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Oct 29, 2017
And why should "unamed GameStop employee" not be a credible source exactly?

The people saw the game. Why shouldn't they be credible?

Even if this source came from a verified reddit account (it didn't), impressions from a random person who watched a presentation is not a good source, and it's equally ridiculous to spawn an article off of it unless you're whole point is to generate clicks and engagement (arguments). It's pretty obvious that the the intention of the person who wrote it was grasping for straws with this whole "game stop employee" thing, and they would have been better off just aggregating random impressions from people in attendance instead of using a well-known logical fallacy (appeal from authority) to try to give the article more credibility.

I don't even care about Red Dead Redemption, and I never even played the first game. But I felt compelled to respond to this thread given the hyperbolic defenses that people are coming up with to defend a bad article.


Mar 18, 2018
As much as I like the sound of a focus on atmosphere and ambience in theory, a lot of rockstar games have some pretty painfully long sections of just not really doing anything. Including Red Dead 1.
Oct 27, 2017
Even if this source came from a verified reddit account (it didn't), impressions from a random person who watched a presentation is not a good source, and it's equally ridiculous to spawn an article off of it unless you're whole point is to generate clicks and engagement (arguments). It's pretty obvious that the the intention of the person who wrote it was grasping for straws with this whole "game stop employee" thing, and they would have been better off just aggregating random impressions from people in attendance instead of using a well-known logical fallacy (appeal from authority) to try to give the article more credibility.

I don't even care about Red Dead Redemption, and I never even played the first game. But I felt compelled to respond to this thread given the hyperbolic defenses that people are coming up with to defend a bad article.
I guess by your logic people need to have a huge badge of honour to be credible. You talk about authority and yet call random game stop employees not credible for some reason. Do you not see the irony in your post?

Yes they could have asked the people attending the event... Oh wait, they did! The gamestop employees.


Oct 26, 2017
The odds of an overworked person feeling sleepy are too high for me to even remotely consider this as a demerit

Liquid Snake

Nov 10, 2017
To be fair RDR was a pretty shallow experience, so it would not surprise me if RDR2 fails to improve on that. Rockstar get away with including many underwhelming mechanics, bad and repetitive mission structures, lacklustre writing and setpieces etc just because of how much of an impact GTA3 had on the industry, other games do not get the same leeway.

But this is just an impression and a small slice of the game, so it seems a bit early to judge what the final product may actually be like.


Nov 6, 2017
The odds of an overworked person feeling sleepy are too high for me to even remotely consider this as a demerit
This. Also im really glad how the mods acted in here. Bashing on the working man and invalidating their opinions makes my blood boil.

Also half those comments are pretty positive about the game.


Jan 24, 2018
It's pretty obvious that the the intention of the person who wrote it was grasping for straws with this whole "game stop employee" thing, and they would have been better off just aggregating random impressions from people in attendance instead of using a well-known logical fallacy (appeal from authority) to try to give the article more credibility.
The employees don't have more 'authority' because they're from GameStop; it's merely a description of them since it was a GameStop employee event.

They also couldn't get more responses because this was meant to have 'no social media posting', as in the first Instagram photo. The news is the info leaked, not that it came from GS.


May 31, 2018
I'm not trying to get another warning, and I will happily self moderate and duck out after this post, but I need to get this off my chest. Warnings are being given out way too liberally in this thread.

Retail employees are not industry insiders, and this whole thread and the article linked is one of the best examples of click-bait that I have ever seen. I seriously hope that the moderators of this forum have a serious discussion about the way warnings have been handed out in this thread. Unnamed game-stop employees are not a protected group, and it's truly asinine that people are being warned under "inflammatory generalizations" which should obviously be reserved for real bigotry.

I will happily step away, and take my answer "off the air." I am capable of self control, but I just want to get this off my chest.

Generalisations like the ones found in this thread are bad no matter the group. Of course generalisations surrounding race, sex, sexuality, etc are much, much worse but it's still harmful to both general discussion and to the community as a whole to further this idea that one can paint an entire group as one way just because they share a common feature. See in the FAQ:

The same goes for people who are covering the video games industry: vilifying an entire media outlet for any reason is typically unhelpful. It is crucial to understand that these people share a similar high passion for this hobby as you do and try their best to do their jobs. These outlets are not monoliths but groups of people that keep changing over the years. None of them are perfect and while reasoned discussion is always welcome, try to refrain from dismissing a website or magazine for petty reasons.

