fit together with Living Memory. As we now know, the very top of Everkeep was essentially lopped off when it was ported over to the Source... it'd be kinda interesting if Everkeep is one half of the bubble/barrier and Living Memory is the other half. That's IF Alexandria was the only thing remaining from its reflection, something that I don't think is confirmed either way. But like.. it'd probably be a surviving chunk of the Twelfth following the Second Umbral Calamity, right? The lightning one?? I think this theory makes "the Unlost World" moniker make a lot of sense.

Another interesting thing to think about is where electrope came from, since it's theoretically unique to their reflection. As a plot device it screams "Ascian interference," as far as them dropping a potent conflict-serving catalyst into their world meant to drive up levels of aether specifically aspected to a certain element. Wonder if it was essentially an artificial element that they creation magicked into existence. It would be ironic if the Ascians doomed their shard with this stuff but it also allowed this supercharged lightning bubble to survive out in the rift.


Dec 3, 2018
Puerto Rico
I get why Wuk Lamat may not be for everyone but I can't help but love her. I think a big part of it may be because she's voiced by a fellow Puerto Rican so I feel even slightly represented in a video game for once but even then I think she's endearing.
Was glad to see an important character be voice by a fellow Puerto Rican and even more representation by being a trans woman too.


Oct 28, 2017
I get why Wuk Lamat may not be for everyone but I can't help but love her. I think a big part of it may be because she's voiced by a fellow Puerto Rican so I feel even slightly represented in a video game for once but even then I think she's endearing.
shes a better version of lyse for sure.
great journey and she willing to take part and express hersef. lyse char felt like, you did the dirty work and she is there to claim it lol.

zoraal ja is slightly better shape than zenos but they really dropped the ball after the first trial. i was hoping they expand more onto zoraal bg after the first trial for comradery sake. but its back to know next to nothing of his anger etc until he explain in words at his death. which felt weak. i want scenes or more indept journey, so that it can raise to almost emet's status of a great villian.
i guess they want to do that for sphene but its kinda short because she was introduced much later.

man, when can we get another emet kinda villian. he's like the eorzean loki. the loveable villian that had alot of indept bg building up empathy for.
Last edited:


This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
This was my initial thought as well, supported by the fact that Living Memory could no longer be sustained by their planet's own resources(because there IS no more planet). The way that the voice from the gate(likely Sphene) talking to Zoraal Ja about making a deal seemed very desperate, almost as if they were literally trapped in their Lightning bubble with no recourse but to slowly start shutting down the terminals in order to conserve what power they had left. Felt sorta like a "letting the genie out of the bottle" situation. What I'd love to know is how modern Alexandria(Solution Nine/Everkeep) fit together with Living Memory. As we now know, the very top of Everkeep was essentially lopped off when it was ported over to the Source... it'd be kinda interesting if Everkeep is one half of the bubble/barrier and Living Memory is the other half. That's IF Alexandria was the only thing remaining from its reflection, something that I don't think is confirmed either way. But like.. it'd probably be a surviving chunk of the Twelfth following the Second Umbral Calamity, right? The lightning one?? I think this theory makes "the Unlost World" moniker make a lot of sense.

Another interesting thing to think about is where electrope came from, since it's theoretically unique to their reflection. As a plot device it screams "Ascian interference," as far as them dropping a potent conflict-serving catalyst into their world meant to drive up levels of aether specifically aspected to a certain element. Wonder if it was essentially an artificial element that they creation magicked into existence. It would be ironic if the Ascians doomed their shard with this stuff but it also allowed this supercharged lightning bubble to survive out in the rift.

My very first thought when we learned about electrope being the catalyst for the wars and eventual storm surge was that it was artificially introduced by an Ascian. I don't think they counted on the south sea islanders showing up from the source though because their techniques allowed the use of the material to advance to insane levels and eventually the barrier itself.

