Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
The whole book is Tifa and Aerith telling each other part of their history while they're on the road.

Tifa tells her story to Aerith and the rest of the crew while they're on the road to Kalm(but it doesn't seem like she tells them about the lovey-Cloud parts only thinks about them).

And Aerith tells her story when they're on the boat on the way to Costa del Sol WHILE WEARING THE SHINRA UNIFORMS ALREADY. Also Aerith isn't able to finish talking about her history right as she's cut off right when she's going to start talking about her first love, Zack.

The Tifa part is first so much more of that is translated than Aerith's part so far.

The following theories have been confirmed:

-Tifa didn't bully Cloud when they were kids

-TIfa and Cloud really were childhood friends and played together until Tifa's mom died and Cloud got blamed for the mountain incident.

-Cloud was the one who started keeping away from Tifa and he wasn't actually ignored by Tifa. Tifa used to invite Cloud to hang out with her group a lot but he kept declining (heavily implied to be because he didn't like her friends and he was love-shy with her)

-Tifa dressed up for the water tower and thought Cloud was going to confess to her & was disappointed that he was just going to leave like all the other boys ("Cloud saying he wasn't like all the other boys" is ironic since he was feeding her similar lines to what they were feeding her)

-Cloud left the village without saying goodbye to either his mom or Tifa which caused Tifa to start laughing then cry

-Cloud's mom had to be told by Tifa that Cloud left to become a SOLDIER

-Cloud's dad was a handsome wanderer and wasn't well-liked in the village. Claudia described him as "like the wind" as he could never stay in one place

-Claudia was a rebellious type of person like her son, Cloud, and also talked about leaving home but didn't because she met Cloud's dad at the inn she was working at which lead to her eventually getting knocked up

-Cloud's dad disappeared into the mountains when Cloud was first learning to walk and people found his belongings but not his remains implying that he was eaten

-Tifa's chest bones were crushed by Sephiroth when he slashed and Tifa needed extensive surgery. Tifa doesn't have a scar but did have a skin transplant and also metallic wires are attached to her bones for life.

-For 5 years, Tifa only worked, slept and trained. Repeat. It's because she was in heavy debt and worked as a sweet bun vendor that would've taken her 66 years to pay off if she were an average salesman rather than the amazing salesman she is

-Tifa bought and owns Seventh Heaven

There's way more than this in the story though. These are just the things that people have speculated about for a while now.

Audrey has translated part of it and has endorsed another person's translation that are much further along as well since Audrey wants to read it at her own pace and doesn't want to get involved in fandom drama considering the ship wars:

Audrey also recommended this person for the rest of the Tifa stuff:

Fair warning that said person is a big Cloti shipper so it's gonna be lots of gushing and such.

Edit: And Audrey has recommended this person for the Aerith stuff. The first 66 of 142 pages are already done. Link:

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces of Two Pasts - Aerith

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces of Two Pasts Episode 2: Aerith A Light Novel by Kazushige Nojima Translated by Stanley (@istanleyff7 on twitter) Trace of Two Pasts is a novel set in the world of...
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Lunar Wolf

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
The more detailed yet still incomplete version of the Tifa stuff copy and pasted from somewhere else:

-Aerith asks Tifa if she's used to walking through meadows and wilderness
-Tifa says she doesn't mind since it's good training
-Tifa mentions she likes walking mountain paths more
-The girls talk about having picnics
-Tifa has never done picnics before, but she had tea parties
-Aerith wants to hear about these tea parties
-Tifa then starts to talk about her past -When Tifa was younger, only she and 4 other boys were around the same age in the village
-She often played with 3 of them, and their parents called them the "Group 4"
-Aerith asks if there were 4 boys, wouldn't it be called "Group 5" but Tifa said the other boy didn't play with them, and his name was Cloud
-She and the 3 boys would have tea parties, but when they invited him, he would always decline their offer
-But it was fine because Cloud would start fights with them on several occasions. He was a strange and dangerous child.
-Tifa was born in 1987
-Her father's name is Brian, her mother's name is Thea. Her mother passed away due to illness. -The women in the village helped raise her
-The 3 boys that she grew up with were named Emilio, Lester, Tyler.
-Their parents were all very close since they were all the eldest kids in their family
-She used to play with them a lot, but all that changed when her mother died.
-They began to pity her
When they were in their pre-teens (a bit after 10 years old), the boys began to see Tifa differently
-They viewed her as a girl and as someone who could eventually be their partner in life
-They all wanted to have alone time with her
-When this happened, she politely dodged it
-Eventually the boys of the village all said they were going to leave
-They said they were going to work for Shinra or go to Midgar to make a fortune.
-Even so, they told her they wanted to take care of her or protect her
-They viewed her as a prize to be won, like a trophy
-When she was 12 years old, her father gifted her a pair of new sandals that were popular in Midgar
-She was walking around the village when the Village Chief Zundar talked to her
-He wishes her Happy Birthday and gave her a kitten as a present
-He said her father approved
-She chose a kitten whose name was Mal from the litter
-As she was walking home, the kitten tried to jump out of her arms -Tifa lost her balance and tripped over her new sandals
-She fell as she tried to protect the kitten
-The village doctor said she sprained her ankle
The incident caused her to have a fever and stay in bed for a whole week
-Her dad mentioned that the cat's name "mal" really lived up to the bad meaning ("mal" means "bad" in French).
-The cat ran away, and the people of the village were looking for it, calling out "Mal, Mal!"
-After a week passed, they were still looking for the cat
-One day, Claudia Strife came up to Brian's house and brought Mal with her
-Claudia mentions that Cloud found it in the mountains
-She said she wanted Cloud to bring the cat here, but Cloud refused
-Tifa was surprised that Cloud knew about Mal -Some time later, Tifa is invited to have lunch with the other 3 boys together
-They bring a basket and some homemade sandwiches
-The three boys talk about going to Midgar and what will they do when they go
-One of the boys mentions that if they all leave, Tifa will be lonely
-Tifa asks them to not forget about her -She feels a bit embarrassed saying that
-The boys try to cheer up and said that this picnic underneath the water tower was fun
-Tifa is curious why they call it a picnic since they didn't leave the village
-One of the boys says it's fine to have picnics in the town
-Tifa says she would like to have a tea party
-She remembers seeing a picture of her mom and dad having tea together
-The boys are puzzled and don't know what a tea party is
-The boys say that if Tifa wants to do a tea party, then they will be more than happy to have them with her
-They continued to have tea parties from time to time even as the boys left the village one by one
-Back to the present, Tifa says the boys kept on talking about Midgar this, Midgar that, she eventually viewed Midgar as her rival
-She wanted clothes that Midgar citizens wore, so she asked the local seamstress to make some for her
-She wanted fabrics not sold in the village
-She tried baking sweets by herself
-She didn't think she would ever try that hard to gain the attention of the boys
-Barret comes around and laughs, saying "Tifa made Midgar her rival? Now that's interesting!"

-Spring came when her friends were going to leave the city
-The time spent with the four of them would soon be at an end
-She wanted to bake a cake for the occasion but noticed she was missing some ingredients -When she was in front of the store, she felt someone watching her
-The person turned out to be Cloud, but he looked a bit different than usual
-He actually looked at her this time, but as soon as their eyes met, he looked away
-He started mumbling, and she couldn't hear what he said
-Tifa tilted her head, and Cloud started making a dash for it
-Tifa also ran after him, and before they were about to run into each other, Cloud stopped and blurted out, "Tonight. Water tower."
-Tifa said "Okay"
-Cloud ran away after hearing her answer
-Tifa forgot about her grocery shopping and went home
-She tries to recall when was the last time she talked to Cloud
-After Cloud first found Mal that one time, the cat ran away several times after too
-Mal usually would come back, but even so, Tifa went to look for the cat
-She went to the foot of the mountains and saw Cloud
-He was coming back from the mountains and said he found Mal.
-Tifa thanks Cloud, and he continues to walk back to the city without stopping
-He asks her if she's been feeding the cat because the cat just ate a small bird
-She finds Mal with blood around the mouth from the bird
-She pets Mal, who likes the feeling
-When Tifa was very young, she used to play with Cloud since their houses were close together -Her mom used to say that Cloud had a very pretty face
-She was praising Cloud, and it made her happy but shy
-She was around six or seven years old at that time
-Her mom noticed and winked at her, but her Dad scoffed.
-This was one of her memories of her mother
-She wonders what happened to make them drift apart
-Perhaps something happened with him and the other boys?
-Or perhaps it has something to do with her mother's passing that caused him distress?