Now the specific profession isn't the same but the idea holds true. People were dismissing and insulting these Gamestop employees based entirely on the fact that they work at Gamestop. They weren't "expressing concern about the validity of the sources", they were actively saying that a Gamestop employee does not deserve to have their opinion taken seriously. I think you'd find that even after the mod post a reply saying something akin to "I don't think the small number of employees who have commented on the demo is a good indication of its actual quality." That's fine, saying "lol they're Gamestop employees why should we care???" is not.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I'm not really surprised, the first game is filled with lots of horse riding through open areas. It honestly makes a lot of sense, if people thought this was going to he as "busy" as GTAV have forgotten what the first RDR was like.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
Everything they described sounds good to me. I spent a lot of time just taking in the sights on the first one.

Deleted member 1162

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
i'm pretty excited for this game. i want to take a walk in the woods and enjoy the scenery.

this game will be like Oblivion with guns.

Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
Look how pissy some get when regular people don't share and confirm the same 10/10 hype they already have.
Oct 29, 2017
I guess by your logic people need to have a huge badge of honour to be credible. You talk about authority and yet call random game stop employees not credible for some reason. Do you not see the irony in your post?

Yes they could have asked the people attending the event... Oh wait, they did! The gamestop employees.

This article, and this thread are literally about unverified users from a reddit thread.

Again, I could care less about the hype surrounding this game, but if you think that articles sourcing reddit threads are interesting or threadworthy, that's on you. I'm not saying eurogamer should be held to the same standard as something like the New York Times, but in this era of social media nonsense people should have a higher threshold for types of articles like these. At the end of the day, I don't even care about the article or the fact that it's a thread. I just think it's silly that people are getting warned for thinking that at a basic level this article is not very good. If people are using derogatory language, that's one thing. But I do not think that there's anything wrong with complaining about this article more generally or how it sources unnamed, unverified retail workers on Reddit.
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Oct 27, 2017
I think some people are misreading this as an attempt to shoot down the game.

It is not. The whole thing (GameStop employees being shown a demo of an anticipated game and they have stuff to say about it) just seems kinda funny and interesting to me, which why I made the thread.

Might have chosen a better title then, LOL


Oct 25, 2017
This article, and this thread are literally about unverified users from a reddit thread.

Again, I could care less about the hype surrounding this game, but if you think that articles sourcing reddit threads are interesting or threadworthy, that's on you. I'm not saying eurogamer should be held to the same standard as something like the New York Times, but in this era of social media nonsense people should have a lower threshold for types of articles like these. At the end of the day, I don't even care about the article or the fact that it's a thread. I just think it's silly that people are getting warned for thinking that at a basic level this article is not very good. If people are using derogatory language, that's one thing. But I do not think that there's anything wrong with complaining about this article more generally or how it sources unnamed, unverified retail workers on Reddit.
What exactly does verified mean in this context?


Oct 25, 2017
The original kinda bored me for many of the same reasons so I'll probably get the game while in discount.


Oct 27, 2017
They can share their opinion, but people shouldn't be warned or banned for criticizing this article for using "unnamed game-stop employee" as a credible source. That's the point. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but likewise people should feel free to criticize the article (respectfully) without fear of warning or ban.

So , Mr John Smith at Gamestop is better than a un named Gamestop Source? !

And its zero difference that a gamestop employee over a game journo was put a sleep by the game. Its just one persons opinion. Stop being so easily riled cause someone disagrees with you (you havent even played it yet so not sure how you know, LOL)


Oct 25, 2017
I hope RDR2 has a tremendous amount of empty space. That is an important part of the overall atmosphere for me.

Not every game is for everyone and I see a lot of people returning or trading in this game after a few hours.

Negative space is important to give meaning to the action as well.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair RDR was a pretty shallow experience, so it would not surprise me if RDR2 fails to improve on that. Rockstar get away with including many underwhelming mechanics, bad and repetitive mission structures, lacklustre writing and setpieces etc just because of how much of an impact GTA3 had on the industry, other games do not get the same leeway.

But this is just an impression and a small slice of the game, so it seems a bit early to judge what the final product may actually be like.

100% right. I keep waiting for the media to call them out on most of this and very few ever do, since they end up with 95+ ratings all of the time.

We need better critics.
Oct 27, 2017
So , Mr John Smith at Gamestop is better than a un named Gamestop Source? !

And its zero difference that a gamestop employee over a game journo was put a sleep by the game. Its just one persons opinion. Stop being so easily riled cause someone disagrees with you (you havent even played it yet so not sure how you know, LOL)
It is pointless.

No matter what you say he will consider them not worthy of being credible. Even when what they say holds some truth to anybody who played the first game.