I fully believe that Living Memory is literally all that's left of the reflection after Everkeep which was "fused" to the Source, the rest being literal nothingness left over from the lightning calamity caused a 99% rejoining. Obviously Emet was aware to some extent of what occurred or else he would not have mentioned the south sea islanders disappearance to us. But that begs the question, did they know that Everkeep survived the rest of the reflection collapsing? If so, why not intervene to finish them off? Did it not matter because it was such a small fragment? Presumably the fragment of Zodiark contained in that shard's moon rejoined the source, so it was gravy for them and they didn't want to bother with this little bubble which would eventually burst on its own.

edit: a complete aside, but as someone who started the game as an Arcanist, those first class quests still have a special place in my heart and learning about the art's advancement in another reflection felt special and cool in a personal way.

edit 2: All clues point towards the Unlost World being the 12th shard (the one that rejoined to cause the second umbral calamity aspected to lighting), which makes me wonder why no one points this out in the MSQ, especially G'raha as (if I recall correctly) he was the one who showed us the big shard rejoining visual representation thing.

edit 3: I just realized that the south sea islanders fled the source when the ice calamity happened much after the lightning calamity happened, so for the timeline to make any sense, the key had to have enabled them to time travel and travel across shards. Another explanation would be that this isn't the 12th, but maybe the 11th or 9th shard and that Everkeep sitting in its bubble was "primed" for a second lighting based rejoining sometime after the 1st rejoined in G'raha's original doomed timeline. Lol, I really hope we have a conversation with someone in the patch quests with new information to help puzzle out which numbered shard it actually is.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
I wanted my Mentor Roulette back for some reason, so I had to do all the EW EX fights that I didn't get around to last year. Hey, one was even in my Wondrous Tales this week, how hard can it be?

Oh lord, what a disparate bunch at lvl 100. Some were a complete cakewalk with a danger dorito like Mount Ordeals, Endsinger and Zodiark. Storm's Crown was chaos but we muddled through somehow. Golbez and Zeromus can bite my ass with those party wipe mechanics.

I guess I did Hydaelyn already and completely forgot about it. lol


Dec 29, 2023
Hey everyone!

Midas Touch (Zalera) of PvP Revival here.

Just letting you know we are planning to get Rival Wings matches kicked off for Dawntrail over on Dynamis at 6PM PST/9PM EST on Saturday, 7/13/24. This is the best DC to use as it allows all other NA DCs to meet up and play together.

This is the best mode to grind out your PvP series ranks as it also provides decent job EXP every match rather than just once per day.

See you there!


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
My very first thought when we learned about electrope being the catalyst for the wars and eventual storm surge was that it was artificially introduced by an Ascian. I don't think they counted on the south sea islanders showing up from the source though because their techniques allowed the use of the material to advance to insane levels and eventually the barrier itself.

I fully believe that Living Memory is literally all that's left of the reflection after Everkeep which was "fused" to the Source, the rest being literal nothingness left over from the lightning calamity caused a 99% rejoining. Obviously Emet was aware to some extent of what occurred or else he would not have mentioned the south sea islanders disappearance to us. But that begs the question, did they know that Everkeep survived the rest of the reflection collapsing? If so, why not intervene to finish them off? Did it not matter because it was such a small fragment? Presumably the fragment of Zodiark contained in that shard's moon rejoined the source, so it was gravy for them and they didn't want to bother with this little bubble which would eventually burst on its own.

edit: a complete aside, but as someone who started the game as an Arcanist, those first class quests still have a special place in my heart and learning about the art's advancement in another reflection felt special and cool in a personal way.

edit 2: All clues point towards the Unlost World being the 12th shard (the one that rejoined to cause the second umbral calamity aspected to lighting), which makes me wonder why no one points this out in the MSQ, especially G'raha as (if I recall correctly) he was the one who showed us the big shard rejoining visual representation thing.

edit 3: I just realized that the south sea islanders fled the source when the ice calamity happened much after the lightning calamity happened, so for the timeline to make any sense, the key had to have enabled them to time travel and travel across shards. Another explanation would be that this isn't the 12th, but maybe the 11th or 9th shard and that Everkeep sitting in its bubble was "primed" for a second lighting based rejoining sometime after the 1st rejoined in G'raha's original doomed timeline. Lol, I really hope we have a conversation with someone in the patch quests with new information to help puzzle out which numbered shard it actually is.

Yeah, the South Seas Lalafells break any hope of it being the twelfth, unless the inadvertently time travelled or something ridiculous like that. Seems like it's either

1. They were on the verge of a rejoining like the First, and everything except Living Memory is in the flood of lightning. This prompts some questions about why the Ascians sat on it so long — was there really just no opportunity in those 20+ years for a lightning calamity on the source? Do they actually have all the reflections primed like this for quick rejoining when an opportunity presents? If so, is that going to require immediate action to remedy all of those so we don't get accidental rejoinings?

