Russ is correct on those points, buuuuuut...
This has nothing to do with how GG started and the origins of the clarion call "It's About Ethics In Game Journalism," unless he's asking that we discuss ethics in the game industry? Because that's something people have been discussing.
The "ethics" of old started with the Jeff Gerstmann firing and people always pointed to that as evidence that there was something rotten in Denmark, and the seething continued until more progressive game blogs began taking pervy Japanese games to task for being skeezy, even going so far as to award those games LOWER SCORES (gasp) when reviewing them, which led to the increasingly angry chorus of "JUST SHUT UP AND REVIEW IT OBJECTIVELY!!!" that began to litter comment sections for scathing reviews of JC Pantsu no Ecchi DUNGEON LIFE Plus and anything localized by NISA, or any game featuring teenage breasts as the prominent gameplay mechanism, generally. this led to a backlash against those game blogs, which were joined by an increasing number of reviewers willing to let objectification slide, then Anita Sarkeesian burst onto the scene, then Leigh Alexander wrote the the "Gamer is Dead" article, then 4chan went after Zoe Quinn, etc. The "ethics" behind GG was, at its core, only ever anger that game journos were criticizing gross games for being gross and scoring them appropriately (especially the scores, geez), and I'm not sure what unionizing developers, developer burnout, and dishonest monetization schemes have to do with ethics in games journalism.