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Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
He has pulled this shit so many times

Edit: if he's mentally ill its a better reason not to give him attention.
Read the post above you for one.

You never dismiss this, ever.

You can condemn a living person after multiple cries of wolf. You can't save a dead one if you ignore the time they aren't faking it.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I will and it's not. Also, his race has nothing to do with it.
It absolutely does. There's a concept called "suicide by cop": people, especially men, who try to provoke a cop into killing them rather than having to carry it out themselves.

The chances in this actually resulting in death tends to vary by race.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
And if he's not, then he's alive and he is a freaking liar and he better get raked over the coals for it.
I take it you weren't here the previous time when he seemed suicidal, and then tried to backtrack it by saying he was only ending his Youtube channel. That's what a lot of people are taking issue with.

He wasn't "raked over the coals" when that happened btw (not that I'm saying he should've been).


Feb 25, 2018
Mentally ill people should be given the most attention, what the hell is wrong with people in this thread?
I'm legitimately disgusted by some people here. I don't know if it's because they've never been exposed to a mentally ill person, but they act like there's absolutely zero difference between some asshole who makes racist comments on the Internet and someone who's legitimately in a bad place. Etika is clearly unstable, and we should try, as a community, to help him as long as we can. I haven't seen a video of him in more than a year, but I still care for people who might be on the verge of suicide.


Oct 27, 2017
What do people think Etika has to gain by making a suicidal video? He even mentioned how he had been trying to maintain his image by ignoring his issues. This sounds like textbook mental illness and stigma.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Last time this happened it was very similar to Logan Paul's "apology" then he went right back to this behavior of spouting slurs and trolling.

I think it's entirely fine to not care what he has to say at this point. If you want to care that's fine too, but he threw that away for me the last few times he pulled this and constantly threw away help with everyone struggling to get him that said help.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I'm legitimately disgusted by some people here. I don't know if it's because they've never been exposed to a mentally ill person, but they act like there's absolutely zero difference between some asshole who makes racist comments on the Internet and someone who's legitimately in a bad place. Etika is clearly unstable, and we should try, as a community, to help him as long as we can. I haven't seen a video of him in more than a year, but I still care for people who might be on the verge of suicide.

I am mentally ill. We as a "community" are basically powerless to do much. He needs to have his social media taken away from him because it is clear he cannot be responsible about it. If he can't be forced to take treatment, he can at least be deplatformed and not be enabled by his internet fame. Regardless, there should be zero tolerance for racist/homophobic rhetoric.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
I take it you weren't here the previous time when he seemed suicidal, and then tried to backtrack it by saying he was only ending his Youtube channel. That's what a lot of people are taking issue with.

He wasn't "raked over the coals" when that happened btw (not that I'm saying he should've been).
This is why you take suicide threats seriously though.

You can always condemn an idiot after. You can't do anything if you dismiss someone only for then to not be lying, even if they've done it 100 tones before.


Oct 31, 2017
I take it you weren't here the previous time when he seemed suicidal, and then tried to backtrack it by saying he was only ending his Youtube channel. That's what a lot of people are taking issue with.

He wasn't "raked over the coals" when that happened btw (not that I'm saying he should've been).

Can we complain about him being an attention seeker once we know if he's even alive? Like Jesus, the boy who cried wolf eventually had a wolf come. We should worry about his well-being first.
Jun 2, 2018
Northern Ireland
That looks like a suicide note, quite plainly. I hope they find him.

He needs to get rid of his social media accounts. For some people, they just do more harm than good. Seems like he's one of these folks.


Jun 6, 2018
Just gotta hope for the best while not getting too invested. Unfortunately nothing we can do from here but share info. Feel for those close to him that are trying to help.

Deleted member 28076

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
So you're saying a black male is more than likely mentally ill if he punches a cop? Miss me with this nonsense.
Okay so the problem could be a few things here. You could seriously have never heard of a suicide by cop, you could be denying that being a black person makes you more likely to be a victim of police violence, or somehow both. Either way you're being beyond ridiculous.


Dec 27, 2017
After watching the video and thinking about his past actions...I think he might have some kind of bipolar. The timings of events, his "destined for greatness" quote, the destructive behavior, depression, followed by manic episodes...

If he's talking about suicide and saying it... It's real. Also fuck cancel culture. Just because someone tweets homophobic/racist things, doesn't mean they don't need attention when they're posting suicide videos. And I thought this place was supposed to be progressive.


Oct 31, 2017
You do know that the boy also pissed people off to the point that nobody showed up, right? I think you're taking away the wrong message from that fable.

Yes, which was shitty of the boy to lie however when he was actually in need they all ignored him and he died. Doesn't make the villagers look good for ignoring him either despite his initial lies.


Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
I hope everything turns out okay. I used to be a fan of his but after the last event when he was livestreaming while police came in his apartment... I stopped watching his videos. Everything seems fake and weird. I couldn't bring myself to watch his Nintendo E3 reactions.

I hope he gets actual help.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
You do know that the boy also pissed people off to the point that nobody showed up, right? I think you're taking away the wrong message from that fable.
No, you are.

The people who didn't believe him got theirs too.

The message is that you may be sick of liars, but you disbelieve someone at your peril.

If you think the only message of the fable is "don't lie", then you've read the wrong message.

If first responders act like you, people would die.