2. It was primed, and then went over the threshold without a corresponding event in the Source, so now you have some sort of lightning void. No idea what that even looks like.

3. It did rejoin, and there has been an 8th rejoining we were previously unaware of. Maybe that's your hook to Meracydia if it turns out there was a full-on calamity whose effects were only felt there?

4. The world actually weathered the calamity, and there is some society going on outside the dome. I don't think that's super likely, both because of the severity of what they've shown, and because I doubt the writers want a whole planet of FF9 references floating around out there.

5. Some other, weirder, new phenomenon they haven't explained yet

So in all likelihood, one way or another we're down to only 3 unexplored reflections remaining


Dec 28, 2017


I'm very impressed with the new lighting, and the sharper facial definition for my character.

I wish the facial hair was a bit higher def, but it still looks great in everything except for super up close shots:


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm forcefully ending my OCD-driven Fantasia/name change buying spree. Anyone want to share similar sob stories to make me feel less like a failure.


Sep 12, 2023
Yeah, the South Seas Lalafells break any hope of it being the twelfth, unless the inadvertently time travelled or something ridiculous like that.

Given past events in the MSQ I think you're overselling how ridiculous it is.

The one other time we have Shard travel that doesn't involve intentional, targeted summoning or sending is G'raha Tia's move to the first, which also involved time travel.

We've also had an entire raid series in HW and 2/3rds of another raid series and some MSQ in EW based around time travel already. It's not like it's something the writers haven't reached for before.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just curious but how are people feeling about some of the job changes now we've had some time to settle in? I know there's a few that people seem pretty disappointed in like DRK and BLM.

Personally I'm an AST main, probably somewhere between casual and hardcore as I don't do savage since the IRL time slots needed aren't really viable for me, and I did miss the golden age of cards in HW, but I'm really happy with where it's at currently. It's busy as hell, I don't feel like there's any real gaps in the kit even if the odd card feels a little useless, and it feels like there's room to get pretty involved in the job without needing to aim for the 1% of the harcore players.

MP management feels like it's a factor again but also easy to handle provided you keep the draws going when open and same with lucid, just don't quite have the infinite pool of the EW kit. All in all I prefer it to EW, ShB and SB so I'm not gonna complain.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
At least once a week I get the urge to change my miqote's name from Verdant to V'rdant. Must resist.


Oct 27, 2017
Just curious but how are people feeling about some of the job changes now we've had some time to settle in? I know there's a few that people seem pretty disappointed in like DRK and BLM.

Personally I'm an AST main, probably somewhere between casual and hardcore as I don't do savage since the IRL time slots needed aren't really viable for me, and I did miss the golden age of cards in HW, but I'm really happy with where it's at currently. It's busy as hell, I don't feel like there's any real gaps in the kit even if the odd card feels a little useless, and it feels like there's room to get pretty involved in the job without needing to aim for the 1% of the harcore players.

MP management feels like it's a factor again but also easy to handle provided you keep the draws going when open and same with lucid, just don't quite have the infinite pool of the EW kit. All in all I prefer it to EW, ShB and SB so I'm not gonna complain.
I'm a WAR main. Feels like the exact same job with more damage buttons to press. Just the way I like it, please don't mess with anything else!

I'm also WHM and it also feels basically the same, but with a dash now!


Oct 26, 2017
I'm bored half to death and I haven't unlocked the first dungeon yet. Shut the fuck up Fonnjean I don't care about your story man.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Just curious but how are people feeling about some of the job changes now we've had some time to settle in? I know there's a few that people seem pretty disappointed in like DRK and BLM.

Personally I'm an AST main, probably somewhere between casual and hardcore as I don't do savage since the IRL time slots needed aren't really viable for me, and I did miss the golden age of cards in HW, but I'm really happy with where it's at currently. It's busy as hell, I don't feel like there's any real gaps in the kit even if the odd card feels a little useless, and it feels like there's room to get pretty involved in the job without needing to aim for the 1% of the harcore players.

MP management feels like it's a factor again but also easy to handle provided you keep the draws going when open and same with lucid, just don't quite have the infinite pool of the EW kit. All in all I prefer it to EW, ShB and SB so I'm not gonna complain.