Let's face it, the first game had a tons of calm moments that would put people to sleep if they aren't the ones playing so I can understand people not being impressed or getting sleepy because of the demo.
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Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
This article, and this thread are literally about unverified users from a reddit thread.

Again, I could care less about the hype surrounding this game, but if you think that articles sourcing reddit threads are interesting or threadworthy, that's on you. I'm not saying eurogamer should be held to the same standard as something like the New York Times, but in this era of social media nonsense people should have a lower threshold for types of articles like these. At the end of the day, I don't even care about the article or the fact that it's a thread. I just think it's silly that people are getting warned for thinking that at a basic level this article is not very good. If people are using derogatory language, that's one thing. But I do not think that there's anything wrong with complaining about this article more generally or how it sources unnamed, unverified retail workers on Reddit.
If they were verified, would the warnings and bans be okay with you?


Nov 7, 2017
I hope everyone gets the game they way want, but Jesus - some of the responses! It's like everything just warps whenever it gets near beloved properties.

Gamestop employee demos game: Pretty, but a dull.

ERA: I prefer games to be boring. I don't need to be "entertained" all the time like a moron who works at GameStop. GOTG incoming.

I'm sure this demo is not 100% representative of how it will play as a full-on experience, but it's scary to see so many minds made up beforehand.

Maybe it is a bit dull at points. Maybe it's dull often. I can already see people who agree with this sentiment post-release being marginalized - called trolls, and "gamers" derogatorily.
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Oct 25, 2017
I hope everyone gets the game they way want, but Jesus - some of the responses! It's like everything just warps whenever it gets near beloved properties.

Gamestop employee demos game: Pretty, but a dull.

ERA: I prefer games to be boring. I don't need to be "entertained" all the time like a moron who works at GameStop. GOTG incoming.

I'm sure this demo is not 100% representative of how it will play as a full-on experience, but it's scary to see so many minds made up beforehand.

Maybe it is a bit dull at points. Maybe it's dull often. I can already see people who agree with this sentiment post-release being called marginalized - called trolls, and "gamers" derogatorily.
Accurate and sad. Ridiculous lengths some people go to to defend their position or opinion and make sure to push away those that disagree and completely dismiss another POV as trollish, ignorant or whatever.
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe we should have accurate tags of what every one here does for a living so we can fully evaluate whether opinions are worth considering...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean when it comes to anything to do with games, a GameStop employee is probably the last person I'd trust.

But reading the article this doesn't really strike me as anything to worry about. It sounds like RDR1. The best part of that game was horse riding to music in Mexico.
A game stop employee is like anyone else like you and I

Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
RDR1 had a slow af start so I wouldnt be surprised if this had something similar.

saying it was putting you to sleep tho...lmao
Mar 23, 2018
Boring doesn't mean that it's bad or that they're not putting effort into the game. I can comprehend their opinions.

I'm not a fan of Animal Crossing because I usually get bored or sleepy playing it, but it's an amazing game, for example.


Oct 25, 2017
Manchester, UK
Even if this source came from a verified reddit account (it didn't), impressions from a random person who watched a presentation is not a good source, and it's equally ridiculous to spawn an article off of it unless you're whole point is to generate clicks and engagement (arguments). It's pretty obvious that the the intention of the person who wrote it was grasping for straws with this whole "game stop employee" thing, and they would have been better off just aggregating random impressions from people in attendance instead of using a well-known logical fallacy (appeal from authority) to try to give the article more credibility.

I don't even care about Red Dead Redemption, and I never even played the first game. But I felt compelled to respond to this thread given the hyperbolic defenses that people are coming up with to defend a bad article.
I get what you're saying but sometimes it can be quite refreshing and eye opening when you get views from mostly unbiased sources.

Like whenever I attend a presentation or whenever I play a game at a convention or game show. I type up exactly what I see, and what the game looks like infront of me. It doesn't make my thoughts any less credible than anyone else's.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing is the slower, more ambient the gameplay is for long stretches - the more hype I am. I think my favorite missions in Red Dead were messing with new mechanics in very mundane ways - A Tempest Looms was incredible.