Deleted member 47092

User requested account closure
Aug 25, 2018
I hope he can find the help he needs.

Cries for help should always be taken seriously, no one should be considered disposable.

Put away your sense of shame that you've been "had" as you think he's tricked you.

I think for his sake, constant attention on his every move seems to contribute to his mental disposition - I think there should be a moratorium on posting anything related to him (at least the deeply personal stuff like this).

Can't be great for him to see that every move of his is tracked, whether he had invited that voyeurism or not.

Kingpin Rogers

Oct 27, 2017
Certain people in this thread, especially on the first page are absolute cunts simple as that. Don't give a shit if it turns out he was just joking all along and he has a big laugh about it, people saying they don't care of things of that nature are complete and utter cunts. Potentially complete hypocrites too since this is supposed to be a community that harbours good people. I don't care what he's said in the past or why he's said it when it comes to suicide you don't just come into the thread and post things to dismiss or proclaim that you don't care about someone who could have killed themselves. I know this place has it's problems but christ some of the stuff in this thread is fucking awful.


Dec 14, 2018
Damn so if y'all are ruthless. So he's lied before, so what? You gotta treat these things as serious until it's proven otherwise. Hopefully they find him alive and well.


Nov 1, 2017
He acted like an idiot in the past but I hope he's okay. It is time for him to leave social media for good, he's not good at it and it's probably hurting him even more than we think it is.

Also, with this thread I don't think we're giving him a platform, we're giving a platform to the argument that mental health issues and Youtube never fucking happily marry, even if he's faking it.


Oct 30, 2017
Wow, the lack of empathy in this thread is something abominable, hope the guy is still with us.
Jan 11, 2019
Please everyone, no matter how many times it has been said, consider this.

You don't know him personally so please: Do not dismiss this as "cries for attention" or "it's his shtick". Mental health problems have many faces.

We, as a society, have still much to learn about mental health in this age of online-persona-building. Tread carefully please.


Game Designer
Nov 5, 2017
A terrible situation all around. He needs to get off the internet and get help, regardless of how unlikely this is legitimate.

All of these situations will become worse as internet celebs stop making money.

I really wish ERA had a way to filter out threads about youtubers/streamers.


Oct 26, 2017
East Midlands, England, UK
Whatever the outcome of this, I have to say that this entire Etika situation over the last 6-8 months has opened my eyes to how woefully ineffective the American healthcare system is in regards to mental health.


Oct 28, 2017
Not to make light of the situation but the fact that we've got another Youtuber apology video starting with the iconic sigh is beyond a meme at this point.

Hope he's alright though. I always used to enjoy his content (before he went off the deep end) and even though I'm not interested in his output any longer I hope he still lands on his feet. Some of the replies in this thread are embarrassing as all hell though. The fuck is wrong with some of you?


Oct 27, 2017
The blatant disregard over someone potentially taking their own life is sickening. All the calls for empathy for those suffering from mental illness goes out the window when it's someone you don't like.

The things he has said have been abhorrent but nothing that deserves of him losing his life. This isn't a game and there is no coming back from that. His death would mean something to those he'd leave behind and that matters. Please have a little more respect for human life.

Deleted member 40102

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
I said before I don't feel sorry for thia guy, but suicide ? This is too far. I really hope they find him before he do it. Etika stay with us ma man. It gets better.
Oct 27, 2017
Regardless of what you think of the guy, very clear suicide announcements shouldn't be dismissed and handwaved like that because the one time it's going to be true, you won't be able to take it back. If you feel that strongly against etika, not posting in a thread about his possible suicide is far better than shitting on it. I hope they find him and that he's ok


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
Cancel culture too strong

I'd call it a type of mental illness too. When you see someone's life as not valuable anymore when they've been clearly mentally ill and not themself for a long time. Those signs are clearly there and people are just going to say such harsh things. This is the biggest bone I have to pick with the people on this forum. It makes me sick.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Fucking hell, it's 4 Am, I suddenly wake up with suicidal thoughts myself, about to cry,> open phone up and this is the first thing I see.


Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If it's real, I hope he's alright, that he gets help and that he gives up all of this stuff.

If it's a stunt to get attention, fuck him. Or it might be some kind of mental issue (I mean, he's clearly not alright), and then I hope he gets help and no more attention.


Oct 29, 2017
The choice to live or not to live isn't supported here unlike the stance of taking whatever drugs people want?

He's clearly a psychopath and chronic liar from some videos I saw.

Etika clearly needs to be put into a closed psychiatric institution/clinic and be given some medication.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
The choice to live or not to live isn't supported here unlike the stance of taking whatever drugs people want?

He's clearly a psychopath and chronic liar from some videos I saw.

Etika clearly needs to be put into a closed psychiatric institution/clinic and be given some medication.
I'm confused.

So you support the idea in the first sentence? The right to die is law in some countries now like The Netherlands.

However how do you square that with the last bit. Because he's suicidal he should be held against his will and consent and incarcerated and medicated? The fuck?

Thats only even conceivable if he's a risk to others, and I don't think there's been evidence of this.


Oct 25, 2017
He very clearly has mental health issues, and shame on all you for pulling the "oh he's at it again" remark.

Y'all realized he fought a cop, right? Right after he got out of hospital? He's not doing this for attention: he needs help.
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