GNB: Feels AMAZING. Great example of how adding just a buttton or two can really improve how a job feels to play. AOE Continuation should have always been a thing, and syncing without it is going to be painful. And the Lion Heart combo is maybe the most satisfying set of moves in the game. The sound effects, the animations… it's pure dopamine. 2 minute No Mercy windows feel way better now. And since it does AOE damage, GNB AOE feels even better than it did with just the AOE continuation lol…

MCH: It feels pretty okay. By far the best change is the new animations for Heat Blast/Gauss/Ricochet. They're smooth as hell. Drill/Bioblaster having charges does a lot to make the job feel less punishing, and Excavator/FMF are quite satisfying. The job still doesn't feel cohesive in AOE though which is what really should have gotten adjusted- it's a huge problem IMO and needs to be addressed.


This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
At least once a week I get the urge to change my miqote's name from Verdant to V'rdant. Must resist.

My male Keeper of the Moon is named Rello Savrem. I've been tempted to change his name to Rello'to to be more lore friendly but I've basically decided that he dropped the birth order suffix for [backstory reasons].


Oct 25, 2017
Having a non standard Miqo'te name and it becoming part of your WoL lore seems to happen frequently.

(Mine was adopted)


Oct 25, 2017
Being a healer main means having the best ShB role questline. God I love Giott. Caster's a close second though.


Oct 27, 2017
San Francisco
Just curious but how are people feeling about some of the job changes now we've had some time to settle in? I know there's a few that people seem pretty disappointed in like DRK and BLM.

Personally I'm an AST main, probably somewhere between casual and hardcore as I don't do savage since the IRL time slots needed aren't really viable for me, and I did miss the golden age of cards in HW, but I'm really happy with where it's at currently. It's busy as hell, I don't feel like there's any real gaps in the kit even if the odd card feels a little useless, and it feels like there's room to get pretty involved in the job without needing to aim for the 1% of the harcore players.

MP management feels like it's a factor again but also easy to handle provided you keep the draws going when open and same with lucid, just don't quite have the infinite pool of the EW kit. All in all I prefer it to EW, ShB and SB so I'm not gonna complain.
Bard feels much smoother now that Pitch Perfect is AOE, songs don't need a target and the Hawk's Eye addition. I also really like that I can have the full duration of Mage's Ballad with the upgraded Bloodletter. I still wish they'd do something to make Sidewinder interesting because it just feels like it's just there.

White Mage feels fine. The mobility is super helpful and the new skills don't shake up the playstyle much but they're nice additions. I feel like once I've gone through my Glare IV burst, the job feels the same as before. Kind of feel the same way about Dark Knight so far. It's... fine. I don't mind the consolidation of Blood Weapon/Delirium or the new gap closer but I feel like it's missing something? Oblation and Shadowbringer kinda feel like half-baked components in DRK's toolkit imo.


Oct 25, 2017
thanks for all the advice on teamcraft/garland bell. i was able to cap crafting yesterday. now i gotta figure what to do next


Oct 25, 2017
I got six bottles of Mtn Dew when I went to the store today. As much as I love soda, I don't drink enough to actually drink six bottles before the promo ends in a few days. Trying to figure out what to do other than just popping all six caps for the codes and then putting them in the fridge to drink flat later, lol.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just curious but how are people feeling about some of the job changes now we've had some time to settle in? I know there's a few that people seem pretty disappointed in like DRK and BLM.

Personally I'm an AST main, probably somewhere between casual and hardcore as I don't do savage since the IRL time slots needed aren't really viable for me, and I did miss the golden age of cards in HW, but I'm really happy with where it's at currently. It's busy as hell, I don't feel like there's any real gaps in the kit even if the odd card feels a little useless, and it feels like there's room to get pretty involved in the job without needing to aim for the 1% of the harcore players.

MP management feels like it's a factor again but also easy to handle provided you keep the draws going when open and same with lucid, just don't quite have the infinite pool of the EW kit. All in all I prefer it to EW, ShB and SB so I'm not gonna complain.
Ninja's 95% the same with the exception of the Ten Chi Jin follow up in single target and the Armor Crush change, which is fine. I feel like I'm doing more positioning during the filler rotation which is probably all I really needed, vs. the previous incarnation where it was a very important, very hands-off maintenance buff twice a minute before parking behind the boss again. It's a good change.