I can't wait for this game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's a western, and there isn't many of those on the market. and the few there are, are usually extremely arcadey, like CoJ (excluding the original) or GUN.
RDR itself was very slow paced compared to those games, you could easily ride around for 10 mins from one objective to the other and have nothing really to do aside from taking in the atmosphere. It fills a niche nothing else on the market does.

it most certainly doesnt have the same appeal as GTA games, which is why its probalby never going to be as big as a franchise.
That doesn't matter when your demoing a game tho, a ton of games have you walking/riding around looking at scenery, that doesnt make red dead unique, they need to show something in a limited amount of time to a bunch of people, showing a guy on a horse for 15 mins is not great for presenting something

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
My lord this is a click baity title lol. OT, heaven forbid RockStar want to craft some atmosphere for their game and ask for *gasp* patience from their audience to allow their vision to unfold


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
This reaction seems fair tbh. I'll almost definitely be getting this game day 1, but...that's only because I have faith in Rockstar. Nothing in the trailers (other than the visuals) has given me much reason to be hyped. I'm still not particularly enthusiastic about it being a prequel, and Arthur has looked dreadfully generic so far.


Oct 26, 2017
Montréal, Québec, Canada
To be fair RDR was a pretty shallow experience, so it would not surprise me if RDR2 fails to improve on that. Rockstar get away with including many underwhelming mechanics, bad and repetitive mission structures, lacklustre writing and setpieces etc just because of how much of an impact GTA3 had on the industry, other games do not get the same leeway.

But this is just an impression and a small slice of the game, so it seems a bit early to judge what the final product may actually be like.
True for the most part. I enjoy GTAs and RDR as overall experiences but I still can't wrap my head around the fact that RS can't even nail the gameplay basics of the genres they try to emulate. Controls are always laggy and imprecise, AI is always terrible, level design is mostly inexistant, camera movements are bad etc.


Dec 14, 2017
Well, GTA is the same, you drive for 5 minutes to get where you need to, but they fill those 5 minutes with interesting conversations. If you don't know the characters you probably won't get the conversation and will find this part boring. Rockstar is good at making you do the same thing over and over without really feeling like you are just on repeat mode.

Kylo Rey

Dec 17, 2017
I never understood all the praise with rockstar and naughty dog.

Nintendo winning GOTY last year was such a breath of fresh air. Now we are going back into "rockstar, then ND, then rockstar, then ND" etc...
I mean GTA5 is boring to me. Watch dogs 2 is so much better because you interact with the environment.
Uncharted 4 wasn't that good...

Don't misunderstood my words, they are amazing teams.
But if rockstar or Naughty dog release a game during a year "...oh. I guess we already know the GOTY then ..."

Smash Bros never won the GOTY. Never. I want it to win.
Previews of AC Odyssey say the game is amazing.
I mean can we change ?


Dec 4, 2017
If they want that satisfaction, to increase the dopamine levels, go buy some loot boxes on Fifa or that instant kill on COD. I want some actual pacing to my games to satisfy me.


Oct 27, 2017
I have no idea what to expect. But i figured it would be like the first one with better visuals. And i liked the first one.
But somehow i can't think of any real exciting stuff, other than to just ride around and enjoy the view.
Not that many memorable missions or anything like that.

So yeah, i can see why people think it might be boring.
We'll see. Not that hyped yet, from what i've seen.
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Oct 27, 2017
I never understood all the praise with rockstar and naughty dog.

Nintendo winning GOTY last year was such a breath of fresh air. Now we are going back into "rockstar, then ND, then rockstar, then ND" etc...
I mean GTA5 is boring to me. Watch dogs 2 is so much better because you interact with the environment.
Uncharted 4 wasn't that good...

Don't misunderstood my words, they are amazing teams.
But if rockstar or Naughty dog release a game during a year "...oh. I guess we already know the GOTY then ..."

Smash Bros never won the GOTY. Never. I want it to win.
Previews of AC Odyssey say the game is amazing.
I mean can we change ?
People have different tastes than you and are the majority. That's why.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
I never understood all the praise with rockstar and naughty dog.

Nintendo winning GOTY last year was such a breath of fresh air. Now we are going back into "rockstar, then ND, then rockstar, then ND" etc...
I mean GTA5 is boring to me. Watch dogs 2 is so much better because you interact with the environment.
Uncharted 4 wasn't that good...

Don't misunderstood my words, they are amazing teams.
But if rockstar or Naughty dog release a game during a year "...oh. I guess we already know the GOTY then ..."

Smash Bros never won the GOTY. Never. I want it to win.
Previews of AC Odyssey say the game is amazing.
I mean can we change ?

I agree, remember that time Gamespot gave the GotY to A Link Between Worlds over GTA/TLOU?
So many pissed off fanboys.

Zelda deserved it too in my opinion.

That said, I'm still hoping for this game to be great.
I don't mind a slower pace.

My main concern is Straus Zelnic's fondess for MTX, and the pre-order bonus for ingame (single player campaign) currency doesn't bode well IMO.