The other kids said Tifa wanted to meet her mother again and went on the mountain trying to reach the other side (said to be the realm of the dead)
The other kids said they went up the mountain together, but when the weather changed, they realized it's too dangerous and turned back midway, of course taking Tifa with them
On their way down the mountain, Cloud suddenly shows up and convinces Tifa they should keep going. So the two of them went higher up into the mountain, and fell off a cliff
Cloud only got his knee scraped, but Tifa hit her head and was unconscious for a week
Cloud admitted to what the other kids said was true, but couldn't explain his motive of why he convinced Tifa to keep going up the mountain, all he said was "No particular reason"
Tifa didn't really believe it, because Cloud never approached her when she was with her other 3 friends, but she really has no memory of what happened that day, and never had a chance to ask Cloud. Tifa knew she caused a big disturbance in the village, the adults formed a rescue team to look for them, she apologized to them, but no one blamed her. Maybe it's because she just lost her mother and was still recovering from an injury,
She felt like Cloud took all the blame, almost like Cloud is protecting her, but she couldn't figure out why. All this time she just felt like something wasn't right (what they said about what happened), and wanted to one day ask him for the truth, but that one day never came…

-After that, Cloud stopped playing with her
-She holds Mal and wonders what happened
-She asks Mal what should she wear? But of course, the cat does not answer and looks disinterested
-Her dad comes into the room and says he'll be sleeping early today
-She wishes him good night
-She then tries to figure out what to wear
-Since her father will be sleeping, this is the first time she will have to sneak out of the house at night
She remembers that Emilio said this one dress looked nice on her, so she decides on wearing the blue one piece dress
-She leaves her house quietly and steps outside to see the sky is blanketed with stars -She wonders what Cloud wants to tell her at the water tower
-She wonders if he's going to confess to her and tell her that his feelings for her surpass that of a friend?
-If that were to happen, how would she even answer?

Regarding Claudia:
Tifa had learned, according to an elderly woman from the village, Claudia was a rebellious type when she was younger, and talked about leaving the village too. What made her stay was this handsome traveler that Claudia took in (to the inn she was working for at the time) that she found outside. The woman describes Cloud's father as "a man like wind" that cannot stay in one place, he left the house to explore the other side of the mountain (around the time when Cloud was just starting to walk) and never came back. People later found his belongings, but never his remains, they said the monsters got him.

Different from what we saw from OG, which we only saw one truck of Shinra Soldier heading to Nibelheim, there were actually a lot more people, some arriving a day early too The ladies from the village have been working together (taking shifts) to cook for the large crowd, among them, Tifa, off course It was describe that she learn to cook and do house work from other women in the village, and obviously, from Claudia too
Tifa is very excited about the news of Shinra sending Soldier over, she thinks she can see Cloud again and even out on new outfit (the cowgirl look)
When she was chopping vegetables with Claudia, they start talking about Cloud Claudia is very surprised Cloud told her that he is going to become a Soldier, because he never told her that And she seems tom be quite interested to find out what Tifa has to say as well, she keeps going "oh really? he said that?? oh really?" After that, Tifa felt like Claudia wanted to tell her something, but she can't tell what it is