AOE kit is kicking. All of its previous ST-only buffs now have AOE applications, and I appreciate having the Doton-Hoton-Koton cadence in opening fights when I have those cooldowns. Once I get more comfortable with the timings of trash pulls so I know when I can and shouldn't use those cooldowns, I'm going to have a ton of fun with it.


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
Can't speak for extremes or savages but I managed to survive 6 vuln stacks in one of the level 100 dungeons as a DRK with a dead healer long enough to kill the boss. If that's the low end of tank survivability then wow.

DRK is fine on bosses, it struggles on trash pulls as they output way more damage consistently.

Every other tank gets a MASSIVE update to their low CD defensive in shadowbringers to give sustain, TBN as not changed, it needs a buff to add sustain or they need to add a heal to Quietus per target or lower the CD for Abyssal Drain for packs.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the South Seas Lalafells break any hope of it being the twelfth, unless the inadvertently time travelled or something ridiculous like that. Seems like it's either

1. They were on the verge of a rejoining like the First, and everything except Living Memory is in the flood of lightning. This prompts some questions about why the Ascians sat on it so long — was there really just no opportunity in those 20+ years for a lightning calamity on the source? Do they actually have all the reflections primed like this for quick rejoining when an opportunity presents? If so, is that going to require immediate action to remedy all of those so we don't get accidental rejoinings?

2. It was primed, and then went over the threshold without a corresponding event in the Source, so now you have some sort of lightning void. No idea what that even looks like.

3. It did rejoin, and there has been an 8th rejoining we were previously unaware of. Maybe that's your hook to Meracydia if it turns out there was a full-on calamity whose effects were only felt there?

4. The world actually weathered the calamity, and there is some society going on outside the dome. I don't think that's super likely, both because of the severity of what they've shown, and because I doubt the writers want a whole planet of FF9 references floating around out there.

5. Some other, weirder, new phenomenon they haven't explained yet

So in all likelihood, one way or another we're down to only 3 unexplored reflections remaining

Time travel is definitely not off the table, remember, G'raha and the Crystal Tower travelled through time and space to get to the First in our only other example of interdimensional fusion.


Oct 28, 2017
Was looking at random Eureka weapons to see if I wanted them for glamour and I was like maybe I have enough materials from doing Eureka to BA.

Judging by these crystal numbers I definitely do not.


Oct 25, 2017
Just curious but how are people feeling about some of the job changes now we've had some time to settle in? I know there's a few that people seem pretty disappointed in like DRK and BLM.
SMN should have got another button on the hotbar somewhere, I guess. The new level 100 Bahamut looks badass and you get to press your raid buff again as a damage button now, but that's it. SCH has to fit Baneful Impaction and Seraphism on their already-jammed hotbars, SMN bars still empty.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the responses everyone! It's interesting hearing how people are getting on with the changes, whether bigger or smaller, and glad that people are happy with it for the most part. It's gonna be interesting getting to levelling the other jobs I don't really use and see where I fall on the lot of them too! I'll admit I'm kinda dreading BLM with how much mobility is required in the new content but still will be fun to see how it plays out


Oct 25, 2017
Am I using Plenary Indulgence wrong? As in I have yet to find a use for it bc anything I'm in that hits hard enough to possibly use it has a cohealer and between Assize, Asylum and it only applying to spells on the GCD by the time I fire off a cure 3 everyone's basically back to full health anyway.


Sometimes, it's not a fart
Nov 3, 2017
The MSQ puts my twink in this bondage outfit for way too long. I can't take anything seriously



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Am I using Plenary Indulgence wrong? As in I have yet to find a use for it bc anything I'm in that hits hard enough to possibly use it has a cohealer and between Assize, Asylum and it only applying to spells on the GCD by the time I fire off a cure 3 everyone's basically back to full health anyway.

I did not use it till Dawntrail where people are getting hit frequently enough that I need the boost not just for my AoE's, but the other WHM's AoE heals in trials as well. Not sure if I'll go back to not using it once more people are familiar with the fights and have higher item levels.


Oct 25, 2017
I've developed the habit of playing in first person for exploration and non-demanding "go here and interact" questing, just drinking in all the graphical upgrades and beautiful new zones.