-She remembers her mom's words about Cloud having a pretty face
-Her mother also added that Cloud was way more beautiful than Sephiroth even
-Tifa thinks Cloud is like something unreachable. Like a beautiful thing akin to a star.
-She thanks her mother for this memory
Tifa feels butterflies about this meeting with Cloud
-She wonders if she'll be so nervous that she won't even be able to speak
-This nervousness is not just because she likes him, but because she admires him too
-She arrives at the water tower and sees that Cloud is already there
-The last time she actually climbed up to the water tower was when she was a kid
-She tells Cloud "sorry to keep you waiting"
-The confession that she thought Cloud would say was actually rather ordinary
- he told her that he was going to leave the village come Spring as well, that he's not like the other kids
-All the boys say that same thing
-However, she wasn't disappointed at all, maybe because the magic of the starry night sky -Perhaps it was because since Cloud was enthusiastic that she thought of him fondly
-Tifa then had an idea to make a promise
-Tifa asks Cloud "Let's make a promise. When you become famous, and if I'm in a bind, promise you'll come save me?"
-Even though it was just an idea, in that moment of exchange, it became a precious promise
During that night, the Cloud she knew and admired became the Cloud that she came to love, the kind of "love" that made her want to be with him, just the two of them. *Note: 好き can be like or love, but in this context it is interpreted in a romantic sense
-Tifa laughs then cries when Cloud leaves without saying goodbye
-When Tifa is 13, Nibelheim grows quiet
-The boys who left the village didn't write to her -Perhaps they were busy with their new lives -Tifa felt lonely
-Back to the present, Barret says "hey Tifa!"
-He looks worried that she went all quiet -She apologizes and says she was lost in thought -Barret says "Anyway, you were sayin'? Midgar being your rival?

Yes, it can be assumed that she just stopped narrating to everyone after she talked about the Midgar Rival part and went silent after, so that's why Barret is like "Uh Tifa? Midgar Rival?" since she was lost in thought.

-She then talks about her meeting with Master Zangan

At their first encounter, Tifa found Zangan in the midst of the river and tried to rescue him.
Actually, he was training there and didn't need to be rescue. But she did.
Before her, many people passed by and they ignored and did nothing to rescue him. He was very impressed by her good spirit.

Zangan taught his "Zangan gymnastics" to people in the village. And he admired Tifa's phisical ability and grit.
But at the meeting with villagers, he criticized Shinra. So they asked him to go out of the village in order to avoid the trouble.

At his last night, Zangan asked Tifa to be his student and gave her his secret textbook.
He said the largest enemy was herself and she needed Zangan-ryu to face it.
He then left, but old villager still wanted to learn Zangan gymnastics. So Tifa trained them instead of her master, asked by village mayor.

After that, her friend in the big city writes to her.
"When I'm at a loss in the city, I think of you. Someday I'll come and pick you up. Until then, I'll write letters and told you about the city life."
She felt her pride was hurt. When Zangan came to the village again, She applied to be a student. From then she trained hard. She want to be stronger, not loosing to those who left the village.
He promised in half a year, if Tifa could pass the final test, he'll teach her the final martial art form and left.

And the Nibelheim incident occurred.

Tifa doesn't remember what happened that day.

Zangan refused to take Tifa to Shinra-related hospital and took her to the clinic in the slum, where his students' parent was working. Tifa had been unconscious for 1 month. Zangan has already left by the time she woke up.

She had to work hard to pay her expensive medical cost. When she gets so tired she couldn't move, she used Zangan-ryu to heal her body and control her muscle.
And now Tifa doesn't know where Zangan is.
She wants a match with him with her "Tifa-ryu" martial art, (she changed the name because she train all by herself for a long time). Because she is a little bit angry at sensei

About Tifa's wound/scar... The injury Tifa sustained from Sephiroth was quite severe

She was cut open deeply from her left collarbone to just below her right breast, a part of her breastbone was crushed

Doctors used metal wire to reinforce the structure of her bones, that wire is thought to be "cannot be removed for life"

When Tifa woke up in Midgar...
She finds herself with a medical bill of 160000 gil (which readers later found out it was actually 3 times more than the regular price)

Ruckus, the son of Tifa's doctor (also one of Zangan's apprentices), had a gambling problem and owes a very large amount of money. The two of them together, lied to Tifa in order to pay of their debt

After Tifa was discharged from the hospital, Ruckus found her a place to live
It was a modified shipping container made into a tiny tiny house. He charges rent by day, which is 15gil per day, and if she wants to shower, that's another 3 gil

When Marle is being discharged from the hospital, she left her contact information and ask Ruckus to give them to Tifa, but Ruckus never passes on that information. The next time they see each other is 3 years later

Ruckus got Tifa a job to work for a friend of his, who owns a sweet bun shop

Sweet buns are 3 gil each, Tifa gets to keep 20% of the sales as her pay, and the shop owner said they usually sold 200 buns a day

Tifa did the math and realized at this rate (earning minus paying bills and food), it'll take her 66 years to pay off her medical bill

Tifa didn't give up, instead, she tries to work harder. On the first day she sold 200 sweet buns, by the 4th month, she can sell 1000 sweet buns in a day!

Tifa doesn't buy anything for herself. No fancy cloth, no accessories, she tries to save as much as she can

She woke up in the morning, goes to work, do martial art training, shower, sleep and repeat

She made up her mind to pay off her debt and get her life back

Eventually she buys Seventh Heaven from and older man and meets Barret and Marlene and decides to share it with them so they have a home.

Edit: New summary added of some of the latter parts:

Days goes by, Tifa became closer with Jessie, she sometimes gets invite to join Avalanche's meeting too

When Tifa met Marle again, 3 years has gone by since she first came to Midgar

Marle took Tifa to 7th Heaven, where she met an elderly bar keeper who works alone in a bar with barely any business

Under Mrle's recommendation, Tifa start working at the bar too. With Tifa's help, 7th Heaven quickly became a very busy place

One day, the owner of 7th Heaven fell ill and is hospitalized. During his time of absent, Barret and Marlene walk through the door of 7th Heaven, they met Tifa for the first time

They are homeless, Marlene was 2 years old and looks like she hasn't shower for a few days. She wasn't wearing socks, and her shoes have holes on it. Tifa became very concern over how bad Marlene needs a good bath and clean clothes, and wants to do something for them

Marle can't believe Tifa thinks she is in a place where she can afford to worry about other people, but decided to lend a helping hand by talking to the owner of 7th Heaven. She manage to convince the owner to let Barret and Marlene live in the basement. She also got Marlene some clean cloth

But, the owner of 7th Heaven pass away after a week. They've been told if they can't come up with $160000 gil to purchase the store themselves, the bar will be sold to other interested party

Knowing he can't afford it, Barret quickly gave up. But Marlene doesn't want to live on the street again, she ran away from Barret and hides behind Tifa and start crying: [I want to stay here!]

Tifa couldn't bare to see Marlen cry, so she told Barret she actually have the money to purchase 7th Heaven

She has been saving money for 3 years now, according to her calculation in about 2 years, she'll be able to save enough to pay off her debt, but now she decided to use that money to pay for the bar, because she wants Marlene to have a home...


- The story started on the boat to Costa del Sol, it was a luxury boat with Shinra troopers in the cargo area since the elite guest do not take kindly of them

- Aerith and friends were in Shinra uniforms but we only get to see Tifa and Aerith talking

- Tifa asked Aerith about where she grew up and Aerith began her story

- At first Ifalna was treated with care with mild experimentation by Shinra

- When Aerith had her Ancient power awakening (painting the walls), they started to do more damaging experiments on her mother

- By the time of their escape Ifalna was already very ill

- A Shinra staff, Fuzz Hicks helped them escape by releasing some deadly monsters in the lab and stow Ifalna and Aerith inside a utility cart and then a truck

- There was a hint of a thing going on with Fuzz and Ifalna when Aerith saw Fuzz kissed Ifalna's hand saying goodbye

- Ifalna dubbed their escape to Aerith as an adventure

- They then hid in a cargo crate to Sector 4 Slum via train

- The were suppose to meet Fuzz at the station where he prepared a house in Sector 3 Slum but Ifalna had other plans

- Ifalna brought Aerith to Sector 5 Slum station where collapsed from a fever after running out of medicine

- There were a few passer-byes, but nobody helped them, only a few carried Ifalna to side of the platform

- Aerith went away for a while to get a doctor, stumbled upon Elmyra, but failed to find one

- Aerith came back to see her mother with a blanket given by one of the slum people

- Ifalna gave her the White Materia in a small pouch, Aerith did not want it because she sense her mother is going to die but Ifalna comforted her saying she will always be by her side

- Ifalna describe the White Materia is good for nothing but it was given to her by her father who got it from his mother who also got it from her mother

- Elmyra saw them and with her last dying breath Ifalna asked Elmyra to take Aerith somewhere safe and dies

- Shinra troopers started coming out of the train and Elmyra hurried Aerith away from the station with Ifalna's body left at the station

- When reached Sector 5 Slums, Elmyra apologizes for not able to give Aerith a proper goodbye to her mother but Aerith didn't cry, she said her mother had return to the planet and she can feel her mother's presence

- Reaching Elmyra's house which she inherited from her father-in-law. Aerith was amazed with flowers and vegetation growing there.

- Elmyra's father-in-law was an important man for the Sector 5 Slum, Aerith described him as a "Don Corneo" of Sector 5

- Aerith confirmed to Elmyra that Shinra was looking for her and her mother, so Elmyra decided to hid Aerith on the second floor until the commotion dies down.

- Elmyra's house seems to be a common place for slum people to rest as guests during hard times

- An angry man visited that night named Carlo Kinky (i know lol) who is angry with Elmyra about a signature and blood seal (I don't understand this either), Elmyra told him off and he went away

- Aerith was a bit sad to be confined again but complied especially when Ifalna visited her at night in spirit form telling her to get along with Elmyra

- Aerith explained to Tifa that Cetra's can communicate with people far away but she has lost that ability and is only able to feel it when she's in a "deep place"

- Aerith mentions that Elmyra's father-in-law was the good version of "Don Corneo" for Sector 5

Another Edit:

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Lunar Wolf

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Please don't let all of this backstory be part of a book, I want it in game.

It's Nojima, the game's writer, writing the book so I'm confident a less detailed version of this stuff will make it in.

I mean he had Kyrie and Leslie from "The Kids Are Alright" show up in Remake and they're part of a much less popular sidestory he created from FFVII.

Hell, even Tifa's cat from Before Crisis is being re-canonized for the book here.


May 17, 2020
-Tifa's chest bones were crushed by Sephiroth when he slashed and Tifa needed extensive surgery. Tifa doesn't have a scar but did have a skin transplant and also metallic wires are attached to her bones for life.

So Tifa has adamantium laced bones and is Wolverine got it

I don't want any of this to show up even slightly in the game it sounds like a nightmare lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Why did I read any of this? I knew it was going to have a bunch of dumb shit in it... Nojima is truly in a league of his own (in the worst possible way).

Please don't let all of this backstory be part of a book, I want it in game.

If we are lucky this desperate need to fill in every last blank (with utter nonsense) will be kept separate from the actual game itself.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I knew stuff like "Tifa and her friends bullied Cloud" was a result of mistranslation from Japanese to English (or at least it was translated in a way that it could be interpreted as such) but the idea that Tifa was actually into Cloud at his most nebbish dork behaviour bites.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel pretty good about them translating this, so I didn't read the whole OP. That said, I didn't think much of it at the time, but it's funny there's an actual reason for how cute Tifa is in that water tower flashback lol

Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
They really can't help it with cross media stuff. Can't just have a story and everything about it stay in the game.
Lunar Wolf

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I knew stuff like "Tifa and her friends bullied Cloud" was a result of mistranslation from Japanese to English (or at least it was translated in a way that it could be interpreted as such) but the idea that Tifa was actually into Cloud at his most nebbish dork behaviour bites.

I mean when there's only 4 guys here her age, Cloud is the only handsome one and no girls well it's understandable. It's pretty slim pickings in Nibelheim.

But that was in the OG as well. Tifa likes dork Cloud.

They really can't help it with cross media stuff. Can't just have a story and everything about it stay in the game.

The most important bits are going to show up in the game. Exploring Cloud's backstory with Tifa is kind of essential for the Lifestream Sequence.

All the other little details are extraneous. You probably won't need to know what Tifa's cat's name is even if it might be referenced later on. You won't get lost.


Oct 28, 2017
I knew stuff like "Tifa and her friends bullied Cloud" was a result of mistranslation from Japanese to English (or at least it was translated in a way that it could be interpreted as such) but the idea that Tifa was actually into Cloud at his most nebbish dork behaviour bites.
She was always fond of the dorky Cloud though.


Oct 25, 2017
This is too much lmao. I don't like this.

What? You don't want awful fanfiction to be part of the Final Fantasy 7 canon? Didn't you love when that Han Solo movie made sure there was an explicit scene detailing every line Han Solo ever said in the original trilogy? Don't you want every single scene from the original Final Fantasy 7 to be elaborated on in excruciating (and stupid) detail?


Oct 25, 2017
What? You don't want awful fanfiction to be part of the Final Fantasy 7 canon? Didn't you love when that Han Solo movie made sure there was an explicit scene detailing every line Han Solo ever said in the original trilogy? Don't you want every single scene from the original Final Fantasy 7 to be elaborated on in excruciating (and stupid) detail?

Star Wars is a funny example because it had way more of this kind of stuff. The expanded universe was a thing way before Solo.

There was a million games, novels, comic books, etc etc etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Star Wars is a funny example because it had way more of this kind of stuff. The expanded universe was a thing way before Solo.

There was a million games, novels, comic books, etc etc etc.

Oh yeah, I can remember my friend going on about clone emperors and evil shadow versions of Luke and me telling him that everything he was saying is exactly why I want nothing to do with the novels.
Lunar Wolf

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I laughed out loud at the Tifa and her metal bones. Like what in the serious fuck lmao
So Tifa has adamantium laced bones and is Wolverine got it

I don't want any of this to show up even slightly in the game it sounds like a nightmare lmao

Uh....guys. This is an actual procedure. There are no metal bones. It's metal wires attached to her bones because her bones were crushed and the wires were needed to hold them together in order to heal and hold them up.

I've had a procedue like that myself although for different reasons and I had to live with a metal chest bar for years rather than my whole life like Tifa will apparently.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Uh....guys. This is an actual procedure. There are no metal bones. It's metal wires attached to her bones because her bones were crushed and the wires were needed to hold them together in order to heal and hold them up.

I've had a procedue like that myself although for different reasons and I had to live with a metal chest bar for years rather than my whole life like Tifa will apparently.

Oh, I thought they replaced her chest bones with metal. I misread
Oct 25, 2017
Square keeps shitting and vomiting into the Final Fantasy VII story, I see.

This Remake's story is getting worse and worse it's freaking unbelievable.
Lunar Wolf

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles


Oct 25, 2017
Why are people annoyed about this stuff lol. Its literally just an extra short book for fans just ignore it if it bothers you so much.

I was wondering if they were ever gonna bring up Tifa's injury from Sephiroth because even that was just glossed over in the original where you only find out Zangan brought her to Midgar.

edit: I will be pissed if part 2 skips Zolom, Chocobo Farm, and Junon though. I kinda doubt that happens but still.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I mean when there's only 4 guys here her age, Cloud is the only handsome one and no girls well it's understandable. It's pretty slim pickings in Nibelheim.

But that was in the OG as well. Tifa likes dork Cloud.

She was always fond of the dorky Cloud though.

I'm going off the English translation again, but I swear Tifa says she has no idea why Cloud asked her to the water tower in the relevant plot scenes.
Lunar Wolf

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I'm going off the English translation again, but I swear Tifa says she has no idea why Cloud asked her to the water tower in the relevant plot scenes.

In the OG? Or Remake?

The issue with the OG translations is there it abounds with mistranslations.

You sure this isn't going to be part of the reason she's inhumanly acrobatic?

Yes. She was acrobatic before the surgery. The wires aren't that abnormal. I had similar things like that myself.


Feb 24, 2019
Yeah, it's not a metal booby lol

It's just metal wires holding her bones in place because she was that severely injured
Give me this canon. Barret has a metal gun arm so Tifa has a metal booby! Cait Sith is metal. Vincent has the metal claw. Cloud has to have a metal plate in his head with those personality changes. JENOVA has nothing on our bionic heroes!


Oct 25, 2017
I was wondering if they were ever gonna bring up Tifa's injury from Sephiroth because even that was just glossed over in the original where you only find out Zangan brought her to Midgar.

Good thing we now know that Tifa doesn't have an ugly scar or something. We want to keep Tifa perfect for that segment of the fanbase. They need to know that she doesn't have any hideous scars. Finally, all the important questions are being answered by Nojima!


Oct 27, 2017
Hah, actually wondered about the scar because some fanartists keep drawing Tifa with one


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
But that's the real Cloud. He's that dork. It's why Tifa likes Cloud in general.

There's no way I can answer this without major spoilers for FFVII, so to put this as broadly as possible I find it deeply antithetical to Cloud's character arc that Tifa just always liked him even at his worst.

In the OG? Or Remake?

The issue with the OG translations is there it abounds with mistranslations.

Yes. She was acrobatic before the surgery. The wires aren't that abnormal. I had similar things like that myself.

Yeah sorry, the OG FFVII translation. The conversation there is that Tifa never really paid him any mind and she didn't know why he called her to the water tower before leaving for Midgar. I just figured by now I'd see some correction from somewhere on that if it was a mistranslation the way "Tifa and her friends excluded Cloud" was in the original translation before it was revealed to be a mistake from the source material.


Oct 25, 2017
Good thing we now know that Tifa doesn't have an ugly scar or something. We want to keep Tifa perfect for that segment of the fanbase. They need to know that she doesn't have any hideous scars. Finally, all the important questions are being answered by Nojima!
Well yeah the no scar thing is stupid but you seem legit heated about the original writer for the game expanding on some previous history in the game for an optional book for fans.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
-Her dad mentioned that the cat's name "mal" really lived up to the bad meaning ("mal" means "bad" in French).
lol does French exists on Gaia? This is weird. I always assume in these games taking place in fictional lands that the diegetic language that they speak isn't the one that the player hears, but a local one. The identity of the language that the player reads and hears is extra-diegetic. So when a game makes a cultural reference to an actual real language (such as "mal" being the French word for "bad"), it's always immersion-breaking.
Lunar Wolf

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Good thing we now know that Tifa doesn't have an ugly scar or something. We want to keep Tifa perfect for that segment of the fanbase. They need to know that she doesn't have any hideous scars. Finally, all the important questions are being answered by Nojima!

I mean answering people's theories isn't a bad thing though. Answering questions is fine as long as the answers aren't dumb.

Does she have a scar? "No. She got a skin transplant for her burns and slash wound when she got surgery." Okay, done. That's a reasonable answer.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
I'm not seeing how inoffensive, non-essential little character stories for people is a bad thing in this instance, but y'all go off


Oct 25, 2017
There's no way I can answer this without major spoilers for FFVII, so to put this as broadly as possible I find it deeply antithetical to Cloud's character arc that Tifa just always liked him even at his worst.

I can't agree that childhood Cloud was Cloud at his worst. The Cloud at his worst was the one actively denying who he was and the person he was.

I'm also not entirely sure what is wrong with childhood Cloud in the first place or how it's this disgusting monster that couldn't be liked.


Oct 25, 2017
Well yeah the no scar thing is stupid but you seem legit heated about the original writer for the game expanding on some previous history in the game for an optional book for fans.

All day, every day, I am heated about Nojima. As far as him being the original writer, I think that it is pretty obvious that Kitase played a pretty important role in writing the original.


Jan 28, 2019
This is literally nothing over the top but people still get mad about it for some reason lmao, like I don't see anything particularly wild but people are acting like they ruined these characters with this little backstory


Oct 25, 2017
Whatever it take to not give her muscle.

Remake Tifa definitely has muscle. And while games definitely need more much more muscly women, a constant complaint about having women in tons of games is that "she's too small." "how can a woman do that with her build" etc.

Characters don't have to be musclebound giant people to do superhuman feats.


Feb 24, 2019
Square keeps shitting and vomiting into the Final Fantasy VII story, I see.

This Remake's story is getting worse and worse it's freaking unbelievable.
Did you read the Resident Evil and Halo novels with such fervor and disdain as well? It's okay to let people enjoy things.

lol does French exists on Gaia? This is weird. I always assume in these games taking place in fictional lands that the diegetic language that they speak isn't the one that the player hears, but a local one. The identity of the language that the player reads and hears is extra-diegetic. So when a game makes a cultural reference to an actual real language (such as "mal" being the French word for "bad"), it's always immersion-breaking.

My immersion was broken because "mal" is also a Spanish word used for "bad." Seriously though, I'd rather have the language in fantasy and fictional worlds be a real one instead of made-up silliness. Even the works that only use made-up names get irritating because they're either unpronounceable or not memorable enough to differentiate characters.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
This is literally nothing over the top but people still get mad about it for some reason lmao, like I don't see anything particularly wild but people are acting like they ruined these characters with this little backstory
Like, if this was some FFX-3 novel tier shlock, I'd get it. I get not trusting a Nojima side novel to not be dumb shit.

This, though? I don't see the big deal going by the translations.